FEATURED Morning Pops!

Same answer.

Seriously though, driving in the warm can, going out into the cold for a while, then back into the warm truck, maybe inside someone's building to use the bathroom...Too much hassle.
Did I say warm "can"??? I'm guessing my phone suggested that after I typed "warm", and somehow I went with it. Or maybe I typed "cab", and automistake changed it. I don't know, but hopefully you all knew what I meant.
A prayer is going up for you, Montanalo. No one messes with our prostrate prostates!!! We're here for you, Mighty Montanalo!

Cowboy_22, you are singing a siren's song to Runny and G2. I am afraid instead of Come on Cowboys, it's Here We Go. What a horrible end to a fantastic season. It's still in our DNA though.

Runny! Have you thought about an electronic hand warmer? Check out Amazon. I got one for each of my immediate family (the ones I count).

G2, it's probably best you can't feel your legs. I suspect they're up to no good anyway. You'll have to reign them in eventually.

In my little pristine cocoon without eggrolls, it's been peaceful. I can understand why Jan likes the snow. It tucks the little hooligans back into their homes. A blanket of tranquility unless you have to drive in it.
Did I say warm "can"??? I'm guessing my phone suggested that after I typed "warm", and somehow I went with it. Or maybe I typed "cab", and automistake changed it. I don't know, but hopefully you all knew what I meant.
“Can” can also mean toilet. I thought you were driving around in a warm motorized outhouse. I mean, it would cut down on pit stops.
Thanks for clarifying :muttley:
A prayer is going up for you, Montanalo. No one messes with our prostrate prostates!!! We're here for you, Mighty Montanalo!

Cowboy_22, you are singing a siren's song to Runny and G2. I am afraid instead of Come on Cowboys, it's Here We Go. What a horrible end to a fantastic season. It's still in our DNA though.

Runny! Have you thought about an electronic hand warmer? Check out Amazon. I got one for each of my immediate family (the ones I count).

G2, it's probably best you can't feel your legs. I suspect they're up to no good anyway. You'll have to reign them in eventually.

In my little pristine cocoon without eggrolls, it's been peaceful. I can understand why Jan likes the snow. It tucks the little hooligans back into their homes. A blanket of tranquility unless you have to drive in it.
True that X…its in our DNA

Here We Go!

Good morning Pops, CC and friends
Good middle of the night Pops, Coachadoodles and Popsadoodles. Just a heads up, Fried Pickle Potato Chips are no where close to eggrolls.

I don't know if I told y'all that I decided towards the end of '22 to expand my horizons through Audible. I'm a self taught, slow reader. Could be my squirming when someone tried to read the classics to me. You know, Little Red Riding Hood and such. I was waiting for Warner Brothers to animate these things for me. No Yosemite Sam? Big problem! I'm still amazed that I've made it this far in life.

I had a bucolic first grade complete with drawing and fat crayons so I wouldn't put an eye out with those sleek regular ones. For the second grade, we moved to Texas and they put me in midget college. I stepped into that class and they didn't even bother with crayons, fat or sleek. They were doing MATH! (at home, I was told to count my toes and came up with 13) and reading without Yosemite Sam's help. Excuse me, there's been a mistake here! I'm a regular kid, not baby Einstein. I was not given a reprieve. Instead, I got to make the weekly trip to the principal's office as one of the two dumbest kids in college. I'd pass the other knuckle head on my way back to class. On my behalf, I'd ask for help at home and not get any.

Fortunately, daddy was transferred back to Louisiana before I failed the second grade. I didn't feel the need to attend school here because, well... I just got out of midget college. In hindsight, Yosemite Sam was not the educational help I'd hoped for. My particular genius was stifled by all the education they were throwing at me.

Back to Audible, I didn't really know which direction to go. I had gotten caught up in a story about Ted Bundy. The book was hard to put down and I'd become paranoid. I listened to Tim Curry read A Christmas Carol and felt like I'd been chewed out for 6+ hours. I have an aversion to history and British accents. I have to know the narrator is going to use their R's. I liked the art work of a particular book and hoped on it. It was about dragons, annoyed damsels and men of royal breeding. So I trotted off down that path with hopes of branching out later.

These romantic novels are very different from each other. I started with an extremely mild one. They aren't labeled as mild or graphic, so I haphazardly hopped on it with both feet. I started playing them to go to sleep to. I laid down for a nap with a new book and it was not remotely polite. I woke up from a deep nap to Pre K day at the zoo with monkeys gone wild. I'm trying to figure out what day it is and racing to get out of the room so they can finish what they were up to. That was a rude awakening.

In closing, I don't know why I told the story but here it is. I'm sorry it was so long.
Good middle of the night Pops, Coachadoodles and Popsadoodles. Just a heads up, Fried Pickle Potato Chips are no where close to eggrolls.

I don't know if I told y'all that I decided towards the end of '22 to expand my horizons through Audible. I'm a self taught, slow reader. Could be my squirming when someone tried to read the classics to me. You know, Little Red Riding Hood and such. I was waiting for Warner Brothers to animate these things for me. No Yosemite Sam? Big problem! I'm still amazed that I've made it this far in life.

I had a bucolic first grade complete with drawing and fat crayons so I wouldn't put an eye out with those sleek regular ones. For the second grade, we moved to Texas and they put me in midget college. I stepped into that class and they didn't even bother with crayons, fat or sleek. They were doing MATH! (at home, I was told to count my toes and came up with 13) and reading without Yosemite Sam's help. Excuse me, there's been a mistake here! I'm a regular kid, not baby Einstein. I was not given a reprieve. Instead, I got to make the weekly trip to the principal's office as one of the two dumbest kids in college. I'd pass the other knuckle head on my way back to class. On my behalf, I'd ask for help at home and not get any.

Fortunately, daddy was transferred back to Louisiana before I failed the second grade. I didn't feel the need to attend school here because, well... I just got out of midget college. In hindsight, Yosemite Sam was not the educational help I'd hoped for. My particular genius was stifled by all the education they were throwing at me.

Back to Audible, I didn't really know which direction to go. I had gotten caught up in a story about Ted Bundy. The book was hard to put down and I'd become paranoid. I listened to Tim Curry read A Christmas Carol and felt like I'd been chewed out for 6+ hours. I have an aversion to history and British accents. I have to know the narrator is going to use their R's. I liked the art work of a particular book and hoped on it. It was about dragons, annoyed damsels and men of royal breeding. So I trotted off down that path with hopes of branching out later.

These romantic novels are very different from each other. I started with an extremely mild one. They aren't labeled as mild or graphic, so I haphazardly hopped on it with both feet. I started playing them to go to sleep to. I laid down for a nap with a new book and it was not remotely polite. I woke up from a deep nap to Pre K day at the zoo with monkeys gone wild. I'm trying to figure out what day it is and racing to get out of the room so they can finish what they were up to. That was a rude awakening.

In closing, I don't know why I told the story but here it is. I'm sorry it was so long.
Sounds like you had an interesting early childhood... certainly, moving between Louisiana and Texas was a cultural shock, if nothing else.

My parents enjoyed telling our family and friends that I learned to read while leafing through the Encyclopedia Britannica and sitting on the toilet.

Actually, I earned to read from that classic America short story, Sports Illustrated Swim Suit Edition.

By the way, it's 15 F which is much more normal for this time of the year. Just a few days ago, it was 50 degrees colder.
Sounds like you had an interesting early childhood... certainly, moving between Louisiana and Texas was a cultural shock, if nothing else.

My parents enjoyed telling our family and friends that I learned to read while leafing through the Encyclopedia Britannica and sitting on the toilet.

Actually, I earned to read from that classic America short story, Sports Illustrated Swim Suit Edition.

By the way, it's 15 F which is much more normal for this time of the year. Just a few days ago, it was 50 degrees colder.
Ooooo time for weather updates. Balmy 8° here in the Midwest (Illinois)
Good middle of the night Pops, Coachadoodles and Popsadoodles. Just a heads up, Fried Pickle Potato Chips are no where close to eggrolls.

I don't know if I told y'all that I decided towards the end of '22 to expand my horizons through Audible. I'm a self taught, slow reader. Could be my squirming when someone tried to read the classics to me. You know, Little Red Riding Hood and such. I was waiting for Warner Brothers to animate these things for me. No Yosemite Sam? Big problem! I'm still amazed that I've made it this far in life.

I had a bucolic first grade complete with drawing and fat crayons so I wouldn't put an eye out with those sleek regular ones. For the second grade, we moved to Texas and they put me in midget college. I stepped into that class and they didn't even bother with crayons, fat or sleek. They were doing MATH! (at home, I was told to count my toes and came up with 13) and reading without Yosemite Sam's help. Excuse me, there's been a mistake here! I'm a regular kid, not baby Einstein. I was not given a reprieve. Instead, I got to make the weekly trip to the principal's office as one of the two dumbest kids in college. I'd pass the other knuckle head on my way back to class. On my behalf, I'd ask for help at home and not get any.

Fortunately, daddy was transferred back to Louisiana before I failed the second grade. I didn't feel the need to attend school here because, well... I just got out of midget college. In hindsight, Yosemite Sam was not the educational help I'd hoped for. My particular genius was stifled by all the education they were throwing at me.

Back to Audible, I didn't really know which direction to go. I had gotten caught up in a story about Ted Bundy. The book was hard to put down and I'd become paranoid. I listened to Tim Curry read A Christmas Carol and felt like I'd been chewed out for 6+ hours. I have an aversion to history and British accents. I have to know the narrator is going to use their R's. I liked the art work of a particular book and hoped on it. It was about dragons, annoyed damsels and men of royal breeding. So I trotted off down that path with hopes of branching out later.

These romantic novels are very different from each other. I started with an extremely mild one. They aren't labeled as mild or graphic, so I haphazardly hopped on it with both feet. I started playing them to go to sleep to. I laid down for a nap with a new book and it was not remotely polite. I woke up from a deep nap to Pre K day at the zoo with monkeys gone wild. I'm trying to figure out what day it is and racing to get out of the room so they can finish what they were up to. That was a rude awakening.

In closing, I don't know why I told the story but here it is. I'm sorry it was so long.
Don't apologize! We'll figure out how to get out of your mind eventually! For now though, I'm just gonna wander through, and check out the...OOH, SHINY!!!
This may seem like a strange confession. But I have to admit I have avoided the “Morning Pops” thread for a little while and I wasn’t sure why. I have come to realize it happened because showing up here made me sad without CoachCoach being here.

Grieving for someone you never met in person is quite amazing. But it is testament to how real the bonds are among friends who only know each other through a football based forum. But it is real.

My wife is not a fan of the Cowboys or even football. But I often read some of CCs writing and she usually smiled and said, “That guy is an excellent writer.” So true. And because of that my wife empathized with all of our grief upon his death. (I will take this opportunity to admit that I “married up”, lol)

Anyway, just didn’t want anyone here to think I was not interested in the MP community. I guess I just needed some time to grieve in my own strange way. Appreciate this place and all of you. This thread is so unique and so full of all the reasons why this forum works.
This may seem like a strange confession. But I have to admit I have avoided the “Morning Pops” thread for a little while and I wasn’t sure why. I have come to realize it happened because showing up here made me sad without CoachCoach being here.

Grieving for someone you never met in person is quite amazing. But it is testament to how real the bonds are among friends who only know each other through a football based forum. But it is real.

My wife is not a fan of the Cowboys or even football. But I often read some of CCs writing and she usually smiled and said, “That guy is an excellent writer.” So true. And because of that my wife empathized with all of our grief upon his death. (I will take this opportunity to admit that I “married up”, lol)

Anyway, just didn’t want anyone here to think I was not interested in the MP community. I guess I just needed some time to grieve in my own strange way. Appreciate this place and all of you. This thread is so unique and so full of all the reasons why this forum works.
One of the great things about this thread is that the only expectation is respect.

We love having you here, my friend, but nobody's going to be angry if you take a hiatus, for whatever reason. That said, your reason is very understandable. CC was a huge part of why we visit this thread, and I think he'll continue to be, even though he won't be writing in it anymore.
We know where you're coming from, Bob. Coach wanted this thread to continue and so we plod on with him in our hearts.

Which reminds me of a dream I had two nights ago. I dreamt the world was ending. Me and all the Popsadoodles were staying inside because the ozone layer was gone. Trust me, I don't know where all these bits and pieces come from. We were playing baseball in a liquor store. If you didn't break any bottles, it was a home run. We had a TV playing in the background and a news alert came on that drinkable water was nearly gone. Runny grabbed a beer and said "no problem". The rest of us hit the Margarita machine and mumbled "no problem". I knew I wasn't getting a home run after that.

By the way, all of you looked like the beautiful people in movies. We started talking and decided the next thing to go would be oxygen. I don't know who (it wasn't me) came up with the idea to hit hospitals for oxygen tanks, but we all loaded into someone's plane and flew to California to steal the tanks from hospitals that had essentially closed but still had security. The security people started shooting at us, so we had to juke and jive. I half expected Tom Cruise or Matt Damon to make a dramatic entrance. We finished up at that hospital deciding to hit another after only a few oxygen tanks. We were running back to the plane when a helicopter arrived with Tom Cruise. I stopped to think about asking for an autograph before one of you grabbed my arm and said "let's go". I woke up and said "I gotta go pee". The end unless you want to hear about my experience with cheep toilet paper. It's one ply so I unspool it like I'm fly fishing. Never again.
We know where you're coming from, Bob. Coach wanted this thread to continue and so we plod on with him in our hearts.

Which reminds me of a dream I had two nights ago. I dreamt the world was ending. Me and all the Popsadoodles were staying inside because the ozone layer was gone. Trust me, I don't know where all these bits and pieces come from. We were playing baseball in a liquor store. If you didn't break any bottles, it was a home run. We had a TV playing in the background and a news alert came on that drinkable water was nearly gone. Runny grabbed a beer and said "no problem". The rest of us hit the Margarita machine and mumbled "no problem". I knew I wasn't getting a home run after that.

By the way, all of you looked like the beautiful people in movies. We started talking and decided the next thing to go would be oxygen. I don't know who (it wasn't me) came up with the idea to hit hospitals for oxygen tanks, but we all loaded into someone's plane and flew to California to steal the tanks from hospitals that had essentially closed but still had security. The security people started shooting at us, so we had to juke and jive. I half expected Tom Cruise or Matt Damon to make a dramatic entrance. We finished up at that hospital deciding to hit another after only a few oxygen tanks. We were running back to the plane when a helicopter arrived with Tom Cruise. I stopped to think about asking for an autograph before one of you grabbed my arm and said "let's go". I woke up and said "I gotta go pee". The end unless you want to hear about my experience with cheep toilet paper. It's one ply so I unspool it like I'm fly fishing. Never again.
We know where you're coming from, Bob. Coach wanted this thread to continue and so we plod on with him in our hearts.

Which reminds me of a dream I had two nights ago. I dreamt the world was ending. Me and all the Popsadoodles were staying inside because the ozone layer was gone. Trust me, I don't know where all these bits and pieces come from. We were playing baseball in a liquor store. If you didn't break any bottles, it was a home run. We had a TV playing in the background and a news alert came on that drinkable water was nearly gone. Runny grabbed a beer and said "no problem". The rest of us hit the Margarita machine and mumbled "no problem". I knew I wasn't getting a home run after that.

By the way, all of you looked like the beautiful people in movies. We started talking and decided the next thing to go would be oxygen. I don't know who (it wasn't me) came up with the idea to hit hospitals for oxygen tanks, but we all loaded into someone's plane and flew to California to steal the tanks from hospitals that had essentially closed but still had security. The security people started shooting at us, so we had to juke and jive. I half expected Tom Cruise or Matt Damon to make a dramatic entrance. We finished up at that hospital deciding to hit another after only a few oxygen tanks. We were running back to the plane when a helicopter arrived with Tom Cruise. I stopped to think about asking for an autograph before one of you grabbed my arm and said "let's go". I woke up and said "I gotta go pee". The end unless you want to hear about my experience with cheep toilet paper. It's one ply so I unspool it like I'm fly fishing. Never again.
Xelda this made me laugh. I’ve had so many dreams over the years like your “baseball in the liquor store” scenario. I doubt most of us look like movie stars but that’s the way dreams go, right?

I once dreamed I was playing in the NBA in a real game, complete with squeaky shoes, sweat and crowd noise. But…the game was also being played in a classroom full of students who were taking a test. Somehow I was able to soar over a student in a desk and make a spectacular dunk, land safely while the crowd roared, and the students continued on with their test, lol. It was all good until I woke up and realized I can’t dunk with or without students desks all around!

Now…on to your toilet paper dream. We’re all waiting to hear that story…
Still can't feel my legs.
What is going on with your legs? They should have feeling in them.

@Bobhaze that toilet paper wasn't a dream, it was a plague that started in late 2022. I bought one of the big packages at Sam's and still have about a dozen more rolls. I think the stuff is in my cabinets breeding. It's like the Ever Ready Bunny, still sitting in the cabinet. I cheated last year and used my cushiony goodness rolls three times. It was a fleeting moment in the vast blur of read through single ply excuse of a wipe. On the bright side, there is no wood pulp to make you file a complaint with who ever buys the office supply. That was me and I heard all about it. I didn't know they had tender hineys. It was one of the joys of my job.
What is going on with your legs? They should have feeling in them.

@Bobhaze that toilet paper wasn't a dream, it was a plague that started in late 2022. I bought one of the big packages at Sam's and still have about a dozen more rolls. I think the stuff is in my cabinets breeding. It's like the Ever Ready Bunny, still sitting in the cabinet. I cheated last year and used my cushiony goodness rolls three times. It was a fleeting moment in the vast blur of read through single ply excuse of a wipe. On the bright side, there is no wood pulp to make you file a complaint with who ever buys the office supply. That was me and I heard all about it. I didn't know they had tender hineys. It was one of the joys of my job.
I switched to baby-wipes and haven't looked back. Thank you Covid.

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