FEATURED Morning Pops!

Good morning Pops, Popsadoodles and Xelda at home with her human ankle monitor, Mom. Nurses are great but Moms are better and a Mom that is a nurse is a special gift.

Speaking of nurses, and I certainly wasn't the only one, I don't like male nurses. They try that empathy look but they can't carry it off, more like a lounge lizard at last call trying for the last score, they'll just say anything. When I got Hector, I had one male nurse and one of the female nurses was about 5 feet tall and weighed maybe 90lbs. She was more help getting me out of bed to go to the toitoi while this strapping guy let me struggle when I had no leverage. I actually yelled at him once the first night "What the _____ man, how about a little help". I was right outside the nurses' station and I heard laughter. The head nurse came in the next morning and told me he was brand new, second week on the job, and the previous week he had two of the crankiest old men on the planet and if he came near them to help they'd yell at him and one swung his cane at him. Then she said "he's suffering from PTSD" and we both laughed ourselves silly. She was funny, I was drugged.

If I were ever to have interest in marriage, not really likely, I would want to get me a nurse. I have experience in my formative years playing doctor and reversing that in the twilight of my maturing years might be refreshing. I think I would be a much better patient than I was a doctor.

It's thirsty Thursday and I am heading out the liquor store by mere coincidence. I try to get there when they first open so I am the only one in the store with a mask, fulfilling a suppressed desire of mine. I don't like to look too anxious so I don't park out front anymore for a couple of hours. I park around the side of the building. Like in a getaway car, suppressed desire #2.

OK, now, you make this the best first Thursday in a February ever. I am awaiting Xelda stories of her adventures at the hospital and now that's been sweetened with stories of Mom to follow. Shame Xelda's Mom isn't part of our thread for her to tell her side of the stories.

X Girl, so glad you are home and on the mend.
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Good morning Pops and Popsadoodles. Coachadoodles, you couldn't have described male nurses any better. I was put in a full face mask those early days at the hospital. I'm wheezing "claustrophobic" and he's snapping "get over it". I really didn't care for him. Things started out horrible at the hospital but improved once they knew my brain was functioning, I was paying attention, I could talk and had access to a phone. I'm still piecing things together. My first two days in the hospital no one was sure if I'd make it. I was critical. I had nurses popping their faces in at the ER door to look at me. Three or four at a time which reminded me of meerkats. Afterwards the nurses that attended me those first two days wouldn't talk about it. I thought that was weird because they didn't know me. There were two that did though. One was my guardian angel and the other was evil incarnate.

Thank you RGV. My home welcomed me with open arms. Soft blankets and no needles.

True about the shots in the eyes, Runny. There were times I didn't care but that would have bugged me soon enough. I got daily shots in my stomach, so I can bite people now without giving them rabies. It was really to prevent blood clots. I'm on Eliquis now for the same thing and would prefer it to those shots. I'll sing "Doctor please! Some more of these."

During my road to recovery, I can thank my bladder for kicking in and forcing me out of my bed. That's what I can exercise right now. Also, I can sit at my computer which is being in the upright position. It counts! Yes it does. Does too.

Momma has been cooking for me and made a Jello with sugar in it. I think I turned green when I saw Jello again. The hospital's sugar free green Jello is a spoon's way of flipping off your tongue. The hospital food was actually pretty good. Remember my taste buds are off. Anyway, momma brought this cherry Jello with bits of pineapple throughout. We're watching the evening news Tuesday night when she puts her bowl down, looks over at me and I'm licking the bowl. She tries to take the bowl from me, but I've got a few more good licks left. I've decided sugar is my spirit animal. I will strive to cohabitate peacefully with it since I'm swimming in my clothes now. Covid is a hail of a diet.

Considering all the time I've been in bed, I have an awful lot to talk about. It boggles the mind and I can claim lack of oxygen on any particular flubs now. Can y'all believe that I'm in the hospital not knowing when I'll get out and I ordered shoes. I thought it was incredibly optimistic but I wasn't in constant pain any more.

I think I've yapped too much, so I'll wish everyone a great Friday Eve. God bless each and every one of you.
I could not shake the feeling that things were bad for you on the first day you went missing. And that continued to work on my mind and I didn't want to come to this thread and share too much and spread the worry but you were heavy on my mind.

Lady, there just aren't enough people in this world to make us laugh or even just smile. You are one of the people here that gives me my daily fix. I discovered early on what it was about this place and the old DC.com that grabbed me and wouldn't let go and it has nothing to do with the Cowboys or football.

And no, you haven't yapped too much. You have some catching up to do. YOU, owe us some stories.
Afternoon Pops, afternoon Jobs. Good afternoon Fellas and good afternoon to all who have stopped in to visit the thread today.

So, busy morning for me. Good news is that it makes the day go by quicker. Bad news is that I lose track of time.

Xelda, you made it home! That's good news, nothing on fire etc. Good show all the way around girl! I assume that you were just as happy to be leaving as they were to get you on your way? ;)

Everybody, what's the good news outside of Xelda? I'm actually enjoying a fairly nice day here. It blew like hell last night, thought the damn roof was going to come off but today, it's pretty nice.

Leon, dbrp, Xelda, zrin, Trouty, ksk, RGV, Coach, RWB, Ranching, SW, John, Jan, Corso and Colo, I hope you are all doing well!

Everybody, we are wrapping up Thursday and headed for Friday! That's always a great thing in my book! Wake up in the morning and lets knock out Friday and get to the weekend!


This tune is going out to Xelda, welcome home girl!

This is a song by Daughtry, released in 2007, the song is called Home.

Welcome home Xelda............
Evening Pops and everyone.

Sooooo much cold, heavy rain this morning until the cold(er) front swept in and pulled a flash freeze on it and then started snowing on top of that. I hate cold rain. It’s the worst. Chills you right to the bone. Boss told everyone to get home before Noon because the freeze and snow was supposed to happen this afternoon. Yeah, not so much. By 10am snow started coming down. Snow flakes were like the size of a good snowball and came down so fast and heavy. Then the 25-40 mph wind gusts started so you just couldn’t tell if it stopped snowing. Crazy wonderful weather. Mother Nature is having a tantrum this winter for sure.

The next 7 days or so will be all single digits during the day and subzero at night (feels like 4 degrees right now). Worked at home this afternoon and probably will for at least the morning tomorrow. We’ll see just how adventurous I’m feeling wrapped up in my flannel sheets when the alarm goes off tomorrow morning. There’s so much snow piled everywhere that there’s no place to push it to; not as much as up North mind you where they really got walloped, but it’s a lot for these little neighborhoods.

Gotta think through my list of things to do that I brought home from the office. I really have trouble getting motivated working from home. All I wanna do is nap, but that’s a no go. Dang dizzy spells kicked in in fine form about two and a half weeks ago so napping or laying down to sleep is actually scary because everything starts spinning. This round of spells brought with it a migraine and physical “purging” of everything I’d eaten that day. Still a little swimmy headed but I haven’t convinced myself to get treated because of what it entails. No bueno. And sleeping in a chair isn’t all that comfortable. So goes life.

Hope everyone is staying safe and warm.
Thank you for the song, ABQ. I well remember Chris Daughtry. Hard to believe he didn't win, but he went against Taylor Hicks' soul patrol. He didn't have a chance.

I'd like to dedicate this song to all of us. :grin:

Jan, you may need to see a doctor instead of work tomorrow. Take it easy and rest if things don't get worse. Just take care of yourself and do as I say instead of as I do.
Thank you for the song, ABQ. I well remember Chris Daughtry. Hard to believe he didn't win, but he went against Taylor Hicks' soul patrol. He didn't have a chance.

I'd like to dedicate this song to all of us. :grin:

Jan, you may need to see a doctor instead of work tomorrow. Take it easy and rest if things don't get worse. Just take care of yourself and do as I say instead of as I do.

I’ve seen the doctor about it a few times. Oddly, my chiro and my medical doctor agree on what the problem is, what caused it and how to fix it. Doctors and chiros don’t usually agree on how to treat things. Essentially, it’s residual from a couple concussions I’ve had. The “fix”, crudely stated, is that they have you sit on an exam table and slam you backwards essentially giving you another concussion. Makes you feel yucky for a couple days or something, as concussions do. Supposed to help put all those “crystals” back in place that got knocked out of whack. Kind of like in the movie National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation when they talk about Ruby Sue when she fell in the well and her eyes go crossed, then got kicked by a mule and they went back. (Please resist the urge to change my name to Ruby Sue. I’d be insulted.) Yeah, not a fan of inflicting intentional harm. Like, I remember my Lovenox injections well. Dissolving clots while I was taking chemo treatments, and before I could have my surgery. Those shots in the belly suck. 90 of those buggers (1 a day) and I had to do them all myself. We really aren’t programmed to intentionally inflict pain on ourselves. I don’t know if you had to do your own shots, but for me the first time I had to do my own it took me over 20 minutes to do the injection. Now I could without batting an eye ifi had to, but it took a good quarter of those injections before I got “comfortable” with doing it. Great memories (intense sarcasm inflected).
Good at home evening Pops and Popsadoodles. Momma is taking care of me as I try to be a good patient. My sleep is seriously messed up after all those middle of the night blood pressure checks and blood work. Maybe a small price to pay to avoid hospitals again. I'm really just checking in and hope everyone has a good Wednesday evening.
Thank you, thank you, thank you DABZ!!!

Good morning Pops and Popsadoodles. The first time I heard we have crystals in our ears was this past Wednesday. One of my relatives is having problems with hers. (I thought momma was making it up.) I thought I could donate some of my crystals, but it doesn't seem to be an option. Go easy on yourself as much as possible, Jan.

In my on going series of Xelda versus the hospital I'll share about me and Doctors:

There were different doctors according to the day of the week. One burst through my door and badgered me real fast with basic questions. What's your name? Birthday? Where are you at right now? Who's the president? I aced the first three, but got hung up on question 4 since it was right after the swearing in. I said the new guy. He thought he could give me some shock therapy and showed me a picture of my lungs. Picture Curly of the Three Stooges trying to take in the picture with zero medical knowledge. He recognized the blank expression and had to find a picture of how lungs are supposed to look. Mine were prettier. He left and never returned.

Lots of people tested my brain at the hospital. One doctor told me he'd talked to <insert momma's name here> and gave her updates. I wasn't prepared to hear her name in his exit conversation and asked 'who?'. No caffeine people! The motor finally started firing and I agreed that I knew her and thanked him for talking to her. In the mean time, he had a major uncomfortable moment. That was when I realized how much I could screw around with the staff. I asked myself what would Coachadoodles do and decided that was too risky. I had to be alert to avoid another facility.

Another doctor fancied himself Ricky Ricardo and me as Lucy. I'm not making it up. Lucy was doing good most days. One day was sponge bath day when he walked in. I yelped RICKY get out of here! He chirped back, nothing I haven't seen before Lucy. STILL! He'd always leave the room with famous words of the ex governor of California "I'll be back". It took a few times to figure out who he was talking about. (Remember I did without some oxygen to the brain.) That was Ricky. I was afraid if he'd stuck around, Fonzie would be visiting me next.

That's some of my time in the hospital dealing with the medical grand poobahs.
Thank you for the song, ABQ. I well remember Chris Daughtry. Hard to believe he didn't win, but he went against Taylor Hicks' soul patrol. He didn't have a chance.

I'd like to dedicate this song to all of us. :grin:

Jan, you may need to see a doctor instead of work tomorrow. Take it easy and rest if things don't get worse. Just take care of yourself and do as I say instead of as I do.

Your very welcome.
Morning Pops, morning Jobs. Morning Fellas and good morning to all who stop in and check out the thread before they start the weekend.

So, here we are with another weekend in front of us and I've made no plans for this afternoon. Sounds like I'm falling down on the job. However, we do have a plan for Saturday and that means that I'm going to have to get out to the store here soon. Gonna have an Ice Cream Social on Saturday morning for the Boys. So basically, instead of breakfast, gonna have the boys over to sleep over and then in the morning, gonna set up an Ice Cream Sundae stand and let the Boys make their own Ice Cream Sundaes. Let em eat Ice Cream till they puke, if they want, and then send them home to their parents! :laugh:

All those times the girls ran their cars out of gas and I had to get up and go fill em up, all those times they got into fender benders, even wrecked my cars, all those times the boys left my tools out in the rain, all those times the girls dragged home Boys that I wouldn't walk across the street to take a whizze on, if they were on fire! For all those times I got calls from girls fathers asking me where my Sons were with their daughters, for all the times I knew nothing, they knew everything and I ended up having to fix whatever it was they knew everything about.......... What is it they say, "Revenge is a dish best served cold", I think it is? So maybe some grilled hotdogs for supper tonight and then the Great Ice Cream Super Bowl of 2021 tomorrow morning! Sunday, of course, it will be the other Super Bowl of lessor importance.

Leon, dbrp, Xelda, zrin, Trouty, ksk, RGV, Coach, RWB, Ranching, SW, John, Jan, Corso and Colo, I hope all of you have equally ambitious plans for the weekend. If not, it's not to late to start scheming!

Everybody, we are just a short from the weekend. Finish up strong and lets get to enjoying our lives! Has that ever been more important then right now? So with that I wish all of you a great weekend, enjoy your lives people. Don't do stupid things but enjoy your lives. You only have one and when it's gone, it's gone. Stay safe, be careful don't forget to have fun.

So, Xelda kicked it off with some Simple Minds, nice choice. So lets keep it going with the "Back To The Eighties" tour. This song goes out to everybody who needs to understand that Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of happiness starts at 5 PMs on Fridays! This Eighties Scottish Band was a one hit wonder band but that one was an 80s icon sound. Released in May of 1983, they used synth guitar to create a bagpipe sound and the result was an 80s classic sound that was uniquely 80s. Without further Ado, I give you Big Country and their title sound, "Big Country". Everybody, do yourselves a favor and listen to some 80s music this weekend. It gets a bad rap. It was fun!

Enjoy the weekend!
Evening Pops and everyone...

...and a nod to my own papa. Lost my dad (and a part of my heart went with him) 13 years ago today. Hard to believe it’s been that long already. I miss him terribly and there’s not a day that goes by that I don’t think about him. I’m his youngest daughter so a special kind of spoilage went along with that.

Love and miss ya’ dad.
Evening Pops and everyone...

...and a nod to my own papa. Lost my dad (and a part of my heart went with him) 13 years ago today. Hard to believe it’s been that long already. I miss him terribly and there’s not a day that goes by that I don’t think about him. I’m his youngest daughter so a special kind of spoilage went along with that.

Love and miss ya’ dad.
I'm sorry, Jan.
Evening Pops and everyone...

...and a nod to my own papa. Lost my dad (and a part of my heart went with him) 13 years ago today. Hard to believe it’s been that long already. I miss him terribly and there’s not a day that goes by that I don’t think about him. I’m his youngest daughter so a special kind of spoilage went along with that.

Love and miss ya’ dad.
Time does not heal all wounds, m'lady, and I am sorry for your loss. They do not stay as raw as when we first feel that pain but it never truly subsides enough and the strangest things like a sight or sound or smell can trigger it so fast it can be shocking. And we share in that multiple losses to recover from.

I can relate, passed the 10 year mark of my wife's passing on Monday and my Mom's 5 year mark is coming up in 10 days. I absolutely hate February, ugly damned month with that ridiculously stupid holiday in the middle of it. You get a greeting card company, a jewelry company, floral company and confectioner together and nothing good can come from that.

Valentine's Day reminds me of what my wife wanted. We stopped celebrating that day, going out for crummy food at our favorite restaurant with forced seating's and the husband performing his perfunctory obligation, about 10 years into our marriage and my wife suggested I surprise her one day a year instead of Valentine's Day and that would show her more that I was thinking of her. I never stuck with just one day and she always told me that I picked the perfect days for that special day. It is wonderful how flowers can brighten the mood but I've not been able to look at them the same as I know they will just die too.

Jan, I saw where your governor rolled back the restrictions to no required masking or limitations on inside gathering starting tomorrow and you guys have 3 cases of the new UK variant in your state. Please be extra aware and careful and don't take any unnecessary risks. We already had one of our Ladies of the Pops thread almost go down for the count.
Time does not heal all wounds, m'lady, and I am sorry for your loss. They do not stay as raw as when we first feel that pain but it never truly subsides enough and the strangest things like a sight or sound or smell can trigger it so fast it can be shocking. And we share in that multiple losses to recover from.

I can relate, passed the 10 year mark of my wife's passing on Monday and my Mom's 5 year mark is coming up in 10 days. I absolutely hate February, ugly damned month with that ridiculously stupid holiday in the middle of it. You get a greeting card company, a jewelry company, floral company and confectioner together and nothing good can come from that.

Valentine's Day reminds me of what my wife wanted. We stopped celebrating that day, going out for crummy food at our favorite restaurant with forced seating's and the husband performing his perfunctory obligation, about 10 years into our marriage and my wife suggested I surprise her one day a year instead of Valentine's Day and that would show her more that I was thinking of her. I never stuck with just one day and she always told me that I picked the perfect days for that special day. It is wonderful how flowers can brighten the mood but I've not been able to look at them the same as I know they will just die too.

Jan, I saw where your governor rolled back the restrictions to no required masking or limitations on inside gathering starting tomorrow and you guys have 3 cases of the new UK variant in your state. Please be extra aware and careful and don't take any unnecessary risks. We already had one of our Ladies of the Pops thread almost go down for the count.

My guy has the same feeling as you and your wife about Valentine’s Day. We’d surprise each other through the year randomly as well, and I do miss those days.

I don’t watch the news really so I’m pretty oblivious to what the governors of my residence and working states are doing. Other than going to work (Iowa) and going home (Illinois) I don’t do much, and when I do it’s alone. You know how it is. It gets old. I think I’m losing my mind. Guess I’m in good company, though I think that’s what drives everyone to go into they public. I continue to mind my own, in solitude.
Morning Pops and you Super Bowl Eve revelers. I haven't even decided if I am going to watch it but I invested so much time in watching football this season that I almost feel obligated but my interest level is not even getting off 0.

The hype is over the top, the commercials not what they used to be and the halftime entertainment never seems to be for me. with all of those people acting like they're at a real concert. I think the halftime is one of the lamest ideas the NFL ever came up with, right after doing away with the bump n run for D backs, Even possible wardrobe failures don't entice me enough to waste time watching for it.

Then there's Nantz/Romo doing the game, which is only surpassed by that terrible trio doing MNF for true boredom. Romo was at least tolerable this year without the ambient crowd noise drowning out his weak voice but someone should point out how many times he's wrong on his precall on a play. Precalling Andy Reid is just asking for criticism.

But for those of you that will be charged up for tomorrow's game, I hope it lives up to your expectations. Guacamole sucks.
Morning Pops and you Super Bowl Eve revelers. I haven't even decided if I am going to watch it but I invested so much time in watching football this season that I almost feel obligated but my interest level is not even getting off 0.

The hype is over the top, the commercials not what they used to be and the halftime entertainment never seems to be for me. with all of those people acting like they're at a real concert. I think the halftime is one of the lamest ideas the NFL ever came up with, right after doing away with the bump n run for D backs, Even possible wardrobe failures don't entice me enough to waste time watching for it.

Then there's Nantz/Romo doing the game, which is only surpassed by that terrible trio doing MNF for true boredom. Romo was at least tolerable this year without the ambient crowd noise drowning out his weak voice but someone should point out how many times he's wrong on his precall on a play. Precalling Andy Reid is just asking for criticism.

But for those of you that will be charged up for tomorrow's game, I hope it lives up to your expectations. Guacamole sucks.

Agreed... except the part about guacamole. Find a version of that recipe that suits you. I make my own to my taste. If nobody else likes it, more for me:D

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