FEATURED Morning Pops!

Happy New Year Pops and all y'all.

It was a quiet one here and I can mark down another one that I wasn't awake for but that doesn't bother me, I am never really sure what we are celebrating. If it's the passage of 2021, 2022 isn't starting off any different.

And here's where some people would play that "stay positive and full of hope" card but I spoke with my friend in Dallas, the shrink, and she said the fact that people thought it was over and in the past has actually created more emotional and health problems. Reality is adjustment and acceptance to what is and most likely, what will be.

That "new normal" that became a catch phrase didn't really register with many people but I bought in form the beginning because of what they didn't know about this and what has been revealed is that they didn't know a whole lot more than they did know. But I do not blame them, they are doing their best to stay ahead of this and keep a hospital system in far worse shape than they want us to know from breaking.

It's funny how what Belichick uses as his call to action is "just do your job", we can apply "just do your part" to this situation.

I wish you happiness and health in 2022 and far beyond.
Good New Year's Eve Pops and Friends,

In what is fitting end to 2021, the power is off for about 8K homes in our general area. Apparently, a driver went mano a mano with a power pole and took out a healthy section of the the grid. The estimated time to restore power is about 7 hours.

Fortunately, we have two fire places (it's 0 F with a high of about 10 F) and a small standby generator with enough power to run the lights.

In the grand scheme of things, we have a roof over our heads, a warm home and good health... not bad at all.

So, how are your New Year's Eve plans shaping up?
What's better than sitting by the fireplace, wood crackling, cuddled in a blanket with your sweetheart and a glass of wine? Nothing.
Evening Pops and everyone.

Received word tonight son-in-law and one grandson both tested positive for COVID. Daughter went down with it Friday morning. That’s three out of five and they ran out of testing kits at home, so suffice it to say probably the whole house is down. She tells me it’s running rampant in Virginia this past week. I think I got out in time. I’ve been home over a week and feel fine, and helpless. Oddly tempted to go back out there to help, but common sense tells me to stay put, which I will do.

Hope you all are well and staying safe.
Evening Pops and everyone.

Received word tonight son-in-law and one grandson both tested positive for COVID. Daughter went down with it Friday morning. That’s three out of five and they ran out of testing kits at home, so suffice it to say probably the whole house is down. She tells me it’s running rampant in Virginia this past week. I think I got out in time. I’ve been home over a week and feel fine, and helpless. Oddly tempted to go back out there to help, but common sense tells me to stay put, which I will do.

Hope you all are well and staying safe.

Evening Pops and friends. Hope all goes well Jan. My 9 year old granddaughter tested positive 2 weeks ago after a family gathering. She was back to normal in 3 days. No one else got the bug thank goodness.
Once this pandemic is history, all nations should declare a global holiday.
Take care everyone

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