FEATURED Morning Pops!

Morning Pops and Popsadoodles. It's day two WFT vs Dallas afterglow. If victory tastes sweet, and it does, Sunday was the equivalent of a whole cheesecake chased down with a dozen donuts. Your body will hate you for it, but your stomach will sing 'Let's Go Cowboys!!!'. Steele's and the defense's TDs were the decadent icing on that cheesecake.

I mentioned getting mad at Coachadoodles from a dream I had. Please believe I don't control the craziness; maybe being forced to suppress emotions growing up plays some part in it. Here goes: It stars me, Runny's avatar and an actor playing Coach.

I dreamt that I'd gotten a state-of-the-art motorcycle and it was purple. I could program it to do all sorts of things and I'm a sucker for buttons. I was playing with it and programmed it to head home after five minutes of idling unless I gave it some gas overriding the command. I meant to change the time on it. I'd already chased that thing a couple of times before going to visit Coach. When it took off again, I was too tired to chase it so I ran up to Coach's door and knocked harder than I should. When I told him the situation, he said maybe he should shave for his adoring audience. Runny was there and was asking what all my motorcycle could do. He said he'd help me get it and Coach pish poshed the idea. We got into his black Hummer and went in search of my rogue purple motorcycle.

The dream was about the 'ahs' of new technology with the frustration of figuring it out. Add an internal meltdown, last dream of the night and I woke up mad.

That's all folks. Another unsettling peek inside my subconscious. :popcorn:
I fought a ghost and poked my wife in the arm while sleeping.
Not even close! Very much a tomboy… no dresses for this girl if I can help it. I don’t get caught up in all that frilly lace, makeup etc… never have (WYSIWYG… what you see is what you get). Mom didn’t and so I wasn’t introduced to it. Nothing vane here. Very active, very loyal to my small group I allow to get close to me, don’t trust easily, love dogs, love helping people, love the Cowboys and being outdoors… and, for whomever is smart enough to see me for me and love me for who I AM, am the most committed partner they will likely ever meet. NOTE: I hate glitter with a passion!!! :D
Hmm, I didn't realize Reality opened the dating app portion of CZ yet. ;)
OK, so I am batting 1 for 2... not too bad. Now, I will have to imagine someone else when I read your posts. Nonetheless, great description of you, @GrammaJan... Except for "love the Cowboys" part, sounds like my wife (she is just not into sports or politics, for that matter)
Now I'm pictures Anybody's, from West Side Story.
I fought a ghost and poked my wife in the arm while sleeping.
My brother, when his daughter was a newborn, had a dream that she was falling off the foot of the bed. He tried to sit up to grab her, but didn't have enough momentum, so he threw his arms back to get more forward motion. His wife's face was just enough of a platform for his elbow to give him the push he needed. At the time, he was about 240 pounds of muscle. Thinking back on it now that she's no longer part of the family, even to her kids, all I can say is, "Teeheehee!"
Morning Pops and Popsadoodles.

Another weird dream on the schedule last night. I had a very good friend that was badly injured and missing. I searched for him in my parents' hometown along with other friends. We were on foot looking in the woods, ditches and abandoned buildings. Out of nowhere Steve Perry shows up with a guitar and starts singing at any set of ears he finds. It was one of my least favorite Journey songs and the only one he had full rights to in my dream. He went Free Bird on it and drug the song out so much longer than anyone could stand. Fortunately, he found four ears and left my two alone. I'm still searching frantically for this friend when we cross paths again. He's trying to pour an excessive amount of emotion into the song. I walk by and say "It's not working, Steve. Give it up." I was also giving friends his location, so they could avoid him. I'm getting fancy with my very own soundtrack to my dreams. Never found the friend though.
Morning Pops and Popsadoodles.

Another weird dream on the schedule last night. I had a very good friend that was badly injured and missing. I searched for him in my parents' hometown along with other friends. We were on foot looking in the woods, ditches and abandoned buildings. Out of nowhere Steve Perry shows up with a guitar and starts singing at any set of ears he finds. It was one of my least favorite Journey songs and the only one he had full rights to in my dream. He went Free Bird on it and drug the song out so much longer than anyone could stand. Fortunately, he found four ears and left my two alone. I'm still searching frantically for this friend when we cross paths again. He's trying to pour an excessive amount of emotion into the song. I walk by and say "It's not working, Steve. Give it up." I was also giving friends his location, so they could avoid him. I'm getting fancy with my very own soundtrack to my dreams. Never found the friend though.
Your friend was hiding from Steve Perry before he got to Lovin', Touchin' and Squeezin'.
Morning Pops and Popsadoodles.

Another weird dream on the schedule last night. I had a very good friend that was badly injured and missing. I searched for him in my parents' hometown along with other friends. We were on foot looking in the woods, ditches and abandoned buildings. Out of nowhere Steve Perry shows up with a guitar and starts singing at any set of ears he finds. It was one of my least favorite Journey songs and the only one he had full rights to in my dream. He went Free Bird on it and drug the song out so much longer than anyone could stand. Fortunately, he found four ears and left my two alone. I'm still searching frantically for this friend when we cross paths again. He's trying to pour an excessive amount of emotion into the song. I walk by and say "It's not working, Steve. Give it up." I was also giving friends his location, so they could avoid him. I'm getting fancy with my very own soundtrack to my dreams. Never found the friend though.
Your friend couldn't hear you calling through the earplugs.
Morning Pops and everyone, and Happy New Year’s Eve day.

I’m giving 2021 a solid shove off the nearest cliff, or one of the bridges over the mighty Mississippi if I can’t find a cliff, and telling it on the way down exactly which part of my anatomy it can kiss.

Time to reset my promises to myself as to things I’d like to accomplish this year. Mostly got it done in 2021, so just need to keep those in place and try to connect with those things I feel I fell short on.

I stay home on “rookie night” so no going out for this girl, plus we have a decent “snowstorm” heading in over night. If you’re going out to celebrate, or even if you’re staying home, stay safe!
Good New Year's Eve Pops and Friends,

In what is fitting end to 2021, the power is off for about 8K homes in our general area. Apparently, a driver went mano a mano with a power pole and took out a healthy section of the the grid. The estimated time to restore power is about 7 hours.

Fortunately, we have two fire places (it's 0 F with a high of about 10 F) and a small standby generator with enough power to run the lights.

In the grand scheme of things, we have a roof over our heads, a warm home and good health... not bad at all.

So, how are your New Year's Eve plans shaping up?
Good New Year's Eve Pops and Friends,

In what is fitting end to 2021, the power is off for about 8K homes in our general area. Apparently, a driver went mano a mano with a power pole and took out a healthy section of the the grid. The estimated time to restore power is about 7 hours.

Fortunately, we have two fire places (it's 0 F with a high of about 10 F) and a small standby generator with enough power to run the lights.

In the grand scheme of things, we have a roof over our heads, a warm home and good health... not bad at all.

So, how are your New Year's Eve plans shaping up?
Sucks being without power, but at least you have the fireplaces and lights! Now it's a matter of finding the right place to keep your refrigerated, but not frozen foods.

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