FEATURED Morning Pops!

Evening Pops and Everyone.

Nice to see the traffic picking back up here now that Xelda as reappeared :). Sure got eerily silent for a little bit.

Finally able to sit down at the computer to send one of these messages. Usually do that from my phone but decided this weekend I am working on getting stuff done for myself at home and wanted to actually sit down to post some thoughts. In fact, I was able to put together a batch of homemade chicken and rice soup (leftovers from a chicken I oven roasted myself with garlic butter, rosemary and onion), made a batch of hummus, got all my laundry done, treated myself to a pizza I made with garlic naan bread (this was a real treat because I don't get much dairy, especially cheese, so I let this be the vehicle for it), shoveled my sidewalk and took my tax paperwork to my tax guy. Expecting another 3-5" of snow tonight so I'll be out shoveling again tomorrow. I love being able to get outdoors and get a workout at the same time.

So, yesterday I received a bill in the mail from University of Iowa for my December treatments. I sure hope some of the balance they are showing I owe is still pending with insurance because the leftover amount that it says (right now) that I have to pay out of pocket is three-times the amount I normally get stuck with. If I have to pay over $6,000 out of pocket I can kiss replacing my car this year goodbye. I'll be calling them Monday to find out what's going on. On the flip side, it has me considering whether or not I want to continue to go for these yearly scans, etc... Between the constant increase in the cost of these visits and what the insurance says they will and won't cover, I just can't afford it. People tell me I can't afford NOT to get my check ups, but that in my mind is an undecided matter. What's the worst that can happen? It comes back, I don't know, and at least I get to live out my days not worrying about it, OORRRRR, have the knowledge that it came back and sit and worry myself sick(er) over it? I honestly haven't decided what I would do if it did come back. Fight, or fade. Most days I fall on the side of just fading away. There's a certain peace in that for me, but then I think of my grandkids. My kids will get over it eventually and when the insurance checks come in I imagine those would soften the blow, but all but one of the grands are now old enough to know if I'm gone. Guess I'd better have a chat with the kids about this one of these days. Brought my Will file home from the office to update since I've moved across the river from Iowa back to Illinois. Just something else to occupy my thoughts.

Ok, time to change that mood. Thursday a friend of mine left his daughter's car running, unlocked and unattended, to warm up before she headed to school. Yeah...it disappeared. He let me know today that the police found the car and that it was returned to them "unscathed" but has to be detailed because it reeked of marijuana... but laughingly admitted it might have been his daughter that made it smell that way :D. Talk about fortunate. He's lucky they got it back and was kicking himself pretty hard about the whole situation. I don't know why he thought that was safe. He's a lot smarter than that. Good to hear they got the car back though. I laughed when he told me the neighbor shared the security video with them of the care driving away. What else can you do but laugh? The video isn't going to get the car back.

Daughter just completed week 4 of her academy experience and is still hanging in there. Says she's not looking forward to what's called "Hell week", and from what she's told me the cadets go through, I understand why. In fact, as her mother, I wish she hadn't told me what she was told by the instructors was going to happen. About made me sick. I understand the need for this particular type of training, but it's apparently unique to about a half dozen departments because it's so brutal that most cities won't back it being used in their programs.

Enough rambling from me and my scrambled thoughts for today. Gonna go get cozy with tonight's new Hallmark movie in about 20 minutes and probably fall asleep in the recliner. Sure would be nice to have a dog to curl up with... I miss my lab.

You all have a wonderful weekend. Be safe and well.
Evening Pops and Everyone.

Nice to see the traffic picking back up here now that Xelda as reappeared :). Sure got eerily silent for a little bit.

Finally able to sit down at the computer to send one of these messages. Usually do that from my phone but decided this weekend I am working on getting stuff done for myself at home and wanted to actually sit down to post some thoughts. In fact, I was able to put together a batch of homemade chicken and rice soup (leftovers from a chicken I oven roasted myself with garlic butter, rosemary and onion), made a batch of hummus, got all my laundry done, treated myself to a pizza I made with garlic naan bread (this was a real treat because I don't get much dairy, especially cheese, so I let this be the vehicle for it), shoveled my sidewalk and took my tax paperwork to my tax guy. Expecting another 3-5" of snow tonight so I'll be out shoveling again tomorrow. I love being able to get outdoors and get a workout at the same time.

So, yesterday I received a bill in the mail from University of Iowa for my December treatments. I sure hope some of the balance they are showing I owe is still pending with insurance because the leftover amount that it says (right now) that I have to pay out of pocket is three-times the amount I normally get stuck with. If I have to pay over $6,000 out of pocket I can kiss replacing my car this year goodbye. I'll be calling them Monday to find out what's going on. On the flip side, it has me considering whether or not I want to continue to go for these yearly scans, etc... Between the constant increase in the cost of these visits and what the insurance says they will and won't cover, I just can't afford it. People tell me I can't afford NOT to get my check ups, but that in my mind is an undecided matter. What's the worst that can happen? It comes back, I don't know, and at least I get to live out my days not worrying about it, OORRRRR, have the knowledge that it came back and sit and worry myself sick(er) over it? I honestly haven't decided what I would do if it did come back. Fight, or fade. Most days I fall on the side of just fading away. There's a certain peace in that for me, but then I think of my grandkids. My kids will get over it eventually and when the insurance checks come in I imagine those would soften the blow, but all but one of the grands are now old enough to know if I'm gone. Guess I'd better have a chat with the kids about this one of these days. Brought my Will file home from the office to update since I've moved across the river from Iowa back to Illinois. Just something else to occupy my thoughts.

Ok, time to change that mood. Thursday a friend of mine left his daughter's car running, unlocked and unattended, to warm up before she headed to school. Yeah...it disappeared. He let me know today that the police found the car and that it was returned to them "unscathed" but has to be detailed because it reeked of marijuana... but laughingly admitted it might have been his daughter that made it smell that way :D. Talk about fortunate. He's lucky they got it back and was kicking himself pretty hard about the whole situation. I don't know why he thought that was safe. He's a lot smarter than that. Good to hear they got the car back though. I laughed when he told me the neighbor shared the security video with them of the care driving away. What else can you do but laugh? The video isn't going to get the car back.

Daughter just completed week 4 of her academy experience and is still hanging in there. Says she's not looking forward to what's called "Hell week", and from what she's told me the cadets go through, I understand why. In fact, as her mother, I wish she hadn't told me what she was told by the instructors was going to happen. About made me sick. I understand the need for this particular type of training, but it's apparently unique to about a half dozen departments because it's so brutal that most cities won't back it being used in their programs.

Enough rambling from me and my scrambled thoughts for today. Gonna go get cozy with tonight's new Hallmark movie in about 20 minutes and probably fall asleep in the recliner. Sure would be nice to have a dog to curl up with... I miss my lab.

You all have a wonderful weekend. Be safe and well.
Wow, so much to choose from...so I'll go with the most important thing. Hiding from reality isn't going to keep you from worrying about it. Stay on top of that, and give yourself the best chance you can to stay around, for your kids, their kids, and us. Xelda ain't the only one we love around here!
Wow, so much to choose from...so I'll go with the most important thing. Hiding from reality isn't going to keep you from worrying about it. Stay on top of that, and give yourself the best chance you can to stay around, for your kids, their kids, and us. Xelda ain't the only one we love around here!
Sometimes I have too much time on weekends to think
Jan I’ve been down that mental trail myself. The 2 x per year of getting upset over the unknown doesn’t seem worth it. I’m sorely tempted to push the appointments farther apart. I get signs when things are going wrong so I can use those if necessary.

ultimately it’s in your hands. In the meantime get bullish on your insurance company.
EARLY early early morning Pops and Popsadoodles.

4am corn flake heist was a success. Raisin Bran moved to undisclosed location due to sugar content or some vile insurance red tape.

With my limited diet I can still send my sugar count up. I feel so guilty but I don’t have snacks other than my occasional corn flakes which aren’t as exciting as they sound. Well, they’re a little exciting.

the hospital is weaning me off oxygen so I can leave. I’m almost excited. Patience is all I have right now. Ok I don’t have any of that but you don’t need to know.

have a great 31st.
EARLY early early morning Pops and Popsadoodles.

4am corn flake heist was a success. Raisin Bran moved to undisclosed location due to sugar content or some vile insurance red tape.

With my limited diet I can still send my sugar count up. I feel so guilty but I don’t have snacks other than my occasional corn flakes which aren’t as exciting as they sound. Well, they’re a little exciting.

the hospital is weaning me off oxygen so I can leave. I’m almost excited. Patience is all I have right now. Ok I don’t have any of that but you don’t need to know.

have a great 31st.
I admire your upbeat attitude.

In no way am I making fun of your situation BUT, when I read your posts from the hospital, I imagine you sitting under a bed sheet with small penlight in hand writing in a well-worn diary, "... It's the fourth day of isolation. I have recorded the shift changes of all the nurses and have mapped out my escape route... See you on the other side".

The caffeine from my morning tea has kicked in.

I admire your upbeat attitude.

In no way am I making fun of your situation BUT, when I read your posts from the hospital, I imagine you sitting under a bed sheet with small penlight in hand writing in a well-worn diary, "... It's the fourth day of isolation. I have recorded the shift changes of all the nurses and have mapped out my escape route... See you on the other side".

The caffeine from my morning tea has kicked in.

I admire your upbeat attitude.

In no way am I making fun of your situation BUT, when I read your posts from the hospital, I imagine you sitting under a bed sheet with small penlight in hand writing in a well-worn diary, "... It's the fourth day of isolation. I have recorded the shift changes of all the nurses and have mapped out my escape route... See you on the other side".

The caffeine from my morning tea has kicked in.

Thank you Montanalo. All my spidey senses are focused on the location of my meals over nurses. Unless it’s the nurse with my food then she’s my guardian angel. I’m still not a fan of sugar free jams.

My brain entertains myself more than it should. Through in a good idea from Runny and I wish I could get into more trouble. Yesterday I asked when the daily beatings were due. I’ll leave these nurses with new ideas. :grin:
Morning Pops and fellow weekenders quite possibly celebrating the last day of the last January of the pandemic.

Jan, I echo your sentiments about how it was getting in this thread and I was beginning to fear coming here for what the news might bring but she's back and we have her stories to look forward to as only she can tell them.

When we were going through chemo, we met quite a few people with quite a bit to share and the trips back to Texas Oncology to see if they were still clear were nerve wracking for the families. I sat there listening to this man talk about his wife's mood and demeanor leading up to her trip for the scan and it was like a horror movie. He felt helpless but her family and friends rallied to her side.

Knowing is better than not knowing because the unknown forces us to fill it in. I know it's a real pain and a heavy expense but think about how you feel, and your family and loved ones feel, when that All Clear comes through...….priceless The Winner and still Champion, GrammaJan.
Morning Pops and fellow weekenders quite possibly celebrating the last day of the last January of the pandemic.

Jan, I echo your sentiments about how it was getting in this thread and I was beginning to fear coming here for what the news might bring but she's back and we have her stories to look forward to as only she can tell them.

When we were going through chemo, we met quite a few people with quite a bit to share and the trips back to Texas Oncology to see if they were still clear were nerve wracking for the families. I sat there listening to this man talk about his wife's mood and demeanor leading up to her trip for the scan and it was like a horror movie. He felt helpless but her family and friends rallied to her side.

Knowing is better than not knowing because the unknown forces us to fill it in. I know it's a real pain and a heavy expense but think about how you feel, and your family and loved ones feel, when that All Clear comes through...….priceless The Winner and still Champion, GrammaJan.
:)You all have an interesting way to spin things :thumbup:
Morning Pops and everyone.

Got my morning calisthenics in shoveling another 3” of snow. Beautiful. I love being outside and the exercise is just a plus. Perfect for packing for snowball fights and building a snowman.

Some idiot from a block over just went tearing through the neighborhood sliding around corners and acting the fool. I understood that kind of fun when I lived in the country where there weren’t cars parked on the streets or yards with kids in them so close to the roads. No place for that in the city. Interrupting the peace of my park neighborhood. Next time (and there will be a next time because selfish people like that don’t care about their neighbors) I guess I have to be a narc and call the police unless someone else already did it.

Tomorrow it’s back on my proper diet, but today’s cooking adventure? Beer battered onion rings:D. I’ll get on the bike tonight for an hour to erase my guilt.
Morning Pops and everyone.

Got my morning calisthenics in shoveling another 3” of snow. Beautiful. I love being outside and the exercise is just a plus. Perfect for packing for snowball fights and building a snowman.

Some idiot from a block over just went tearing through the neighborhood sliding around corners and acting the fool. I understood that kind of fun when I lived in the country where there weren’t cars parked on the streets or yards with kids in them so close to the roads. No place for that in the city. Interrupting the peace of my park neighborhood. Next time (and there will be a next time because selfish people like that don’t care about their neighbors) I guess I have to be a narc and call the police unless someone else already did it.

Tomorrow it’s back on my proper diet, but today’s cooking adventure? Beer battered onion rings:D. I’ll get on the bike tonight for an hour to erase my guilt.
An hour? Depending on how fast and how much resistance, that could work off 500 or so calories. Cut that guilt in half, Jan!

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