FEATURED Morning Pops!

Morning Pops and Merry Christmas Eve Eve Eve Eve to one and all (and you know you're the one) and as you've probably already guessed, an Eve will drop per day until Friday when the last Eve will be replaced with Day. I swear, sometimes I am just to clever for myself. This is like the 12 Days of Christmas only shorter and not as annoying amd will reduce instad of grow.

Quick story about that. I was in my local HEB on Friday, because I don't like to drive to other HEB's farther away, and I saw this lady that works there and she's got the greatest laugh, laughs with her whole body and I love to try and make her laugh She walked up and said "Hi" and I Hi'd right back and just as I did, the 12 Days of Christmas came on the PA. She rolled her eyes and said "we hate that song around here" and I said "yeah, one of my least favorites. Well, I am going to try and get out of her before that cheatin' greedy ***** hauls in those 5 gold rings". There was this half second pause and an explosion of the loudest laugh I may have ever heard. She was laughing so hard she sucked in part of her mask and started coughing.

OK, we're in the middle of a grocery store with an employee in a coughing fit and they're scattering like a covey of quail and she's still laughing and making me laugh and no one has a clue what's going on except it appears I am laughing at a choking woman.

This is not to say I don't like ksk's version of the song.
Good morning Pops and Popsadoodles. Good story Coachadoodles. Admit it though, you were laughing at the choking employee. Also, what is going on with ksk? He needs to let go of those farm animals and get back here to continue his 12 days of Christmas in your liquor cabinet.

I have witnessed the dispersion first hand many times. Certain smells at the chemo center will send me into a coughing fit and people finally give me all that personal space I require. I forgot to tell y'all about my last doctor's visit. I'd arrived an hour early and had to wait another hour and a half to meet the doctor. This is without eating anything all day and it's rolling up on 3:30. I'd been wearing a mask the entire time and sort of forgot I'd had it on at that point. The doctor comes in and was checking things, poking here and there when she backed up with a flashlight and asked me to say ahh. I'm pretty far gone at this point and said ahh with my mask on. Apparently she doesn't have x-ray vision and I got to take my mask off for a few precious seconds. I felt like a dufus though.

We won, we won, we won and it happened yesterday, I finally did some more painting in the bathroom and was almost so impressed with myself that I continued to the hall. I painted the ceiling and can't believe my neck isn't sore. I was up on the ladder leaning down to watch the game. Covering the rogue paint smears reminded me of the commercial with painters watching their team play. The one with the roller on a pole was jumping up and down marking the ceiling. My ceiling looks brand new. In my opinion it's a waste to put white paint on anything, but I did it. I couldn't explain how depressed I was leaving the paint store with two cans of white paint.

Not much else going on, so I hope everyone has an RGV Monday.
Morning Pops and Jobs. Morning Fellas and good morning to all who stop by to read the thread.

So, hopefully everybody had a great weekend. Mine was kinda slow but that's not bad.

Hopefully I can get a little last minute shopping done and then just wait for Xmas to get here.

Leon, dbrp, Xelda, zrin, Trouty, ksk, RGV, Coach, RWB, Ranching, SW, John, Jan, Corso and Colo, I hope you all have a great week!

Everybody, some of you are probably already on holiday vacation, it's a short week so lets get to enjoying Xmas!

Here's the Monday song for today!

This is the Beach Boys with Little Saint Nick.

Good morning Pops and Popsadoodles. Good story Coachadoodles. Admit it though, you were laughing at the choking employee. Also, what is going on with ksk? He needs to let go of those farm animals and get back here to continue his 12 days of Christmas in your liquor cabinet.

I have witnessed the dispersion first hand many times. Certain smells at the chemo center will send me into a coughing fit and people finally give me all that personal space I require. I forgot to tell y'all about my last doctor's visit. I'd arrived an hour early and had to wait another hour and a half to meet the doctor. This is without eating anything all day and it's rolling up on 3:30. I'd been wearing a mask the entire time and sort of forgot I'd had it on at that point. The doctor comes in and was checking things, poking here and there when she backed up with a flashlight and asked me to say ahh. I'm pretty far gone at this point and said ahh with my mask on. Apparently she doesn't have x-ray vision and I got to take my mask off for a few precious seconds. I felt like a dufus though.

We won, we won, we won and it happened yesterday, I finally did some more painting in the bathroom and was almost so impressed with myself that I continued to the hall. I painted the ceiling and can't believe my neck isn't sore. I was up on the ladder leaning down to watch the game. Covering the rogue paint smears reminded me of the commercial with painters watching their team play. The one with the roller on a pole was jumping up and down marking the ceiling. My ceiling looks brand new. In my opinion it's a waste to put white paint on anything, but I did it. I couldn't explain how depressed I was leaving the paint store with two cans of white paint.

Not much else going on, so I hope everyone has an RGV Monday.
I have never known anyone to make painting their bathroom their life's work. You've been painting it as long as I've known you and I don't think you started just when we met up. Now you are turning this into the Sistine Chapel, Xeldangelo.
I have never known anyone to make painting their bathroom their life's work. You've been painting it as long as I've known you and I don't think you started just when we met up. Now you are turning this into the Sistine Chapel, Xeldangelo.

Here is an image of Xelda's Privy, as it sits.


Last month, this was the image above her bath:


Next month, I think Xelda is planning on bringing in the New Year with this one:

I have never known anyone to make painting their bathroom their life's work. You've been painting it as long as I've known you and I don't think you started just when we met up. Now you are turning this into the Sistine Chapel, Xeldangelo.
I'd hoped to come up with something better than a bathroom as my artistic opus, but ABQ has given me fresh new ideas.
Evening Pops and everyone.

Couple things weighing on me tonight, the least of them I can control, and the worst of them I cannot.

First up, you know how it is when you have a debt you’ve been paying on for an unreal amount of time and it just feels like you’ll never get out from under it? There’s this loan I have that started off back in late ‘07 with me taking on marital debt as part of my getting out of a marriage that was dragging me into the depths of a depression that was literally toeing the edge of killing me. Paid it down to a point and decided to consolidate other debt and rewrote the loan... yeah, you see where this is going? Rewrote it a couple times between ‘07 and ‘15, some for medical and some for stupidity. Well, before my guy passed away as he got sicker we had some pretty serious conversations and he’d let me know that he didn’t want a fancy burial but chose cremation. Come Spring of 2016 when he passed away (on my ex-husband’s birthday a minute before midnight, which was also the day before his ex-wife’s birthday (I believe to this day it was all in his plan. He was ornery like that and left me with a good story to tell later:rolleyes:)) I ended up footing the bill on my credit card to pay for this because neither of his kids could or would be able to. Don’t get me started on that!! Gone went another $4k+ and so I rewrote the note again. Since ‘07 I have been paying and paying on that darn loan and I’ve finally got it down to under $3,000. Juuuust out of reach. Tomorrow is our Christmas lunch at work. Sure would be nice to see a bonus check to take care of that or some big part of it. Fingers crossed I’m finally there, but this is the thing that’s in my control. I see that light at the end of the tunnel at least.

Last up, and there’s a lot of stuff in between the last story and this one, is the thing that’s out of my control. That awful monster has reared its ugly head again. Not with me, but with my sister. She found out a colon cancer test she took came back bad with certain dna markers that she now has to have additional testing done for. She has a consult Tuesday. I know as well as anyone that’s been on the receiving end of that kind of news what’s going through her mind. Her husband came over to talk to me, but no matter what I said to him about not jumping to conclusions and waiting for the tests to actually be done before freaking out, it didn’t help. Heck... it may be a false positive for all we know. Let’s wait for the other tests before putting her in a grave. Geeeez!! But he’d rather focus on the worst, commenting that cancer took out his mom and sister and nobody he knows beats it. Made me take a step back and call him out. Hellloooooo. What am I over here??!! Anyway, along with her consult they’re scheduling a colonoscopy for her. Sure would be nice this holiday season if all went well for her. My heart is heavy at the thought of her maybe needing to go down this road, but I know for myself that doctors do amazing things and with continued research the odds of beating this stuff improve by the day. I guess, if y’all have any pull with the man upstairs or an extra blessing in your pocket to spare... keep her in mind. My sis’s name is Julie and she’s 2 years older than me.

Thank you for letting me get that out of my system, my friends.

Have a good night.
Evening Pops and everyone.

Couple things weighing on me tonight, the least of them I can control, and the worst of them I cannot.

First up, you know how it is when you have a debt you’ve been paying on for an unreal amount of time and it just feels like you’ll never get out from under it? There’s this loan I have that started off back in late ‘07 with me taking on marital debt as part of my getting out of a marriage that was dragging me into the depths of a depression that was literally toeing the edge of killing me. Paid it down to a point and decided to consolidate other debt and rewrote the loan... yeah, you see where this is going? Rewrote it a couple times between ‘07 and ‘15, some for medical and some for stupidity. Well, before my guy passed away as he got sicker we had some pretty serious conversations and he’d let me know that he didn’t want a fancy burial but chose cremation. Come Spring of 2016 when he passed away (on my ex-husband’s birthday a minute before midnight, which was also the day before his ex-wife’s birthday (I believe to this day it was all in his plan. He was ornery like that and left me with a good story to tell later:rolleyes:)) I ended up footing the bill on my credit card to pay for this because neither of his kids could or would be able to. Don’t get me started on that!! Gone went another $4k+ and so I rewrote the note again. Since ‘07 I have been paying and paying on that darn loan and I’ve finally got it down to under $3,000. Juuuust out of reach. Tomorrow is our Christmas lunch at work. Sure would be nice to see a bonus check to take care of that or some big part of it. Fingers crossed I’m finally there, but this is the thing that’s in my control. I see that light at the end of the tunnel at least.

Last up, and there’s a lot of stuff in between the last story and this one, is the thing that’s out of my control. That awful monster has reared its ugly head again. Not with me, but with my sister. She found out a colon cancer test she took came back bad with certain dna markers that she now has to have additional testing done for. She has a consult Tuesday. I know as well as anyone that’s been on the receiving end of that kind of news what’s going through her mind. Her husband came over to talk to me, but no matter what I said to him about not jumping to conclusions and waiting for the tests to actually be done before freaking out, it didn’t help. Heck... it may be a false positive for all we know. Let’s wait for the other tests before putting her in a grave. Geeeez!! But he’d rather focus on the worst, commenting that cancer took out his mom and sister and nobody he knows beats it. Made me take a step back and call him out. Hellloooooo. What am I over here??!! Anyway, along with her consult they’re scheduling a colonoscopy for her. Sure would be nice this holiday season if all went well for her. My heart is heavy at the thought of her maybe needing to go down this road, but I know for myself that doctors do amazing things and with continued research the odds of beating this stuff improve by the day. I guess, if y’all have any pull with the man upstairs or an extra blessing in your pocket to spare... keep her in mind. My sis’s name is Julie and she’s 2 years older than me.

Thank you for letting me get that out of my system, my friends.

Have a good night.
Jan, you have all my best thoughts and wishes going out to your sister! Her husband needs to be stronger, for her sake. I hope he doesn't show his fear to her.
Jan, that's why we are here, not by accident that we call this thread home and our first stop.

I will keep good thoughts, first of all for the test that it's turns out false but even if it isn't, early detection and treatment have proven to be the advantage to beating this.

Your brother-in-law is understandably going where he really doesn't want to go and with losing his Mom and sister begins to prepare his defense against the monster. Give him time and best of all your counsel about what the monster hates, positivity. That pessimist in me saw first hand how that is the best weapon in the arsenal and he will need to be strong for his wife. And the most positive thing your sister and her family have going for them is you in their corner. Living proof the monster can be beaten.
Jan, that's why we are here, not by accident that we call this thread home and our first stop.

I will keep good thoughts, first of all for the test that it's turns out false but even if it isn't, early detection and treatment have proven to be the advantage to beating this.

Your brother-in-law is understandably going where he really doesn't want to go and with losing his Mom and sister begins to prepare his defense against the monster. Give him time and best of all your counsel about what the monster hates, positivity. That pessimist in me saw first hand how that is the best weapon in the arsenal and he will need to be strong for his wife. And the most positive thing your sister and her family have going for them is you in their corner. Living proof the monster can be beaten.
Thank you, Coach. I’m doing the best I can for as much as they’ll let me. Right now he just wants to wallow in something that hasn’t even been determined. I never would have made it without my guy. He was a very positive person and was instrumental in turning me around before I got hit with it. I guess I just need to step back and let them come to me, but boy if they ask for my advice on something they’d better be ready to listen and not go into instant push-back mode. I get fear, but they don’t even have anything dispositive in the way of real testing yet.
Thank you, Coach. I’m doing the best I can for as much as they’ll let me. Right now he just wants to wallow in something that hasn’t even been determined. I never would have made it without my guy. He was a very positive person and was instrumental in turning me around before I got hit with it. I guess I just need to step back and let them come to me, but boy if they ask for my advice on something they’d better be ready to listen and not go into instant push-back mode. I get fear, but they don’t even have anything dispositive in the way of real testing yet.
People are funny creatures in how they prepare themselves. I think if this isn't a false positive, they will need you and will invite you in to "fix them".

I've shared my "help yourself by helping others" story but had I not gone through what I did, I never would have had a clue how to help someone else through it. Under that guise of why is this happening to me comes a by product I didn't see coming. Sometimes the best lessons we learn are the ones we didn't follow.

You could have very well been the victor in your fight for the express purpose of helping you sister through it. It continues to amaze me of the non-randomness of life. I gave up some time back trying to make sense of the unexplainable and just accept that for what it is.

You are well prepared to be the guide your sister and brother-in-law will need.
Morning Pops, morning Jobs. Good Morning Fellas and good morning to everybody who decided to stop in today and visit the thread.

So, not sure what was in the water yesterday but for whatever reason, argued with everybody yesterday. Argued with the Wife, argued with the Daughters, argued with the damn insurance guy and argued with the internet service provider. Almost argued with the clerk at the local convenient store/gas station for telling me that they did not have the brand of snuff that I use, that they stopped making it or ordering it when I was literally looking right at it on the little stand behind her. I don't know, just one of those days I guess. Maybe as I am getting older, I am losing patients, hard to tell when you are so close to it but that's probably it.

Jan, that's a laundry list of stuff you got going on today. I do like the idea of control what you can control. I just know that in my own personal life, when I see something that just seems like it's too big, I just look at it and try to break it down into smaller pieces. I focus on the things that I can control and I fix those. After a time, the list gets much smaller and then it seems like it's not so big. I will keep you and your Sister in my mind.

Xelda, happy to be thought of, at all, in association with your great Privy Productions. Wait till I share the Valentines additions with everybody. The Playboy Bunny Mosaic but with the tiles special ordered with the Velvet to add that over the top touch of class you gotta have to really set the moment! It's gonna be a humdinger for sure!

Leon, dbrp, Xelda, zrin, Trouty, ksk, RGV, Coach, RWB, Ranching, SW, John, Jan, Corso and Colo, I hope you are all safe and snug, at home, taking some time off. If not, then I hope that all who may need to be out working or what have you, are keeping safe and sound. Be well my friends.

People, I share the same sentiments to all of you, I hope that all of you are off, enjoying time for the Holiday but if not, then stay safe, stay strong and get home safely to enjoy your Christmas!

Gonna leave you with this one today. This is Alabama with their 1982 hit Christmas In Dixie:

Morning Pops and Popsadoodles. I'm sorry to hear about the bad day, ABQ. Just tell yourself that you weren't arguing, you were explaining why you're right.

Jan, I've been there with the loan business many times. You see the end in sight and just want it over. Patience young Jedi, the end you will see. The situation with your sister is beyond the amount of brain cells I have firing right now. I will later though. The medicine I'm on does that to me, so please don't think I'm being flippant about your family situation. I send you all the comfort I have though and the words will come. Take a deep breath and delay troubling concern for now.
Morning Pops and Popsadoodles. I'm sorry to hear about the bad day, ABQ. Just tell yourself that you weren't arguing, you were explaining why you're right.

Yeah, that's how I got in the arguments with my Wife and Daughters in the first place. LOL........

I'm just gonna go back to my tried and true, which is to put my jacket on and go out to the garage. LOL.........

Thank you for the advice thou Xelda!
Good evening Pops and friends. Crazy days we are witnessing. Looks like the Mrs and I will be quarantining since we have had close contact recently with someone that tested positive.

Thought I was going to take a few days off but the boss said I could bring my computer home. Not bad working from home so far.

Jan, hoping and praying all goes well with Julie. Fight the good fight.
Morning Pops and Popsadoodles. That fragrance site is still running gooOOOOooooOOod sales. I had to pry my eyes off of it to come here. If anyone wants to check it out, it's FragranceNet.com.

Jan, I spent a good deal of time yesterday trying to bring my perspective to your current situation with your sister. I've found different perspectives can be valuable because one will make more sense to me at the time. Here goes; All you are responsible for is yourself. Others reactions can be witnessed without jumping in their sinking boats. I'm not saying don't feel compassion, but your brother in law shot the holes in his boat to begin with. More tests are needed before that kind of reaction is permissible. You have to grab your own feelings and reactions by the horn and say hold on it's not healthy for me to react this way. One day at a time. It's not cold blooded, it's self preservation. Family is different, but your sister is going to need someone with a level head in the coming weeks. In the mean time, Jesus and the gang are all here for you.

Have a good Wednesday everyone!


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