FEATURED Morning Pops!

Morning Pops! I have completed my move Idabel OK is now home.Took 2 weeks to get cable TV and 3 to get Internet. Things move slow in the boonies Could have gone with cheap slow internet fast held out for a 1 tb connection I has speed out the wazoo now. Got my whackie tobackie card so i'm flying low
To be honest, I don't even think that deep about it anymore. I've resigned myself to the fact that I'm working forever. If it's not for Grandkids stuff, then it's gonna be for something. That's my Wife! But hey, I signed up so it is what it is.

My problem is the multiplier effect I got going on right now. Space them out already! But no, they are all here at the same time so it is what it is. Just gonna have to figure it out. Maybe I'll sign up for those medical studies where you go do drug trials and you get paid for it. I don't know, options, options, options........

Have your tried selling to a sperm bank? Don't wear a mask or they will think you're trying to rob them.:laugh:
Morning Pops! I have completed my move Idabel OK is now home.Took 2 weeks to get cable TV and 3 to get Internet. Things move slow in the boonies Could have gone with cheap slow internet fast held out for a 1 tb connection I has speed out the wazoo now. Got my whackie tobackie card so i'm flying low
Good luck in your new home and have fun!
Morning Pops and Happy Funday Friday to all who read this. Those that do not read it, have a crummy day.

Took the dogs out back this morning and a hot looking chick was running down the boulevard (probably listening to Jackson Browne) and when she came back around had removed her t shirt and was wearing a halter top. Then, she comes back the other side and has removed her running pants and has the cutest little short shorts. I am getting a headache, sitting at the puter and trying to type with the right eye on the keyboard and the left eye out the window. I haven't seen her recently so I am assuming she waited to get home to get naked.

I am starting to get a little squirrrely being on quarantine and it's because I was ordered to do it. I was fine before, when it was my idea to comply but now? Not so much. If I test positive, they need to add aggravated and defiant to that long list of symptoms. The walls are beginning to close in or I am sitting to close to one, maybe I'll move away and find out.

On the plus side, I took inventory of my liquor and wine and am good for Armageddon or The Rapture, but not both.
Good morning Pops and Popsadoodles. Welcome back Gipsadoodles. I see that you were flying low and just missed Texas. We won't make fun of you for it though. Someone remind me not to make fun! You know Oklahoma is known for two things, tornadoes and twisters. I didn't know about the whopperdoodle internet speed. Any who, welcome home!

It's Friday, y'all. Another week has come and gone and Geek Squad isn't through with me yet. My fancy dishwasher water line imported from another state via Amazon leaks. He told me to call a plumber so I bought another hose off of Amazon. Plumbers don't cost $22.74. Here's hoping. The new dishwasher has that .fancy third shelf for utensils and the second shelf drops so I can put taller plastic things in. Oooooooooh. It's smaller than Old Betsy, but is supposed to be well insulated so I can think while it's running. I don't make it a habit to think in front of the dishwasher, but maybe I can start.

Coachadoodles please get saved from the terrors of the Rapture. We want to talk to you often in Heaven.. The same goes for all of you.

Have a good Friday everyone.
Good morning Pops and Popsadoodles. Welcome back Gipsadoodles. I see that you were flying low and just missed Texas. We won't make fun of you for it though. Someone remind me not to make fun! You know Oklahoma is known for two things, tornadoes and twisters. I didn't know about the whopperdoodle internet speed. Any who, welcome home!

It's Friday, y'all. Another week has come and gone and Geek Squad isn't through with me yet. My fancy dishwasher water line imported from another state via Amazon leaks. He told me to call a plumber so I bought another hose off of Amazon. Plumbers don't cost $22.74. Here's hoping. The new dishwasher has that .fancy third shelf for utensils and the second shelf drops so I can put taller plastic things in. Oooooooooh. It's smaller than Old Betsy, but is supposed to be well insulated so I can think while it's running. I don't make it a habit to think in front of the dishwasher, but maybe I can start.

Coachadoodles please get saved from the terrors of the Rapture. We want to talk to you often in Heaven.. The same goes for all of you.

Have a good Friday everyone.
Do they have cellphones in Heaven?
Good Morning Pops and Fellow Visitors to this Thread,

We haven't talked about weather much on this thread recently. It has been very dry and, for us, quite hot. I know that temperatures in the high 80's to low 90's is not that much for many of you, but at 7,000' it feels like we are in a convection oven. Oh the horrors... I am anxiously awaiting the return of fall and winter.

@gp_cowpolk, good luck with the move and unpacking. Idabel, Oklahoma? Whatever took you there? As a child, we lived in Cushing, OK and I remember spending summers around Broken Bow... it's near Idabel and kinda, sorta on the edge of the Ozarks, if I remember correctly.

I don't know, @Xelda, there is something deliciously wrong with the phrase, "Geek Squad isn't through with me yet". Sounds like like a line from "Weird Science". Ha!!

@CouchCoach, good luck with the 'rona test. I am convinced I was exposed to CoVid back in March, but have never shown any signs or symptoms. Maybe I am one of those lucky ones that is asymptomatic.

Have a great weekend, everyone...
Do they have cellphones in Heaven?
I believe all we have to do is think of someone and they'll know to come fluff your pillows and massage your feet or just listen to many of your intriguing stories. Face it, anything is better than eternal torment. There's a saying that goes "To the saved, Earth is as close to hell as they'll ever get. To the unsaved, Earth is as close to Heaven as they'll ever get."
Morning Pops and Happy Funday Friday to all who read this. Those that do not read it, have a crummy day.

Took the dogs out back this morning and a hot looking chick was running down the boulevard (probably listening to Jackson Browne) and when she came back around had removed her t shirt and was wearing a halter top. Then, she comes back the other side and has removed her running pants and has the cutest little short shorts. I am getting a headache, sitting at the puter and trying to type with the right eye on the keyboard and the left eye out the window. I haven't seen her recently so I am assuming she waited to get home to get naked.

I am starting to get a little squirrrely being on quarantine and it's because I was ordered to do it. I was fine before, when it was my idea to comply but now? Not so much. If I test positive, they need to add aggravated and defiant to that long list of symptoms. The walls are beginning to close in or I am sitting to close to one, maybe I'll move away and find out.

On the plus side, I took inventory of my liquor and wine and am good for Armageddon or The Rapture, but not both.

Before we take this thing any further, can we confirm what color the skies are in the world this is taking place in? I want to make sure we are not listening to another one of Coach's day dreams....

I believe all we have to do is think of someone and they'll know to come fluff your pillows and massage your feet or just listen to many of your intriguing stories. Face it, anything is better than eternal torment. There's a saying that goes "To the saved, Earth is as close to hell as they'll ever get. To the unsaved, Earth is as close to Heaven as they'll ever get."

Humm........ I wonder what they say about Eagles Fans?
Morning Pops. Morning Fellas and good morning to all of those who decided to stop in and check out the thread.

I'm wondering where RW is today? He's usually in here by now.

How is everybody? I hope everyone is ready for the weekend to start already!

This weekend, it's my youngest Grandson's BDay. Seems like it's always something so I gotta figure out how to get a Daniel Tiger cake going on and, I have to go find something suitable to buy him because I only have a couple of smaller gifts for him. This will be his last BDay as the Baby so I would like to kinda make it special for him, if I can. Gotta tell you guys, it really, really sucks that there is no longer a Toys "R" Us or any kind of dedicated Toy Store around anymore. I used to love to take the little ones out to the Toy Store and let them cruise the thing to find what they wanted. After that, we could go get lunch and maybe a movie or something. Now, it's Walmart or looking at pictures online. Sigh......

Jobs, Leon, dbrp, Xelda, zrin, Trouty, ksk, RGV, Coach, RWB, Ranching, SW, John, Jan, Corso and Colo, keep up the good work everybody. I'm depending on all of you to sustain me during this craptastic Covid deal!

Everybody, lean on each other. Don't argue, fight and generally crap on one another. We all need each other and you gotta know that. Be good to each other because when **** really does hit the fan, we got two ways to do this thing. We can go back to beating each other up with clubs or we can stick together and live.

Gonna leave everybody with this one today.


This is Bertie Higgins singing Key Largo

Morning Pops and Happy Funday Friday to all who read this. Those that do not read it, have a crummy day.

Took the dogs out back this morning and a hot looking chick was running down the boulevard (probably listening to Jackson Browne) and when she came back around had removed her t shirt and was wearing a halter top. Then, she comes back the other side and has removed her running pants and has the cutest little short shorts. I am getting a headache, sitting at the puter and trying to type with the right eye on the keyboard and the left eye out the window. I haven't seen her recently so I am assuming she waited to get home to get naked.

I am starting to get a little squirrrely being on quarantine and it's because I was ordered to do it. I was fine before, when it was my idea to comply but now? Not so much. If I test positive, they need to add aggravated and defiant to that long list of symptoms. The walls are beginning to close in or I am sitting to close to one, maybe I'll move away and find out.

On the plus side, I took inventory of my liquor and wine and am good for Armageddon or The Rapture, but not both.
Well, don't get too impatient, my friend. I just found out one of my coworkers had an 80 year old aunt who was the CT resident to die of Covid. That's as close as I want it to get to being someone I care about.
Before we take this thing any further, can we confirm what color the skies are in the world this is taking place in? I want to make sure we are not listening to another one of Coach's day dreams....
Shhh, Coachadoodles is hallucinating and we're waiting for the rest of the story before we call 911.
Humm........ I wonder what they say about Eagles Fans?
I think Gandalf is standing at the entrance shouting "You shall not pass!"

Ok, I have to repent for this whole post. I found Runny, too!
I believe all we have to do is think of someone and they'll know to come fluff your pillows and massage your feet or just listen to many of your intriguing stories. Face it, anything is better than eternal torment. There's a saying that goes "To the saved, Earth is as close to hell as they'll ever get. To the unsaved, Earth is as close to Heaven as they'll ever get."
Ha, hell might be being forced to listen to my stories.
Humm........ I wonder what they say about Eagles Fans?
Nothing good about them, although I did know some normal everyday fans when I lived in PA. They actually detested those animals more than the fans of other teams because of the embarrassment and the fact they were so proud of it.

However, I have a tough time not liking the Eagles because the owner's doc film company has his first film coming out regarding white supremacy and the irony of Desean Jackson's ant-sematic remarks is that the owner and GM are Jewish. They had a meeting with him and I am assuming it was a "come to Moses meeting".
Nothing good about them, although I did know some normal everyday fans when I lived in PA. They actually detested those animals more than the fans of other teams because of the embarrassment and the fact they were so proud of it.

However, I have a tough time not liking the Eagles because the owner's doc film company has his first film coming out regarding white supremacy and the irony of Desean Jackson's ant-sematic remarks is that the owner and GM are Jewish. They had a meeting with him and I am assuming it was a "come to Moses meeting".

Maybe a Burning Bush cut scene or two as well. LOL.........
Well, don't get too impatient, my friend. I just found out one of my coworkers had an 80 year old aunt who was the CT resident to die of Covid. That's as close as I want it to get to being someone I care about.
Oh, you big softie. C'mere, gonna give you a noogie.

I spoke to the nurse about symptoms, and as you know I live in a retirement area, and she said that most of the victims have been older with mild symptoms. They haven't had anyone die or even be put on a ventilator. Most of the problems have been the complications from the other illnesses.

This was great. She said "you don't have any underlying issues except your drinking and smoking cigars". I got a huge laugh out of that and she was laughing as well. I said "Oh, you remember". She said "oh, your quite famous around here for your reasoning with doc on your lifestyle. Most people nod and then go on with what they want to do but you need to justify it". She's been his nurse since I moved down here and we connected because she's a survivor and those people are special to me, just like our Lady Popsadoodles.
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