FEATURED Morning Pops!

Morning, Pops and peeps. Wednesday was 2 days ago. Does anyone know how CC's appointment went? Jan, I hope you got good news from your tests. It's Friday and I hope that cheers you working folk up.
That is one of the common side effects of some BP meds like Lisinopril.

They don't weigh side effects as much as we do; they're more about the treatment of the disorder being more critical. As patients, sometimes we view is as tantamount.

I used to be pretty defiant about being put on meds, saw that as a sign of aging and giving up the ghost. Have a long time friend in Dallas that was that way and told his doc top stuff the BP meds and he started in on homeopathic like Bragg's AC Vinegar, garlic and honey. 3 months later he had a stroke and was lucky he was taken to a trauma unit so quickly but he went back on the meds under the direction of his wife that had to nurse him back from partial paralysis.

Easy to accuse these people of being pill pushers when our cooperation, raising my hand here, of lifestyle changes to aid them in treating us go ignored.

Every time I see one of those people dragging an oxygen tank around smoking a cigarette, I stop and just take that in. I saw that so much in OK, the state with the highest smoking rate in the US and the closest to European cities with smokers and stinky people opposed to deodorant, that it was just ordinary. I expected to see everyone with a tank lighting up.

That coughing does improve once your system realizes that you are trying to help it.

I gotta say, the attention the medical people pay to the BP does get my attention. Spent 30 minutes on the phone with the pre-op nurse yesterday and if she told me what BP med to take the day of the surgery, she said it a dozen times. Stop everything else now but do not fail to take that.
Oh, and I have 3 stories of guys who didn't listen to their doc:

32 year old male, enlarged heart. told to quit drinking. Didn't. Died.
28 year old male. Told to quit drinking. Didn't. Died.
62 year old male. Told to take his heart pills or he would die. Didn't like the way they made him feel so he quit taking them. Dead in less than 6 months.

I am all about listening to the doc!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It was Lisinopril!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I've been on that for years and have graduated to 40mgs but the cough subsided. I had another 2 because my doc is obsessed with me getting to 120/80. There is also this move behind the scenes with Medicare for these docs to get those insured with Medicare down to that area because they've focused in on that as the "controllable" that's wrecking the system.

The cardiologist I just said sayonara to replaced one and I stood up and almost passed out, I took my BP and it was 90/60 and started trying to get it up. I was already feeling like crap and this just topped it off.

We are all our own medical monitors. We trust others to do it but they don't have anything vested in us.
Oh, and I have 3 stories of guys who didn't listen to their doc:

32 year old male, enlarged heart. told to quit drinking. Didn't. Died.
28 year old male. Told to quit drinking. Didn't. Died.
62 year old male. Told to take his heart pills or he would die. Didn't like the way they made him feel so he quit taking them. Dead in less than 6 months.

I am all about listening to the doc!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yeah but I like giving my primary guy a hard time and his PA enjoys it. However, when I went into see him this last time and was all yellow when I brought up the fact that I had concluded I had Cirrhosis because I had all of the symptoms, they both turned their heads and just looked at me, message received. He didn't have to say a word.

The funny part was when Scott, my doc, told me unless I had been way underestimating the amount of alcohol I consume, that wouldn't be enough to cause Cirrhosis. Then the best line he ever used on me was delivered. He said "and I have no reason to believe your are underestimating it because you do seem proud of it". Austin, his PA, and I laughed so hard that the nurses wanted to know what went on in there.

Speaking of laughing docs, the guy that inherited me in Dallas when my favorite doc of all time retired was this really nice Asian gent and extremely thorough. He gave me my only breast exam ever on my first visit. He said men get breast cancer and a lot of people aren't aware of that. Well, he starts examining me and I gotta say, I was a little uncomfortable getting this breast massage for the first time and I decided it had gone on long enough and said "at what point does this medical exam cross the line to a date"? He stops, looks at me and loses it like I've never seen any doc, he's in a fit of laughter and now I am getting really nervous but he finally calms down and finishes the exam.
Morning, Pops and peeps. Wednesday was 2 days ago. Does anyone know how CC's appointment went? Jan, I hope you got good news from your tests. It's Friday and I hope that cheers you working folk up.
Hey Leon, thanks for asking. I am getting this pesky gall bladder out on Tuesday and this will be my first expelled organ and am looking forward to it. I do not count Hector as that was an exchange and a hip isn't an organ.

The post op lifestyle change doesn't seem to be much at all. I gotta wonder if the gall bladder isn't about as useless as the appendix. It seems to cause a lot of problems for many people.

My GI guy called yesterday and said he'd shared my case with their board and he said the conclusion was you are one lucky guy. Bile duct stones are rare and they were amazed that I had no pain. They would assume I would have been doubled over and in the ER with that many stones. So, to CC's file of "Things Can Always Be Worse" goes this one just as I was at my lowest feeling sorry for myself stage.

If everything goes according to plan, it will be in and out in one day and back home to show the kids my incisions instead of yelling at them to get off my lawn. Old men with surgeries have been known to be very effective kid deterrents.
Woohoo! I get to hand off 4000 board feet of mouldings in Manhattan, in the remnants of a tropical storm!!! I'm so friggin' happy!!!

Oh yeah, I almost forgot. On my way here, I was about to turn right onto Columbus Ave, when a cop passed me, lights flashing, turned right onto Columbus and stopped. When the light turned green I started to make my turn and noticed a pair of hands hanging on to my right side mirror bracket. Apparently, he was standing on my side step, trying to get away from the cops.

I hit my brakes and he jumped off running. He got about 20 feet before two cops tackled him from behind, right on the wet street. I had to back up a little in order to make my turn, and by the time I started on my way, there were five or six cops on top of the guy, handcuffing him.

Fun town, Manhattan is.
What a day you're having! I'll bet the movie of this day will be good. I wonder who will play you though. I was thinking Bruce Willis but he's probably prunified by now. Sylvester Stallone had a face lift and his eyebrows are pointing towards Heaven, so he's a no go. Maybe Chris Hemsworth.
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Good Friday morning Pops and Friends,

I'm making a quick trip to New Orleans today to pick up the grandkids for a couple of weeks' visit to Montana.

Aside from the normal hiking and biking activities (the kids don't fully appreciate a mountain hike - they have that "Bataan death march" look about them every time I mention it), we have plans for whitewater rafting day trip, zip lining and water park. We are driving through Glacier National Park mid-week... heard it has been crazy busy.

Oh, oh, we heard from the family member we preformed an intervention. Judging from the negative response, we should have conducted an exorcism instead.

Have a good weekend.
You must plan on the Cowboys having a great season if you're going to sacrifice grandkids to the bears. Once they get a taste of tender Montanalos, they may not want to risk consuming the tough one. Any who, Go Cowboys!!!!
Morning Pops and Popsadoodles. I had another weird dream last night where we could go to a metal box just smaller than a refrigerator and imagine a certain combination of numbers to be teleported to another location. I was at a college football parade. NFL fans were welcome which means my group got to boo other teams fans. I was gathering the troops to harass Eagles fans when a man representing my husband told me he'd meet me at home and not take too long. It used to be a wet blanket, but I'm undeterred at this point. When the parade was over and a winner declared, I couldn't get to the box to think of my numbers. I went to a nearby hospital for their box and forgot my numbers, so I made some up and ended up at a federal science facility. They were looking at me funny because they don't get visitors. It was an ordeal until someone was assigned to make sure I got home. They verified my numbers and told me not to think, Mr. Agent would do the thinking for me. It was different than what we got and moved slower. Mr. Agent and I were hovering high above the ground and viewing all the lights across the land in populated areas. It was sort of like Mary Poppins at flight path level. Kind of cool. Nothing was normal, but I had a sense of comfort and familiarity with things. I had a super fancy house on a hill. Still had the husband, but he seemed tame.

There was also tiered bedding where the top tier was a regular bed but the bottom tier was a book the size of the bed. People lived in those pages if you allowed them. I was getting ready to kick two people out of the book, but my softer side had mercy on them. They just can't act up when out of the book. I mean it!

I think a psychiatrist would have a blast with me. I'd get to attend all the high profile gatherings and conferences. I'd get the best seat in the house as they point at me and offer psychological break down theories.

Happy Friday everyone!
Morning Pops and Popsadoodles. I had another weird dream last night where we could go to a metal box just smaller than a refrigerator and imagine a certain combination of numbers to be teleported to another location. I was at a college football parade. NFL fans were welcome which means my group got to boo other teams fans. I was gathering the troops to harass Eagles fans when a man representing my husband told me he'd meet me at home and not take too long. It used to be a wet blanket, but I'm undeterred at this point. When the parade was over and a winner declared, I couldn't get to the box to think of my numbers. I went to a nearby hospital for their box and forgot my numbers, so I made some up and ended up at a federal science facility. They were looking at me funny because they don't get visitors. It was an ordeal until someone was assigned to make sure I got home. They verified my numbers and told me not to think, Mr. Agent would do the thinking for me. It was different than what we got and moved slower. Mr. Agent and I were hovering high above the ground and viewing all the lights across the land in populated areas. It was sort of like Mary Poppins at flight path level. Kind of cool. Nothing was normal, but I had a sense of comfort and familiarity with things. I had a super fancy house on a hill. Still had the husband, but he seemed tame.

There was also tiered bedding where the top tier was a regular bed but the bottom tier was a book the size of the bed. People lived in those pages if you allowed them. I was getting ready to kick two people out of the book, but my softer side had mercy on them. They just can't act up when out of the book. I mean it!

I think a psychiatrist would have a blast with me. I'd get to attend all the high profile gatherings and conferences. I'd get the best seat in the house as they point at me and offer psychological break down theories.

Happy Friday everyone!
I think your psychologist would need a psychiatrist after a few sessions with you! And that's why we love you!
Morning Pops and everyone.

Waking up to temps in the 60’s, low humidity and soft rain… beautiful. Received a message from Sam and he stopped over for a bit to sit and chat on the porch. Still raining. Was a nice way to start my day.

Xel… I will have to amuse myself with your story/dream while I’m sitting in Atlanta on layover on Monday. May need some humor after I tire of watching the other travelers trying to find their way.

Have I ever said how much I hate the Atlanta airport? Hate hate hate it… so much so that I will be changing airlines the next time I fly just so I can fly through Detroit. I love the Detroit airport! Easy to navigate… comfortable… Atlanta is just too big. I suppose if I was taller and a different gender it wouldn’t bother me so much, or perhaps if I had someone traveling with me… but 5’3” and female traveling alone, I find I’m more stressed being on alert and just wanting to get to my gate… and wait. It would be nice to wander and snoop the shops tho.

Anyway… enough rambling. Today I’m all in on final checklists and packing, tidying up the house and making sure I’m ready to go for Monday. Wheels up at 6am.

Have a great Saturday everyone!
Morning Pops and everyone.

Waking up to temps in the 60’s, low humidity and soft rain… beautiful. Received a message from Sam and he stopped over for a bit to sit and chat on the porch. Still raining. Was a nice way to start my day.

Xel… I will have to amuse myself with your story/dream while I’m sitting in Atlanta on layover on Monday. May need some humor after I tire of watching the other travelers trying to find their way.

Have I ever said how much I hate the Atlanta airport? Hate hate hate it… so much so that I will be changing airlines the next time I fly just so I can fly through Detroit. I love the Detroit airport! Easy to navigate… comfortable… Atlanta is just too big. I suppose if I was taller and a different gender it wouldn’t bother me so much, or perhaps if I had someone traveling with me… but 5’3” and female traveling alone, I find I’m more stressed being on alert and just wanting to get to my gate… and wait. It would be nice to wander and snoop the shops tho.

Anyway… enough rambling. Today I’m all in on final checklists and packing, tidying up the house and making sure I’m ready to go for Monday. Wheels up at 6am.

Have a great Saturday everyone!
I hope you and "Sam" had a good talk and are working through what issues you're having. Sometimes you think it's just not worth the effort, then afterward, you wish you'd tried a little harder because the issues were smaller than they seemed at the time.
I hope you and "Sam" had a good talk and are working through what issues you're having. Sometimes you think it's just not worth the effort, then afterward, you wish you'd tried a little harder because the issues were smaller than they seemed at the time.

Thank you Runny. Thankfully our issues are not between us. Just stuff we both are dealing with on our own personal levels. We are still good:rolleyes::)
More details would be good. We won't mind one bit. :grin:

Lol you guuuuyyysss…:facepalm: he needs to get through something before we can really explore this relationship (and this is my first relationship since my guy passed 5 years ago), so it’s good for both of us I think to have things moving slowly though it’s driving us both crazy lol. I haven’t scared him off yet and I know for certain there is mutual interest. That’s all the deets you’re getting. I won’t “kiss and tell”:D
Morning Pops and everyone.

Waking up to temps in the 60’s, low humidity and soft rain… beautiful. Received a message from Sam and he stopped over for a bit to sit and chat on the porch. Still raining. Was a nice way to start my day.

Xel… I will have to amuse myself with your story/dream while I’m sitting in Atlanta on layover on Monday. May need some humor after I tire of watching the other travelers trying to find their way.

Have I ever said how much I hate the Atlanta airport? Hate hate hate it… so much so that I will be changing airlines the next time I fly just so I can fly through Detroit. I love the Detroit airport! Easy to navigate… comfortable… Atlanta is just too big. I suppose if I was taller and a different gender it wouldn’t bother me so much, or perhaps if I had someone traveling with me… but 5’3” and female traveling alone, I find I’m more stressed being on alert and just wanting to get to my gate… and wait. It would be nice to wander and snoop the shops tho.

Anyway… enough rambling. Today I’m all in on final checklists and packing, tidying up the house and making sure I’m ready to go for Monday. Wheels up at 6am.

Have a great Saturday everyone!
I hope your trip goes off without a hitch and you enjoy yourself. Remember we're interested in Sam, so don't throw that all away over some booty call.

I went through the Atlanta airport once with my ex. We got on the tram with all the poles to keep people from flying all over the place. We'd gotten off at the wrong stop, so we had to get back on. One other guy got on with us. The tram let us know it was getting ready to take off so grab something and hold on. At that point I yelled "LUDICROUS SPEED" and the other guy nearly lost it. Dark Helmet and I have something in common.

As for my dreams, I normally try to get the basic details down and don't add the good flavor like Coachadoodles does.

I saw a tip for travelling for you. Take a picture of your stove on your phone before you leave home. That way you can let your brain rest on the "did I turn it off" stuff. That goes for other things you might worry about as well.

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