FEATURED Morning Pops!

Morning, Pops and pen pals. The alternating rain and hot sunny days have reduced my mowing interval to twice a week now. My round of golf yesterday was horrible; one of the worst of my life. I think I was playing with a Covid 19 compliant ball that stayed at least 6' away from the action. Y'all take care.

ABQ I hope your daughter is doing better. She's in my prayers.
Morning, Pops and pen pals. The alternating rain and hot sunny days have reduced my mowing interval to twice a week now. My round of golf yesterday was horrible; one of the worst of my life. I think I was playing with a Covid 19 compliant ball that stayed at least 6' away from the action. Y'all take care.

ABQ I hope your daughter is doing better. She's in my prayers.
Twice a week? I mow mine once a week, and that's only because of the weeds!
My daughter-in-law is going through the same thing. Never know when it's going to take her down. She is supposed to have the baby August 13 so she's about done. Never thought I'd say it but I hope this is the last grandbaby. This will be #7. Can't afford Christmas for them all anymore. :(

Hey Jan,

I understand. Gets spendy fast, for sure.
Morning Pops and Thirsty Thursday devotees.

Well, I'll find out soon enough if I was prophetic about the coronavirus, getting tested this afternoon. Started getting a sore throat on Monday afternoon and it won't go away so my doc set up a test at the drive through at the local hospital. I don't know how long before I get the results because they mentioned the testing was running behind. And we wonder why we can't seem to get a leg up on this virus? We can't even determine if people have it fast enough. The only people that can get tested are those required by a physician's order. I don;t know if that's the same everywhere but this is a small community and this hospital is testing for 3 counties.

Other than the throat, which is enough as I can barely sleep, I have 0 other symptoms, not even a low grade fever. He can't examine me until I clear the test protocol and I completely understand that.

I spoke to his nurse and she said the entire Baylor Scott White group had contacted the local police and asked them to enforce the mask wearing. This mandate is not doing any good without enforcement. She said they received notice on Monday that this could have evolved into airborne and that mask wearing was critical.

Good morning Pops and friends. Hoping for good results CC. One of my old classmates caught the virus 3 weeks ago. He’s diabetic and quarantined at home. His symptoms are fatigue, body aches and no appetite. As of 2 days ago, His appetite is returning and feeling ok.

The Mrs and I wear the mask everywhere but home.

be safe everyone
Tell them they stop getting presents at 6 years old. They'll understand.

Jan, DO NOT TAKE THIS ADVICE! That's a good way to get killed in your sleep..

Morning Pops. Morning Fellas and good morning to all who have decided to stop in and visit the thread.

I hope that everybody is doing well today. Seems like the older I get, the faster the days fly by and the more tired I am when I wake up. Wait, or was it, the older I get, the shorter the days and the harder it is to get to sleep? I can never remember.......

Thinking about how much I miss toy stores. Used to be I could just take the kids to the store and see what they liked. Now, there is no Toys R Us or what have you. Gotta a Grandboy with a BDay coming up and this is a real problem for me!

How is everybody doing today? It's Thursday and we are almost to the weekend! Here is to hoping that everybody has a great day!

Jobs, Leon, dbrp, Xelda, zrin, Trouty, ksk, RGV, Coach, RWB, Ranching, SW, John, Jan, Corso and Colo, I hope you are all enjoying this fine Thursday. Go out and treat yourselves to a great lunch or something!

Everybody, thank you for the well wishes for my Daughter and my soon to be Grandbaby. I think they will be OK, just need to get past this tough spot.

OK, everybody finish strong! For tomorrow, it's on to the weekend!
Morning Pops and Thirsty Thursday devotees.

Well, I'll find out soon enough if I was prophetic about the coronavirus, getting tested this afternoon. Started getting a sore throat on Monday afternoon and it won't go away so my doc set up a test at the drive through at the local hospital. I don't know how long before I get the results because they mentioned the testing was running behind. And we wonder why we can't seem to get a leg up on this virus? We can't even determine if people have it fast enough. The only people that can get tested are those required by a physician's order. I don;t know if that's the same everywhere but this is a small community and this hospital is testing for 3 counties.

Other than the throat, which is enough as I can barely sleep, I have 0 other symptoms, not even a low grade fever. He can't examine me until I clear the test protocol and I completely understand that.

I spoke to his nurse and she said the entire Baylor Scott White group had contacted the local police and asked them to enforce the mask wearing. This mandate is not doing any good without enforcement. She said they received notice on Monday that this could have evolved into airborne and that mask wearing was critical.
I didn't think sore throat was one of the symptoms. Hopefully it turns out that you just need to exhale your cigar smoke before yelling at people to get off your lawn.
Me too. Those haven't gotten presents from me for years. It's all the grandkids. I'm gonna make my kids start pitching in for every grand past #2. They owe me for 5. I knew my limit and stopped at 2.
But it's the quality that counts, not the quantity. Tell that to your kids, and tell them to take it however they like.
The young'ns don't get the concept of cost. I break it down to "how many hours do I have to work to pay for that stupid video game?" I'm getting grumpy in my old age I guess.

To be honest, I don't even think that deep about it anymore. I've resigned myself to the fact that I'm working forever. If it's not for Grandkids stuff, then it's gonna be for something. That's my Wife! But hey, I signed up so it is what it is.

My problem is the multiplier effect I got going on right now. Space them out already! But no, they are all here at the same time so it is what it is. Just gonna have to figure it out. Maybe I'll sign up for those medical studies where you go do drug trials and you get paid for it. I don't know, options, options, options........

Good afternoon Pops and Popsadoodles! I finally got my dishwasher installed after the Eagles fan insisted on wearing his Super Bowl cap into the house and laying it on my counter. I'll probably have to replace that now. So the new dishwasher is installed and leaks. My options are for a plumber or order a new hose. I ordered a new hose.

I hope everyone's pregnant relatives and Coach gets to feeling better soon. Try a humidifier in your sleeping area, Coach. It helps me a great deal with my sore throat.

To be honest, I don't even think that deep about it anymore. I've resigned myself to the fact that I'm working forever. If it's not for Grandkids stuff, then it's gonna be for something. That's my Wife! But hey, I signed up so it is what it is.

My problem is the multiplier effect I got going on right now. Space them out already! But no, they are all here at the same time so it is what it is. Just gonna have to figure it out. Maybe I'll sign up for those medical studies where you go do drug trials and you get paid for it. I don't know, options, options, options........

Don't worry ABQ, I hear they're accepting applications for porch pirates now.

Have a good Thursday everyone!
I didn't think sore throat was one of the symptoms. Hopefully it turns out that you just need to exhale your cigar smoke before yelling at people to get off your lawn.
What? And ruin the effect? Old codger screaming with smoke billowing out of his mouth and a Charles Manson crazy look will keep'em off everybody's lawns.

Yep, according to the nurse, it is a prevalent one round these parts and mine started getting better this morning and I called her and suggested I not get a stick stuck up my nose and she said the symptoms going away is not unusual. I think they treat anyone with any one of the symptoms like they have it even though they've completed right at 1,000 tests in this county with only 33 positives.

This is the allergy center of the planet, try finding anyone without one of the symptoms.

I just returned from getting it and the nurse that jammed a pickup stick up both nostrils seemed to enjoy it. I usually try and joke around a little to loosen them up and make them not want to hurt me but she was having none of it. She was a little too forceful on my second nostril, my favorite. I thanked her for doing such an unpleasant job and she warmed up but the damage was done. If there is a next time, gotta go the Eddie Haskell route first and tell her how pretty her hairnet and bonnet are and how her mask brings out the color of her eyes.

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