FEATURED Morning Pops!

Afternoon Pops and everyone.

These trips to Iowa City make for a long day. Hurry hurry to get to the first test in time to get checked in, and wait in the waiting room for them to call me back to start my iv for the contrast infusion. Drank two 16.9 oz bottles of water ((the specific amount is important as you’ll see) one on the way, one while I was waiting. They call me to go back for the first of my needle sticks, have me change into scrubs and out of my jeans because there’s metal on the jeans, and send me back to the waiting room. More waiting. Then a nurse calls my name for what I think is my walk back to the CT room. No. Another ten ounces of water:eek:? WTH. She said they have to make sure my bladder is full for the scan so they can get a good picture. I told her how much I’d already drank, but it didn’t matter, and she was too young to understand what having babies and going through the surgery I’d had does to your ability to “hold it”. Another 10 minutes later and somebody else calls my name, this time to actually go back to the CT room. At this point I had to tell this nice gal to walk slower because I’ve got over 40 oz of water sloshing around inside me and I’m about to lose it all on the way. This is a different gal than the one that gave me the 10oz cup of water. They get me set up on the table and do the first scan to kind of calibrate everything to my person and she then comes out to start the contrast. Laughing, she says “you weren’t kidding when you said your bladder was full! We’ll get this done quickly so you can get to the restroom.” It’s a good thing I have a good sense of humor and also good for their janitorial staff that I’ve been working on getting my core strength back! Uneventful after that... walk to the lab for more needle sticks, more waiting, then to see the doc for results of the scan.

Oh yeah... labs and scan were all good so I bought another year. Just thought I’d throw a bit of how these days out there go for me. Those of you who’ve had to deal with this either directly or accompanied someone who has, have probably heard similar stories. Yup. Long day indeed.
Alright, you passed the second test and gave me a present. But Oh yeah at the end???? I am reading your posts from back to front from now on!

Talk about accompanying someone on a nightmarish journey. One of the side effects my poor wife had was fluid retained in the abdominal area and we made 3 trips for the paracentesis, the procedure for draining the fluid. The first time 1.7L, the second 7L and on the third I stood there holding her hand as they took 10L and after 6, the nurse started looking over at me and I knew this was not normal. The next day they called and sent us to a kidney specialist who asked us why they hadn't started us on albumin therapy after the first episode.

Do there people even comprehend what a question like that does to people? I called our oncologist for a one on one and this started a huge mess within the hospital and a feud between Texas Oncology and Baylor with us in the middle and me trying to keep this from my wife.

There is the disease that strikes, there's the treatment and then there's all that crap that goes on around you while you feel helpless. I cannot count the times I silently asked myself "are we doing the right thing"? I think I shared with y'all that I was a card carrying pessimist and had to retrain myself and watch everything I said and how I said it. Then, I had these damned doctor wars that would erupt about once a month.

Jan, great news, I think I'll have a cocktail and cigar to celebrate. Make than an extra one, already had that on my agenda. I have a CC's Holidays Festivity agenda all lined out.
Alright, you passed the second test and gave me a present. But Oh yeah at the end???? I am reading your posts from back to front from now on!

Talk about accompanying someone on a nightmarish journey. One of the side effects my poor wife had was fluid retained in the abdominal area and we made 3 trips for the paracentesis, the procedure for draining the fluid. The first time 1.7L, the second 7L and on the third I stood there holding her hand as they took 10L and after 6, the nurse started looking over at me and I knew this was not normal. The next day they called and sent us to a kidney specialist who asked us why they hadn't started us on albumin therapy after the first episode.

Do there people even comprehend what a question like that does to people? I called our oncologist for a one on one and this started a huge mess within the hospital and a feud between Texas Oncology and Baylor with us in the middle and me trying to keep this from my wife.

There is the disease that strikes, there's the treatment and then there's all that crap that goes on around you while you feel helpless. I cannot count the times I silently asked myself "are we doing the right thing"? I think I shared with y'all that I was a card carrying pessimist and had to retrain myself and watch everything I said and how I said it. Then, I had these damned doctor wars that would erupt about once a month.

Jan, great news, I think I'll have a cocktail and cigar to celebrate. Make than an extra one, already had that on my agenda. I have a CC's Holidays Festivity agenda all lined out.

I had to get the story out before I forgot the day:), and if I had said straight away what the results were then all that typing would’ve been pointless lol. I am fortunate in that my local doctors referred me to all their specialist counterparts at the U of Iowa. My team from the nurses and researchers to the oncologists and surgeon worked amazingly well together and knew what they wanted to do together as a team. Even to this day my first oncologist’s PA, who is now in the research department, comes in to chat with me when she sees I’m on the schedule. It’s nice to be remembered for the success and beating the horrible monster and it’s odds that were thrown at me. I’m oddly fortunate to have had to deal with this at a time in my life when I was my strongest and physically healthiest. The odds of beating it are so bad because this particular type is usually seen in persons in their 70’s and 80’s and the cocktail is so intense that that age group just can’t handle the frequency of the treatments that’s needed. After the initial assessment I could see in the faces of those gathered that this was probably not going to end well. My daughter was with me and completely lost it. That same PA sat down next to her and held and comforted her... To say the least, I love my doctors!

Coach, I hate that your experiences were not better with your teams. All that infighting and self focus on the part of the doctors is so destructive at a time when patients and their loved ones need them to come together.
That's wonderful news, congrats Jan!!! I got my roofers to dance in celebration for you.
Afternoon Pops and everyone.

These trips to Iowa City make for a long day. Hurry hurry to get to the first test in time to get checked in, and wait in the waiting room for them to call me back to start my iv for the contrast infusion. Drank two 16.9 oz bottles of water ((the specific amount is important as you’ll see) one on the way, one while I was waiting. They call me to go back for the first of my needle sticks, have me change into scrubs and out of my jeans because there’s metal on the jeans, and send me back to the waiting room. More waiting. Then a nurse calls my name for what I think is my walk back to the CT room. No. Another ten ounces of water:eek:? WTH. She said they have to make sure my bladder is full for the scan so they can get a good picture. I told her how much I’d already drank, but it didn’t matter, and she was too young to understand what having babies and going through the surgery I’d had does to your ability to “hold it”. Another 10 minutes later and somebody else calls my name, this time to actually go back to the CT room. At this point I had to tell this nice gal to walk slower because I’ve got over 40 oz of water sloshing around inside me and I’m about to lose it all on the way. This is a different gal than the one that gave me the 10oz cup of water. They get me set up on the table and do the first scan to kind of calibrate everything to my person and she then comes out to start the contrast. Laughing, she says “you weren’t kidding when you said your bladder was full! We’ll get this done quickly so you can get to the restroom.” It’s a good thing I have a good sense of humor and also good for their janitorial staff that I’ve been working on getting my core strength back! Uneventful after that... walk to the lab for more needle sticks, more waiting, then to see the doc for results of the scan.

Oh yeah... labs and scan were all good so I bought another year. Just thought I’d throw a bit of how these days out there go for me. Those of you who’ve had to deal with this either directly or accompanied someone who has, have probably heard similar stories. Yup. Long day indeed.
Oh Jan, you're a pisser!
Afternoon Pops and everyone.

These trips to Iowa City make for a long day. Hurry hurry to get to the first test in time to get checked in, and wait in the waiting room for them to call me back to start my iv for the contrast infusion. Drank two 16.9 oz bottles of water ((the specific amount is important as you’ll see) one on the way, one while I was waiting. They call me to go back for the first of my needle sticks, have me change into scrubs and out of my jeans because there’s metal on the jeans, and send me back to the waiting room. More waiting. Then a nurse calls my name for what I think is my walk back to the CT room. No. Another ten ounces of water:eek:? WTH. She said they have to make sure my bladder is full for the scan so they can get a good picture. I told her how much I’d already drank, but it didn’t matter, and she was too young to understand what having babies and going through the surgery I’d had does to your ability to “hold it”. Another 10 minutes later and somebody else calls my name, this time to actually go back to the CT room. At this point I had to tell this nice gal to walk slower because I’ve got over 40 oz of water sloshing around inside me and I’m about to lose it all on the way. This is a different gal than the one that gave me the 10oz cup of water. They get me set up on the table and do the first scan to kind of calibrate everything to my person and she then comes out to start the contrast. Laughing, she says “you weren’t kidding when you said your bladder was full! We’ll get this done quickly so you can get to the restroom.” It’s a good thing I have a good sense of humor and also good for their janitorial staff that I’ve been working on getting my core strength back! Uneventful after that... walk to the lab for more needle sticks, more waiting, then to see the doc for results of the scan.

Oh yeah... labs and scan were all good so I bought another year. Just thought I’d throw a bit of how these days out there go for me. Those of you who’ve had to deal with this either directly or accompanied someone who has, have probably heard similar stories. Yup. Long day indeed.

Morning Pops, morning Jobs. Morning Fellas and good morning to all who stop in and decide to visit the thread.

Well, welcome to Friday everybody. It's not a terrible day today. Think I might run out and try to get some last minute shopping done. I'm hoping that I can get the few things I need and just shut it down for the rest of the year. Don't look forward to standing in lines but I've been putting it off and I really can't anymore so.....

Think I might also try and stop by the hardware store, hopefully it's still open. I got a running Dunny so gonna need to replace the innards.

Leon, dbrp, Xelda, zrin, Trouty, ksk, RGV, Coach, RWB, Ranching, SW, John, Jan, Corso and Colo, I hope you are all doing well. Hopefully, you all have a great weekend. Stay safe everybody!

Everybody, get your Christmas stuff done and buy plenty of Eggnog, and more importantly, Brandy! Stay safe, stay warm, I know everybody is sick and tired of watching the same shows on TV so maybe try something out of the ordinary. Maybe make Breakfast for Dinner or Grill up a steak for Breakfast, something different. Read a new book or maybe check out some kind of new music, or better yet, older music. Seriously, check out some good Jazz or maybe take a listen to some old tunes from your Grandfathers day. Might be cool. If none of that works, then double down on the Brandy and make it great no matter what!

Everybody, have a great weekend. We are close now. Hang tough...

In the spirit of your Grandfathers, gonna leave you with this. This is a Glenn Miller tune, it was one of my Grandad and Grandma's favorites. I can remember, as a small boy, by Grandparents dancing in the front room to this song. My Grandpa would tell me about how he got my Grandma to talk with him, back in the day and my Grandma would tell me how handsome my Grandad looked in his Class A's. Anyhow, Glenn Miller finished this song in 1938 and recorded it in 1939. This is Moonlight Serenade but with a twist. This version is performed by a group of young people in 2015 called BFJO2015 Team Imaike.

Morning Pops, morning Jobs. Morning Fellas and good morning to all who stop in and decide to visit the thread.

Well, welcome to Friday everybody. It's not a terrible day today. Think I might run out and try to get some last minute shopping done. I'm hoping that I can get the few things I need and just shut it down for the rest of the year. Don't look forward to standing in lines but I've been putting it off and I really can't anymore so.....

Think I might also try and stop by the hardware store, hopefully it's still open. I got a running Dunny so gonna need to replace the innards.

Leon, dbrp, Xelda, zrin, Trouty, ksk, RGV, Coach, RWB, Ranching, SW, John, Jan, Corso and Colo, I hope you are all doing well. Hopefully, you all have a great weekend. Stay safe everybody!

Everybody, get your Christmas stuff done and buy plenty of Eggnog, and more importantly, Brandy! Stay safe, stay warm, I know everybody is sick and tired of watching the same shows on TV so maybe try something out of the ordinary. Maybe make Breakfast for Dinner or Grill up a steak for Breakfast, something different. Read a new book or maybe check out some kind of new music, or better yet, older music. Seriously, check out some good Jazz or maybe take a listen to some old tunes from your Grandfathers day. Might be cool. If none of that works, then double down on the Brandy and make it great no matter what!

Everybody, have a great weekend. We are close now. Hang tough...

In the spirit of your Grandfathers, gonna leave you with this. This is a Glenn Miller tune, it was one of my Grandad and Grandma's favorites. I can remember, as a small boy, by Grandparents dancing in the front room to this song. My Grandpa would tell me about how he got my Grandma to talk with him, back in the day and my Grandma would tell me how handsome my Grandad looked in his Class A's. Anyhow, Glenn Miller finished this song in 1938 and recorded it in 1939. This is Moonlight Serenade but with a twist. This version is performed by a group of young people in 2015 called BFJO2015 Team Imaike.

My first exposure to music was Glenn Miller from my Dad and Frank and Dean from my Mom and she threw in Mario Lanza just for good measure. That piece of music is my all time #1 instrumental favorite and one of the reasons instrumentals are my favorite.

I was destined for this.
Good afternoon Pops and Popsadoodles! It's raining here which is ok since I had no plans to go outside unless UPS wants to make it worth my while. Today is designated as maybe I'll paint day. I've got to find a way to redeem myself after yesterday. I don't want to talk about what I did. Let's just say I found some sales and determined I was seven hundred and eighty three times better than I actually was this year. I would say that's not bad, but it's mostly fragrance. I do love the good smellums. Come on UPS!

My brain has frozen up, looks like time for a reboot so have a good Saturday everyone!
Good afternoon Pops and Popsadoodles! It's raining here which is ok since I had no plans to go outside unless UPS wants to make it worth my while. Today is designated as maybe I'll paint day. I've got to find a way to redeem myself after yesterday. I don't want to talk about what I did. Let's just say I found some sales and determined I was seven hundred and eighty three times better than I actually was this year. I would say that's not bad, but it's mostly fragrance. I do love the good smellums. Come on UPS!

My brain has frozen up, looks like time for a reboot so have a good Saturday everyone!
Wow, $700 worth of smellies??? I hope you don't become allergic!
Wow, $700 worth of smellies??? I hope you don't become allergic!
You aren't the only one. Scent is very important if you know how to use it. I probably told the story before of a dear coworker that was allergic to the fragrance I was wearing. I'd only wear it on weekends until we no longer worked together. Later when I sprayed it on, I was so happy that I kept it as a weekend fragrance. No sense being in a great mood on the job.

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