FEATURED Morning Pops!

Good, good, good Saturday morning Pops and Popsadoodles. See that! I'm in a good mood. That mood is about to be lost as I prepare to tackle those needy bushes. I'm thinking some of them need to be put out of my misery once and for all, but not today. I have some crazy plants with substantial leaves and one flower that are easy to maintain and would fill in just as well. I moved three to the east side of my house so my neighbors would have more to look at than my brick wall as they eat at their dining table. Poor planning on the builder's part to put the dining area there. Mine has a bay window and looks out into the back yard.

I hope everyone has a good Saturday. I've got to brave the elements and tackle those wooly bushes.
I really hate cutting bushes esp the wooly bushes
Good, good, good Saturday morning Pops and Popsadoodles. See that! I'm in a good mood. That mood is about to be lost as I prepare to tackle those needy bushes. I'm thinking some of them need to be put out of my misery once and for all, but not today. I have some crazy plants with substantial leaves and one flower that are easy to maintain and would fill in just as well. I moved three to the east side of my house so my neighbors would have more to look at than my brick wall as they eat at their dining table. Poor planning on the builder's part to put the dining area there. Mine has a bay window and looks out into the back yard.

I hope everyone has a good Saturday. I've got to brave the elements and tackle those wooly bushes.
I tell ya, all of these chores y'all speak of all the time. Know what I think when I read these posts?

Good Sunday Morning Pops and Zoner Friends,

I am sitting on our balcony overlooking the Front Range, eating homemade granola and, for some unknown reason, Mr Roger's theme song is buzzing through my head, "It's a beautiful day in this neighborhood...".

It is both very appropriate and, at the same time, a bit disturbing.

We are headed out for a mountain hike soon.. while it is still cool. Funny how communing with nature can wipe out all the troubles of the day.

That's all I got today. Have a great Sunday!!
Good morning Pops and friends. Yesterday all I knew to write about was concerning the bushes. It was not worthy of this thread. Why should I take up anyone's time reading about how much I hate yard work? It's just nature gone wild that looks like someone with long dreadlocks jumping off a bridge. I have nothing against dreadlocks until my bushes go Rasta on the neighborhood. Now, I don't have anything against Rastafarians until those things directly associated with my property start looking like Whoopi Goldberg (Is there anyone else named Whoopi?) in a convertible on the Autobahn. You see, I'm digging myself a deeper hole the more I try to illustrate my plight with those bushes. Somebody's days are numbered here. I guess I'll wait and see.
A and W rootbeer rules :yourock:
Truer words have not been uttered recently! I had to check and sure enough, that's what I've got in my soda cellar. All others should come at a deep discount instead of at A&W's price.

Dabz! You've got to get over there and try to talk sense into ABQ! I looked at the entire picture seeing something that could go wrong in every direction.

Got to get ready for the stupid GP which likes to see me twice as often as I like seeing her. Have a half way decent Monday everyone.
Morning Pops. Morning Fellas and good morning to all who stop in and visit the thread today.

Well, busy weekend for sure. It all worked out pretty good and the Wife and I were able to survive it so it's all good.

Hopefully, everybody had a great weekend! Had a party for a bunch of little guys on Friday. Had the Water Jumper and all of the kids, and even some of the bigger kids, had a blast with that. Saturday I made Green Chile Chicken Fettuccine for about 30 people for the Daughter's BDay. That was a chore for sure. Managed to jack up my lower back while I was lifting up the jumper to load it up on Friday so standing cooking for a good 6 hours was a drag. But, we survived!

Jobs, Leon, dbrp, Xelda, zrin, Trouty, ksk, RGV, Coach, RWB, Ranching, SW, John, Jan, Corso and Colo, hope you are all of to a great start of the work week!

Everybody, have a great Monday and a great work week!


Make this short and sweet! Jobs, Leon, dbrp, Xelda, zrin, Trouty, ksk, RGV, Coach, RWB, Ranching, SW, John, Jan, Corso and Colo,
Morning Pops. Morning Fellas and good morning to all who stop in and visit the thread today.

Well, busy weekend for sure. It all worked out pretty good and the Wife and I were able to survive it so it's all good.

Hopefully, everybody had a great weekend! Had a party for a bunch of little guys on Friday. Had the Water Jumper and all of the kids, and even some of the bigger kids, had a blast with that. Saturday I made Green Chile Chicken Fettuccine for about 30 people for the Daughter's BDay. That was a chore for sure. Managed to jack up my lower back while I was lifting up the jumper to load it up on Friday so standing cooking for a good 6 hours was a drag. But, we survived!

Jobs, Leon, dbrp, Xelda, zrin, Trouty, ksk, RGV, Coach, RWB, Ranching, SW, John, Jan, Corso and Colo, hope you are all of to a great start of the work week!

Everybody, have a great Monday and a great work week!


Make this short and sweet! Jobs, Leon, dbrp, Xelda, zrin, Trouty, ksk, RGV, Coach, RWB, Ranching, SW, John, Jan, Corso and Colo,
I would have made the jumper climb. If they don't want to climb on their own, they shouldn't have gone into jumping.
"... I made Green Chile Chicken Fettuccine for about 30 people for the Daughter's BDay."

Makes my mouth water.... Care to share your recipe?

Hey Colo, sure thing.

One part to 3 parts heavy whipping cream. What you need to do is figure out how many you have to feed on this one and then add enough of each accordingly.

  • Chopped Garlic diced (to taste)
  • Shallots diced (about half and half on Shallots and Garlic)
  • Sliced Scallions
  • Mushrooms
  • Red and/or Yellow Bell Peppers (I mostly use these for filler and color)
  • Good chopped Green Chile (to taste, I like Autumn Roast and I like it Hot)
  • Chicken Bouillon
  • Spinach Fettuccine (If you can get it. You can also mix Spinach and regular to get a color contrast)
  • Chicken Breast cubed ( don't skimp on your chicken, you need the protein because you have a lot of carbs in the Fettuccine.
  • Good Olive Oil
  • Good Parmesan Cheese graded (do yourself a favor and get graded to save time)
  • Milk (use whole milk, not skimmed or anything else)
  • Heavy Whipping Cream
Put water on to boil, add salt to taste. You can add Olive Oil if you want your pasta not to stick. If you like it with the starch, so that sauce sticks better, don't add oil.

Saute all ingredients in good Olive Oil, Garlic, Shallots, Scallions, Mushrooms, Bell Peppers, and then allow them to drain off excess Olive Oil.

Saute Chicken Breast and do the same. Par cook Chicken on the outside but not well done. When you add the chicken back into the sauce, it will finish cooking. Put ingredients aside for the time being.

If you have a good Sauce Pan, pour in the Milk into sauce pan, along with the Heavy Whipping cream, 3 to 1 ratio for Whipping Cream, you want this to thicken up. Drop in Chicken Bouillion or powdered at this point and let it infuse. Bring milk and Whipping cream to a rolling boil. This is the most important part of this recipe. Once your base sauce is at a rolling boil, take your container of fresh graded parmesan and with your fingers, just sprinkle in this cheese into the sauce. Don't allow to clump. The idea here is to basically melt the cheese. It's really important to space this process out so continue to mix the sauce, by hand, with a wooden spoon or what have you. If it sets, it will boil over and burn to the bottom or sides of the pan. Just repeat this process till the sauce thickens up to the right viscosity. I don't like watery, I like thick so use as much cheese as you like but just make sure to continue to sir it.

Once you have the Sauce right, add the sauted ingredients into the sauce and allow to simmer at medium to low flame.

Throw in your pasta into your water that has been heating up. Allow the pasta to cook and maybe toss in Cheese or Garlic Bread, maybe knots if you prefer.

Once the sauce is completed, you can allow to sit if it needs to thicken. If it's just right, serve it up hot.

My Wife might whip up a salad, she loves salad and it works.

Fool around with the sauce, it may take you a couple of times before you figure out what works for you, in terms of ingredients and viscosity. Altitude matters here so just play with it a little bit. Let me know if you like it.

Have fun!

Throw in
I would have made the jumper climb. If they don't want to climb on their own, they shouldn't have gone into jumping.

LOL..... It was around a hundred and hot, hot. He was kind of a littler guy and so I figured I'd give a hand. I could have just let him do it by himself but really, it was a two man job. Anyhow, I pitched in and let me tell you, I'm not 25 anymore, Hell, I'm not even 45 anymore. LOL..........

It's all good!
Good morning Pops and friends. Yesterday all I knew to write about was concerning the bushes. It was not worthy of this thread. Why should I take up anyone's time reading about how much I hate yard work? It's just nature gone wild that looks like someone with long dreadlocks jumping off a bridge. I have nothing against dreadlocks until my bushes go Rasta on the neighborhood. Now, I don't have anything against Rastafarians until those things directly associated with my property start looking like Whoopi Goldberg (Is there anyone else named Whoopi?) in a convertible on the Autobahn. You see, I'm digging myself a deeper hole the more I try to illustrate my plight with those bushes. Somebody's days are numbered here. I guess I'll wait and see.

Truer words have not been uttered recently! I had to check and sure enough, that's what I've got in my soda cellar. All others should come at a deep discount instead of at A&W's price.

Dabz! You've got to get over there and try to talk sense into ABQ! I looked at the entire picture seeing something that could go wrong in every direction.

Got to get ready for the stupid GP which likes to see me twice as often as I like seeing her. Have a half way decent Monday everyone.
Mug Root Beer is pretty good too.
I don't get it, what's funny about that? Oh, I get it that he's not holding electric hedge trimmers and the kiddie wading pool is missing beneath him but those are minor details. Looks perfectly fine to me but I have ladder envy.

Well...... I'll say this........

If you fall once, off that, you'll never do it again!
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Hey Colo, sure thing.

One part to 3 parts heavy whipping cream. What you need to do is figure out how many you have to feed on this one and then add enough of each accordingly.

  • Chopped Garlic diced (to taste)
  • Shallots diced (about half and half on Shallots and Garlic)
  • Sliced Scallions
  • Mushrooms
  • Red and/or Yellow Bell Peppers (I mostly use these for filler and color)
  • Good chopped Green Chile (to taste, I like Autumn Roast and I like it Hot)
  • Chicken Bouillon
  • Spinach Fettuccine (If you can get it. You can also mix Spinach and regular to get a color contrast)
  • Chicken Breast cubed ( don't skimp on your chicken, you need the protein because you have a lot of carbs in the Fettuccine.
  • Good Olive Oil
  • Good Parmesan Cheese graded (do yourself a favor and get graded to save time)
  • Milk (use whole milk, not skimmed or anything else)
  • Heavy Whipping Cream
Put water on to boil, add salt to taste. You can add Olive Oil if you want your pasta not to stick. If you like it with the starch, so that sauce sticks better, don't add oil.

Saute all ingredients in good Olive Oil, Garlic, Shallots, Scallions, Mushrooms, Bell Peppers, and then allow them to drain off excess Olive Oil.

Saute Chicken Breast and do the same. Par cook Chicken on the outside but not well done. When you add the chicken back into the sauce, it will finish cooking. Put ingredients aside for the time being.

If you have a good Sauce Pan, pour in the Milk into sauce pan, along with the Heavy Whipping cream, 3 to 1 ratio for Whipping Cream, you want this to thicken up. Drop in Chicken Bouillion or powdered at this point and let it infuse. Bring milk and Whipping cream to a rolling boil. This is the most important part of this recipe. Once your base sauce is at a rolling boil, take your container of fresh graded parmesan and with your fingers, just sprinkle in this cheese into the sauce. Don't allow to clump. The idea here is to basically melt the cheese. It's really important to space this process out so continue to mix the sauce, by hand, with a wooden spoon or what have you. If it sets, it will boil over and burn to the bottom or sides of the pan. Just repeat this process till the sauce thickens up to the right viscosity. I don't like watery, I like thick so use as much cheese as you like but just make sure to continue to sir it.

Once you have the Sauce right, add the sauted ingredients into the sauce and allow to simmer at medium to low flame.

Throw in your pasta into your water that has been heating up. Allow the pasta to cook and maybe toss in Cheese or Garlic Bread, maybe knots if you prefer.

Once the sauce is completed, you can allow to sit if it needs to thicken. If it's just right, serve it up hot.

My Wife might whip up a salad, she loves salad and it works.

Fool around with the sauce, it may take you a couple of times before you figure out what works for you, in terms of ingredients and viscosity. Altitude matters here so just play with it a little bit. Let me know if you like it.

Have fun!

Throw in