FEATURED Morning Pops!

I would be the worst criminal on earth with this oxygen machine so I bide my time.

Funny you should mention that, I am seriously thinking about repainting my kitchen now Jan. I seem to be on a light mint green kick. I painted my bathroom the same color as my bedroom. That one color looks good in the bedroom but looks amazing in the smaller room.

there will be no playlist for this place unless someone sang about the Senecot sweats. I doubt it’s a song so I’m free to contribute to the lyrics. Five days.
Great news! Now we get to hear about you peeing in the bedroom, because it's the same color as the bathroom!
Color is an art. I can and do spend years choosing colors. Decor changes so it becomes a choice of the heart and eyes. I’ve repainted the bathroom as I try to get the wall texture smooth. My home wasn’t primed before they slapped wallpaper on it so I had to do some damage to get to the wall. That’s the hardest part.
Color is an art. I can and do spend years choosing colors. Decor changes so it becomes a choice of the heart and eyes. I’ve repainted the bathroom as I try to get the wall texture smooth. My home wasn’t primed before they slapped wallpaper on it so I had to do some damage to get to the wall. That’s the hardest part.
Ripping the wallpaper off and skim coating the wall. What a pain in the ***, but it's worth it if you're painting, rather than repapering.
Today my oxygen machine was taken from the room and I’m on a reasonable amount of oxygen. The nurse said to take it easy today. I took a nap.

a woman with a large leather strap over her shoulder came in and said it was time for physical therapy. I thought oh mi gawd they’re going to really beat me. I flew through the exercises though.
Today my oxygen machine was taken from the room and I’m on a reasonable amount of oxygen. The nurse said to take it easy today. I took a nap.

a woman with a large leather strap over her shoulder came in and said it was time for physical therapy. I thought oh mi gawd they’re going to really beat me. I flew through the exercises though.
See? I told everyone you're a fighter. The nurses know by the teeth marks.
Today my oxygen machine was taken from the room and I’m on a reasonable amount of oxygen. The nurse said to take it easy today. I took a nap.

a woman with a large leather strap over her shoulder came in and said it was time for physical therapy. I thought oh mi gawd they’re going to really beat me. I flew through the exercises though.
Boy did I read this wrong at first.
Late medication is sponsoring this night note. My blood sugar has been high here causing four finger assaults per day and varied amounts of insulin to counter the hospital food. I did stare lovingly at some caramel apples on TV Sunday. Oh yeah.

The nurse’s blood monitor messed up after tonight’s finger stick so she had to get things straightened out. I held my finger up and said I was re-enacting the passion of the Christ. No offense intended towards Jesus.

it’s been a busy day with fewer naps so I’ll say good night y’all. Rest well.
Late medication is sponsoring this night note. My blood sugar has been high here causing four finger assaults per day and varied amounts of insulin to counter the hospital food. I did stare lovingly at some caramel apples on TV Sunday. Oh yeah.

The nurse’s blood monitor messed up after tonight’s finger stick so she had to get things straightened out. I held my finger up and said I was re-enacting the passion of the Christ. No offense intended towards Jesus.

it’s been a busy day with fewer naps so I’ll say good night y’all. Rest well.
The meds have made you careless with your phrasing.
Any idea how much longer your incarceration will last?
The meds have made you careless with your phrasing.
Any idea how much longer your incarceration will last?
Late medication is sponsoring this night note. My blood sugar has been high here causing four finger assaults per day and varied amounts of insulin to counter the hospital food. I did stare lovingly at some caramel apples on TV Sunday. Oh yeah.

The nurse’s blood monitor messed up after tonight’s finger stick so she had to get things straightened out. I held my finger up and said I was re-enacting the passion of the Christ. No offense intended towards Jesus.

it’s been a busy day with fewer naps so I’ll say good night y’all. Rest well.
This is pretty entertaining.
The meds have made you careless with your phrasing.
Any idea how much longer your incarceration will last?
Sorry Runny, I didn’t think to explain. My pinkie fingers bruised up and hurt so much worse that they’re now a government protected resource.

I know I’ve flubbed up enough words and sentences to give me nightmares. My apologies but being with y’all has been far more important to me.
Sorry Runny, I didn’t think to explain. My pinkie fingers bruised up and hurt so much worse that they’re now a government protected resource.

I know I’ve flubbed up enough words and sentences to give me nightmares. My apologies but being with y’all has been far more important to me.
Please don't apologize, Doll! We're happy as puppies in a box full of kittens that you're here with us. I knew what you meant... eventually. My concern is how ksk will react, once he sees the part about your four finger assault.
Please don't apologize, Doll! We're happy as puppies in a box full of kittens that you're here with us. I knew what you meant... eventually. My concern is how ksk will react, once he sees the part about your four finger assault.
Yeah, that could really go in many different directions.
Sorry Runny, I didn’t think to explain. My pinkie fingers bruised up and hurt so much worse that they’re now a government protected resource.

I know I’ve flubbed up enough words and sentences to give me nightmares. My apologies but being with y’all has been far more important to me.
Here same, constructing sentences near important as much not you able being to with us be.
Morning (barely) Pops and peeps. We can finally register for Covid vaccines in our county. I'm debating. I've read several accounts of old codgers like me dying after receiving it. How many of those had underlying conditions is the question. I'm pretty healthy except for my eyes so I'm leaning towards getting vaccinated. My wife is leaning against it.

Have a great day, Y'all.

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