FEATURED Morning Pops!

Morning, Pops and peeps. We celebrated my 76th last night at an Italian restaurant and everyone enjoyed themselves. I hope everybody's new week gets off to a splendid start today.
Happy Birthday for March 14, 2022.

Runny's a day late but I'm 364 days early. You should have told us it was your birthday, you know you don't have to worry about us making a big fuss.

76, Leon did you ever see yourself at that age? I struggle with acting my age. The maturation process shouldn't take 73 years and counting.
Leaving for the casino in the AM. Horseshoe, Bossier City.

Funny thing, if you look at Bossier, it spells bossier. As in my wife is bossier. Once I pointed that out to her, she suddenly wanted to go all the time!!!!!
So THAT'S what's causing the disturbance in the force! I knew something was up. Also, Bossier is from the Black Foot tribe of Indians and means big trouble in little teepee. People from all these call centers struggle with the word and we get a lot of Bossy-er City in the great state of Los Angeles. Noobs!

Happy belated birthday, Leon! And many, many, many, plus a whole bunch more.
I drove my wife crazy with my "someday I might need this" and then she'd sing "but somedayeyay never comes".

I always made sure to pack up the garage by myself to avoid the incessant and inevitable questions. "What's this tool"? "What's this supposed to do or better yet, what was it supposed to do"? "Hey, why is it totally white on this pegboard behind these tools"? "Why do all of these tools still have the tags hanging on them, you selling them"? "What's this pile of tools still in the blister packs"? "Hey, wow, here's one from the Ace Hardware in Baton Rouge. Didn't we leave their in 1988? We've moved 6 times since then".

I kid you guys a lot but honestly, my handy man rep was legendary among our family and friends. If my sons do any handy man stuff, they tell me they hired it done so as not to embarrass me any further. Little do they know that is one of the things in my life I am proud of. I have two buds with workshops and every time they took me in there, I was like someone looking on an alien world for the first time. The problem was that was me every time. "Wait a minute here. Are you telling me you took that wood and used those implements and built that rocking horse? Danged if you ain't something. I bought one of those and used that time to drink beer and watch football. I am happy to let others do the work so I can enjoy my beers and football. It keeps them out of trouble and allows me time to think about what trouble I can get into next.".

I had to fix that last sentence for you. We just weren't buying you being ashamed.

I've got lots of tools myself. I've got regular tools and my girl tools. Girl tools have matching rubber handles and are smaller than regular tools. Yes, they work just fine for the tasks I trust myself with. I spray painted my hammer and sprinkled glitter all over it before it dried. It's a beautiful hammer and works fine. I bought a vent fan/heater/light for the bathroom. When I took it out of the box, I got scared. I put it back in the box, took it back to Lowe's and said I'm not smart enough to install this. No, I don't read instructions. I like the challenge and know my limits.
Morning, Pops and pen pals. Another warm day ahead with 81 degrees high predicted. My bulb plants are sprouting and the weeds are in full force. I've almost finished weeding the front flower bed. I will finish it today and put down some black plastic and pea gravel, then start on the beds in the back.

Happy Birthday for March 14, 2022.

Runny's a day late but I'm 364 days early. You should have told us it was your birthday, you know you don't have to worry about us making a big fuss.

76, Leon did you ever see yourself at that age? I struggle with acting my age. The maturation process shouldn't take 73 years and counting.
I still don't see myself at this age. Other than my eyes, I'm in good health and enjoy life. When I reflect on the reality, I wonder where all those years went.
Morning, Pops and pen pals. Another warm day ahead with 81 degrees high predicted. My bulb plants are sprouting and the weeds are in full force. I've almost finished weeding the front flower bed. I will finish it today and put down some black plastic and pea gravel, then start on the beds in the back.

I still don't see myself at this age. Other than my eyes, I'm in good health and enjoy life. When I reflect on the reality, I wonder where all those years went.
I started doing that a couple years ago and I’m only going to be 54 this year
Morning, Pops and pen pals. Another warm day ahead with 81 degrees high predicted. My bulb plants are sprouting and the weeds are in full force. I've almost finished weeding the front flower bed. I will finish it today and put down some black plastic and pea gravel, then start on the beds in the back.

I still don't see myself at this age. Other than my eyes, I'm in good health and enjoy life. When I reflect on the reality, I wonder where all those years went.
Yes sir (notice the respect to my elder?), I could not agree more.

If I had it to do over, and I probably obsess on that too much, I would hit pause and slomo for those moments and let them sink in a little deeper. All of that time I spent in a hurry, racing by the most important moments in my history, in the effort to get where?

I know I preach too much now but it has worked on my older son with 3 kids, he really soaks it in, really understands and appreciates what a family moment is. There are constructive purposes for regrets, if they're used properly.

My wife used to remark about my impatience, especially on journeys, and ask me to stop and smell the flowers along the way and I would always say "let's get to where were going and we'll buy some flowers". In that regard, interstates were the best and worst for me. I could just zip by what might have been a small adventure when we had to drive through towns that deserved exploring. Just the number of porn wax museums and two headed rattlesnakes that I've missed is heartbreaking. That's not the same museum, porn wax museums only have pythons.
Good afternoon Pops and Zoner Friends,

The move-in is nearly complete and I have been reassigned to "touch-up paint duty". I have been experimenting with cans of spray on wall texture. Works pretty well for small areas, but not so good for large areas - difficult to get an even coat over a large area. That said, I did texture an entire wall - my attempt at an 'accent wall'. The Boss is less than amused and, I suspect, my wine privileges will be temporarily suspended.

And finally, this from a local newspaper, "Heat wave likely to extend to Friday." The forecast highs during the heat wave - a boiling 55 F.

Hahahah!!! Love it
Afternoon Pops and everyone.

Been finding myself in the serious dumps and slumps of late... really tired of being alone all the time, and tired of working. I guess I’m just tired (call it depressed).

Yeah yeah, I got the new car and all but that’s a material item. Still missing is that companion part of my life. Can’t happen when I work 11 hours a day and work most of my weekends.

Every time I find myself hitting bottom again something happens to bring me out... This time it was a visit from a client, who I’d consider an arms-length friend, needing my “insight” on certain health related matters. So, back up the truck a sec... March 23 is the 5-year anniversary of my guy’s passing so, for those of you who know and understand, it’s a gut punch (also realizing it’s been that long since I’ve had anyone in my life that I felt cared like he did...). Really been struggling the last week emotionally and mentally between that and work. Anyway, last Thursday this client comes to me and tells me his wife just got diagnosed with liver cancer and asked if I’d be willing to talk to her (even though mine was a different one) if she needed someone to talk to that’d been through “it”. Of course I said “yes”... I know her as well btw... Tomorrow is her first chemo treatment. Looking at surgery if they can shrink that sucker. I gave her a not so humorous recap of the day after my first treatment and cautioned her not to do what I did/didn’t do and gave her my personal cell #.

What made last Thursday even worse was I got word that a young man that was a neighbor and friend to both of my kids when they were growing up passed away at the too-young age of 31 from cirrhosis of the liver. It was a bad day for liver folks. My kids are 30 and 32. My heart breaks for his momma and I will be attending services this Thursday. Can’t even imagine losing a child...

Sorry for the downer post, y’all. Just had to get it out of my head and heart.
Afternoon Pops and everyone.

Been finding myself in the serious dumps and slumps of late... really tired of being alone all the time, and tired of working. I guess I’m just tired (call it depressed).

Yeah yeah, I got the new car and all but that’s a material item. Still missing is that companion part of my life. Can’t happen when I work 11 hours a day and work most of my weekends.

Every time I find myself hitting bottom again something happens to bring me out... This time it was a visit from a client, who I’d consider an arms-length friend, needing my “insight” on certain health related matters. So, back up the truck a sec... March 23 is the 5-year anniversary of my guy’s passing so, for those of you who know and understand, it’s a gut punch (also realizing it’s been that long since I’ve had anyone in my life that I felt cared like he did...). Really been struggling the last week emotionally and mentally between that and work. Anyway, last Thursday this client comes to me and tells me his wife just got diagnosed with liver cancer and asked if I’d be willing to talk to her (even though mine was a different one) if she needed someone to talk to that’d been through “it”. Of course I said “yes”... I know her as well btw... Tomorrow is her first chemo treatment. Looking at surgery if they can shrink that sucker. I gave her a not so humorous recap of the day after my first treatment and cautioned her not to do what I did/didn’t do and gave her my personal cell #.

What made last Thursday even worse was I got word that a young man that was a neighbor and friend to both of my kids when they were growing up passed away at the too-young age of 31 from cirrhosis of the liver. It was a bad day for liver folks. My kids are 30 and 32. My heart breaks for his momma and I will be attending services this Thursday. Can’t even imagine losing a child...

Sorry for the downer post, y’all. Just had to get it out of my head and heart.
No need to apologize, Jan. Commiserating is what we do best, besides drinking, joking inappropriately, and spelling psudosience.

Being alone is easier when you realize you hate when people move your stuff or put their stuff where you wanted your stuff. It took me almost 20 years to realize I like living alone, but I didn't have anyone reminding me of all the crap that comes with a housemate....so there ya go!
Afternoon Pops and everyone.

Been finding myself in the serious dumps and slumps of late... really tired of being alone all the time, and tired of working. I guess I’m just tired (call it depressed).

Yeah yeah, I got the new car and all but that’s a material item. Still missing is that companion part of my life. Can’t happen when I work 11 hours a day and work most of my weekends.

Every time I find myself hitting bottom again something happens to bring me out... This time it was a visit from a client, who I’d consider an arms-length friend, needing my “insight” on certain health related matters. So, back up the truck a sec... March 23 is the 5-year anniversary of my guy’s passing so, for those of you who know and understand, it’s a gut punch (also realizing it’s been that long since I’ve had anyone in my life that I felt cared like he did...). Really been struggling the last week emotionally and mentally between that and work. Anyway, last Thursday this client comes to me and tells me his wife just got diagnosed with liver cancer and asked if I’d be willing to talk to her (even though mine was a different one) if she needed someone to talk to that’d been through “it”. Of course I said “yes”... I know her as well btw... Tomorrow is her first chemo treatment. Looking at surgery if they can shrink that sucker. I gave her a not so humorous recap of the day after my first treatment and cautioned her not to do what I did/didn’t do and gave her my personal cell #.

What made last Thursday even worse was I got word that a young man that was a neighbor and friend to both of my kids when they were growing up passed away at the too-young age of 31 from cirrhosis of the liver. It was a bad day for liver folks. My kids are 30 and 32. My heart breaks for his momma and I will be attending services this Thursday. Can’t even imagine losing a child...

Sorry for the downer post, y’all. Just had to get it out of my head and heart.
I'm genuinely at a loss for what to say, Jan. Other than "hello rock, hello hard place" what can be said? What advice can I give other than to tell you this is your life and give yourself a break here and there. I'm so sorry for all you are going through.

Eleven hours a day and weekends is too much. Buy lottery tickets and day dream about the place you're going to buy us on a tropical island. Upstairs bunk beds for Coach, Hector and Runny. Day dreams got me by lots of times. I was going to help everyone I knew all while having a secret mansion on an Italian mountainside overlooking the ocean. I have a huge bedroom facing the ocean with marble pillars and flowing curtains. It has a good expanse of marble flooring to sit out and watch yachts go by. It has glass walls that can be pulled out in case of storms or cold. A long stair way or elevator down leads to my Crockett and Tubbs speed boat. I take it to my private island and tell all the people "Get off my island!" It's something to do when life is looking for something new to beat you with.

I hope you learned your lesson Missy! In other words, I still don't know what to say. Be easy with others and on yourself. God go with you.
I'm genuinely at a loss for what to say, Jan. Other than "hello rock, hello hard place" what can be said? What advice can I give other than to tell you this is your life and give yourself a break here and there. I'm so sorry for all you are going through.

Eleven hours a day and weekends is too much. Buy lottery tickets and day dream about the place you're going to buy us on a tropical island. Upstairs bunk beds for Coach, Hector and Runny. Day dreams got me by lots of times. I was going to help everyone I knew all while having a secret mansion on an Italian mountainside overlooking the ocean. I have a huge bedroom facing the ocean with marble pillars and flowing curtains. It has a good expanse of marble flooring to sit out and watch yachts go by. It has glass walls that can be pulled out in case of storms or cold. A long stair way or elevator down leads to my Crockett and Tubbs speed boat. I take it to my private island and tell all the people "Get off my island!" It's something to do when life is looking for something new to beat you with.

I hope you learned your lesson Missy! In other words, I still don't know what to say. Be easy with others and on yourself. God go with you.
Thank you. Been hitting some pretty good speed bumps lately and lost my “wheels” a few times, at work and at home. It’s interesting how unkind and bullish people can be when they sense you’re struggling. Truly some crappy people out there. And then there’s those that’ll go ridiculously out of their way to try to make things better... if only for a moment or two, and it counts for so much more. Always try to be that person. You just never know the impact you’ll have on someone’s day and life.
Afternoon Pops and everyone.

Been finding myself in the serious dumps and slumps of late... really tired of being alone all the time, and tired of working. I guess I’m just tired (call it depressed).

Yeah yeah, I got the new car and all but that’s a material item. Still missing is that companion part of my life. Can’t happen when I work 11 hours a day and work most of my weekends.

Every time I find myself hitting bottom again something happens to bring me out... This time it was a visit from a client, who I’d consider an arms-length friend, needing my “insight” on certain health related matters. So, back up the truck a sec... March 23 is the 5-year anniversary of my guy’s passing so, for those of you who know and understand, it’s a gut punch (also realizing it’s been that long since I’ve had anyone in my life that I felt cared like he did...). Really been struggling the last week emotionally and mentally between that and work. Anyway, last Thursday this client comes to me and tells me his wife just got diagnosed with liver cancer and asked if I’d be willing to talk to her (even though mine was a different one) if she needed someone to talk to that’d been through “it”. Of course I said “yes”... I know her as well btw... Tomorrow is her first chemo treatment. Looking at surgery if they can shrink that sucker. I gave her a not so humorous recap of the day after my first treatment and cautioned her not to do what I did/didn’t do and gave her my personal cell #.

What made last Thursday even worse was I got word that a young man that was a neighbor and friend to both of my kids when they were growing up passed away at the too-young age of 31 from cirrhosis of the liver. It was a bad day for liver folks. My kids are 30 and 32. My heart breaks for his momma and I will be attending services this Thursday. Can’t even imagine losing a child...

Sorry for the downer post, y’all. Just had to get it out of my head and heart.
Not a downer post, Jan. You're amongst friends and, to the extent we can be there with you, we're there.

Like @zelda I wish I had something deep and meaningful to say. I have followed your posts for a few years and know your a fighter... A survivor. Hang in there
Morning, Pops and peeps. I woke up to a hellacious thunder storm this morning. When I opened my closet door, our Yorkie darted in to hide from the thunder. Rain pelted the windows and skylights like I've never heard it before. It has calmed down now, at least for the moment, and is raining more gently. I just looked out the front door and found the wind had bent my flag pole and blew it to the ground. The good news is that we still have power. It's shaping up to be an interesting day.

Y'all have a good 'un.

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