FEATURED Morning Pops!

Morning, Pops and peeps. Welcome to the "Morning Pops" thread @Bobhaze. Come back often.
Coach, are you still yellow or back to being a pale face? I hope everyone has a great day.
Morning Leon, I could sure use some color, do you happen to know of anyone with a condo on a beach and the Bahamas would be preferable.:cool:

Seriously, I got so used to seeing myself that I didn't realize how I looked. When I went to see my primary care doc, he came rushing over and grabbed my arm and said "I am so so sorry, had no idea it was this bad". Well, that didn't make me feel much better and he and his PA kick it into overdrive trying to get me into a surgeon. For 9 days, I can't get anyone to acknowledge that I am really in a bad way and then they start freakin' out and make it worse, everything is in hurry up mode. This got scarier when I asked him why are you guys in overdrive now? He put his hands on my shoulders and looked me straight in the eyes, yellow as they were, and said "you could die" and he looked a little panicked.

The next two days didn't get any better with the GI doc leaning toward a rare and deadly cancer, a rushed MRI an hour and a half away and a rushed ERCP to clean out the bile duct, only to have it start immediately start filling up with stones again. Nine days, when it's usually nine minutes, later when the surgeon sees me, he freaks out and sends out an APB for a GI doc to do another ERCP when he does his surgery. I heard him tell his nurse outside the door to get one from another hospital if necessary.

Now, I await the pathology report on that "messy gall bladder' and will not be the least surprised if it's not good news. If it's bad, I am OK with it and will ride this to the end but they will never fill their coffers by injecting that poison into me. Greatest scam on the planet, treating the terminally ill to stretch out their "quality of life". Biggest joke the AMA ever played on us.

Not talking about what saved the lives of Bullet, Jan and Xelda, I am talking about keeping the money coming in from people with no chance and actually making them sicker over the last part of their lives.

Do I sound bitter? That's because this ordeal ripped the toughest scab I had to get on 11 years ago, the selling of "extending the quality of life", which included the obligatory Divine Intervention part but God only saves people once they undergo treatment.

Ok, bile out. Guess I had some leftover that they didn't get out.

Thanks Leon and didn't mean to use your kind post but this was coming somewhere as I have been on a building simmer and I needed somewhere to purge a little of it
Morning Pops and friends.

Let me start with an apology to Xelda. It’s ma’am not sir. I learn something new every day!
Coach, hope you are a day closer to 100%.
Bullet, don't worry about Xelda, she allows each of us one mistake. However, most of us didn't use ours up as quickly as you did.

Hey, brother, if it took me getting sick to join our little thread here, something good came out of it. The Pops Thread is like the Marines, we don't just take anybody.

Actually, Pops Thread is an eagles' roost for they gather, they do not flock.

This is a great place to start your day when entering the site but I must say we've left it unattended a little too much and it deserves better than that.
Actually, we take everybody. This thread belongs to nobody. This thread is for those who are no longer here, as a remembrance of sort. This thread was started by Sarge, in 2009 so it's had a long run with many, many posters who have come through it. But I am glad to see that there are a few who frequent it often, sometimes daily. And there is always room for more in this thread. So I am glad you have decided to frequent it Bob. I hope you get as much enjoyment out of it as I have, over the years.
I did get some good news from my labs yesterday morning, I am still a little high in a few areas but nothing like I was before. I had asked for this because I think this has been playing with my mind. I start to get that feeling with how this started weeks ago and have to check my skin color and it has been making me a little wackier than the usual.

Any just ordinary little itch sends me to the brink because I gotta be honest, I was close to breaking, never experienced anything like it in my life, it was 24/7 some part of my body was itching, from the top of my head to the soles of my feet and I could never really sleep. That's why I cruised through the MRI with claustrophobia, I was too exhausted to fight it.

That pesky Bilirubin, kind of a cute name for such a nefarious character that causes the itching and jaundice, is still elevated but only at 2.1 vs 10.3. So maybe now I can get past the mental part of this and stop thinking this is coming back as it did before.

Guys, I am sorry to obsess on this but when you live alone and are left with this plus one's usual troubling thoughts, I gotta get it out of me and expressed in some fashion. Thanks for letting me do that here.
I did get some good news from my labs yesterday morning, I am still a little high in a few areas but nothing like I was before. I had asked for this because I think this has been playing with my mind. I start to get that feeling with how this started weeks ago and have to check my skin color and it has been making me a little wackier than the usual.

Any just ordinary little itch sends me to the brink because I gotta be honest, I was close to breaking, never experienced anything like it in my life, it was 24/7 some part of my body was itching, from the top of my head to the soles of my feet and I could never really sleep. That's why I cruised through the MRI with claustrophobia, I was too exhausted to fight it.

That pesky Bilirubin, kind of a cute name for such a nefarious character that causes the itching and jaundice, is still elevated but only at 2.1 vs 10.3. So maybe now I can get past the mental part of this and stop thinking this is coming back as it did before.

Guys, I am sorry to obsess on this but when you live alone and are left with this plus one's usual troubling thoughts, I gotta get it out of me and expressed in some fashion. Thanks for letting me do that here.
Here’s hoping for more good news for you Coach.
Actually, we take everybody. This thread belongs to nobody. This thread is for those who are no longer here, as a remembrance of sort. This thread was started by Sarge, in 2009 so it's had a long run with many, many posters who have come through it. But I am glad to see that there are a few who frequent it often, sometimes daily. And there is always room for more in this thread. So I am glad you have decided to frequent it Bob. I hope you get as much enjoyment out of it as I have, over the years.
I’m often amazed at how many good people are on this forum and how kind they are.
Morning Pops and friends.

Let me start with an apology to Xelda. It’s ma’am not sir. I learn something new every day!
Coach, hope you are a day closer to 100%.
I'm glad we didn't scare you off, Bob! No need to apologize though. My Calvin avatar may have thrown you off but it's an excellent representation of what goes on in my mind. Being first born gives one a wider berth in imagination land. The rules parents lay down are dictated by what that first born was inspired to do. Future siblings didn't stand a chance. Ah, those two and a half glorious years of free reign. How I miss it. Not having to share my mommaw! How did I get off on this?
You are lucky she's not here in person, she'd slap ya baldheaded for the mistake!!!! A tiger lives in that one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It's more fun to snatch you baldheaded.

Glad to hear you're doing better Coachadoodles. Who else can drive the short bus as well as you do? You may say Runny, but I hear he takes naps behind the wheel. I'm glad he does though, because just reading about when he gets up makes me tired. All the naps I take in his honor aren't doing him a bit of good.

Have a good Hump Day everyone!
I did get some good news from my labs yesterday morning, I am still a little high in a few areas but nothing like I was before. I had asked for this because I think this has been playing with my mind. I start to get that feeling with how this started weeks ago and have to check my skin color and it has been making me a little wackier than the usual.

Any just ordinary little itch sends me to the brink because I gotta be honest, I was close to breaking, never experienced anything like it in my life, it was 24/7 some part of my body was itching, from the top of my head to the soles of my feet and I could never really sleep. That's why I cruised through the MRI with claustrophobia, I was too exhausted to fight it.

That pesky Bilirubin, kind of a cute name for such a nefarious character that causes the itching and jaundice, is still elevated but only at 2.1 vs 10.3. So maybe now I can get past the mental part of this and stop thinking this is coming back as it did before.

Guys, I am sorry to obsess on this but when you live alone and are left with this plus one's usual troubling thoughts, I gotta get it out of me and expressed in some fashion. Thanks for letting me do that here.
We'd be pissed if we found out about this from someone else, so you better believe we're gonna "let" you do it here.

I think the itching would be the worst part for me. My forearms itch a lot lately, to the point of waking me up at night once in a while. No idea why. But that's nothing compared to my first couple of experiences with poison ivy last year and earlier this year. Having that itch all over like you do, with no warning of where it strikes next would have me up on a tower with a rifle....Okay, first it would have me in a store, buying a rifle, but then....lookout dude who took my parking space a few weeks ago!

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