FEATURED Morning Pops!

Afternoon Pops and all y'all and I had hoped to have more to report than I do about my condition.

Met with the oncologist here on Wednesday and he has the bedside manner of Beaker, the Muppet, so he's off the social calendar.

Met with the oncology surgeon for my follow up yesterday and the pathology reports are back and it is Abdocarcinoma, the most common form of gastric cancer while my wife's was the rarest form and started in the bile duct mine started in the gall bladder and it hid really well from them until he opened me up. The chemo treatment is identical.

The prognosis is treatable but incurable and terminal without treatment in 6 months and 6-12 with treatment. This, of course, is all based off what they know and the data they keep and they were on the mark with my wife with her prognosis.

Here's where this gets really tricky, no one can tell me what I am in for whichever direction I choose and I do not trust the medical oncologists because there's money in treating dying people. So, that's what I had hoped to report, what I am going to do but I just do not know. I also feel somewhat letdown by the medical community from the beginning on this. And they continue to do that so my trust in them is shaky.

My surgeon is tight with an oncologist that works for Texas Oncology, the company that treated my wife and treated her very well. Her doc was a man of compassion and empathy and 008 assures me that Mika, here in Marble Falls, is the same type of person and that I will like her better. This other oncologist is a good doctor I am sure but none of them are really better at their craft because it is basically all by the numbers. Might as well do that with someone that treats you as a person and not just a patient. The destination is the same but a better journey.

I know, you do not know what to say to a dying man so do not feel you have to say anything because as I think I have laid out for my friends in this thread, I have neither the love nor the passion for life and haven't in so long that I can't recall it. I do not fear death and there are times I would have welcomed it, too many times.

One blessing in this is that this depression I've been fighting most of my life actually makes exiting easier. You might think different, depressed guy on death row but there is now a way out instead of the path I might have chosen earlier that could lead to guilt with family and friends and that's just wrong. Whatever happens now, they know there is nothing they could have done and I find peace in that.

I will stay with you as long as I can and do my best to try and make you and me laugh which is my real purpose for being on this site and the old one. It was never about the Cowboys or football but about the people on these forums that enriched my life. And the special people of the Pops thread.

If you are one to pray, just ask God to make me strong to the end and go out on my own terms the best I can. The vision of how my Dad died is still too clear in my memory vault and that is my greatest fear of all.

I am not going to spend a lot of time on this because I've already had the word "morbid" used on me twice! by doctors because of my handling of the news but they have no idea how I handle things and I think it is perfectly fine to do Stand Up on Death Row. Has a nice ring to it.

I love you guys, I really do.
I gave you a "like" but that's a poor substitute for the handshake and hug I would like to share with you.

Having read, enjoyed and identified with many, many of your posts, I pray you go on your terms and leave 'em smiling.
Afternoon Pops and all y'all and I had hoped to have more to report than I do about my condition.

Met with the oncologist here on Wednesday and he has the bedside manner of Beaker, the Muppet, so he's off the social calendar.

Met with the oncology surgeon for my follow up yesterday and the pathology reports are back and it is Abdocarcinoma, the most common form of gastric cancer while my wife's was the rarest form and started in the bile duct mine started in the gall bladder and it hid really well from them until he opened me up. The chemo treatment is identical.

The prognosis is treatable but incurable and terminal without treatment in 6 months and 6-12 with treatment. This, of course, is all based off what they know and the data they keep and they were on the mark with my wife with her prognosis.

Here's where this gets really tricky, no one can tell me what I am in for whichever direction I choose and I do not trust the medical oncologists because there's money in treating dying people. So, that's what I had hoped to report, what I am going to do but I just do not know. I also feel somewhat letdown by the medical community from the beginning on this. And they continue to do that so my trust in them is shaky.

My surgeon is tight with an oncologist that works for Texas Oncology, the company that treated my wife and treated her very well. Her doc was a man of compassion and empathy and 008 assures me that Mika, here in Marble Falls, is the same type of person and that I will like her better. This other oncologist is a good doctor I am sure but none of them are really better at their craft because it is basically all by the numbers. Might as well do that with someone that treats you as a person and not just a patient. The destination is the same but a better journey.

I know, you do not know what to say to a dying man so do not feel you have to say anything because as I think I have laid out for my friends in this thread, I have neither the love nor the passion for life and haven't in so long that I can't recall it. I do not fear death and there are times I would have welcomed it, too many times.

One blessing in this is that this depression I've been fighting most of my life actually makes exiting easier. You might think different, depressed guy on death row but there is now a way out instead of the path I might have chosen earlier that could lead to guilt with family and friends and that's just wrong. Whatever happens now, they know there is nothing they could have done and I find peace in that.

I will stay with you as long as I can and do my best to try and make you and me laugh which is my real purpose for being on this site and the old one. It was never about the Cowboys or football but about the people on these forums that enriched my life. And the special people of the Pops thread.

If you are one to pray, just ask God to make me strong to the end and go out on my own terms the best I can. The vision of how my Dad died is still too clear in my memory vault and that is my greatest fear of all.

I am not going to spend a lot of time on this because I've already had the word "morbid" used on me twice! by doctors because of my handling of the news but they have no idea how I handle things and I think it is perfectly fine to do Stand Up on Death Row. Has a nice ring to it.

I love you guys, I really do.
CC, I think you know you're my favorite online friend, and I think you know why. I'm still getting the boat, right?
Look, as much as I'm tempted to selfishly tell you to do whatever you can to stick around, I know what I'd want to do, so I'll just say this: You can't take it with you.
Is there any place you've always wanted to see? Any Bunny Ranch you've always wanted to visit? Any endangered species you've ever wanted to taste?

You know what I'm saying, my friend. I wish I could afford to come visit you in person. I still want to get together with you and @Streetwise. What a blast we'd have...or we'd regret ever meeting in person. Either way, it would be epic!
Afternoon Pops and all y'all and I had hoped to have more to report than I do about my condition.

Met with the oncologist here on Wednesday and he has the bedside manner of Beaker, the Muppet, so he's off the social calendar.

Met with the oncology surgeon for my follow up yesterday and the pathology reports are back and it is Abdocarcinoma, the most common form of gastric cancer while my wife's was the rarest form and started in the bile duct mine started in the gall bladder and it hid really well from them until he opened me up. The chemo treatment is identical.

The prognosis is treatable but incurable and terminal without treatment in 6 months and 6-12 with treatment. This, of course, is all based off what they know and the data they keep and they were on the mark with my wife with her prognosis.

Here's where this gets really tricky, no one can tell me what I am in for whichever direction I choose and I do not trust the medical oncologists because there's money in treating dying people. So, that's what I had hoped to report, what I am going to do but I just do not know. I also feel somewhat letdown by the medical community from the beginning on this. And they continue to do that so my trust in them is shaky.

My surgeon is tight with an oncologist that works for Texas Oncology, the company that treated my wife and treated her very well. Her doc was a man of compassion and empathy and 008 assures me that Mika, here in Marble Falls, is the same type of person and that I will like her better. This other oncologist is a good doctor I am sure but none of them are really better at their craft because it is basically all by the numbers. Might as well do that with someone that treats you as a person and not just a patient. The destination is the same but a better journey.

I know, you do not know what to say to a dying man so do not feel you have to say anything because as I think I have laid out for my friends in this thread, I have neither the love nor the passion for life and haven't in so long that I can't recall it. I do not fear death and there are times I would have welcomed it, too many times.

One blessing in this is that this depression I've been fighting most of my life actually makes exiting easier. You might think different, depressed guy on death row but there is now a way out instead of the path I might have chosen earlier that could lead to guilt with family and friends and that's just wrong. Whatever happens now, they know there is nothing they could have done and I find peace in that.

I will stay with you as long as I can and do my best to try and make you and me laugh which is my real purpose for being on this site and the old one. It was never about the Cowboys or football but about the people on these forums that enriched my life. And the special people of the Pops thread.

If you are one to pray, just ask God to make me strong to the end and go out on my own terms the best I can. The vision of how my Dad died is still too clear in my memory vault and that is my greatest fear of all.

I am not going to spend a lot of time on this because I've already had the word "morbid" used on me twice! by doctors because of my handling of the news but they have no idea how I handle things and I think it is perfectly fine to do Stand Up on Death Row. Has a nice ring to it.

I love you guys, I really do.

Unacceptable. I cannot process this information.

We love you too, Coach…
Top of the afternoon Pops and all y'all.

Just got back from seeing my older son and his family for the first time in 18 months and they're only an hour away. I can stop worrying about whether my son and daughter-in-law are feeding them as they've shot up like weeds. My grandkids do not know as my son is struggling how to tell a 13, 10 and 6 year old about real life and death and the way I caught him glancing at me while cheating the grandkids at a board game tells me he's struggling as well within himself.

I haven't heard of this before, losing both parents to the same monster and only my oldest grandson remembers his grandmother and my biggest regret is that she was not here to spoil her only granddaughter who is named after her.

Anyway, it was a great visit and hopefully they'll be getting their vaccines asap and get back to normal life with social interaction with their friends. My granddaughter has spent 1/3 of her life and almost all of her school time in a pandemic situation but she is a special little girl and as funny as her grandmother.

One of my greatest pleasures in life has been watching my son and daughter-in-law parent and I get envious and wish I had had a father like my son.

As I drove back to the Land of Old Rich People, LORP, you might think I might get a little melancholy but no, not at all. I thought about just how lucky I am. Lucky? Oh, hell yes, because there are people right now, millions of them, taking those moments I just experienced for granted......just as I used to do.

Have a great Saturday and a better Sunday, you deserve it.
Top of the afternoon Pops and all y'all.

Just got back from seeing my older son and his family for the first time in 18 months and they're only an hour away. I can stop worrying about whether my son and daughter-in-law are feeding them as they've shot up like weeds. My grandkids do not know as my son is struggling how to tell a 13, 10 and 6 year old about real life and death and the way I caught him glancing at me while cheating the grandkids at a board game tells me he's struggling as well within himself.

I haven't heard of this before, losing both parents to the same monster and only my oldest grandson remembers his grandmother and my biggest regret is that she was not here to spoil her only granddaughter who is named after her.

Anyway, it was a great visit and hopefully they'll be getting their vaccines asap and get back to normal life with social interaction with their friends. My granddaughter has spent 1/3 of her life and almost all of her school time in a pandemic situation but she is a special little girl and as funny as her grandmother.

One of my greatest pleasures in life has been watching my son and daughter-in-law parent and I get envious and wish I had had a father like my son.

As I drove back to the Land of Old Rich People, LORP, you might think I might get a little melancholy but no, not at all. I thought about just how lucky I am. Lucky? Oh, hell yes, because there are people right now, millions of them, taking those moments I just experienced for granted......just as I used to do.

Have a great Saturday and a better Sunday, you deserve it.
Your son sounds like a chip off of the old block. Cheating at board games while pondering life lessons with the ones he's cheating. Just shameless! Glad you got to witness it first hand.
Top of the afternoon Pops and all y'all.

Just got back from seeing my older son and his family for the first time in 18 months and they're only an hour away. I can stop worrying about whether my son and daughter-in-law are feeding them as they've shot up like weeds. My grandkids do not know as my son is struggling how to tell a 13, 10 and 6 year old about real life and death and the way I caught him glancing at me while cheating the grandkids at a board game tells me he's struggling as well within himself.

I haven't heard of this before, losing both parents to the same monster and only my oldest grandson remembers his grandmother and my biggest regret is that she was not here to spoil her only granddaughter who is named after her.

Anyway, it was a great visit and hopefully they'll be getting their vaccines asap and get back to normal life with social interaction with their friends. My granddaughter has spent 1/3 of her life and almost all of her school time in a pandemic situation but she is a special little girl and as funny as her grandmother.

One of my greatest pleasures in life has been watching my son and daughter-in-law parent and I get envious and wish I had had a father like my son.

As I drove back to the Land of Old Rich People, LORP, you might think I might get a little melancholy but no, not at all. I thought about just how lucky I am. Lucky? Oh, hell yes, because there are people right now, millions of them, taking those moments I just experienced for granted......just as I used to do.

Have a great Saturday and a better Sunday, you deserve it.
Dick...Sorry, it just felt like the right thing to say.
Your son sounds like a chip off of the old block. Cheating at board games while pondering life lessons with the ones he's cheating. Just shameless! Glad you got to witness it first hand.
He wasn't the one cheating, I was. I call that leveling the playing field against youth.

The first lesson the young have to learn and never turn their backs on the old.

I really wasn't cheating per se, just putting some little colored pies into my piece in Trivial Pursuit. Checking their awareness and keeping them alert. And I plan on giving back the money I won in their stockings at Christmas. Good grandpa, goooooooood Grandpa.
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Afternoon Pops and all y'all and I had hoped to have more to report than I do about my condition.

Met with the oncologist here on Wednesday and he has the bedside manner of Beaker, the Muppet, so he's off the social calendar.

Met with the oncology surgeon for my follow up yesterday and the pathology reports are back and it is Abdocarcinoma, the most common form of gastric cancer while my wife's was the rarest form and started in the bile duct mine started in the gall bladder and it hid really well from them until he opened me up. The chemo treatment is identical.

The prognosis is treatable but incurable and terminal without treatment in 6 months and 6-12 with treatment. This, of course, is all based off what they know and the data they keep and they were on the mark with my wife with her prognosis.

Here's where this gets really tricky, no one can tell me what I am in for whichever direction I choose and I do not trust the medical oncologists because there's money in treating dying people. So, that's what I had hoped to report, what I am going to do but I just do not know. I also feel somewhat letdown by the medical community from the beginning on this. And they continue to do that so my trust in them is shaky.

My surgeon is tight with an oncologist that works for Texas Oncology, the company that treated my wife and treated her very well. Her doc was a man of compassion and empathy and 008 assures me that Mika, here in Marble Falls, is the same type of person and that I will like her better. This other oncologist is a good doctor I am sure but none of them are really better at their craft because it is basically all by the numbers. Might as well do that with someone that treats you as a person and not just a patient. The destination is the same but a better journey.

I know, you do not know what to say to a dying man so do not feel you have to say anything because as I think I have laid out for my friends in this thread, I have neither the love nor the passion for life and haven't in so long that I can't recall it. I do not fear death and there are times I would have welcomed it, too many times.

One blessing in this is that this depression I've been fighting most of my life actually makes exiting easier. You might think different, depressed guy on death row but there is now a way out instead of the path I might have chosen earlier that could lead to guilt with family and friends and that's just wrong. Whatever happens now, they know there is nothing they could have done and I find peace in that.

I will stay with you as long as I can and do my best to try and make you and me laugh which is my real purpose for being on this site and the old one. It was never about the Cowboys or football but about the people on these forums that enriched my life. And the special people of the Pops thread.

If you are one to pray, just ask God to make me strong to the end and go out on my own terms the best I can. The vision of how my Dad died is still too clear in my memory vault and that is my greatest fear of all.

I am not going to spend a lot of time on this because I've already had the word "morbid" used on me twice! by doctors because of my handling of the news but they have no idea how I handle things and I think it is perfectly fine to do Stand Up on Death Row. Has a nice ring to it.

I love you guys, I really do.
Bless you.

Love you more than you can even imagine. You are a ray of brightness in a tough world.
Top of the afternoon Pops and all y'all.

Just got back from seeing my older son and his family for the first time in 18 months and they're only an hour away. I can stop worrying about whether my son and daughter-in-law are feeding them as they've shot up like weeds. My grandkids do not know as my son is struggling how to tell a 13, 10 and 6 year old about real life and death and the way I caught him glancing at me while cheating the grandkids at a board game tells me he's struggling as well within himself.

I haven't heard of this before, losing both parents to the same monster and only my oldest grandson remembers his grandmother and my biggest regret is that she was not here to spoil her only granddaughter who is named after her.

Anyway, it was a great visit and hopefully they'll be getting their vaccines asap and get back to normal life with social interaction with their friends. My granddaughter has spent 1/3 of her life and almost all of her school time in a pandemic situation but she is a special little girl and as funny as her grandmother.

One of my greatest pleasures in life has been watching my son and daughter-in-law parent and I get envious and wish I had had a father like my son.

As I drove back to the Land of Old Rich People, LORP, you might think I might get a little melancholy but no, not at all. I thought about just how lucky I am. Lucky? Oh, hell yes, because there are people right now, millions of them, taking those moments I just experienced for granted......just as I used to do.

Have a great Saturday and a better Sunday, you deserve it.

Thanks for sharing CC. Those moments are special and at times we do take for granted.

The older I get the more I cherish the small moments. Just the other evening, we were gathered at my daughter’s house cheering on the Astros. Win, lose or draw, the end results of the game were not going to ruin the joy I felt with my loved ones.

Make the most of this day, we’re not guaranteed tomorrow. Have a great day friends.
CC, I think you know you're my favorite online friend, and I think you know why. I'm still getting the boat, right?
Look, as much as I'm tempted to selfishly tell you to do whatever you can to stick around, I know what I'd want to do, so I'll just say this: You can't take it with you.
Is there any place you've always wanted to see? Any Bunny Ranch you've always wanted to visit? Any endangered species you've ever wanted to taste?

You know what I'm saying, my friend. I wish I could afford to come visit you in person. I still want to get together with you and @Streetwise. What a blast we'd have...or we'd regret ever meeting in person. Either way, it would be epic!
Road trip!
He wasn't the one cheating, I was. I call that leveling the playing field against youth.

The first lesson the young have to learn and never turn their backs on the old.

I really wasn't cheating per se, just putting some little colored pies into my piece in Trivial Pursuit. Checking their awareness and keeping them alert. And I plan on giving back the money I won in their stockings at Christmas. Good grandpa, goooooooood Grandpa.
To quote Gomer Pile "Shame, Shame, Shame".
Good Monday morning Pops and Friends,

It's a rainy start to the day with snow forecast later this week. Got to love it.

I didn't watch a single game yesterday. Instead we went the the new movie, Dune, yesterday afternoon. It has been a long, long time since I read the book, but, it sure seems the movie hit the mark. And, the cinematography and special effects were outstanding. Two thumbs up .

Next up, is the new Bond movie.

How is your week starting out?
Good Monday morning Pops and Friends,

It's a rainy start to the day with snow forecast later this week. Got to love it.

I didn't watch a single game yesterday. Instead we went the the new movie, Dune, yesterday afternoon. It has been a long, long time since I read the book, but, it sure seems the movie hit the mark. And, the cinematography and special effects were outstanding. Two thumbs up .

Next up, is the new Bond movie.

How is your week starting out?
So so, I was up at 5am. I do not like 5am, I like 5pm because it is happy hour, there is nothing happy about 5am except sleep and only then if you are aware you are sleeping past 5am and not writing about being awake for it.
So so, I was up at 5am. I do not like 5am, I like 5pm because it is happy hour, there is nothing happy about 5am except sleep and only then if you are aware you are sleeping past 5am and not writing about being awake for it.
5 am is for those good dreams, not staring at a clock that's going to do this again later in the same day.

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