FEATURED Morning Pops!

I had the same problem and he opened up the sphincter

Have to admit @CouchCoach there were parts of me, private and important parts, that involuntarily contracted when I read that.

That aside, I appreciate your sharing on this forum... makes us all stop and reflect and, just as important, it is therapeutic
It is for me, Colo, and it's not really important that people read or respond to it. It, somehow, helps me to write about it and since I live alone, this is the only sharing I can do. I have to be guarded with family.

And I can't think of a better thread than Pops' to do this in and it's not out there, so few of us use this thread. It is the most special thread on the entire site.

Sorry to be the one to break it to you but your body does have sphincters you were unaware of and it would remain so if not for a faulty one of mine. I did not think to ask if there are any more that should concern me; however, I did consider the people that should have sphincter for mouths and the list is long and just chocked full of politicians.
It is for me, Colo, and it's not really important that people read or respond to it. It, somehow, helps me to write about it and since I live alone, this is the only sharing I can do. I have to be guarded with family.

And I can't think of a better thread than Pops' to do this in and it's not out there, so few of us use this thread. It is the most special thread on the entire site.

Sorry to be the one to break it to you but your body does have sphincters you were unaware of and it would remain so if not for a faulty one of mine. I did not think to ask if there are any more that should concern me; however, I did consider the people that should have sphincter for mouths and the list is long and just chocked full of politicians.
I never ever thought I could feel this close to people I've never met.
I never ever thought I could feel this close to people I've never met.
Right back at ya, rascal.

Here's us discussing the negatives of Booger and Son, Inc.

Finding a new Dak thread:

and sharing out thoughts on the new Dak contract.


We're so loveable!
Morning Pops and friends.

Well, thanks to Coast Guard regulations, I have to go up on deck or in the cabin now, when I take the ferry from Long Island back to Connecticut.

That means not only do I not get to nap, after getting up at 2:30 a.m. or earlier, but also I have to spend an hour plus surrounded by annoying people, the loudest of whom seem to follow me wherever I go.

For example, the typical guy on the cellphone: "Hey, it me. I'm on the ferry....On the FERRY....I'M ON THE FERRY!!.....No, the Port Jefferson ferry.....Port Jefferson....PORT JEFFERSON!!!"

If I had my way, the next sound would be a large splash, but I hear that would be wrong.
Morning Pops and friends.

My first overdue venture here. Wanted to check in on my buddy @CouchCoach and his recovery.
Thanks Bullet, the surgery went OK, had a drain and a stent we never discussed as parting gifts, and thankfully got the drain out two days later, and I am awaiting the pathology report on my "messy gall bladder". You would think that since it had to be removed, comments about it wouldn't be necessary because I know the veiled message from the medical community "it's you and your decadent lifestyle that are the real culprits, you made a mess of a perfectly good gall bladder".

My poor primary care physician needs to come at me with a loud "told ya so, Mr. Party Hat"!!!! I have kind of flaunted the fact that I will eat what I want, weigh what I want, drink what I want and smoke as many cigars as I see fit, it's my life.

I really have no idea how one trashes a gall bladder because I am sure there are health nuts and teatotalers that have them removed.

As a member in good standing, at least for now, of the Pops Thread I cordially invite you not to remain a stranger, there are really fine folks in here and we share quite a bit about ourselves, probably more than they want to know.

And Bullet, this is one you can put your mod gun away when entering.
Morning Pops and friends.

Well, thanks to Coast Guard regulations, I have to go up on deck or in the cabin now, when I take the ferry from Long Island back to Connecticut.

That means not only do I not get to nap, after getting up at 2:30 a.m. or earlier, but also I have to spend an hour plus surrounded by annoying people, the loudest of whom seem to follow me wherever I go.

For example, the typical guy on the cellphone: "Hey, it me. I'm on the ferry....On the FERRY....I'M ON THE FERRY!!.....No, the Port Jefferson ferry.....Port Jefferson....PORT JEFFERSON!!!"

If I had my way, the next sound would be a large splash, but I hear that would be wrong.
How often do you have to ride that ferry?
Thanks Bullet, the surgery went OK, had a drain and a stent we never discussed as parting gifts, and thankfully got the drain out two days later, and I am awaiting the pathology report on my "messy gall bladder". You would think that since it had to be removed, comments about it wouldn't be necessary because I know the veiled message from the medical community "it's you and your decadent lifestyle that are the real culprits, you made a mess of a perfectly good gall bladder".

My poor primary care physician needs to come at me with a loud "told ya so, Mr. Party Hat"!!!! I have kind of flaunted the fact that I will eat what I want, weigh what I want, drink what I want and smoke as many cigars as I see fit, it's my life.

I really have no idea how one trashes a gall bladder because I am sure there are health nuts and teatotalers that have them removed.

As a member in good standing, at least for now, of the Pops Thread I cordially invite you not to remain a stranger, there are really fine folks in here and we share quite a bit about ourselves, probably more than they want to know.

And Bullet, this is one you can put your mod gun away when entering.
If you’re on the mend, then I’m thrilled. Keep that going brother. Take it easy to ensure a full recovery.

I recovered from Kidney cancer in 2012- that is after they took my right kidney. I’m glad to say you only have to have one to live- so far so good. I’m 9 years cancer free.

Maybe (like me) you can look back on all those C-gars, whiskey shots and fried whatevers as the fond memories of youth, lol. I have always loved tequila, and thankfully my kidney doc says I can still drink it. But in much smaller doses than my younger days. Now I savor it a little more slowly.

Anyway good to hear you’re mending. Continued prayers that your humor, smart A comments, and general greatness are once again in full swing. Here’s to many more healthy years for you Sir Coach. Cheers!
Morning Pops, I hope all are well!
Hey Street, how's the recovery going?
Morning Pops and friends.

Well, thanks to Coast Guard regulations, I have to go up on deck or in the cabin now, when I take the ferry from Long Island back to Connecticut.

That means not only do I not get to nap, after getting up at 2:30 a.m. or earlier, but also I have to spend an hour plus surrounded by annoying people, the loudest of whom seem to follow me wherever I go.

For example, the typical guy on the cellphone: "Hey, it me. I'm on the ferry....On the FERRY....I'M ON THE FERRY!!.....No, the Port Jefferson ferry.....Port Jefferson....PORT JEFFERSON!!!"

If I had my way, the next sound would be a large splash, but I hear that would be wrong.
Thor smash, Runny splash. I'll be looking for you if there's another Avenger's movie.
Morning Pops and friends.

My first overdue venture here. Wanted to check in on my buddy @CouchCoach and his recovery.
Welcome to the loony bin, Bob. Coachadoodles is our Jack Nicholson from One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest.
Welcome to the loony bin, Bob. Coachadoodles is our Jack Nicholson from One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest.[/QUOTE]
Thank you sir. Loony bin eh? I should fit right in then.
As a member in good standing, at least for now, of the Pops Thread I cordially invite you not to remain a stranger, there are really fine folks in here and we share quite a bit about ourselves, probably more than they want to know.

And Bullet, this is one you can put your mod gun away when entering.
:omg:Y'all get guns? I wanna be a mod!!!!
Thank you sir. Loony bin eh? I should fit right in then.
You would be a welcome addition. We have great people in this thread.
Thanks Bullet, the surgery went OK, had a drain and a stent we never discussed as parting gifts, and thankfully got the drain out two days later, and I am awaiting the pathology report on my "messy gall bladder". You would think that since it had to be removed, comments about it wouldn't be necessary because I know the veiled message from the medical community "it's you and your decadent lifestyle that are the real culprits, you made a mess of a perfectly good gall bladder".

My poor primary care physician needs to come at me with a loud "told ya so, Mr. Party Hat"!!!! I have kind of flaunted the fact that I will eat what I want, weigh what I want, drink what I want and smoke as many cigars as I see fit, it's my life.

I really have no idea how one trashes a gall bladder because I am sure there are health nuts and teatotalers that have them removed.

As a member in good standing, at least for now, of the Pops Thread I cordially invite you not to remain a stranger, there are really fine folks in here and we share quite a bit about ourselves, probably more than they want to know.

And Bullet, this is one you can put your mod gun away when entering.
I have two brothers and two sisters. One brother hasn't had his gallbladder removed, but we still aren't sure he's not the mailman's kid, and he's done the most drinking, and other stuff. The rest of us lost our gb's in our mid thirties to forties. I don't think lifestyle has anything to do with it.
How often do you have to ride that ferry?
Sometimes once or twice a week, sometimes I don't see it for a month. I'm certainly going to be more inclined to drive back now. Once I posted my earlier complaint, a group of probably 13ish year old girls sat on the same bench as me...I don't think I need to elaborate on that...so I moved about eight rows down, and for the rest of the trip I got to listen to a guy four rows away talk about his softball game. He was with three other people and I didn't hear a word they said, but I could have written his stories down as he "spoke".
I have two brothers and two sisters. One brother hasn't had his gallbladder removed, but we still aren't sure he's not the mailman's kid, and he's done the most drinking, and other stuff. The rest of us lost our gb's in our mid thirties to forties. I don't think lifestyle has anything to do with it.
I am printing this and carrying this with me to any and all doc appts and also see this as permission granted from you to continue my lifestyle of physical decadence and mental debauchery.
If you’re on the mend, then I’m thrilled. Keep that going brother. Take it easy to ensure a full recovery.

I recovered from Kidney cancer in 2012- that is after they took my right kidney. I’m glad to say you only have to have one to live- so far so good. I’m 9 years cancer free.

Maybe (like me) you can look back on all those C-gars, whiskey shots and fried whatevers as the fond memories of youth, lol. I have always loved tequila, and thankfully my kidney doc says I can still drink it. But in much smaller doses than my younger days. Now I savor it a little more slowly.

Anyway good to hear you’re mending. Continued prayers that your humor, smart A comments, and general greatness are once again in full swing. Here’s to many more healthy years for you Sir Coach. Cheers!

Ooohhhh another survivor of the wretched “C”. I myself am in my 7th year of one in the kidney cancer family (urothelial diagnosed in 2014) and have only my right kidney! Between the two of us we have a pair!!

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