FEATURED Morning Pops!

Morning Pops. Morning Fellas and good morning to all who stop in to say hello.

So, went to bed at about 2:30 last night and the alarm went of at 6:00, slept right through it, Wife came in at 9:30 this morning and asked me if I was gonna get up today. So anyway, late for work, I guess I was just tired.

Jobs, Leon, dbrp, Xelda, zrin, Trouty, ksk, RGV, Coach, RWB, Ranching, SW, John, Jan, Corso and Colo, hope you are all enjoying a great start to your Thursday.

OK, running late so everyone, have a great day!
I was almost late today too...I got to work at 4:57 a.m.
Morning Pops. Morning Fellas and good morning to everybody who decided to stop in and visit this thread today.

Happy Friday everybody! We've made it to another end of the week and that's a good thing for sure, in my book. So what's everybody got planned this weekend?

So, Yellowstone comes back on this Sunday and I gotta say, I'm looking forward to it! Not a lot of content on TV these days so a new season of this show is like a cool glass of water in the middle of the Sahara!

Jobs, Leon, dbrp, Xelda, zrin, Trouty, ksk, RGV, Coach, RWB, Ranching, SW, John, Jan, Corso and Colo, I hope you are all doing well, doing great actually!

Going to leave you with a Friday Tune to get you rolling. Gonna go with the Hammer this morning.

Here is MC Hammer with Can't Touch This.......

I'm with you regarding Yellowstone - can't wait for season three.

Buried deep in the recesses of my warped mind are vague memories MC Hammer and those flashy pants. Man, I wanted a pair of pants like those...

Morning, Pops and everyone. Welcome to the Weekend! I've been busy with gardening, golf , goofing, and go-go girls. Well, part of that is true. We had a rainstorm last night and it looks like Ma Nature was generous with the wet stuff. Back to my delicious coffee now. Ciao.
Morning, Pops and everyone. Welcome to the Weekend! I've been busy with gardening, golf , goofing, and go-go girls. Well, part of that is true. We had a rainstorm last night and it looks like Ma Nature was generous with the wet stuff. Back to my delicious coffee now. Ciao.
Alliteration seems to be contagious and I am more than happy to spread it. Nicely done, Leon.
IT'S SATURDAY Pops and Popsadoodles!!!!! Let the choir sing ooga shaka ooga shaka oga shaka oo. I went to Sam's earlier this week and things were badly picked over, well the stuff I like was gone. With my keen senses I found nearly everyone else feels the same way I do about the frozen fish. My Sarah Conner instincts took over so I grabbed bananas, bread and more peanut butter than I know what to do with. No one needs guess what I'm having for lunch.

I have a plastic blue bird feeder outside my kitchen window. It's shaped like a quaint shed with siding, doors, and white windows that I can see in to know how much bird food I have left.. The chimney comes off to pour the food inside. It has a base so birds can feed on all sides. I walked up to it one day this week and two of the birds feeding saw me and flew off. A third bird on the other side of the feeder poked his head around the corner to see what the fuss was about before returning to his seeds. It was funny... I guess you'd have to be there.

I want to wish all the fathers a Happy Father's Day and a good weekend for everyone.
Morning, Pops and all Y'all. God bless ya.

Alliteration seems to be contagious and I am more than happy to spread it. Nicely done, Leon.
Thanks. Your inspiring habits have no limits.
IT'S SATURDAY Pops and Popsadoodles!!!!! Let the choir sing ooga shaka ooga shaka oga shaka oo. I went to Sam's earlier this week and things were badly picked over, well the stuff I like was gone. With my keen senses I found nearly everyone else feels the same way I do about the frozen fish. My Sarah Conner instincts took over so I grabbed bananas, bread and more peanut butter than I know what to do with. No one needs guess what I'm having for lunch.

I have a plastic blue bird feeder outside my kitchen window. It's shaped like a quaint shed with siding, doors, and white windows that I can see in to know how much bird food I have left.. The chimney comes off to pour the food inside. It has a base so birds can feed on all sides. I walked up to it one day this week and two of the birds feeding saw me and flew off. A third bird on the other side of the feeder poked his head around the corner to see what the fuss was about before returning to his seeds. It was funny... I guess you'd have to be there.

I want to wish all the fathers a Happy Father's Day and a good weekend for everyone.

Great story on the birds. I have a very similar feeder but it's green and yellow.
Morning Pops and Happy Fathers' Day to those that are physically and those that are like Dads to others. Today is Sin No More Sunday so I hope you misbehaved on Salacious Saturday to earn your remorse. I actually behaved myself so I will not be observing Sin No More Sunday as I feel I am owed for my good behavior.

My Dad has been gone 11 years come October 1 and I miss the times we never had. I grew up resenting him because he didn't balance corporal punishment with learning more about me and what I needed. It was the chicken/egg situation. Was I a handful because of my nature or was I trained to be that way by a man who would put hands on me because he thought I needed that because he didn't have a clue what I needed. He wasn't a bad father but he wasn't a good Dad. I don't think he knew how to be one. He was a very good man but the Dad thing didn't come naturally to him. I know he loved me in his own way.

I thought I had buried this behind me but I haven't. My wife used to beg me to see someone about the anger in me and she suspected why it was there as my Mom did. When discipline is the only attention you get, you will find a way to get it.

Sorry to do this on Fathers' Day but I knew this was coming. The only Fathers' Day's I remember was him at the golf course. They should have called it Golfers' Day.

It only takes one act to be a father but a lifetime of the rights acts to be a Dad.
Morning Pops and Happy Fathers' Day to those that are physically and those that are like Dads to others. Today is Sin No More Sunday so I hope you misbehaved on Salacious Saturday to earn your remorse. I actually behaved myself so I will not be observing Sin No More Sunday as I feel I am owed for my good behavior.

My Dad has been gone 11 years come October 1 and I miss the times we never had. I grew up resenting him because he didn't balance corporal punishment with learning more about me and what I needed. It was the chicken/egg situation. Was I a handful because of my nature or was I trained to be that way by a man who would put hands on me because he thought I needed that because he didn't have a clue what I needed. He wasn't a bad father but he wasn't a good Dad. I don't think he knew how to be one. He was a very good man but the Dad thing didn't come naturally to him. I know he loved me in his own way.

I thought I had buried this behind me but I haven't. My wife used to beg me to see someone about the anger in me and she suspected why it was there as my Mom did. When discipline is the only attention you get, you will find a way to get it.

Sorry to do this on Fathers' Day but I knew this was coming. The only Fathers' Day's I remember was him at the golf course. They should have called it Golfers' Day.

It only takes one act to be a father but a lifetime of the rights acts to be a Dad.
My father left us when I was 6 years old. He left my mother with a new mortgage on an old house, 5 kids, and not even a high school diploma. She worked two to three jobs at once, while earning a diploma, then going to school for Accounting. Meanwhile, I heard from my father about once every 7 to 10 years, when he'd had a minor heart attack or was diagnosed with lupus.
One of my mother's proudest moments was when I was 23 or so and my father came to visit for the first time in since I was 12. He started talking about his illness,. And I flat out told him, "We don't wanna hear about that."
He died about 10 or 18 years ago, and my mother called to tell me. I said, "Okay....so what's new with you?"

I'm happy for people who had a good enough relationship with their fathers to feel a sense of grief at the loss, but I don't feel like I missed out on anything myself. I'm not sure if it's better or worse to have had a father part time.
Evening Pops and everyone.

Happy Fathers Day to all the dads. Thanks for being stand up/step up guys. That's a dad. My pappa's been gone since February of '08, too young at 76, but I suppose when it comes to a dad, there's no good age. Cancer. 'Nuff said. My parents split when I was 10 but he remained very much a big part of our lives. He served this country and now rests at the Rock Island Arsenal Cemetery. Unfortunately because of all this COVID nonsense (I will not get on my soap box about my feeling about it) I haven't been able to visit for quite a long time. Don't take for granted that you still have your dads if you do, and if you're like me and you don't, well, I don't have to tell you how it feels. For those of you who didn't have a dad around, I'm sorry you missed out.
My father left us when I was 6 years old. He left my mother with a new mortgage on an old house, 5 kids, and not even a high school diploma. She worked two to three jobs at once, while earning a diploma, then going to school for Accounting. Meanwhile, I heard from my father about once every 7 to 10 years, when he'd had a minor heart attack or was diagnosed with lupus.
One of my mother's proudest moments was when I was 23 or so and my father came to visit for the first time in since I was 12. He started talking about his illness,. And I flat out told him, "We don't wanna hear about that."
He died about 10 or 18 years ago, and my mother called to tell me. I said, "Okay....so what's new with you?"

I'm happy for people who had a good enough relationship with their fathers to feel a sense of grief at the loss, but I don't feel like I missed out on anything myself. I'm not sure if it's better or worse to have had a father part time.
I had a lot of thoughts running through my head while reading your post, @Runwildboys, but the one that stuck out the most is that I am proud to call you a "friend" on this site.

On more than one occasion, your posts have caused me to stop, think, laugh out loud, smile, and those are all great things to do... Thank you
I had a lot of thoughts running through my head while reading your post, @Runwildboys, but the one that stuck out the most is that I am proud to call you a "friend" on this site.

On more than one occasion, your posts have caused me to stop, think, laugh out loud, smile, and those are all great things to do... Thank you
I take that as a tremendous compliment! Thank you, and I feel the same.
I take that as a tremendous compliment! Thank you, and I feel the same.
Oh, you do? Your own posts make you stop, think, laugh out loud and smile? OK, I'm right there with you except for that think part.

Seriously, you, my friend, are one of the people that makes this site special. I am really glad you came over on the boat with us even if the constant "are we there yet"? got on my nerves.
My father left us when I was 6 years old. He left my mother with a new mortgage on an old house, 5 kids, and not even a high school diploma. She worked two to three jobs at once, while earning a diploma, then going to school for Accounting. Meanwhile, I heard from my father about once every 7 to 10 years, when he'd had a minor heart attack or was diagnosed with lupus.
One of my mother's proudest moments was when I was 23 or so and my father came to visit for the first time in since I was 12. He started talking about his illness,. And I flat out told him, "We don't wanna hear about that."
He died about 10 or 18 years ago, and my mother called to tell me. I said, "Okay....so what's new with you?"

I'm happy for people who had a good enough relationship with their fathers to feel a sense of grief at the loss, but I don't feel like I missed out on anything myself. I'm not sure if it's better or worse to have had a father part time.
Your life was balanced by an overly great Mom and we are both lucky with that.

I was just doing a little purging of my demons after playing the no win game of "what might have been" when I awoke and realized what day it was. I stopped playing my theme song for so many years stealing from "Eleanor Rigby", "ahhhh, look at all the lucky people, why can't I be one".

That's the magic of this thread, Pops seemed like the type man that you could share your heart with and even your fears and not feel judged. I come here at times and bear my soul, share some things I probably shouldn't but I do not feel judged and I do feel better. I immediately got a mood shock after posting that yesterday and snapped back into my leaving history behind, where it belongs. Learn from it do not burn for it.

And while on this subject, and I am still am, I want you Popsadoodles to not feel you have to respond to anything I put up here or feel you need to cheer me up. Because that's what I am doing myself. I use this site, and particularly this thread, for therapeutic reasons as I did on the old site but didn't have a thread there specifically dedicated to supporting each other.
Morning Pops. Morning Fellas and good morning to all who decided to stop in and visit the thread this Monday.

I hope everybody enjoyed a good Father's Day weekend! So I guess I told everybody that my oldest Boy is expecting their second in Oct. I guess I told everybody that my youngest Daughter told us last month that they were expecting their first and would be due in Jan. Well, yesterday afternooon, my Youngest Boy told us that they were expecting their first and would be due in Feb. Gonna need a second job folks.

Jobs, Leon, dbrp, Xelda, zrin, Trouty, ksk, RGV, Coach, RWB, Ranching, SW, John, Jan, Corso and Colo, I hope everybody is off to a good start to the week! Lots to do so time to go to work!

Everybody, have a great, great week!
Good morning Pops and friends. My personal feelings about Father's Day are mixed. I'm not going to climb up on the couch and bear my soul about daddy, it started out good and steadily got worse. Like Forrest Gump says "That's all I've got to say about that".

Have as good a Monday as humanly possible.
Oh, you do? Your own posts make you stop, think, laugh out loud and smile? OK, I'm right there with you except for that think part.

Seriously, you, my friend, are one of the people that makes this site special. I am really glad you came over on the boat with us even if the constant "are we there yet"? got on my nerves.
Thank you, CC. I honestly don't know how much of a chance I would have given this site if you weren't here when I joined.

Now I hope that's the last it the sappy stuff for the day, I have work to do.
Morning Pops. Morning Fellas and good morning to all who decided to stop in and visit the thread this Monday.

I hope everybody enjoyed a good Father's Day weekend! So I guess I told everybody that my oldest Boy is expecting their second in Oct. I guess I told everybody that my youngest Daughter told us last month that they were expecting their first and would be due in Jan. Well, yesterday afternooon, my Youngest Boy told us that they were expecting their first and would be due in Feb. Gonna need a second job folks.

Jobs, Leon, dbrp, Xelda, zrin, Trouty, ksk, RGV, Coach, RWB, Ranching, SW, John, Jan, Corso and Colo, I hope everybody is off to a good start to the week! Lots to do so time to go to work!

Everybody, have a great, great week!
Congrats three times, brother!