Good morning Pops and happy hump day to one and all.
@CouchCoach godspeed for a quick and complete recovery. Looking forward to your return from "Adios Gall Bladder Day".
We've had one set of grandkids (ages 10 and 11) for several days. So far, I have a strained shoulder from ziplining, a sore tail bone from the waterpark slide and a bruised and bloody elbow from a hiking mishap. Measured in terms of 'grandfather injuries', we're apparently having a good time.
I remember my father fiddling with his first cable TV remote control and my mother struggling to operate her smart phone. After spending 1.5 hours trying to hook up a Xbox (the instructions said 'turn Xbox on, download app, follow online instructions'), I handed the whole thing over to the 10 year old who had it running in about 15 minutes. Karma is a cruel mistress.