FEATURED Morning Pops!

Happy 4th of July Pops and all y'all. Here, that's also "Jaws Day" when I renew my vow not to enter the ocean and the sharks agree not to come into my home. Particularly my bedroom where lying prone I might be considered a burrito.

I know Montalano is a diver of considerable passion and skill but he also knows a bear is going to get him so sharks don't bother him.
Happy 4th Pops and Popsadoodles! On this auspicious occasion I'd like to share something with y'all. I have been researching this for decades and herein lies the results of my findings. Hershey's Kisses taste much better than M&Ms. My passion for chocolate never ceases to amaze me.

Have a good day everyone.
Happy 4th Pops and Popsadoodles! On this auspicious occasion I'd like to share something with y'all. I have been researching this for decades and herein lies the results of my findings. Hershey's Kisses taste much better than M&Ms. My passion for chocolate never ceases to amaze me.

Have a good day everyone.
M&Ms would be better if the shells never turned into shards of razor sharp candy gum stabbers.
How I Spent My Fourth of July, by Runwildboys.

Today, I took both my front and back doors off and brought them outside and put them on sawhorses to be painted. Then I ripped the rotting facia board off my shed, cut new ones, and set them on sawhorses to be painted. Then I painted the front door blue, and as I was painting it, I came to the realization that that woman at Home Depot didn't do a very good job of mixing it, because there were little bubbles all over my door, and when I popped them, white paint came out. Trying to paint that door so it didn't look like crap was very difficult and time consuming. Then I cleaned the roller and brushes, which apparently have their own supply of paint, hidden in a different dimension within the bristles.

Then I painted the back door white, which was much easier.

Then I painted the facia boards I'd cut and went back to add a second coat to the front door. Still looks like crap. Then I cleaned the roller and brushes.

I also painted the kick plates below both doors, then added a second coat to the back door. Then I cleaned the roller and brushes.

Then I started painting my shed, which is why I bought the paint in the first place. Then I ran out of paint. Then I threw the roller and brushes in the trash, and brought my compound saw and compressor (used to blow the dirt off my shed before painting), extension cord, etc. back down to the basement.

Now I'm trying to make my back stop hurting.

I hate painting.
How I Spent My Fourth of July, by Runwildboys.

Today, I took both my front and back doors off and brought them outside and put them on sawhorses to be painted. Then I ripped the rotting facia board off my shed, cut new ones, and set them on sawhorses to be painted. Then I painted the front door blue, and as I was painting it, I came to the realization that that woman at Home Depot didn't do a very good job of mixing it, because there were little bubbles all over my door, and when I popped them, white paint came out. Trying to paint that door so it didn't look like crap was very difficult and time consuming. Then I cleaned the roller and brushes, which apparently have their own supply of paint, hidden in a different dimension within the bristles.

Then I painted the back door white, which was much easier.

Then I painted the facia boards I'd cut and went back to add a second coat to the front door. Still looks like crap. Then I cleaned the roller and brushes.

I also painted the kick plates below both doors, then added a second coat to the back door. Then I cleaned the roller and brushes.

Then I started painting my shed, which is why I bought the paint in the first place. Then I ran out of paint. Then I threw the roller and brushes in the trash, and brought my compound saw and compressor (used to blow the dirt off my shed before painting), extension cord, etc. back down to the basement.

Now I'm trying to make my back stop hurting.

I hate painting.
I feel for you, brother, but pray tell, what is a sawhorse?
How I Spent My Fourth of July, by Runwildboys.

Today, I took both my front and back doors off and brought them outside and put them on sawhorses to be painted. Then I ripped the rotting facia board off my shed, cut new ones, and set them on sawhorses to be painted. Then I painted the front door blue, and as I was painting it, I came to the realization that that woman at Home Depot didn't do a very good job of mixing it, because there were little bubbles all over my door, and when I popped them, white paint came out. Trying to paint that door so it didn't look like crap was very difficult and time consuming. Then I cleaned the roller and brushes, which apparently have their own supply of paint, hidden in a different dimension within the bristles.

Then I painted the back door white, which was much easier.

Then I painted the facia boards I'd cut and went back to add a second coat to the front door. Still looks like crap. Then I cleaned the roller and brushes.

I also painted the kick plates below both doors, then added a second coat to the back door. Then I cleaned the roller and brushes.

Then I started painting my shed, which is why I bought the paint in the first place. Then I ran out of paint. Then I threw the roller and brushes in the trash, and brought my compound saw and compressor (used to blow the dirt off my shed before painting), extension cord, etc. back down to the basement.

Now I'm trying to make my back stop hurting.

I hate painting.
DANG! You cleaned the brushes and rollers twice? I wrap mine in Saran Wrap if I'm going to use them again later in the day/week. Buy my book Tips and Tricks For Lazy People. You can read it as your back mends.
So, I spent most of July 4th grilling for our neighbors. Glorious day with moderate temperatures (low 70's) and only moderately inebriated friends.

Where am I now, you ask? In an oyster bar in New Orleans telling lies to the bar staff while they shuck oysters and hoping they don't sever anything laughing at my stupid jokes. I pick up the grandkids tomorrow and fly back to Montana.
So, I spent most of July 4th grilling for our neighbors. Glorious day with moderate temperatures (low 70's) and only moderately inebriated friends.

Where am I now, you ask? In an oyster bar in New Orleans telling lies to the bar staff while they shuck oysters and hoping they don't sever anything laughing at my stupid jokes. I pick up the grandkids tomorrow and fly back to Montana.
Caviar dreams and champagne wishes. This is how the rich and famous live on the 4th. We can almost taste it and wish we could feel those 70s without risking your local wild life. (Southerners are known among the bear population to be extra sweet and spicy.)

I wish we were there listening. Did you tell them about the wackos that were strolling on your Ponderosa? How you had to grab Hoss, Adam and Pa to help you run them off. You know they wouldn't believe the cute one was a threat.

I hope you have a lot of enjoyment with your bear tenders. Show them things that they will talk about the rest of their lives. Only show from a distance so the rest of their lives will be longer. Take them to a mountain top and sing The Hills Are Alive while twirling with your arms out. Yes, go full Julie Andrews on 'em. Shoot, you may as well buy Disney sound tracks and entertain them with spontaneous numbers. In the woods, it's The Color of The Wind. In the water, Under the Sea... the sea weed is always greener in somebody else's pond. Oh yeah, it's show time!

This concludes my hair brained plans for the day.
Caviar dreams and champagne wishes. This is how the rich and famous live on the 4th. We can almost taste it and wish we could feel those 70s without risking your local wild life. (Southerners are known among the bear population to be extra sweet and spicy.)

I wish we were there listening. Did you tell them about the wackos that were strolling on your Ponderosa? How you had to grab Hoss, Adam and Pa to help you run them off. You know they wouldn't believe the cute one was a threat.

I hope you have a lot of enjoyment with your bear tenders. Show them things that they will talk about the rest of their lives. Only show from a distance so the rest of their lives will be longer. Take them to a mountain top and sing The Hills Are Alive while twirling with your arms out. Yes, go full Julie Andrews on 'em. Shoot, you may as well buy Disney sound tracks and entertain them with spontaneous numbers. In the woods, it's The Color of The Wind. In the water, Under the Sea... the sea weed is always greener in somebody else's pond. Oh yeah, it's show time!

This concludes my hair brained plans for the day.

You spin a good story... one correction, though, it's more like the Dutton ranch and I hiding behind John, Beth and Rip staring down the bears.

Going "full Julia Andrews" does have its appeal.... tends to keep neighbors at arms length.

You spin a good story... one correction, though, it's more like the Dutton ranch and I hiding behind John, Beth and Rip staring down the bears.

Going "full Julia Andrews" does have its appeal.... tends to keep neighbors at arms length.

Try Ethel Merman, that will keep them at a county's length.

Personally, I would yodel bawdy limericks and see if they can figure them out. Not your grandkids, the neighbors.

Isn't bawdy a marvelous word? I love words that sound like what they mean like raunchy, ribald, smarmy, lascivious and lewd.
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Girls and boys, today's word is Bawdy. It means things I can't really talk about on Sesame Street. Just use the word in polite conversation and watch as all attention turns to you waiting for your next sentence. Warning: May result in spontaneous azz whoopings.
Girls and boys, today's word is Bawdy. It means things I can't really talk about on Sesame Street. Just use the word in polite conversation and watch as all attention turns to you waiting for your next sentence. Warning: May result in spontaneous azz whoopings.

You naughty woman! Good word though.
Morning Pops and allow me to be the first to welcome youse guys to your weekend. I figure if I talk in the Northern slang, it will make me feel cooler. And another "Sopranos" actor passed yesterday.

They have adjusted the forecast for Monday to 109 which will make tomorrow's 106 feel brisk.

I don't know if I have complained about the heat, enough, yet but it does help. It is even better because I have no excuse for moving to hell except to admit I was not in my right mind at the time. In my defense, I am not sure I would recognize my right mind as this is the one I use for everything, including thinking.

Even when I am out of my mind, it is not far away and I do wonder if it gets right once I am out of it? Thank God he's gone, now let's see if we can collect the thoughts.

Be aware that it is not very kind
To point out I am out of my mind
For I know because I am not blind
And criticism puts me into a bind
To stop thinking and see if I can find
That silly mind I must have left behind.

They say a mind is a terrible thing to waste so I put mine to use with silly rhymes. However, it keeps the disturbed thoughts at bay. Don't mind if I do.
I prefer the saying from a comic "A mind is a terrible thing".

I will never grow tired of you complaining about the weather. It's only 105 here today. I keep thinking my a/c unit is broken until I step outside and back in. I almost need a coat. So my cure for getting hot is to step outside and then I really appreciate the a/c. In other words, it's hot and cold here. God bless the person or people that created the air conditioner.
I prefer the saying from a comic "A mind is a terrible thing".

I will never grow tired of you complaining about the weather. It's only 105 here today. I keep thinking my a/c unit is broken until I step outside and back in. I almost need a coat. So my cure for getting hot is to step outside and then I really appreciate the a/c. In other words, it's hot and cold here. God bless the person or people that created the air conditioner.
We should have a parade for them.......when it cools off a little.
Good morning Pops and Friends,

I really feel for you folks in the south. What an unbelievable and dangerous heatwave. It's hitting the mid-80's in NW Montana and I feel like I am baking. My mother, who lives in San Antonio, said temperatures were above 100F for several days.... yet another reason to retire in Montanalo land.

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