FEATURED Morning Pops!

Morning Pops and Popsadoodles. Thank you for the breakdown of your trip, Jan. Just relax and enjoy your family in spite of tensions. It's hard, but it might be what they need right now. Parents and Christmas can be a ball of nerves. Just... is there really a city known as Cootieville? I'm thinking that would be an appropriate name for the Packers to play in. Ewww, Cootieville! Oh, just picture Montanalo dancing and singing Let It Go while dusting.

Merry Christmas Eve's Eve everyone. Let it be a great one for all of you.
Morning Pops and Popsadoodles. Thank you for the breakdown of your trip, Jan. Just relax and enjoy your family in spite of tensions. It's hard, but it might be what they need right now. Parents and Christmas can be a ball of nerves. Just... is there really a city known as Cootieville? I'm thinking that would be an appropriate name for the Packers to play in. Ewww, Cootieville! Oh, just picture Montanalo dancing and singing Let It Go while dusting.

Merry Christmas Eve's Eve everyone. Let it be a great one for all of you.

Cootieville = Chicago:laugh:
Chicago is celebrating the holidays with a special dinner for the people who have not been shot at since last Christmas. This year, only 2 Big Macs are needed and they can split the fries.

BTW, I blame this all on Geraldo Rivera and his lame opening of Al Capone's treasures. Chicagoans were so disappointed, they decided to re-visit the Roaring 20's.
Morning Pops and everyone from the kitchen table at my daughter's house in sunny Virginia Beach (I say house, not home, for a reason... for now... it's a work in progress... a bit of tension in the air between these two, which I expected... I just didn't think it would be this bad :eek:).

Arrived late Tuesday evening and had a busy day yesterday so just really getting a chance now to sit and give attention to important details, like this thread.

So far everything seems 'okay' with my world. When I landed at O'Hare (a/k/a Cootieville, Illinois) it wasn't all that crowded considering I was traveling mid-afternoon and it was only a few days until the big guy with the red suit and white beard makes his appearance. That morphed quickly from semi-peaceful to buzzing with psychotic activity as my two-hour layover drug on. Talk about feeling trapped and helpless! My goodness!! From my gate being changed to one a ten minute walk away, to seeing the back-end excitement of one traveler's run-in with the police (not me ;)), and the rude travelers (because we ALL know only a select few actually had places to go, unlike the rest of us who were there just to wreak havoc on their plans (extreme sarcasm inflected there, in case you didn't catch that...) ) the chaos grew and grew. I couldn't wait to get on that plane to Norfolk and get out of there. I doubt that my lack of love for that City will ever change. Once I got on my next flight though, such peace. I had my row of seats to myself, managed to figure out the WiFi login on the plane, and was actually able to watch a full movie in-flight as well as text with my daughter while several tens of thousands of feet in the air.

Skip Wednesday's running here and there and everywhere trying to manage last minute stuff... and on to today where I have a little peace and quiet before everyone else gets up and moving for the day. Hell, I've been up by myself for two hours, showered, dressed and now enjoying a cup of dark roast waiting on that son-in-law of mine to roll out and get this breakfast made he promised us last evening (drumming fingers... waiting patiently hoping the growling in my stomach will be loud enough to carry up the stairs and wake his sleeping butt). Anywaaaaayy, on today's schedule is some preliminary food prep for dinner tomorrow (they are doing their main meal Christmas Eve day when the in-laws come in), and making cookie dough so we can do some baking and deco later.

Hope all this makes sense as I really don't want to go back and edit anything...

Merry/Happy Christmas Eve-Eve to you all. If I don't have a chance to check in before flying back (early Sunday morning), I wish for you all Blessings and the very best and so much happiness on this holiday!

Love to you all!!
That tension between them that you're feeling might seem worse than it actually is because they're trying not to show it, but trying not to be fake about it at the same time...Hopefully. The last thing you need after dealing with airport people is family tension, making you wish you'd stayed home. My family does the Christmas Eve day celebrating too, which is good, IMO. I have my chili in the crock pot, ready to start at 3;30 a.m., so I'm all set for tomorrow's festivities. Merry Christmas early!
Chicago is celebrating the holidays with a special dinner for the people who have not been shot at since last Christmas. This year, only 2 Big Macs are needed and they can split the fries.

BTW, I blame this all on Geraldo Rivera and his lame opening of Al Capone's treasures. Chicagoans were so disappointed, they decided to re-visit the Roaring 20's.
Wasn't that the stupidest special ever made??? I bet his mustache was envious of the hair that was hidden under...clothing.
That tension between them that you're feeling might seem worse than it actually is because they're trying not to show it, but trying not to be fake about it at the same time...Hopefully. The last thing you need after dealing with airport people is family tension, making you wish you'd stayed home. My family does the Christmas Eve day celebrating too, which is good, IMO. I have my chili in the crock pot, ready to start at 3;30 a.m., so I'm all set for tomorrow's festivities. Merry Christmas early!
Merry Christmas to you as well!
Good Christmas Eve morning Pops and Friends

Folks, on this most special eve, I want to wish all of you a very Merry Christmas and a healthy and prosperous New Year.

Each of you are special to me and are part of my morning routine. My wife recently asked to see some of the conversations we share on a daily basis. Her response was a warm smile and a simple, "I understand".

Enjoy your family and friends this holiday season and, Go Cowboys.
Merry Christmas Eve Pops and all who wander into this thread today.

As you gather with loved ones, take a little time and just back off and breathe all of that in. Yes, some family members can push all the buttons but this is the time to appreciate the family that you have at this very moment because that can change and while being part of a family can be a complicated situation, you are indeed an important part of that family.

My younger son has Covid and will not be joining us tomorrow and I am struck by the stark realization that my family has been in slow decline and he will be missing this year and I might be next year. But don't bet against me and my Monkey's Paw healers.

I have been struck with the dilemma of how to approach this Christmas, as my last? I truly am conflicted as to how should I feel about this? I have been struggling mentally in how I approach everything, Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year's. Hell, I am not even sure what that saying "live every day as if it's your last" even means.

So, I decided to take some of my own advice that I am so quick to pass out and ignore myself and I, once again, pass on this advice to my Pops family. Treat this Christmas and every one after as your last one. Take a mental video, filled with snapshots, of that scene for there will not be one exactly like it again and it could be markedly different the next Christmas.

I did not do this enough when I took for granted all those people around me because I thought they would always be there and now I struggle to get a clear picture. I spend far too much time in the past but I have always struggled with the present. I think that is because I do not like the present and can't wait for it to be the past. I wish I were not this way, been a real struggle all of my life, but I am accepting that is the way I am and I am not likely to change now.

This Christmas will be a good Christmas because I've spent another year in this thread and discovered just how important it is and it is truly a gift. I don't even remember how, when or why I found this thread but that is worth looking into the past because this is one thing that makes the present important.

Merry Christmas to you and your family, even the ones you don't like. Especially the ones you don't like, they need the forgiveness and understanding that Christmas was intended to be.
Merry Christmas Eve Pops and all who wander into this thread today.

As you gather with loved ones, take a little time and just back off and breathe all of that in. Yes, some family members can push all the buttons but this is the time to appreciate the family that you have at this very moment because that can change and while being part of a family can be a complicated situation, you are indeed an important part of that family.

My younger son has Covid and will not be joining us tomorrow and I am struck by the stark realization that my family has been in slow decline and he will be missing this year and I might be next year. But don't bet against me and my Monkey's Paw healers.

I have been struck with the dilemma of how to approach this Christmas, as my last? I truly am conflicted as to how should I feel about this? I have been struggling mentally in how I approach everything, Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year's. Hell, I am not even sure what that saying "live every day as if it's your last" even means.

So, I decided to take some of my own advice that I am so quick to pass out and ignore myself and I, once again, pass on this advice to my Pops family. Treat this Christmas and every one after as your last one. Take a mental video, filled with snapshots, of that scene for there will not be one exactly like it again and it could be markedly different the next Christmas.

I did not do this enough when I took for granted all those people around me because I thought they would always be there and now I struggle to get a clear picture. I spend far too much time in the past but I have always struggled with the present. I think that is because I do not like the present and can't wait for it to be the past. I wish I were not this way, been a real struggle all of my life, but I am accepting that is the way I am and I am not likely to change now.

This Christmas will be a good Christmas because I've spent another year in this thread and discovered just how important it is and it is truly a gift. I don't even remember how, when or why I found this thread but that is worth looking into the past because this is one thing that makes the present important.

Merry Christmas to you and your family, even the ones you don't like. Especially the ones you don't like, they need the forgiveness and understanding that Christmas was intended to be.

Well said, Coach. Bless you. Here’s to many more Christmases on the thread!
Merry Christmas Eve Pops and all who wander into this thread today.

As you gather with loved ones, take a little time and just back off and breathe all of that in. Yes, some family members can push all the buttons but this is the time to appreciate the family that you have at this very moment because that can change and while being part of a family can be a complicated situation, you are indeed an important part of that family.

My younger son has Covid and will not be joining us tomorrow and I am struck by the stark realization that my family has been in slow decline and he will be missing this year and I might be next year. But don't bet against me and my Monkey's Paw healers.

I have been struck with the dilemma of how to approach this Christmas, as my last? I truly am conflicted as to how should I feel about this? I have been struggling mentally in how I approach everything, Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year's. Hell, I am not even sure what that saying "live every day as if it's your last" even means.

So, I decided to take some of my own advice that I am so quick to pass out and ignore myself and I, once again, pass on this advice to my Pops family. Treat this Christmas and every one after as your last one. Take a mental video, filled with snapshots, of that scene for there will not be one exactly like it again and it could be markedly different the next Christmas.

I did not do this enough when I took for granted all those people around me because I thought they would always be there and now I struggle to get a clear picture. I spend far too much time in the past but I have always struggled with the present. I think that is because I do not like the present and can't wait for it to be the past. I wish I were not this way, been a real struggle all of my life, but I am accepting that is the way I am and I am not likely to change now.

This Christmas will be a good Christmas because I've spent another year in this thread and discovered just how important it is and it is truly a gift. I don't even remember how, when or why I found this thread but that is worth looking into the past because this is one thing that makes the present important.

Merry Christmas to you and your family, even the ones you don't like. Especially the ones you don't like, they need the forgiveness and understanding that Christmas was intended to be.
My friend, I have a great nephew who had some type of seizure, back in September. I'm told he died twice, for about 10 minutes each time. Then he died again during a surgery. He's been in the hospital all this time, and his mother (my niece) facetimed us from his room during our Christmas get together. While he can't speak (yet), and his motor functions are compromised (for now), I wished him Merry Christmas, and he mouthed the words back to me. This 20 year old kid doesn't have quit in him. When he first got to the hospital, the doctors were recommending that my niece pull the plug, because they'd never seen anyone even come close to recovering from such a severe situation, and they thought the best she could hope for was that he'd be kept alive with machines. I have much respect for science, and almost as much for doctors, but they don't know everything.

By the way, this was the best Christmas celebration we've had in many years, even though they're all pretty good. I was actually sad to see today end.

Merry Christmas Pops and Popsadoodles. I'm sending out wishes warmer than it is outside right now. They won't be enough to keep all of you from putting on socks, but they're there for y'all none the less. Thank you all for coming here with your greetings and stories. I feel a bond on so many levels with y'all and sometimes see myself in your stories. It's good to know I'm not the only one sometimes. Each and every one of you are my chosen family and I love you.

I'm so sorry to hear about your great nephew, Runny. Some miracles are puzzling, but he's still with you and your family in his own capacity. He also has a momma that's fighting for him even when he can't fight for himself. That's family in its purest form. Blessings and love heading your family's way from the deep south.
Merry Christmas Pops and Popsadoodles. I'm sending out wishes warmer than it is outside right now. They won't be enough to keep all of you from putting on socks, but they're there for y'all none the less. Thank you all for coming here with your greetings and stories. I feel a bond on so many levels with y'all and sometimes see myself in your stories. It's good to know I'm not the only one sometimes. Each and every one of you are my chosen family and I love you.

I'm so sorry to hear about your great nephew, Runny. Some miracles are puzzling, but he's still with you and your family in his own capacity. He also has a momma that's fighting for him even when he can't fight for himself. That's family in its purest form. Blessings and love heading your family's way from the deep south.
Thank you, Doll.

His mom sent us a picture today of a MERRY CHRISTMAS sign at the foot of his bed. His legs, from the calves down are in the picture. Without any exaggeration whatsoever, if I hadn't know it was him, I would have thought it was a corpse. His ankles can't be any bigger around than my cable TV remote, and his calves don't get much thicker...and the color is dark grey.
Morning Pops and glad Christmas is over as this was the first one since I've been alive that I spent it alone but I think I had a lot of company across this planet. My older son's family was exposed on the 24th and my younger son already has it so gathering was not a good idea as I have been informed on more than one occasion I need to avoid Covid as best I can because they really don't know what's going on inside my body but they are assuming my immune system has it's hands full.

I dropped off the presents yesterday morning and we exchanged our greetings from about 10 yards. The annual brunch that has been in place for over 50 years was postponed until everyone is in the clear.

Thankfully, I had football and got to spend Christmas day hasting on close ups of Aaron Rodgers that have become mandatory and listen to Aikman spout off that we don't appreciate this arrogant jerk enough. Really Troy? You dudheads at Fox should just change it to Rodgersmas Day. The Brown spots had their chance but any team that has Mayfield can blow any game.

Then I got the Colts for the poster child for a team to overcome adversity as they lost their best D player and leader top Covid right before the game. I know, being a Cowboys fan, I am not supposed to like Wentz but that guy and that team just refuse to give up or give into the excuses. And they have a HC that looks like a high school Biology teacher.

Yesterday wasn't all bad. As the day progressed, I realized something about myself that made me feel pretty good. Not a man known for his patience and adjustment to change not of my choosing, I have actually handled this pandemic better than I thought I ever would. Instead of playing that "poor pitiful me" card, I played the "why not me" one and followed that with the "it was just a matter of time" card.

My sons didn't take it so well because I know what's going through their minds as it did mine in 2010 but some times we are not moving through life as much as we'd like to think we are. Sometimes we're just standing there with stuff coming right at us. How we handle that is so much more important. Sometimes life is counter punching but most of the time it is deflecting the blows and remaining standing.
Good morning Pops and Friends,

I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas.

Our niece and nephew along with their two kids (11 yo boy and 13 yo girl) drove down from Calgary on Christmas eve.

This was our first Christmas in our Montana home and, to be honest, it was one of the best Christmases ever.

Aside from eating way too much good food, my wife and l took the kids tobogganing. Later, i took them for a ride in my 4WD utility vehicle. On one particularly icy portion of the road, we started sliding sideways. Fortunately, they didn't freak out and, in fact, they thought I did it on purpose. Little did they know I nearly pooped my pants.

We ended the evening playing board games and watching a Disney movie.

Kind of like a Norman Rockwell painting.

BTW, my avatar is our home on Christmas eve.
Good morning Pops and Friends,

I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas.

Our niece and nephew along with their two kids (11 yo boy and 13 yo girl) drove down from Calgary on Christmas eve.

This was our first Christmas in our Montana home and, to be honest, it was one of the best Christmases ever.

Aside from eating way too much good food, my wife and l took the kids tobogganing. Later, i took them for a ride in my 4WD utility vehicle. On one particularly icy portion of the road, we started sliding sideways. Fortunately, they didn't freak out and, in fact, they thought I did it on purpose. Little did they know I nearly pooped my pants.

We ended the evening playing board games and watching a Disney movie.

Kind of like a Norman Rockwell painting.

BTW, my avatar is our home on Christmas eve.
My avatar thinks your avatar is lovely and would like to be on your couch drinking beer and watching Disney movies.
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Good morning Pops and Friends,

I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas.

Our niece and nephew along with their two kids (11 yo boy and 13 yo girl) drove down from Calgary on Christmas eve.

This was our first Christmas in our Montana home and, to be honest, it was one of the best Christmases ever.

Aside from eating way too much good food, my wife and l took the kids tobogganing. Later, i took them for a ride in my 4WD utility vehicle. On one particularly icy portion of the road, we started sliding sideways. Fortunately, they didn't freak out and, in fact, they thought I did it on purpose. Little did they know I nearly pooped my pants.

We ended the evening playing board games and watching a Disney movie.

Kind of like a Norman Rockwell painting.

BTW, my avatar is our home on Christmas eve.
The house is beautiful, Colo!

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