FEATURED Morning Pops!

Ohhhhh, if only that were the sole reason to worry about me.
Tell me now, so I can start drinking coffee to do justice by you with a solid all nighter filled with wringing of hands and pacing.

I went to see my doctor and my danged short attention span nearly got me in trouble.(no evidence that I'm cleared though). The doctor was going through symptoms and what not. I told her I'm depressed after losing both of my pups, the bitter end of self isolation, Covid 19, unemployment, cops behaving badly, gas prices rising, riots, looting, world hunger, lack of world peace and my dwindling supply of chocolate. She slipped in a big one on me once my mind ventured off "are you suicidal?" to which I guessed I'm not. You'd had to be in the room to hear the alarms that went off in her head. I snapped to attention "NO" and almost a full SNL skit on "loving life". She prescribed me a new puppy as soon as possible. I like this doctor. Please take my example and don't doze on a doctor.
Tell me now, so I can start drinking coffee to do justice by you with a solid all nighter filled with wringing of hands and pacing.

I went to see my doctor and my danged short attention span nearly got me in trouble.(no evidence that I'm cleared though). The doctor was going through symptoms and what not. I told her I'm depressed after losing both of my pups, the bitter end of self isolation, Covid 19, unemployment, cops behaving badly, gas prices rising, riots, looting, world hunger, lack of world peace and my dwindling supply of chocolate. She slipped in a big one on me once my mind ventured off "are you suicidal?" to which I guessed I'm not. You'd had to be in the room to hear the alarms that went off in her head. I snapped to attention "NO" and almost a full SNL skit on "loving life". She prescribed me a new puppy as soon as possible. I like this doctor. Please take my example and don't doze on a doctor.
Wait until you get to the senior citizen arena, then the question is "do you feel safe at home". Make sure you check the NP or doc for a sense of humor. First time I got that I responded "yes, unless I am there and then there's no one to stop me". She gave me this weird look and I cracked up and asked her why she was asking that. She explained that it was to identify people "at risk". I asked "you mean suicidal" and she nodded in the affirmative.

So, not one to let this go so easily I asked her what would she do if she thought I was suicidal. She said "they would probably want to isolate and observe you" to which I responded "you'd get a call from them. Well, we've watched him and we've decided we'd kill ourselves too". Houston, the Eagle landed. She got this big belly laugh and I had found a friend that I still see every time I go to listen to my doc try to convince me to embrace misery with a better lifestyle than the one I enjoy now. She and the other nurses get a kick out of my view on this whole health thing.

Truth is, at one time that was my exit strategy but life has a way sometimes of tripping you up, even when you plan to leave it. It's the coward's way out and I can't think of a more harmful thing to do to a family and friends. I put some people on edge talking freely about that but I figure that they might be giving that some thought and since I've been there, my job to call myself out on that. I have no problem sharing that with anyone. I made the conscious decision to live.

Ya see, here's the payoff to that. Most of my life, I had felt shafted, "I didn't ask to be born, why in the hell am I here"? However, once I stood at the exit gate and made the decision to choose life, I felt differently. I chose this, it wasn't arbitrary so shut the hell up and stop complaining about it. You decided to stay so make the best of it.
Oh Coachadoodles, I was sitting there on cruise control by the time she asked me that question. It was almost like thinking out loud. I should have been alert and if anyone would have been with me, I'd still be hearing about it so three cheers for being single. My doctor wants to see me again next month, so I'm not happy about that. Still, she's the one prescribing the "tuck your ash in and go to sleep" stuff so I'll behave. Now to figure out how to get out of these unfortunate regular appointments.
Morning Pops. Morning Fellas and good morning to all who decide to stop in and check out the thread today.

Well, another hump day. Little tired this morning. Didn't get to bed till about 4 this morning, no idea why. Getting old I guess. Jokes on me though. I thought that when you got old, it was easier to sleep all the time. LOL.....

Jobs, Leon, dbrp, Xelda, zrin, Trouty, ksk, RGV, Coach, RWB, Ranching, SW, John, Jan, Corso and Colo, how is everybody doing today?

Gonna leave you wih this tune today. In 1965, the Beatles, at Abby Roads Studios, completed the song "Yesterday". It would go on to become one of the most iconic songs in the History of Modern Music.

So today on hump day, here are the Beatles Yesterday.....

Morning Pops. Morning Fellas and good morning to all who decide to stop in and check out the thread today.

Well, another hump day. Little tired this morning. Didn't get to bed till about 4 this morning, no idea why. Getting old I guess. Jokes on me though. I thought that when you got old, it was easier to sleep all the time. LOL.....

Jobs, Leon, dbrp, Xelda, zrin, Trouty, ksk, RGV, Coach, RWB, Ranching, SW, John, Jan, Corso and Colo, how is everybody doing today?

Gonna leave you wih this tune today. In 1965, the Beatles, at Abby Roads Studios, completed the song "Yesterday". It would go on to become one of the most iconic songs in the History of Modern Music.

So today on hump day, here are the Beatles Yesterday.....
It is easier to sleep all the time when you get old..ALL THE TIME, just not when you want to sleep. I try to think the thoughts I need to think during the awake time and struggle and then the thought machine gets cranked on high when I try to shut it down. The thoughts are crafty though, they come when they know you can't do anything about them. I think 'just where in the hell were you when I need you earlier today?' The thought replies "sleeping".
Good Wonderful Wednesday Pops and my fellow humpsters.

Hey CC, you don't work, you don't get a hump day. Au contraire, mes ami. I need a mid point in the middle of doing nothing to know how much longer I won't do much this week. If I have procrastinated earlier in the week to not do something later in the week, I now know to move that to early next week, where I will have enough time to prepare for not doing it again. And all of this makes perfect sense to me. Soooooooooo HAPPY HUMP DAY!!!!!!!!!!
Morning, Pops and pen pals. The wife, daughter and grand kids went to California yesterday for our nephew's wedding. I stayed behind to take care of Mom and the cat and dogs. Mom is still recovering from the knee replacement and is doing well with her rehab. Blessing to all of you.

On the subject of sleep, I spend less time sleeping now than I did when I was young. I don't take naps during the day, go to bed at 9 p.m. and get up early; 3: 50 this morning but usually 5 a.m.
Morning, Pops and pen pals. The wife, daughter and grand kids went to California yesterday for our nephew's wedding. I stayed behind to take care of Mom and the cat and dogs. Mom is still recovering from the knee replacement and is doing well with her rehab. Blessing to all of you.

On the subject of sleep, I spend less time sleeping now than I did when I was young. I don't take naps during the day, go to bed at 9 p.m. and get up early; 3: 50 this morning but usually 5 a.m.
9 to 5 is 8 hours. How much sleep did you get when you were younger???
Good morning Pops and friends. Already on my second cup of coffee. Beginning the workday in a few minutes. Got a good 7 hours sleep. All is well. I set my alarm to ring at 4:53 AM, not really sure why tho. Normally I’m up before it rings.
Today is Friday for me. Yeahhh buddy. Have a great day friends.
Good evening Pops and Popsadoodles. It's been a bizarre week... month... year. 2020 was supposed to be an oh, ah year but it's more of an ugh, argh year except for Gramma getting her new home, Montanalo with his retirement home part deaux, RGV loving his job and Dabz catching the rest of us in unusual situations. I was in Lowe's Monday and saw a guy pushing a ladder to check out and my mind came back here.

It's still here. Good! Last night I stopped to think for a bit as I cleaned my roller ball mouse. Over time it gets a bit of lint accumulation underneath. While doing that, it threw me off the page and last night's thoughts were gone. They're here today though, so everyone can see my musings. I get to add big trucks in front of fire hoses to the mix. Also don't think you're fooling us RGV. We know you love your job and acknowledge it enviously. I'll have to tell y'all about my favorite job sometime.

I have to go so have a good day everyone.
Good evening Pops and Popsadoodles. It's been a bizarre week... month... year. 2020 was supposed to be an oh, ah year but it's more of an ugh, argh year except for Gramma getting her new home, Montanalo with his retirement home part deaux, RGV loving his job and Dabz catching the rest of us in unusual situations. I was in Lowe's Monday and saw a guy pushing a ladder to check out and my mind came back here.

It's still here. Good! Last night I stopped to think for a bit as I cleaned my roller ball mouse. Over time it gets a bit of lint accumulation underneath. While doing that, it threw me off the page and last night's thoughts were gone. They're here today though, so everyone can see my musings. I get to add big trucks in front of fire hoses to the mix. Also don't think you're fooling us RGV. We know you love your job and acknowledge it enviously. I'll have to tell y'all about my favorite job sometime.

I have to go so have a good day everyone.
Oh good, you started this post last night. I'm not as worried about you now!
Morning Pops. Morning Fellas and good morning to all who stop in to say hello.

So, went to bed at about 2:30 last night and the alarm went of at 6:00, slept right through it, Wife came in at 9:30 this morning and asked me if I was gonna get up today. So anyway, late for work, I guess I was just tired.

Jobs, Leon, dbrp, Xelda, zrin, Trouty, ksk, RGV, Coach, RWB, Ranching, SW, John, Jan, Corso and Colo, hope you are all enjoying a great start to your Thursday.

OK, running late so everyone, have a great day!
Good afternoon Pops and Thirsty Thursday to everyone. Just returned from a jaunt to Bee Cave, an Austin southern suburb, to do some banking, drop in Whole Foods and check out the new Total Wine that just opened there. The banking was uneventful unless you consider the banker and customer sitting in masks normal. I don't and told him it was much more fun going into the liquor store in a mask.

Total Wine was interesting as they just opened and I was asked at least 10 times "can I help you"? The 10th time was by a fellow customer that got caught up in it I guess but I did ask him to be by wingman and tell the others "no thank you" because my fuse was getting lit. I had never seen so many eager people. So, guess what? I needed help after all. And yep, I didn't see any of the 50 "can I help" people swarming the store but did find this guy and the conversation went like this. "Hi, excuse me, can you tell me where the vermouth is"? "The what"? "The vermouth". "Is that a bourbon"? (OK, we're both wearing masks so there is that) "No, vermouth is used in making Martini's and Manhattan's". "Oh, I only work in the bourbon department for now, you want some bourbon"? (OK, now I am glad I've got this big mask on because I am starting to lose it and I am not in a hurry so let's have some fun) "Hey, that's an idea, let's go over to the bourbon and I'll start making us a couple of Manhattan's but we will eventually have to find the vermouth, which is what I came in for". Unbeknownst to me, the manager and asst manage had come up on the conversation and were eavesdropping and the guy said "in that case, I'll see if I can help you find the vermouth first".

The two managers could no longer contain themselves and burst out laughing and I joined in and they introduced themselves and apologized and explained almost the entire staff was new on purpose. They didn't transfer people in and decided to hire people that had been put out of work by the virus. He did show me to the vermouth and they were out of my brand, Noilly Pratt, and I said I'd check back because this was going to be my new go to liquor store and I hoped they didn't start charging a cover. He started laughing again and said he'd been with the company for a while and this was the most different and fun opening he'd ever had. Then his asst manager walked up and told him that a shipment of that vermouth was due in at the end of the month and the manager asked for my address and said he'd like to send a complimentary bottle to me when it arrived.

On the way back home I thought about missing being able to tell my salespeople that story. I was getting annoyed at all of the "can I help" and then came upon the most fun and unknowledgeable employee I ever encountered in a liquor store but was no closer to getting my Noilly Pratt and then came to find out they were out of it. All around wasted trip until the manager showed what customer service is and how it can reverse the tide. And as usual, I would have asked my salespeople "what's the moral to the story"? And they, of course, would have missed it. I would have closed out with "don't be so damned picky about the least important part of the cocktail". I liked tricking them, I miss that. They could always depend on me for a meaningful story with a stupid moral.
Good evening Pops and Popsadoodles. It's been a bizarre week... month... year. 2020 was supposed to be an oh, ah year but it's more of an ugh, argh year except for Gramma getting her new home, Montanalo with his retirement home part deaux, RGV loving his job and Dabz catching the rest of us in unusual situations. I was in Lowe's Monday and saw a guy pushing a ladder to check out and my mind came back here.

It's still here. Good! Last night I stopped to think for a bit as I cleaned my roller ball mouse. Over time it gets a bit of lint accumulation underneath. While doing that, it threw me off the page and last night's thoughts were gone. They're here today though, so everyone can see my musings. I get to add big trucks in front of fire hoses to the mix. Also don't think you're fooling us RGV. We know you love your job and acknowledge it enviously. I'll have to tell y'all about my favorite job sometime.

I have to go so have a good day everyone.
Good Day ;)
Morning Pops. Morning Fellas and good morning to everybody who decided to stop in and visit this thread today.

Happy Friday everybody! We've made it to another end of the week and that's a good thing for sure, in my book. So what's everybody got planned this weekend?

So, Yellowstone comes back on this Sunday and I gotta say, I'm looking forward to it! Not a lot of content on TV these days so a new season of this show is like a cool glass of water in the middle of the Sahara!

Jobs, Leon, dbrp, Xelda, zrin, Trouty, ksk, RGV, Coach, RWB, Ranching, SW, John, Jan, Corso and Colo, I hope you are all doing well, doing great actually!

Going to leave you with a Friday Tune to get you rolling. Gonna go with the Hammer this morning.

Here is MC Hammer with Can't Touch This.......
