Good morning Pops and Popsadoodles. Yeah, it's still morning. I was up until 3, so this is really 7 or 8 for me. I call that sleeping math.
It's ok Coachadoodles. I'd prefer you tell me not to eat grits or raw oysters for a year. I'd one up you and never eat them. Oysters are probably the only thing that frying doesn't help. Nasty, slimy varmints! You see, I'm grading my punishment on a very large curve. Shopping is the precious! I've got carts filled all across the internet. Right when I'm ready to hit the gimme, gimme, gimme button I stop and go somewhere else. That saves a lot of money. I'd planned on trying out for the Olympics when they accept shopping as a competitive sport.
I went to the doctor a couple of weeks ago. I had to give blood which reminds me of being in the hospital as they waited for someone with my blood type to donate. I started my come back tour after that and have minimal, faint twinges of guilt for never donating myself. Oh, back to the lab. A mother and her son were waiting to be called back right before me. I thought the mother would be giving blood, but it was her three year old they needed blood from. Not a noise came out of that room and the little stocky boy strutted out like a bull dog at a dog show. Everyone was so impressed that he didn't scream or carry on. I had all the warm fuzzies until I realized I was next. That's when the screaming and carrying on starts. Oh yes, my numbers were way down and I don't have to see her every other month now. Afterwards I was driving home and saw an unmowed lawn with one substantial patch of clover. I'm pretty sure I blushed. It looked like the yard was showing it's pubic grass. Just another day as seen through the lens of my mind.
Have a good one y'all.