FEATURED Morning Pops!

Morning Pops and everyone, and Happy New Year’s Eve day.

I’m giving 2021 a solid shove off the nearest cliff, or one of the bridges over the mighty Mississippi if I can’t find a cliff, and telling it on the way down exactly which part of my anatomy it can kiss.

Time to reset my promises to myself as to things I’d like to accomplish this year. Mostly got it done in 2021, so just need to keep those in place and try to connect with those things I feel I fell short on.

I stay home on “rookie night” so no going out for this girl, plus we have a decent “snowstorm” heading in over night. If you’re going out to celebrate, or even if you’re staying home, stay safe!
I haven't left my house on NYE in such a long time, I don't even remember when I did. Has to be at least 10 years.
I haven't left my house on NYE in such a long time, I don't even remember when I did. Has to be at least 10 years.
Same. Siblings have ‘gatherings’ but I don’t go. When I find them barely tolerable sober, why on earth would I want to be around them intoxicated? Either them or me. Things would be said, hair would be pulled, blood would be spilled, throats would be punched… beyond that nothing good would come of it:D
Same. Siblings have ‘gatherings’ but I don’t go. When I find them barely tolerable sober, why on earth would I want to be around them intoxicated? Either them or me. Things would be said, hair would be pulled, blood would be spilled, throats would be punched… beyond that nothing good would come of it:D
Oh your family gatherings are like when the Jets and the Sharks get together! :muttley:
The only
Sucks being without power, but at least you have the fireplaces and lights! Now it's a matter of finding the right place to keep your refrigerated, but not frozen foods.
The only thing I am concerned about is our hot tub. To my wife's amusement, I pulled out an old thermodynamics manual to estimate how long it takes to lower the temperature of 400 gals of water at 101 F to below freezing. We should be good.

The only

The only thing I am concerned about is our hot tub. To my wife's amusement, I pulled out an old thermodynamics manual to estimate how long it takes to lower the temperature of 400 gals of water at 101 F to below freezing. We should be good.

As long as the cover is on it, I'm sure you have at least a full day. Possibly much more, depending on the chemicals in the water.
Good morning Pops and friends. Happy New Year’s Eve.
It’s been a very mild winter to say the least. Supposed to dip to the mid 30s tomorrow night. It’s 80 today and I’ll be mowing in a few minutes after I finish up some honey do’s.
Kiddos and grandkiddos coming over this evening to see the new year arrive. I like being outside by the fire and listen to the fireworks.
Happy and Blessed New Year’s Eve friends
Happy New Year's Eve Pops and all you revelers. Why is it Merry Christmas and Happy New Year?

The informal definition of merry is: slightly and good-humoredly drunk.
"after the third bottle of beer he began to feel quite merry"

Happy is: feeling or showing pleasure or contentment.
"Melissa came in looking happy and excited"

Don't know about you but I want to be merry because whoever that guy is with his third bottle of beer seems happier than Melissa. He is feeling quite merry while Melissa is just looking happy. Maybe Melissa is seeing our friend of the three beers and will soon be merry and that's what she's truly happy about? C'mon, he does seem to be a jolly fellow. Uh-oh, now I've got to get into jolly.

I will not be doing that stupid black-eyed pea or sauerkraut tradition for luck as that's never really worked. Bunch of damned German settlers and pea farmers trying to dovetail onto that scheme the confectioners, florists and jewelers had with Valentine's Day. However, I do have a ham from the Butchers of Easter. Make that leftover hambone and I am doing some beans and cornbread and I am going to talk in an Amish accent all day to my dogs.

It's like all of these car commercials at Christmas. People really give cars as presents at Christmas? That little girl thinks they do, running outside like that Lexus is a puppy. She's definitely got at least one term in Congress coming thinking Santa could get that on his sleigh.

My friends, however you celebrate it, with family or friends or alone watching football and "When Harry Met Sally" or in the hot tub, I hope it is exactly what you want to do. Personally, I'll take that hot tub with Colo's wife but we've got to find something to keep him occupied. Don't get upset, Colo, I wouldn't get frisky with your bride. Just to sit in a hot tub, sipping some champagne (or more than some, I call that some+) and gazing upon the face of a lovely woman would be a marvelous way to bring in the New Year.

Be safe and if you can't be safe, make sure you have ICE, In Case of Emergency, as a contact on your phone. I have a random number in mine with a request to make a prank call in remembrance of me.
Good morning Pops and friends. Happy New Year’s Eve.
It’s been a very mild winter to say the least. Supposed to dip to the mid 30s tomorrow night. It’s 80 today and I’ll be mowing in a few minutes after I finish up some honey do’s.
Kiddos and grandkiddos coming over this evening to see the new year arrive. I like being outside by the fire and listen to the fireworks.
Happy and Blessed New Year’s Eve friends
I can't fathom 80 F in the winter
Didn’t used to be that way, but I’m at the point where if I don’t like them I’m just not going to be around them anymore. I was much more tolerant of their stupidity when I was ‘younger’
I'm with you and @Runwildboys and generally avoid large festive, family feasts.

The worst one in my family is mother who has that Southern knack for commenting negatively about everything: "Well bless her heart, she is not very bright".

My favorite comment she made at one dinner gathering was, "Well bless heart, I guess 'burnt' is a style of cooking I am not familiar with."
I'm with you and @Runwildboys and generally avoid large festive, family feasts.

The worst one in my family is mother who has that Southern knack for commenting negatively about everything: "Well bless her heart, she is not very bright".

My favorite comment she made at one dinner gathering was, "Well bless heart, I guess 'burnt' is a style of cooking I am not familiar with."

Daaaang! She’s a bruiser.
I'm with you and @Runwildboys and generally avoid large festive, family feasts.

The worst one in my family is mother who has that Southern knack for commenting negatively about everything: "Well bless her heart, she is not very bright".

My favorite comment she made at one dinner gathering was, "Well bless heart, I guess 'burnt' is a style of cooking I am not familiar with."
I like hanging out with my family. We all get along very well and have a blast. In fact, this Christmas was the best I can remember in a long time. My niece's new boyfriend was there and he seemed kind of disappointed that he'd be spending the next day with his family. When he got there, my niece sat him next to me and said, "This is the one you have to impress." lol After about an hour, I turned to him and said, "I like you, but I have to be honest. I was all prepared to bust your stones and call you a Chad all night." Then I gave him a look of disappointment and said, "You're no Chad!"
I like hanging out with my family. We all get along very well and have a blast. In fact, this Christmas was the best I can remember in a long time. My niece's new boyfriend was there and he seemed kind of disappointed that he'd be spending the next day with his family. When he got there, my niece sat him next to me and said, "This is the one you have to impress." lol After about an hour, I turned to him and said, "I like you, but I have to be honest. I was all prepared to bust your stones and call you a Chad all night." Then I gave him a look of disappointment and said, "You're no Chad!"
Love your sense of humor. You and I would get along famously.
Good afternoon, Pops and Popsadoodles. Here's to a thousand times better new year than this one and the last one. It won't take much to be better. My heart has been broken twice this week. First with losing John Madden and now Betty White. So give us better 2022 with restored health for our beloved Coachadoodles and everyone else. Return ABQ to us and watch over my people here, let the new year come in safely for all. To make up for 2020 and 2021, we would be recompensed with the Dallas Cowboys winning the Super Bowl.

I'm with you and @Runwildboys and generally avoid large festive, family feasts.
The worst one in my family is mother who has that Southern knack for commenting negatively about everything: "Well bless her heart, she is not very bright".
My favorite comment she made at one dinner gathering was, "Well bless heart, I guess 'burnt' is a style of cooking I am not familiar with."
I had a saying 'If it ain't burnt, it ain't breakfast'.

Happy New Year my people :starspin::starspin::starspin:
I can't fathom 80 F in the winter

I believe we have hit the 40s a couple times so far this winter but only during the night.

Last year was mild until that frigid northern hit all of Texas in February and lingered a week or so. That was a winter to forget. Power outage and busted water pipes, yeah one to forget.

Hopefully we stay mild with maybe three or four 30F nights. Good ole gulf Texas weather lol
I believe we have hit the 40s a couple times so far this winter but only during the night.

Last year was mild until that frigid northern hit all of Texas in February and lingered a week or so. That was a winter to forget. Power outage and busted water pipes, yeah one to forget.

Hopefully we stay mild with maybe three or four 30F nights. Good ole gulf Texas weather lol
going down to 25 here on Sunday
Happy New Year Pops and everyone!!

We greet the new year with a forecast for 5-8” of snow through the course of the day. Anyone on this site who has read my posts and feelings about winter weather KNOWS this is something that makes me sooooo happy!! Looking forward to the trips outside to shovel (because I like the exercise;)). Temps will be in single digits tomorrow, but as long as I get the game broadcast in my area I don’t care. I’m not going anywhere.

The new year holds new opportunities and big decisions for all of us, myself included. Think through and consider all options and choose wisely.

I returned home last Sunday from my Christmas visit to VA. Yesterday morning received a message from my daughter as she was waiting in line to get checked for COVID. She was due to return to work last night, and I won’t lie, I was terrified that she would be on the night shift. She’s only been on her own without a training officer for two months and her precinct patrols some of the worst neighborhoods. Well, she tested positive so has more time off work. I think I got out of town and back home just in time!

Year is off to an interesting start. Best to you all for a healthy, happy and prosperous new year.

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