FEATURED Morning Pops!

Morning, Pops and pen pals. My wife, daughter and Gkids come back home from Calif. today. Looking forward to it. I've been in charge of 3 dogs, only one of which is mine, and a cat while the family has been gone. I love all the pets but they've been demanding constant attention from me because they miss their humans. Except the cat who is just like me. Feed me but otherwise leave me alone and I'll be fine, she says.

Have a good one.
Good morning Pops and Friends,

@daboyzruleperiod beat me to a hump day meme, so I will have to go in a different direction...

It's a brilliant start to the day... Low 60's now and headed to a high of 80, lot's of sunshine, birds chirping, deer mowing my front lawn. Nature is wonderful.

One regret I have now is that I didn't slow down and enjoy days like this as a younger man.
Good afternoon Pops and humpsters and I agree Colo, if only I'd enjoyed the journey more and not been so focused on the destination that I would never reach.

I remember a trip to the Grand Canyon one time and as I stood there taking that in, that gift to perspective about our importance on the planet, I was already focused on the next stop. I was like that kid in the back seat, "are we there yet"? instead I was "what's next? what's next"? Living in the now were just words to me. It is my greatest regret in life. I have more time to reflect on those times than I spent in those times, if that makes any sense. And this is a fine time to be concerned about making sense, never mattered before.

We have two friends that are shrinks and three that are therapists and my wife used to laugh and ask me "see a pattern here"? Never saw any of them personally and the more personally I knew them, a lot less likely that was to happen but it was odd how many people we knew that were in the line of work that I would have gone into had I stayed in college.

One of the shrinks told me at a party one time "I can tell when you're hurting". It caught me off guard and I gave her this weird look because it came out of left field. She asked me to go see someone and what was I afraid of as I'd taken plenty of shots at her profession, about every chance I got but she usually laughed. She said "I can tell the degree of pain you are in by how funny you are being, you really hide behind your humor well, it is almost as if you don't exist. Is that what you wish?".

I replied "don't all of us hide from ourselves"? I actually thought that was true, I was so screwed up, I thought everyone else was as screwed up as I was. And it's not that I am not screwed up now, just more aware of it. Man, when you spend almost every waking hour with only yourself, you run out of hiding places so I hide here and used to hide on DC.com.

Sorry to get so introspective and reflective, two of my favorite ive's lately, but it's been happening a lot. I think too much and don't feel enough. I don't know if it's these times we're experiencing or a new phase I am entering but it concerns the serious me and I don't like him, nope, not one bit. I spent too much time in the dark with him not too long ago. He should stay hidden.

Have a good Hump Day and it's official now that we're on the other side of noon, those that toil are over the hump and can officially start planning the weekend. And don't forget that 3 day weekend waiting for you after this weekend. Which means I can go find Londonboy and start ragging him about losing that first British Invasion, they're 1-1.
Good afternoon Pops and humpsters and I agree Colo, if only I'd enjoyed the journey more and not been so focused on the destination that I would never reach.

I remember a trip to the Grand Canyon one time and as I stood there taking that in, that gift to perspective about our importance on the planet, I was already focused on the next stop. I was like that kid in the back seat, "are we there yet"? instead I was "what's next? what's next"? Living in the now were just words to me. It is my greatest regret in life. I have more time to reflect on those times than I spent in those times, if that makes any sense. And this is a fine time to be concerned about making sense, never mattered before.

We have two friends that are shrinks and three that are therapists and my wife used to laugh and ask me "see a pattern here"? Never saw any of them personally and the more personally I knew them, a lot less likely that was to happen but it was odd how many people we knew that were in the line of work that I would have gone into had I stayed in college.

One of the shrinks told me at a party one time "I can tell when you're hurting". It caught me off guard and I gave her this weird look because it came out of left field. She asked me to go see someone and what was I afraid of as I'd taken plenty of shots at her profession, about every chance I got but she usually laughed. She said "I can tell the degree of pain you are in by how funny you are being, you really hide behind your humor well, it is almost as if you don't exist. Is that what you wish?".

I replied "don't all of us hide from ourselves"? I actually thought that was true, I was so screwed up, I thought everyone else was as screwed up as I was. And it's not that I am not screwed up now, just more aware of it. Man, when you spend almost every waking hour with only yourself, you run out of hiding places so I hide here and used to hide on DC.com.

Sorry to get so introspective and reflective, two of my favorite ive's lately, but it's been happening a lot. I think too much and don't feel enough. I don't know if it's these times we're experiencing or a new phase I am entering but it concerns the serious me and I don't like him, nope, not one bit. I spent too much time in the dark with him not too long ago. He should stay hidden.

Have a good Hump Day and it's official now that we're on the other side of noon, those that toil are over the hump and can officially start planning the weekend. And don't forget that 3 day weekend waiting for you after this weekend. Which means I can go find Londonboy and start ragging him about losing that first British Invasion, they're 1-1.
CC, if you want to avoid thinking too much, don't drive for a living. Hours and hours of nothing but thoughts, broken up by morons on the road.
CC, if you want to avoid thinking too much, don't drive for a living. Hours and hours of nothing but thoughts, broken up by morons on the road.
I have a good friend that is a professional driver. To relieve the boredom of long drives, he mounted a small device on the dash that, at the touch of a button, emits either Star Trek phaser, photon torpedo or Star Wars light saber sounds. He really gets into zapping morons.

I enjoy riding with him... :)
I have a good friend that is a professional driver. To relieve the boredom of long drives, he mounted a small device on the dash that, at the touch of a button, emits either Star Trek phaser, photon torpedo or Star Wars light saber sounds. He really gets into zapping morons.

I enjoy riding with him... :)
I used to have one in my first car, when I was 18. I had it hooked up to a loudspeaker under the hood.
Morning, Pops and Pen pals. Colo's weather has seemed to expand to Texas. The sky is a beautiful blue with white clouds that reflected pink at sunrise. I sat on the porch and watched the deer in the back yard and listened to the birds. I think we would get along very well, Colo.
I played golf yesterday and it felt like a disaster. I scored about normal for me but I was in the trees on almost every hole. No bueno. See Ya'
Morning, Pops and Pen pals. Colo's weather has seemed to expand to Texas. The sky is a beautiful blue with white clouds that reflected pink at sunrise. I sat on the porch and watched the deer in the back yard and listened to the birds. I think we would get along very well, Colo.
I played golf yesterday and it felt like a disaster. I scored about normal for me but I was in the trees on almost every hole. No bueno. See Ya'
F I wasn't in the trees on most holes, I'd feel like I was cheating!
Morning, Pops and Pen pals. Colo's weather has seemed to expand to Texas. The sky is a beautiful blue with white clouds that reflected pink at sunrise. I sat on the porch and watched the deer in the back yard and listened to the birds. I think we would get along very well, Colo.
I played golf yesterday and it felt like a disaster. I scored about normal for me but I was in the trees on almost every hole. No bueno. See Ya'
Leon, you didn't listen hard enough to the birds, you heard but did not listen.

They were saying "Leon, stay here with us, commune with us, do not go to that place that tore down our ancestral home and ran off little Scooter the Squirrel because he would steal your fake eggs in his attempt to drive you back to surroundings more suitable to your kind. Windmills, waterfalls and hills and valleys. Heed us Leon, choose the yellow fake egg, it will serve you well. You will complete your round in about 1/3 of the time, less walking and wear and tear on those human limbs and joints and you can return to commune with us before we have to return to Horseshoe Bay for happy hour where CouchCoach communes with his cocktail shaker. Humans aren't the only ones with love for alliteration".
Morning Pops. Morning Fellas and good morning to all who decide to stop in a visit the thread today.

Well, tomorrow is Friday and we are headed to the Ranch. Got a little work to do there so probably come back Sunday and then ready for work.

How is everybody doing today? I hope everyone is in good stead.

Leon, sounds like you are going to be busy for a little while yeah? Incidentally, the skies over Texas could be interesting today and this evening. There is a huge Dust Storm that originated in the Sahara and has crossed the ocean and is, apparently, passing through Texas today. The Skies could be pretty interesting.

Coach, I kinda know what you mean when you say you have more time to reflect then when you were actually there. In my life, I've been everywhere, seriously. Most of the time, I was so busy focused on whatever the job was, that I've spent very little time appreciating my surroundings. It's a shame really. I've been around so many rich, historic, cultural, beautiful places and have actually appreciated so little of it in comparison. One of the things I most regret, to be honest.

RW, I hope you are keeping sane this week. I know, you are always sane, it's all those other folks........ :laugh:

Jobs, Leon, dbrp, Xelda, zrin, Trouty, ksk, RGV, Coach, RWB, Ranching, SW, John, Jan, Corso and Colo, I hope everybody is in good health, both physically and mentally this week. If not, no worries, just come on in, the water is fine!

Everybody, close it out and lets get to the weekend. Have a great day everybody!
Morning Pops. Morning Fellas and good morning to all who decide to stop in a visit the thread today.

Well, tomorrow is Friday and we are headed to the Ranch. Got a little work to do there so probably come back Sunday and then ready for work.

How is everybody doing today? I hope everyone is in good stead.

Leon, sounds like you are going to be busy for a little while yeah? Incidentally, the skies over Texas could be interesting today and this evening. There is a huge Dust Storm that originated in the Sahara and has crossed the ocean and is, apparently, passing through Texas today. The Skies could be pretty interesting.

Coach, I kinda know what you mean when you say you have more time to reflect then when you were actually there. In my life, I've been everywhere, seriously. Most of the time, I was so busy focused on whatever the job was, that I've spent very little time appreciating my surroundings. It's a shame really. I've been around so many rich, historic, cultural, beautiful places and have actually appreciated so little of it in comparison. One of the things I most regret, to be honest.

RW, I hope you are keeping sane this week. I know, you are always sane, it's all those other folks........ :laugh:

Jobs, Leon, dbrp, Xelda, zrin, Trouty, ksk, RGV, Coach, RWB, Ranching, SW, John, Jan, Corso and Colo, I hope everybody is in good health, both physically and mentally this week. If not, no worries, just come on in, the water is fine!

Everybody, close it out and lets get to the weekend. Have a great day everybody!
That dust storm has potential to create some gorgeous sunrises and/or sunsets.
Good evening everyone. Congrats on the new additions ABQ and RGV. It's been a strange week for me with not much to say and no energy to make something up. I got a skinned ankle today from moving a traffic cone. It was heavier than I thought. It was also in my way so...
CC, if you want to avoid thinking too much, don't drive for a living. Hours and hours of nothing but thoughts, broken up by morons on the road.
Wisdom through frustration. If only that would fit on a bumper sticker.
Are you nuts? Mummies hide in them.
... and I was fine with the dust until you said that.

Have a good evening everyone.

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