FEATURED Morning Pops!

Evening Pops and everyone.

Hope this post finds you all well. As for me, my heart stopped several times during today’s game. Nice to see them hang in and grind it out, especially with the bye on the horizon.

Back to work tomorrow, for those of us who do. Potluck for boss’ day (which I think was actually Saturday, but the girls in our office use any excuse to potluck… or eat). Took in a crockpot of chili and some cornbread today for that so I can ride my bike to work tomorrow. Should be a brisk mid-40’s to 50 when I head out in the morning, so all in all a comfortable ride as long as the deer don’t run me off the roado_O.

Have a good Sunday evening, all.
Darlin', if you ain't got pot, you ain't got no pot luck.
In the life is so odd category, a member here, BourbonBalz, is facing stage 4 cancer just detected this week and most likely will be verified this week. He's surely hoping they are wrong but the fact is they seldom are, they feel the need to give hope where they can as they should. I cannot fathom what those people go through and how they do what they do.

He started a thread about needing prayers and it would be good if he could get many members in that thread because there is safety in numbers.
Morning, Pops and Zoners. Happy Victory Monday after a Cardiac Sunday. I agree with Zeke and Gregory, we had to beat the Cheatriots and the Zebras.
I saw how the calls were going and thought 'it's one of THOSE games'. I caught a little of the GB game and had to get off of it fast. Exactly how are other teams supposed to beat GB when they have to social distance from AR during the game? AR took off running and the defender wouldn't go near him. AR simply ran for the first down and stepped out of bounds. The defender didn't try to get close to him. Then the close up, you know the one. Sorry, I had to gripe.

Ok, back to our Cowboys. No one wanted us to have this game, but we took it anyway. What a treat heading into our bye week. We can kick back and appreciate our place along with some poor team avoiding embarrassment next weekend as the mighty Cowboys rest up. HOW 'BOUT THEM COWBOYS!
I saw how the calls were going and thought 'it's one of THOSE games'. I caught a little of the GB game and had to get off of it fast. Exactly how are other teams supposed to beat GB when they have to social distance from AR during the game? AR took off running and the defender wouldn't go near him. AR simply ran for the first down and stepped out of bounds. The defender didn't try to get close to him. Then the close up, you know the one. Sorry, I had to gripe.

Ok, back to our Cowboys. No one wanted us to have this game, but we took it anyway. What a treat heading into our bye week. We can kick back and appreciate our place along with some poor team avoiding embarrassment next weekend as the mighty Cowboys rest up. HOW 'BOUT THEM COWBOYS!

Okay, on the topic of griping… is it just my misperception or did the refs miss calling several delays of the game when the clock ran out?
Okay, on the topic of griping… is it just my misperception or did the refs miss calling several delays of the game when the clock ran out?
There were two that I saw. There were also a couple of hits to Dak's head and a late hit on him that weren't called. But I'm going to call it incompetence rather than bias, because we could have gotten a facemask penalty in OT which would have kept the Patriots from punting, but it wasn't called.
There were two that I saw. There were also a couple of hits to Dak's head and a late hit on him that weren't called. But I'm going to call it incompetence rather than bias, because we could have gotten a facemask penalty in OT which would have kept the Patriots from punting, but it wasn't called.

Okay… so we saw the same things. If I’m losing my marbles then at least I’ve got good company:D
I saw how the calls were going and thought 'it's one of THOSE games'. I caught a little of the GB game and had to get off of it fast. Exactly how are other teams supposed to beat GB when they have to social distance from AR during the game? AR took off running and the defender wouldn't go near him. AR simply ran for the first down and stepped out of bounds. The defender didn't try to get close to him. Then the close up, you know the one. Sorry, I had to gripe.

Ok, back to our Cowboys. No one wanted us to have this game, but we took it anyway. What a treat heading into our bye week. We can kick back and appreciate our place along with some poor team avoiding embarrassment next weekend as the mighty Cowboys rest up. HOW 'BOUT THEM COWBOYS!
Don't apologize for griping about AAAAron. That egotistical smirk infuriates me. If there is only one QB I like to have a career-ending injury, it would be him. Too bad I don't root for injuries.
Don't apologize for griping about AAAAron. That egotistical smirk infuriates me. If there is only one QB I like to have a career-ending injury, it would be him. Too bad I don't root for injuries.
I have no idea why the nets decided to make him the close up of all close ups during games. It is annoying and I I try to not watch their games because of it. And what the hell is up with his hair? Is that a mullet or a pageboy?

That stunt he pulled after scoring against CHI yelling at the crowd "I own you. I've always owned you" was childish but I don't see them calling him out. Any other QB pulls something like that they're going to be roasted by the media but they're a bunch of petticoats anyway when it comes to him. There seems to be this warning posted about certain QB's and the media like Brady, Manning and Rodgers. Manning was caught red handed having prohibited drugs shipped to his wife after his neck surgery and whined about it and they backed off.
Good morning Pops and Friends,

I have to admit, there is still a spring in my step and a smile on my face after Sunday's win.

Life continues in rural Montana. All the tourist are well and truly gone, everyone is preparing for winter, and my DIY project to convert a storage space in the basement to a dry sauna is nearing completion.

We have been blessed with absolutely spectacular fall colors and, in particular, the larch trees which all have bright yellow or gold needles.

Next week, I am headed to Bonaire for a week of scuba diving. Haven't been to Bonaire in years and years. This will be purely for fun; no teaching involved.
I saw how the calls were going and thought 'it's one of THOSE games'. I caught a little of the GB game and had to get off of it fast. Exactly how are other teams supposed to beat GB when they have to social distance from AR during the game? Sorry, I had to gripe.
Don't apologize for griping about AAAAron. That egotistical smirk infuriates me.
Good morning Pops and Friends,

I have to admit, there is still a spring in my step and a smile on my face after Sunday's win.

Life continues in rural Montana. All the tourist are well and truly gone, everyone is preparing for winter, and my DIY project to convert a storage space in the basement to a dry sauna is nearing completion.

We have been blessed with absolutely spectacular fall colors and, in particular, the larch trees which all have bright yellow or gold needles.

Next week, I am headed to Bonaire for a week of scuba diving. Haven't been to Bonaire in years and years. This will be purely for fun; no teaching involved.
I've never been to the A,B,C Islands. I hear it's beautiful. Enjoy your trip.
Good morning Pops and Friends,

File this under the category of Public Service Announcements:

For those of you that have financial or medical responsibility for a family member or loved one, the fall is a particularly insidious time. And, no, I don't mean the change in weather.

Rather, I am referring to the insurance industry's open enrollment period. Every year at this time, the airways are flooded with advertisements claiming better benefits at a lower costs. Many seniors fall into the trap of calling and, sometimes, unintentionally changing the insurance coverage. My mother made a change after seeing a Joe Namath ad and signed up for a plan that is more costly with less coverage.

It took a visit to an attorney and nearly three months to reinstate her old plan.

As they used to say on "Hill Street Blues", be careful out there.
Afternoon Pops and all y'all and I had hoped to have more to report than I do about my condition.

Met with the oncologist here on Wednesday and he has the bedside manner of Beaker, the Muppet, so he's off the social calendar.

Met with the oncology surgeon for my follow up yesterday and the pathology reports are back and it is Abdocarcinoma, the most common form of gastric cancer while my wife's was the rarest form and started in the bile duct mine started in the gall bladder and it hid really well from them until he opened me up. The chemo treatment is identical.

The prognosis is treatable but incurable and terminal without treatment in 6 months and 6-12 with treatment. This, of course, is all based off what they know and the data they keep and they were on the mark with my wife with her prognosis.

Here's where this gets really tricky, no one can tell me what I am in for whichever direction I choose and I do not trust the medical oncologists because there's money in treating dying people. So, that's what I had hoped to report, what I am going to do but I just do not know. I also feel somewhat letdown by the medical community from the beginning on this. And they continue to do that so my trust in them is shaky.

My surgeon is tight with an oncologist that works for Texas Oncology, the company that treated my wife and treated her very well. Her doc was a man of compassion and empathy and 008 assures me that Mika, here in Marble Falls, is the same type of person and that I will like her better. This other oncologist is a good doctor I am sure but none of them are really better at their craft because it is basically all by the numbers. Might as well do that with someone that treats you as a person and not just a patient. The destination is the same but a better journey.

I know, you do not know what to say to a dying man so do not feel you have to say anything because as I think I have laid out for my friends in this thread, I have neither the love nor the passion for life and haven't in so long that I can't recall it. I do not fear death and there are times I would have welcomed it, too many times.

One blessing in this is that this depression I've been fighting most of my life actually makes exiting easier. You might think different, depressed guy on death row but there is now a way out instead of the path I might have chosen earlier that could lead to guilt with family and friends and that's just wrong. Whatever happens now, they know there is nothing they could have done and I find peace in that.

I will stay with you as long as I can and do my best to try and make you and me laugh which is my real purpose for being on this site and the old one. It was never about the Cowboys or football but about the people on these forums that enriched my life. And the special people of the Pops thread.

If you are one to pray, just ask God to make me strong to the end and go out on my own terms the best I can. The vision of how my Dad died is still too clear in my memory vault and that is my greatest fear of all.

I am not going to spend a lot of time on this because I've already had the word "morbid" used on me twice! by doctors because of my handling of the news but they have no idea how I handle things and I think it is perfectly fine to do Stand Up on Death Row. Has a nice ring to it.

I love you guys, I really do.

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