FEATURED Morning Pops!

Afternoon Pops, afternoon Jobs. Afternoon Fellas and good afternoon to all of you who stop in to visit today.

Busy, busy today. Alarm went off this morning and man was it hard to get up and get my backside in gear. No idea why, just one of those days I guess.

The good news is that we are winding down on Hump Day and heading towards Thursday, which means the weekend is almost here. That's always music to my ears.

The bad news is that it's going to get really cold this weekend. forecast calls for 20 degree weather during the day and subzero when the sun goes down. Just in time for Valentines Day!

Leon, dbrp, Xelda, zrin, Trouty, ksk, RGV, Coach, RWB, Ranching, SW, John, Jan, Corso and Colo, I hope you are all keeping yourselves well.

Everybody, have a great rest of your day.

He also has a 1M boat that he bought through TB12 after getting a small business stimulus check, why aren't they talking about that?
Wait until he runs for office.

Not a fan
I wouldn't be a fan either, except I enjoy football so much with the athleticism and skills and blue eyes and height and leadership and success and the filling out of the uniform and more football words.
Good morning Pops and Zoner Friends,

Winter and, by that, I mean pull up your big boy pants cold, has arrived in NW Montana. The highs for the next three days will around 0 F. With wind chill factored in, we're looking at the temperatures around -20 F.

I have to run into town a little later today and I am breaking out my artic winter gear from my time in Russia - including my ushanka fur hat. It looks like I have an entire beaver on my head, but it is warm.

Aside from weather, all is good.... Just waiting for my "vaccine lottery number" to be called. Hopefully, I'll get the vaccination in late February.

Have a good, safe, and warm Thursday!
Good morning Pops and Zoner Friends,

Winter and, by that, I mean pull up your big boy pants cold, has arrived in NW Montana. The highs for the next three days will around 0 F. With wind chill factored in, we're looking at the temperatures around -20 F.

I have to run into town a little later today and I am breaking out my artic winter gear from my time in Russia - including my ushanka fur hat. It looks like I have an entire beaver on my head, but it is warm.

Aside from weather, all is good.... Just waiting for my "vaccine lottery number" to be called. Hopefully, I'll get the vaccination in late February.

Have a good, safe, and warm Thursday!
ushanka, ishanka, we all shanka.
It's really morning Pops and Popsadoodles. This can only mean one thing, my sleep was disrupted. I haven't had many dreams during my Covid adventures and the image of TB in a Cowboys uniform couldn't inspire any delusions of grandeur. That's just not right!

I offered my doctor's visit as part of story time and can only hope I do well by it. There were only sponge baths in bed at the hospital. I couldn't smell so I thought everything was fine. Momma told me a couple of days after I got home that I stunk. The only way I knew to honor her for taking care of me was to keep my arms down at my sides. She tried to get me to take a bath, but I was dizzy upon standing so I didn't until I knew I could do it by myself. When I finally did take one, I had to celebrate with a renewal of my vows to my oxygen machine and a long nap. With very little knowledge of what to do or expect, I'm being guided by how I feel.

Day of the doctor's appointment, I face the shower again and am grumpy as all get out. Momma drives me to the doctor and comes in to the room with me. The nurse comes in and gives me the pill drill. I pull out my new medication and give it to her. She starts her mindless questionnaire which annoys me. I came here grumpy and this isn't improving my mood. Then she asked if I smoke. That set me off and I yelled NO. She didn't want to ask me any more questions after that. Good, leave the room and push the doctor in so I can get this over with.

A different doctor came in and asked how I was doing. Sh***y! She asked me to stand and what was my pain level. I said 4 then stood and said 5. I thought of the Price is Right. I asked why I had to be at the doctor's office exactly one week after being released from the hospital. She said that's when the hospital told them to follow up. I bathed for this and needed a better reason. She added they wanted to make sure I wasn't going backwards. That was an answer I could live with. After much trying of my patience, I was allowed to leave and had to give blood down stairs.

We were standing at the elevator when the most awful racket started moving our direction. The doors opened to a child in the middle of a full blown tantrum. I said we'd wait for the next elevator. Well, I was more like 'shut the damn doors!' I was unmoved by how long it took for the next elevator until we got on with a grandma over indulging her 9 or 10 year old granddaughter. The brat was pushing every button on the elevator. Grandma didn't care. Little heifer asked what the different buttons meant. I thought they meant I could put a foot up that kid's butt if she delayed my trip to the first floor.

Finally! We're on the first floor and headed for blood work. A man and teen came in right behind us with the man asking for help to find out what's wrong with his grandson. Apparently, he had Covid, the flu or mono. I grabbed my coat and covered my face with it. Momma got us moved to the blood room. Afterwards I got a frozen treat from Andy's for not slapping nurses or kicking kids. I was an almost good girl. No I wasn't. I didn't feel good and was mad at having to enter a public cesspool of germs and kids being kids.

Grumpy is as grumpy does. Have a good day y'all.
The money to the custom boat is a TMZ connection but the fact his company took 960K and thousands of businesses were left out and many have folded is fact.

Perhaps, but is there any proof that any of those funds were used to actually buy the Yacht? I mean, he does live on Davis Island, which is basically a Yacht Club. When did he get the loan? When did he place the order to build the Yacht? Depending on the size and design, Yachts can take years to build. Brady would have had to have placed the order for the Yacht well in advance of getting any loan. It's very unlikely that he ever had any intentions of using the loan as payment. He would have had to have paid for much, if not all, of this before he ever received the loan.

What is the implication of all of this?
It's really morning Pops and Popsadoodles. This can only mean one thing, my sleep was disrupted. I haven't had many dreams during my Covid adventures and the image of TB in a Cowboys uniform couldn't inspire any delusions of grandeur. That's just not right!

I offered my doctor's visit as part of story time and can only hope I do well by it. There were only sponge baths in bed at the hospital. I couldn't smell so I thought everything was fine. Momma told me a couple of days after I got home that I stunk. The only way I knew to honor her for taking care of me was to keep my arms down at my sides. She tried to get me to take a bath, but I was dizzy upon standing so I didn't until I knew I could do it by myself. When I finally did take one, I had to celebrate with a renewal of my vows to my oxygen machine and a long nap. With very little knowledge of what to do or expect, I'm being guided by how I feel.

Day of the doctor's appointment, I face the shower again and am grumpy as all get out. Momma drives me to the doctor and comes in to the room with me. The nurse comes in and gives me the pill drill. I pull out my new medication and give it to her. She starts her mindless questionnaire which annoys me. I came here grumpy and this isn't improving my mood. Then she asked if I smoke. That set me off and I yelled NO. She didn't want to ask me any more questions after that. Good, leave the room and push the doctor in so I can get this over with.

A different doctor came in and asked how I was doing. Sh***y! She asked me to stand and what was my pain level. I said 4 then stood and said 5. I thought of the Price is Right. I asked why I had to be at the doctor's office exactly one week after being released from the hospital. She said that's when the hospital told them to follow up. I bathed for this and needed a better reason. She added they wanted to make sure I wasn't going backwards. That was an answer I could live with. After much trying of my patience, I was allowed to leave and had to give blood down stairs.

We were standing at the elevator when the most awful racket started moving our direction. The doors opened to a child in the middle of a full blown tantrum. I said we'd wait for the next elevator. Well, I was more like 'shut the damn doors!' I was unmoved by how long it took for the next elevator until we got on with a grandma over indulging her 9 or 10 year old granddaughter. The brat was pushing every button on the elevator. Grandma didn't care. Little heifer asked what the different buttons meant. I thought they meant I could put a foot up that kid's butt if she delayed my trip to the first floor.

Finally! We're on the first floor and headed for blood work. A man and teen came in right behind us with the man asking for help to find out what's wrong with his grandson. Apparently, he had Covid, the flu or mono. I grabbed my coat and covered my face with it. Momma got us moved to the blood room. Afterwards I got a frozen treat from Andy's for not slapping nurses or kicking kids. I was an almost good girl. No I wasn't. I didn't feel good and was mad at having to enter a public cesspool of germs and kids being kids.

Grumpy is as grumpy does. Have a good day y'all.
I support your right to be grumpy. Now, go to bed and be dopey and sleepy.

And X girl, do not take this the wrong way cuz you knows I luvs ya, but after reading this, I started having a better day immediately.

Just focus on the other side of this and how you are going to feel.
Perhaps, but is there any proof that any of those funds were used to actually buy the Yacht? I mean, he does live on Davis Island, which is basically a Yacht Club. When did he get the loan? When did he place the order to build the Yacht? Depending on the size and design, Yachts can take years to build. Brady would have had to have placed the order for the Yacht well in advance of getting any loan. It's very unlikely that he ever had any intentions of using the loan as payment. He would have had to have paid for much, if not all, of this before he ever received the loan.

What is the implication of all of this?
I don't know the implication but assume the events are so closely tied together that they feel safe in assuming and he didn't respond to it. Just like he doesn't respond to his father's frustration with his lack of masking around the family, after his father was hospitalized with the virus. His father has publicly called him out to no avail.
Morning Pops, morning Jobs. Morning Fellas and good morning to all who decided to stop in and visit the thread today.

So, we are at Thursday and that's certainly a good thing! I'm working on trying to get as much done as I can today, as I understand it, we will be getting bad weather in over the weekend so probably stuck inside again. Need to get out and get a few things done today, before it gets cold again. Not the least of which, are Roses and some Steaks and Crab Legs for Sunday. Need to stop by See's Candies as well.

Colo, I feel for you Brother. It's been a few years since I've been to Montana in the Winter and I don't miss it. Love Montana, I truly do but those Winter cold snaps, they can be brutal. Take good care Brother!

Leon, dbrp, Xelda, zrin, Trouty, ksk, RGV, Coach, RWB, Ranching, SW, John, Jan, Corso and Colo, I hope you are all doing well. Everybody, stay safe!

Everybody, it's Thursday afternoon and we are almost at the end of it. Tomorrow is Friday and that's a great thing right? Cold snap is coming for a lot of the Country and it's gonna be a good one. Everybody, stay safe, stay warm!

I feel like we need a tune to warm us up a little bit, remind us that the summer is coming and better times are ahead for us all. This is a Beatles tune off their Abby Road album in 1969. This tune was written by George Harrison, interestingly enough, at the home of Eric Clapton of all people. Harrison apparently didn't want to go to a meeting the Beatles had that day so he decided to hide out with Clapton. Makes sense that this is the song that might result from a day of hooky ironically. Here are the Beatles performing "Here Comes The Sun".

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I don't know the implication but assume the events are so closely tied together that they feel safe in assuming and he didn't respond to it. Just like he doesn't respond to his father's frustration with his lack of masking around the family, after his father was hospitalized with the virus. His father has publicly called him out to no avail.

You don't know the implication of what you posted when you said, "He also has a 1M boat that he bought through TB12 after getting a small business stimulus check, why aren't they talking about that?"

OK, well, suffice to say that this type of discussion is definitely not the reason this particular thread was created for.

I will leave it at that and wish everybody a good day.
You don't know the implication of what you posted when you said, "He also has a 1M boat that he bought through TB12 after getting a small business stimulus check, why aren't they talking about that?"

OK, well, suffice to say that this type of discussion is definitely not the reason this particular thread was created for.

I will leave it at that and wish everybody a good day.
And good day to you, sir.
Morning Pops, morning Jobs. Morning Fellas and good morning to all who decided to stop in and visit the thread today.

So, we are at Thursday and that's certainly a good thing! I'm working on trying to get as much done as I can today, as I understand it, we will be getting bad weather in over the weekend so probably stuck inside again. Need to get out and get a few things done today, before it gets cold again. Not the least of which, are Roses and some Steaks and Crab Legs for Sunday. Need to stop by See's Candies as well.

Colo, I feel for you Brother. It's been a few years since I've been to Montana in the Winter and I don't miss it. Love Montana, I truly do but those Winter cold snaps, they can be brutal. Take good care Brother!

Leon, dbrp, Xelda, zrin, Trouty, ksk, RGV, Coach, RWB, Ranching, SW, John, Jan, Corso and Colo, I hope you are all doing well. Everybody, stay safe!

Everybody, it's Thursday afternoon and we are almost at the end of it. Tomorrow is Friday and that's a great thing right? Cold snap is coming for a lot of the Country and it's gonna be a good one. Everybody, stay safe, stay warm!

I feel like we need a tune to warm us up a little bit, remind us that the summer is coming and better times are ahead for us all. This is a Beatles tune off their Abby Road album in 1969. This tune was written by George Harrison, interestingly enough, at the home of Eric Clapton of all people. Harrison apparently didn't want to go to a meeting the Beatles had that day so he decided to hide out with Clapton. Makes sense that this is the song that might result from a day of hooky ironically. Here are the Beatles performing "Here Comes The Sun".

I think we all feel for Montanalo, but the south will be jealous this coming summer. Stay warm up there everyone. Oh, stay warm all my southern compatriots. You know our blood freezes faster down here.

Also, one of my all time favorite songs ABQ. Interestingly enough, one of my other favorites is from when I played hookie. No demands are so much better than math tests.
I support your right to be grumpy. Now, go to bed and be dopey and sleepy.

And X girl, do not take this the wrong way cuz you knows I luvs ya, but after reading this, I started having a better day immediately.

Just focus on the other side of this and how you are going to feel.
Come back to my story the next time you aren't having a good day. Well, it did make my day to know that it improved your day.
I think we all feel for Montanalo, but the south will be jealous this coming summer. Stay warm up there everyone. Oh, stay warm all my southern compatriots. You know our blood freezes faster down here.

Also, one of my all time favorite songs ABQ. Interestingly enough, one of my other favorites is from when I played hookie. No demands are so much better than math tests.
Exactly why I make sure my blood is thinned with top shelf anti-freeze. Add another "reason" to my list for my doc next physical. The nurses will get a kick out of it. The limits a man will go to defending his self indulgent life style can't be matched by a mere physician. I believe I could take on a clinic of four and at least break even. The Urologist would defect and come over to my side.

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