FEATURED Morning Pops!

Good morning Pops and Popsadoodles. I'm sorry for the absence, but I've been and continue to be furious with myself. I'm not on speaking terms with me right now. I've tried kicking my butt all over the house, but can't reach it. I guess that's what significant others are for. I did ram my butt against a brick wall, but it didn't do any good. I need a foot in a shoe (I prefer rounded toe running shoes over steel toed boots) to get proper vengeance against myself. I already know that I won't learn from it, but I will have a reminder of just how mad I can make myself. It's still kind of entertaining to be me, but still!!!! Other than that, I don't want to talk about it.

The Montanalo dream home 2.0 looks like all those post cards of places that are too cold to visit. I'll need to see the summer version with only a light dusting of snow before I can give an honest review. In the summer, that snow might be welcome to us in the deep south and Manhattan.

Soooo, we weren't being avoided as much as we were being cheated on. I'm not saying names JAN but we all know who the guilty party is, JAN. I hope things go well and Mister Man is a good one for you. You can gossip to us all you want, we won't tell anyone that's not a Cowboy's fan. It's our code. If you think about it, ask him how good he is at butt kicking. Just curious.

My friends, I've missed you all but felt that y'all were better off without me. Yeah, I've felt that kind of low. I hope everyone is doing well and is safe from bears, relatives behaving badly, Eagles fans, Texas red necks and Manhattan. Also for ksk to be up to his neck in farm animals with questionable morals.
Better off without you? o_O:huh::angry:
Which with the questionable morals, ksk or the farm animals?

You are taking that "we are our own worst enemies" too hard. You've got to be easier on yourself. I am constantly forgiving myself....in advance. I have a special forgiveness and prayer that I use. The forgiveness is a blanket, covers me for the night combination excuses and understanding because I know the perp so well. The prayer is "God, please find someone else to watch tonight".
I'm talking about the farm animals. We know how ksk is and would we have him any other way? Only if he lived next door.

You just got His curiosity up. Now He can't look away. Don't worry though, He thinks you're wonderful.
Good to see you back here Xel, with or without footwear lodged in questionable places! As for “Sam”, he’s a military officer so, yeah, gonna say he’s got butt kicking cred:D
Have Brad Pitt I mean "Sam" on stand by just in case. I'm looking for a swift kick and this butt is not being offered as target practice around family. Those kicks would have a lot more self driven intent and revenge than I want.
Good morning Pops and Popsadoodles. I'm sorry for the absence, but I've been and continue to be furious with myself. I'm not on speaking terms with me right now. I've tried kicking my butt all over the house, but can't reach it. I guess that's what significant others are for. I did ram my butt against a brick wall, but it didn't do any good. I need a foot in a shoe (I prefer rounded toe running shoes over steel toed boots) to get proper vengeance against myself. I already know that I won't learn from it, but I will have a reminder of just how mad I can make myself. It's still kind of entertaining to be me, but still!!!! Other than that, I don't want to talk about it.

The Montanalo dream home 2.0 looks like all those post cards of places that are too cold to visit. I'll need to see the summer version with only a light dusting of snow before I can give an honest review. In the summer, that snow might be welcome to us in the deep south and Manhattan.

Soooo, we weren't being avoided as much as we were being cheated on. I'm not saying names JAN but we all know who the guilty party is, JAN. I hope things go well and Mister Man is a good one for you. You can gossip to us all you want, we won't tell anyone that's not a Cowboy's fan. It's our code. If you think about it, ask him how good he is at butt kicking. Just curious.

My friends, I've missed you all but felt that y'all were better off without me. Yeah, I've felt that kind of low. I hope everyone is doing well and is safe from bears, relatives behaving badly, Eagles fans, Texas red necks and Manhattan. Also for ksk to be up to his neck in farm animals with questionable morals.
Nope. Them's was critters w/ good values!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Which with the questionable morals, ksk or the farm animals?

You are taking that "we are our own worst enemies" too hard. You've got to be easier on yourself. I am constantly forgiving myself....in advance. I have a special forgiveness and prayer that I use. The forgiveness is a blanket, covers me for the night combination excuses and understanding because I know the perp so well. The prayer is "God, please find someone else to watch tonight".
I got me that blanket too. I named it Wild Turkey.
Have Brad Pitt I mean "Sam" on stand by just in case. I'm looking for a swift kick and this butt is not being offered as target practice around family. Those kicks would have a lot more self driven intent and revenge than I want.
Your butt is being offered?
At the present, it's just for kicking purposes. Trust me, I deserve it.
OK, now I am filling in the blanks and most likely making it a lot worse than it really is because when I let my imagination loose, it likes to wander. It actually picks the lock and wanders whether I want it to or not.

And I must say, I like that "At the present", leaving all options open because remember ole CC's credo "A locked door is just an invitation to keep knocking". As you will notice, I have several hundred credos, one for every occasion and at least one to counter that one when I screw up and I will screw up.

OK, here's what we need to do to get that sackcloth off you. Whatever you did, promise to never do it again and really come with a strong self reprimand if you do. I, (insert real name here because Xelda is pretend), promise to never do what I most recently did that is causing me these self-recriminations and grief. If I do this again, I will not buy new shoes for a year.

That whooshing sound was daboyz, Jan and Xelda collectively losing their breath in horror that I could even offer such an idea. Truly, I am a bad man and have lost touch with my feminine side. A holiday crossdressing fest this weekend will fix that. Grilling and smoking while dressed like Maude Frickert is a real treat for the neighborhood, announces the arrival of a 3 day weekend.
OK, here's what we need to do to get that sackcloth off you. Whatever you did, promise to never do it again and really come with a strong self reprimand if you do. I, (insert real name here because Xelda is pretend), promise to never do what I most recently did that is causing me these self-recriminations and grief. If I do this again, I will not buy new shoes for a year.

That whooshing sound was daboyz, Jan and Xelda collectively losing their breath in horror that I could even offer such an idea. Truly, I am a bad man and have lost touch with my feminine side. A holiday crossdressing fest this weekend will fix that. Grilling and smoking while dressed like Maude Frickert is a real treat for the neighborhood, announces the arrival of a 3 day weekend.
COACHADOODLES!!!! :omg: How could you say such a thing? You are officially cut off!!!! From what? I don't know, but you've earned a time out.

And a hottie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You know, I don't like to brag... that's what you're for. ;)
COACHADOODLES!!!! :omg: How could you say such a thing? You are officially cut off!!!! From what? I don't know, but you've earned a time out.

You know, I don't like to brag... that's what you're for. ;)
I know, darlin', and if my wife and/or mother were still with me I wouldn't have risked committing anything like that in writing. I wouldn't say I have a death wish but I am flirting with it by even insinuating that.
Good morning Pops and Popsadoodles. Yeah, it's still morning. I was up until 3, so this is really 7 or 8 for me. I call that sleeping math. :grin:

It's ok Coachadoodles. I'd prefer you tell me not to eat grits or raw oysters for a year. I'd one up you and never eat them. Oysters are probably the only thing that frying doesn't help. Nasty, slimy varmints! You see, I'm grading my punishment on a very large curve. Shopping is the precious! I've got carts filled all across the internet. Right when I'm ready to hit the gimme, gimme, gimme button I stop and go somewhere else. That saves a lot of money. I'd planned on trying out for the Olympics when they accept shopping as a competitive sport.

I went to the doctor a couple of weeks ago. I had to give blood which reminds me of being in the hospital as they waited for someone with my blood type to donate. I started my come back tour after that and have minimal, faint twinges of guilt for never donating myself. Oh, back to the lab. A mother and her son were waiting to be called back right before me. I thought the mother would be giving blood, but it was her three year old they needed blood from. Not a noise came out of that room and the little stocky boy strutted out like a bull dog at a dog show. Everyone was so impressed that he didn't scream or carry on. I had all the warm fuzzies until I realized I was next. That's when the screaming and carrying on starts. Oh yes, my numbers were way down and I don't have to see her every other month now. Afterwards I was driving home and saw an unmowed lawn with one substantial patch of clover. I'm pretty sure I blushed. It looked like the yard was showing it's pubic grass. Just another day as seen through the lens of my mind.

Have a good one y'all.
Good morning Pops and Popsadoodles. Yeah, it's still morning. I was up until 3, so this is really 7 or 8 for me. I call that sleeping math. :grin:

It's ok Coachadoodles. I'd prefer you tell me not to eat grits or raw oysters for a year. I'd one up you and never eat them. Oysters are probably the only thing that frying doesn't help. Nasty, slimy varmints! You see, I'm grading my punishment on a very large curve. Shopping is the precious! I've got carts filled all across the internet. Right when I'm ready to hit the gimme, gimme, gimme button I stop and go somewhere else. That saves a lot of money. I'd planned on trying out for the Olympics when they accept shopping as a competitive sport.

I went to the doctor a couple of weeks ago. I had to give blood which reminds me of being in the hospital as they waited for someone with my blood type to donate. I started my come back tour after that and have minimal, faint twinges of guilt for never donating myself. Oh, back to the lab. A mother and her son were waiting to be called back right before me. I thought the mother would be giving blood, but it was her three year old they needed blood from. Not a noise came out of that room and the little stocky boy strutted out like a bull dog at a dog show. Everyone was so impressed that he didn't scream or carry on. I had all the warm fuzzies until I realized I was next. That's when the screaming and carrying on starts. Oh yes, my numbers were way down and I don't have to see her every other month now. Afterwards I was driving home and saw an unmowed lawn with one substantial patch of clover. I'm pretty sure I blushed. It looked like the yard was showing it's pubic grass. Just another day as seen through the lens of my mind.

Have a good one y'all.
I'm glad your number are way down, Doll!

Is that gimme, gimme, gimme button what you use to go Windows 10 shopping?
I'm glad your number are way down, Doll!

Is that gimme, gimme, gimme button what you use to go Windows 10 shopping?
I know not of this Windows 10 shopping. What do they sell and do I want it? I've got a couple of anti virus programs on my computer already that take turns trying to delete each other.
Good morning Pops and Popsadoodles. Yeah, it's still morning. I was up until 3, so this is really 7 or 8 for me. I call that sleeping math. :grin:

It's ok Coachadoodles. I'd prefer you tell me not to eat grits or raw oysters for a year. I'd one up you and never eat them. Oysters are probably the only thing that frying doesn't help. Nasty, slimy varmints! You see, I'm grading my punishment on a very large curve. Shopping is the precious! I've got carts filled all across the internet. Right when I'm ready to hit the gimme, gimme, gimme button I stop and go somewhere else. That saves a lot of money. I'd planned on trying out for the Olympics when they accept shopping as a competitive sport.

I went to the doctor a couple of weeks ago. I had to give blood which reminds me of being in the hospital as they waited for someone with my blood type to donate. I started my come back tour after that and have minimal, faint twinges of guilt for never donating myself. Oh, back to the lab. A mother and her son were waiting to be called back right before me. I thought the mother would be giving blood, but it was her three year old they needed blood from. Not a noise came out of that room and the little stocky boy strutted out like a bull dog at a dog show. Everyone was so impressed that he didn't scream or carry on. I had all the warm fuzzies until I realized I was next. That's when the screaming and carrying on starts. Oh yes, my numbers were way down and I don't have to see her every other month now. Afterwards I was driving home and saw an unmowed lawn with one substantial patch of clover. I'm pretty sure I blushed. It looked like the yard was showing it's pubic grass. Just another day as seen through the lens of my mind.

Have a good one y'all.
You by any chance got the address of that pubic grass?

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