FEATURED Morning Pops!

We should totally carpool. I can’t get where I’m going fast enough.
I don't even ride well with slow people. "You should go around that car. Change lanes, that one's going faster. Why are you driving so slow? Let's go, let's go, let's go!" This is followed by "There's a better parking spot up there". Finally "Why'd you have to park so far out?". I'm just a delight.
I don't even ride well with slow people. "You should go around that car. Change lanes, that one's going faster. Why are you driving so slow? Let's go, let's go, let's go!" This is followed by "There's a better parking spot up there". Finally "Why'd you have to park so far out?". I'm just a delight.

I like you:D
I don't even ride well with slow people. "You should go around that car. Change lanes, that one's going faster. Why are you driving so slow? Let's go, let's go, let's go!" This is followed by "There's a better parking spot up there". Finally "Why'd you have to park so far out?". I'm just a delight.
You should ride with my mother some time. You'd never even know how slow she was going or where the closest parking spaces are, because you would only remove your hands from over your eyes once your feet were on solid ground.

One excerpt from my last experience, when she drove me home from my shoulder surgery:
"Yes, turn into the pharmacy....No, that's the bank...Next driveway.... THAT'S NOT THE DRIVEWAY!!"
You should ride with my mother some time. You'd never even know how slow she was going or where the closest parking spaces are, because you would only remove your hands from over your eyes once your feet were on solid ground.

One excerpt from my last experience, when she drove me home from my shoulder surgery:
"Yes, turn into the pharmacy....No, that's the bank...Next driveway.... THAT'S NOT THE DRIVEWAY!!"

Blazing her own trails!!!
You should ride with my mother some time. You'd never even know how slow she was going or where the closest parking spaces are, because you would only remove your hands from over your eyes once your feet were on solid ground.

One excerpt from my last experience, when she drove me home from my shoulder surgery:
"Yes, turn into the pharmacy....No, that's the bank...Next driveway.... THAT'S NOT THE DRIVEWAY!!"
She is approved to drive us around! I like a woman that doesn't mind taking the side walk from time to time.
How you doing Coach?
Been better Jan, thanks for asking, got a call with the Oncology Surgeon on Monday morning so I am antsy to get that done and find out just what the hell is wrong. Or at least what he thinks is wrong. The guy has some impressive credentials so I do think I got a good referral.

I keep replaying this conversation with my sons in my head and it lays heavy on my mind.
Been better Jan, thanks for asking, got a call with the Oncology Surgeon on Monday morning so I am antsy to get that done and find out just what the hell is wrong. Or at least what he thinks is wrong. The guy has some impressive credentials so I do think I got a good referral.

I keep replaying this conversation with my sons in my head and it lays heavy on my mind.

Going in knowing you have a great doc is helpful. Why they aren’t telling you what’s going on and having you wait to talk to the doc is weird. How many weeks has this been going on now?
Been better Jan, thanks for asking, got a call with the Oncology Surgeon on Monday morning so I am antsy to get that done and find out just what the hell is wrong. Or at least what he thinks is wrong. The guy has some impressive credentials so I do think I got a good referral.

I keep replaying this conversation with my sons in my head and it lays heavy on my mind.
I know that’s a hard conversation. Just being open with what you know while also remaining available to their questions and needs afterward is usually a good formula. I’m sure their love and concern for you is stronger than anything else. So sorry you are saddled with this. Encouraging news about your doc.
They may not know what's going on.

Yeah, idk. My experiences with oncology docs for both myself personally and my dad were different from Coach’s… every situation is different, but what they (docs) don’t seem to or want to understand is that the mental part of this is HUGE for the patient and the not knowing only creates more stress for us. I found out early on in my own circumstances that if I didn’t dig in and ask for/insist on the info I needed to be able to process what was eating at me (literally, mentally and emotionally) then I would create bigger issues in my own mind than was necessary. I NEEDED to be part of the process.
Going in knowing you have a great doc is helpful. Why they aren’t telling you what’s going on and having you wait to talk to the doc is weird. How many weeks has this been going on now?
Since June 21, which really isn't that long....unless you live with this everyday.

The periods of inaction then hair on fire have worn me down and really dampened my trust in medicine and it doesn't help telling me there is disagreement on the Pathology Board as to what this is, what stage it may be in and how bad it is. On one hand I get this reassurance and on the other, the overuse of the word "rare". "Rare" is an excuse for not knowing enough about it and they've used that word so much, I have doubt about their ability to treat it. The only thing I know is that I am not 1200% and not back to where I was before this happened.

I am sorry to go on whining about this but I do not deal with the unknown very well. The last time I had to, we went 3 weeks only knowing my wife had cancer because we could feel the tumor on her liver and when the unknown became the known, I wanted to go back to unknown.

My younger son doesn't even know I am dealing with anything. his brother and I agreed it would be best to keep him in the dark until we know something. Hell, the only thing we know is that I am missing one messy gall bladder.

Saw my cardiologist this morning and got a good report there but she doesn't think they should have shared with me the Pathology Board's lack of agreement. I told her about "how honest do you want me to be" and she laughed and said "honest is one thing, too much information for a patient is different". She cautioned me to not let the fact they do not agree make this into something more serious than it might be.

But I know you and Xelda, and just learned that Bullet has dealt with the monster too, have played this same scenario game in your heads and at times as much as we'd like to direct our thoughts, they just do not cooperate and take us places we do not want to dwell.
They may not know what's going on.
I believe that is the case. The GI doc was the first to mention he'd seen something he had not seen before, foreign tissue in the bile duct and stones there are rare to begin with, and couple that with the "your gall bladder was a real mess" and I think that's why I've been referred to this specialist.

One thing that is good about this, they haven't gone hair on fire and told me "you could die from this" since the removal and pathological report. Then again, I do not look like I've been dipped in curry powder which seemed to set the alarms off twice.

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