FEATURED Morning Pops!

Good Sunday afternoon Pops and Popsadoodles. Thank you all for congratulating my new diagnosis. I resent that dark cloud hanging over my head. It grows larger when I'm due for scans and doctors visits until I can't see any sky. .

Have I ever told y'all how much I like Excedrin? It has caffeine! Yes, that morning staple that kick starts the engines. I was at Sam's and looking for the tea bags. I prefer Luzianne to Lipton for reasons I have yet to divulge to myself. The only kind they had this time was decaffeinated. Well, what's the point? I bought Lipton and threatened to whoop myself if I said a word about it. Oh yea, Excedrin is good stuff and today is an Excedrin day. I'm still waiting for it to kick in though.
I notice you left out simplistic.

I like Def Leppard for three reasons. They were my wife's favorite Rock band, I dig simplistic in my Rock like them, Bad Company, BTO and when their drummer, Rick Allen, had his arm amputated, they waited for him to recover and learn to play with one arm, adding somewhat to the simplicity, instead of replacing him like so many bands would have done. They could have done no wrong after that for me.
Runny is sweet when he wants to... wait a minute!

I agree with you about Def Leppard, Coach. The way they handled their drummer's accident spoke volumes about them. They did bring in someone else for the guitarist that died. They seemed cursed but kept going just like the Cowboys.

It's about time for the sing along playlist and bathroom repairs. Have a good day y'all!
Morning Pops. Morning Fellas and good morning to all who stop in to visit the thread this Monday.

So, had an early start today, started at 3:30. Feels like the day is half over but truth is, it's not even lunch time for another 3 hours! LOL...........

So, Xelda, sounds like we got some good news out of you....... Congratulations Girl! :thumbup:

Jobs, Leon, dbrp, Xelda, zrin, Trouty, ksk, RGV, Coach, RWB, Ranching, SW, John, Jan, Corso and Colo, hope everybody had a great Weekend! It's Monday now so buckle up, we got another week ahead of us!

Everybody, have a great week.

Good Monday evening Pops and friends. My latest adventure involves a 7 year old water heater. I cut it off to drain the tank due to the hard water and hearing asteroids bang around inside the tank. My nephew and his friend installed it at such an angle that I haven't been able to attach a hose to it. After two months of rastling with it, I gave up, cut the pilot light and let the flood gates pour. There were flakes of white which I figured were sheets of calcium until I picked one up and realized it was paint. I cut it off and tried to relight the pilot. Hot water heater has run the score up to 48 and 0. It'll be 62 to 0 before this day is done.

Since it's gas, I won't risk an explosion. In the mean time, I'm camping and boiled water for a bath today. I'll need to speak to a plumber before all is said and done.

Have a good evening all!
Morning Pops. Morning fellas and good morning to all who decided to stop in today.

So, where are we all at today? I hope that all are enjoying a good Tuesday and are off to a good week.

Water Heater Wars........ yeah...... yeah......... I understand.

Jobs, Leon, dbrp, Xelda, zrin, Trouty, ksk, RGV, Coach, RWB, Ranching, SW, John, Jan, Corso and Colo, how is everybody today? Be good, be happy! That's good advice folks.

Everybody, have a great Tuesday today. See ya tomorrow!
Good Morning Pops and Zoner Friends,

After a wonderful start to the summer, we awoke this morning to temperatures near freezing and a thin layer of snow/sleet covering the yard. My is already performing triage on the garden... Don't think we lost anything, but what do I know? My contribution to the garden is setting up the sprinkler system and eating the results.

We got a call last night from the contractor clearing the weeds and trimming the trees on the Montana property. He used a drone to illustrate the views from the future master bedroom. Makes me want to move immediately. :).

Have a great day!
Good Monday evening Pops and friends. My latest adventure involves a 7 year old water heater. I cut it off to drain the tank due to the hard water and hearing asteroids bang around inside the tank. My nephew and his friend installed it at such an angle that I haven't been able to attach a hose to it. After two months of rastling with it, I gave up, cut the pilot light and let the flood gates pour. There were flakes of white which I figured were sheets of calcium until I picked one up and realized it was paint. I cut it off and tried to relight the pilot. Hot water heater has run the score up to 48 and 0. It'll be 62 to 0 before this day is done.

Since it's gas, I won't risk an explosion. In the mean time, I'm camping and boiled water for a bath today. I'll need to speak to a plumber before all is said and done.

Have a good evening all!
Yeah, you might want the conversation to go like this: "I need a new water heater....and I need it installed by you.".....End of conversation.
Morning, Pops and all Y'all. There's not been too much going on around here and that's just the way I like it. Good luck with the water heater, Xelda. Colo, I understand how excited you must be and I'm happy for you. ABQ, ease up on those long hours, buddy.
Good Monday evening Pops and friends. My latest adventure involves a 7 year old water heater. I cut it off to drain the tank due to the hard water and hearing asteroids bang around inside the tank. My nephew and his friend installed it at such an angle that I haven't been able to attach a hose to it. After two months of rastling with it, I gave up, cut the pilot light and let the flood gates pour. There were flakes of white which I figured were sheets of calcium until I picked one up and realized it was paint. I cut it off and tried to relight the pilot. Hot water heater has run the score up to 48 and 0. It'll be 62 to 0 before this day is done.

Since it's gas, I won't risk an explosion. In the mean time, I'm camping and boiled water for a bath today. I'll need to speak to a plumber before all is said and done.

Have a good evening all!

Good morning Pops and friends. All is well.

X, them hot water heaters can be a little tricky at times. Good idea to get a plumber.
Morning Pops and humpsters for this is the day the Lord hath made.......just for you. Although, He could go with Thursday as His hump day as He works 6 days a week and only has Sunday's off.

Speaking of hot water heaters, and many of you were, they are best left to a licensed professional as these people learn plumbing so we don't have to. I am a simple minded man about plumbing, I don't care how it works just that it does. Whatever is in the toilet, I want it gone and not to another part of the house. I want hot water, I need hot water, work with me here.

I don't like the plumbing to make noises when idle. Why is it doing that? Is it upset, mad about something. Is the main toilet in revolt and yelling to to the rest of the system "I am mad as hell and not taking this **** any more"!!!!!

Ok, that's all I have to say about plumbing....for now. But before I go, an observation, if you will. I've done business with people in that profession and concluded I would not have been good at that because of one main trait, you ever met a plumber with a sense of humor? Me neither and I believe it's because most of their job entails going behind DIYers that have only made the problem worse by trying not to pay them to fix it right the first time. They view DIYers as cheap and incompetent. Ok, guess I did have more to say about plumbing.
Good morning Pops and friends. All is well.

X, them hot water heaters can be a little tricky at times. Good idea to get a plumber.
Very true. I'm more afraid of the gas than anything else.
Morning Pops and humpsters for this is the day the Lord hath made.......just for you. Although, He could go with Thursday as His hump day as He works 6 days a week and only has Sunday's off.

Speaking of hot water heaters, and many of you were, they are best left to a licensed professional as these people learn plumbing so we don't have to. I am a simple minded man about plumbing, I don't care how it works just that it does. Whatever is in the toilet, I want it gone and not to another part of the house. I want hot water, I need hot water, work with me here.

I don't like the plumbing to make noises when idle. Why is it doing that? Is it upset, mad about something. Is the main toilet in revolt and yelling to to the rest of the system "I am mad as hell and not taking this **** any more"!!!!!

Ok, that's all I have to say about plumbing....for now. But before I go, an observation, if you will. I've done business with people in that profession and concluded I would not have been good at that because of one main trait, you ever met a plumber with a sense of humor? Me neither and I believe it's because most of their job entails going behind DIYers that have only made the problem worse by trying not to pay them to fix it right the first time. They view DIYers as cheap and incompetent. Ok, guess I did have more to say about plumbing.
Preach on, Brother Coach!
Morning Pops. Morning Fellas and good morning to all who decided to stop in and visit the thread today.

Hump Day and it sure feels like it. The good news is that I got a nice steak in the fridge that I'm going to slice up and make a steak sandwich out of for lunch. Got some thick sliced potatoes ready to go and I'm gonna season those up and stick em in the air fryer so we got some thick cut steak fries to go with it! I'm already hungry and it's only around 10:30.

Well, the wind has arrived, here in NM. I was in the Garage last night and it sounded like the damn roof was going to blow off, no joke. We will have this for a couple of weeks and then the heat will come and we are in to the real summer. Gonna be a hot one too.

Gonna be a busy weekend again. It's my Daughters Bday today and also one of my Grandsons. So I will be chasing little guys around the yard on Friday and cooking up some Green Chile Chicken Fettuccine on Saturday.

Jobs, Leon, dbrp, Xelda, zrin, Trouty, ksk, RGV, Coach, RWB, Ranching, SW, John, Jan, Corso and Colo, how are all of you doing? I'm hoping you are all good and looking forward to the weekend!

Everybody, a small, but I think important piece of advice, if I may. Young People, value the opinions and experience of your elders. You may think to yourself that all is different and because it's a different time, those opinions and experiences are not valid. This is wrong. Time runs in circles and things repeat. Value those opinions, they may save you one day. Older people, find a way to have patients with the younger people. It wasn't so long ago that we were out wanting to make a mark, wanting to be a difference maker, all energy struggling to find direction from which to apply it. I find that one of the hardest things for me, at this stage of my life is to remember that I was once young too. Be patient, even when it's easier to be dismissive. I struggle with this a lot sometimes. Do better then I, be better then me......

People, have a great Wednesday and lets go ahead and sow it up so we can get to the weekend! Wednesdays always seem like a day where it's easy for me to day dream. Easy to lose focus on Wednesdays but you know what, a little dreaming, every now and again, is not all bad. So with that, gonna leave you with a good old Irish band and a song about dreaming.


The Cranberries - Dreams

Evening Pops and Popsadoodles. It's a nice day with a breeze and in the 80s. I filled my bird feeder yesterday and it's empty today. I felt so bad for the tiny birds when the big ones fly in and camp out. There's a bunch of fresh bird seeds for them now. Very little is going on at work which I used to beat a game on my computer. It was fun, but I had to put it up.

I hope everyone had a good day and did something more interesting that I did.
It's Wednesday, that middle finger of the week waving goodbye to the first two days and challenging the last two.

The sing a long playlist has become my gold standard of project music. It's just fun music that invites you to join in. If I had to mow, I'd require the war drums and classic Def Leppard, ZZ Top plus Bon Jovi to drive me across the terrain.


I'm ready to get rocked

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