FEATURED Morning Pops!

Today is my mother's birthday.
She would have been 76 today.

Happy birthday mom!
I'll never get over losing you, my best friend.
Tough day indeed. I totally get how you feel. Way too young. Lost my dad when he was the same age. That was in 2008. Still struggle when I go 'visit', which I haven't been able to do in quite a while with the COVID mess (he's in a cemetery on a military installation). Not the same, but I still have him in my heart, as do you with your mom. Hang in there.
Tough day indeed. I totally get how you feel. Way too young. Lost my dad when he was the same age. That was in 2008. Still struggle when I go 'visit', which I haven't been able to do in quite a while with the COVID mess (he's in a cemetery on a military installation). Not the same, but I still have him in my heart, as do you with your mom. Hang in there.
So much love to you sis.
So much love.
Morning, Pops and pen pals. Have a good Monday start to a new week. It looks like we'll get sun today but, like yesterday, windy.

Sorry about your mom, Corso. I lost mine in 98 and still think about her and dad nearly every day.
Afternoon Pops and everyone.

@ABQCOWBOY, I'm still around. Not to be a downer, but been away dealing with a whole lot of a personal funk and still dealing.

Finding I'm not as strong as I used to be and sometimes feel like I'm on the losing end of it all. Lots of music around me with so many memories attached for very special reasons reminding me of how much I've lost in my life and making me realize how good things used to be... and I took it all for granted. Love to have some of those years, but mostly the people, back. It's hard to shake it when loneliness and what feels like a dark depression tries to take hold. Were it not for some of those I've lost, and one in particular, I would've been gone long before cancer got hold of me.

Idk. Whadya do (not asking, just wondering out loud)?

Enough about me. Short work week coming, which only means having to work harder in fewer days. Gave away all the bbq sauce I made a few weeks back and everyone's askng when the next batch is coming so I made more this morning and offering less. Keeping a little for myself this time. Stuff isn't cheap to make so it'd be nice to have some for me.

Off to the basement to do some cleaning and rearranging in the rooms I haven't gotten to yet.

Have a good day all. Enjoy the rest of your weekend.
First of all, you don't keep it within yourself, you do as Runny suggested and you share it, get it out in the open. And it doesn't matter if anyone responds, you get it out and look at that for yourself. The dark likes to stay hidden, it doesn't like to get exposed to it's enemies, the people that care for you.

And there is a very thin line between melancholy and self pity and I used to cross it too easily and self pity feeds on itself and gets stronger. I became an expert at the "Why me, Lord"? game until I realized one day "why not me"?

You hit a nerve, Jan, with that....and I took it all for granted, which is an overstatement because you didn't take it all for granted. We just didn't live in that moment long enough and drink in what was and could only be at that time. However, allow me to share something that I do that helps me when I get where you were when you shared that.

I go back and do it all over again in my mind. I drink in that moment in time and I dwell on it and there is nothing but light. Am I fooling myself? Absolutely. I've even imagined myself not saying what I said or saying what I felt at the time I felt it and letting her inside me more, share the one thing I was always afraid of, fear.

I've mentioned that I struggled with being in the present and I sense that in your post because we did not make those moments more special by making them last longer. I have gone completely the other way now and life is not one life, it is incremental lives. Too many to count. The constant of this life is still there but the ones I live within it are infinite until I live no longer. I can live many lives within one day, even one hour.

Once I really did realize how short a feeling, whether that's elation or melancholy, lasts, I knew even if I couldn't stop the pain from coming, it would be short lived if I directed my thoughts. That doesn't change what you were feeling when you wrote that and needed to share that with people that do not judge but chances are you've already moved past that, how did you do that? That, my sweet lady, was the discovery of a lifetime for me, I could control it. Couldn't stop those thoughts from coming but I could control how long they stayed. I could fight those thoughts with my own.

I hate the holidays, just thinking about them brings up what I am missing but if I can focus my thoughts on those good times on holidays in the past, that does help to lessen that feeling. Doesn't go away completely, but it does get handled better.

That old saying "time heals all wounds" isn't correct. That insinuates that all we have to do is let time pass and we get fixed, no more pain, no more dark. It's far too passive for healing. Time allows us to learn how to heal ourselves. However, we must use that time, not waste it. We must use that time to learn how to battle the dark.

And for me, that started with sharing how I was feeling. I put a lot of feelings up here and expect neither judgement nor response because as I share that, I begin to understand it better and how to handle it better. You have friends here, I have friends here and friends are those people that can just listen. And sometimes, that is all that is needed.
Morning Pops. Morning Fellas and good morning to everybody who stops in to check stuff out.

Man oh man, got back around 3:30/4:00 yesterday and I was ruined. Spent a couple of days actually working like I used to when I was a kid and let me tell ya, that hurt. Not as young as I used to be. LOL........

4 day work week so that's good news right?

So not sure what we are going to do with July 4th yet. All the Fireworks Shows have been cancelled and lighting fireworks, outside of snakes, are illegal right now. Guess we are going to do up our own show for all the kids.

Jan, Corso, how you both holding up? Tough people are not always happy people because it means that you are gonna have to overcome some tough things. You got that kind of strength, that's baked in you. Hang in there and keep coming back to your friends! RW is right about that. That might be the worst part right? Admitting to ourselves that RW is the smartest one of us after all. That's an arse kicker for sure!


So I did have a little time to relax this weekend, it wasn't all work. I took my Grandson down to a little spot down on the Pecos where the water runs shallow and kind pools. It's deep enough there in spots, probably 12 to 15 ft. but in this little spot, it is deep, then it gets really shallow, inches in places and maybe 2 feet in others. It's probably 20 ft. wide in this area. One side has river bank and on the other, it's all slate rock. Long story short, I probably spent about 3 hours on Sunday with him just playing in the water. He had a great time, just running all over and playing in the water. No toys, no tablets, no nothing except a pair of shorts and a pair of tennis shoes. That's all he needed to have a good time. Couple of bottles of water and some fig bars. Was a great time!

Jobs, Leon, dbrp, Xelda, zrin, Trouty, ksk, RGV, Coach, RWB, Ranching, SW, John, Jan, Corso and Colo, have a great rest of your Monday.

Everybody, have a great week!

Morning Pops. Morning Fellas and good morning to everybody who stops in to check stuff out.

Man oh man, got back around 3:30/4:00 yesterday and I was ruined. Spent a couple of days actually working like I used to when I was a kid and let me tell ya, that hurt. Not as young as I used to be. LOL........

4 day work week so that's good news right?

So not sure what we are going to do with July 4th yet. All the Fireworks Shows have been cancelled and lighting fireworks, outside of snakes, are illegal right now. Guess we are going to do up our own show for all the kids.

Jan, Corso, how you both holding up? Tough people are not always happy people because it means that you are gonna have to overcome some tough things. You got that kind of strength, that's baked in you. Hang in there and keep coming back to your friends! RW is right about that. That might be the worst part right? Admitting to ourselves that RW is the smartest one of us after all. That's an arse kicker for sure!


So I did have a little time to relax this weekend, it wasn't all work. I took my Grandson down to a little spot down on the Pecos where the water runs shallow and kind pools. It's deep enough there in spots, probably 12 to 15 ft. but in this little spot, it is deep, then it gets really shallow, inches in places and maybe 2 feet in others. It's probably 20 ft. wide in this area. One side has river bank and on the other, it's all slate rock. Long story short, I probably spent about 3 hours on Sunday with him just playing in the water. He had a great time, just running all over and playing in the water. No toys, no tablets, no nothing except a pair of shorts and a pair of tennis shoes. That's all he needed to have a good time. Couple of bottles of water and some fig bars. Was a great time!

Jobs, Leon, dbrp, Xelda, zrin, Trouty, ksk, RGV, Coach, RWB, Ranching, SW, John, Jan, Corso and Colo, have a great rest of your Monday.

Everybody, have a great week!

That might be the worst part right? Admitting to ourselves that RW is the smartest one of us after all. That's an arse kicker for sure!

Please....as if that were ever in doubt. :muttley:

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