Morning Pops. Morning Fellas and good morning to all of those who decided to stop in and check out the thread.
I'm wondering where RW is today? He's usually in here by now.
How is everybody? I hope everyone is ready for the weekend to start already!
This weekend, it's my youngest Grandson's BDay. Seems like it's always something so I gotta figure out how to get a Daniel Tiger cake going on and, I have to go find something suitable to buy him because I only have a couple of smaller gifts for him. This will be his last BDay as the Baby so I would like to kinda make it special for him, if I can. Gotta tell you guys, it really, really sucks that there is no longer a Toys "R" Us or any kind of dedicated Toy Store around anymore. I used to love to take the little ones out to the Toy Store and let them cruise the thing to find what they wanted. After that, we could go get lunch and maybe a movie or something. Now, it's Walmart or looking at pictures online. Sigh......
Jobs, Leon, dbrp, Xelda, zrin, Trouty, ksk, RGV, Coach, RWB, Ranching, SW, John, Jan, Corso and Colo, keep up the good work everybody. I'm depending on all of you to sustain me during this craptastic Covid deal!
Everybody, lean on each other. Don't argue, fight and generally crap on one another. We all need each other and you gotta know that. Be good to each other because when **** really does hit the fan, we got two ways to do this thing. We can go back to beating each other up with clubs or we can stick together and live.
Gonna leave everybody with this one today.
This is Bertie Higgins singing Key Largo