FEATURED Morning Pops!

Good middle of the night Pops, Coachadoodles and Popsadoodles!

I hope all of you have been doing well. I apologize for my absense, life has been pizzing me off. Nothing good to say of late. This past week driving home from the chemo center, I remembered something from my childhood. I may or may not have shared it with y'all, so I'm going to tell it again?.

Xelda's chickens and Heaven

One Easter momma bought us pastel colored baby chicks. We took them every where. Momma had to visit one of her cousin's wives for some reason. With baby chicks in tow, we loaded into the car. This was a young family with several children. They were thrilled to see our pastel buddies and immediately rushed them to the back yard. They filled a bucket with water and started baptismal services. Their father was a local pastor. We were somewhat traumatized by this group of biddy baptisers. Momma laughed at us all the way home as we relayed why our now Christian chickens were wet.

Back home, my sister's biddy was taken to Heaven via one of our cats. Lost way too soon. I gave her mine so momma took me to a farm store and I bought two heathen hens. I'd put them in doll clothes and swing with them in my arms. Their head moved back and forth as if to stay in one place. Once they were teenagers, a farmer offered to buy them from me. They ended up living on a farm and rode on the farmer's dog's head. I got to hear all sorts of interesting and funny stories about them. Mostly they were called crazy. I didn't think I'd affected their emotional state in such a manner. Maybe they should have been baptised first.
Good middle of the night Pops, Coachadoodles and Popsadoodles!

I hope all of you have been doing well. I apologize for my absense, life has been pizzing me off. Nothing good to say of late. This past week driving home from the chemo center, I remembered something from my childhood. I may or may not have shared it with y'all, so I'm going to tell it again?.

Xelda's chickens and Heaven

One Easter momma bought us pastel colored baby chicks. We took them every where. Momma had to visit one of her cousin's wives for some reason. With baby chicks in tow, we loaded into the car. This was a young family with several children. They were thrilled to see our pastel buddies and immediately rushed them to the back yard. They filled a bucket with water and started baptismal services. Their father was a local pastor. We were somewhat traumatized by this group of biddy baptisers. Momma laughed at us all the way home as we relayed why our now Christian chickens were wet.

Back home, my sister's biddy was taken to Heaven via one of our cats. Lost way too soon. I gave her mine so momma took me to a farm store and I bought two heathen hens. I'd put them in doll clothes and swing with them in my arms. Their head moved back and forth as if to stay in one place. Once they were teenagers, a farmer offered to buy them from me. They ended up living on a farm and rode on the farmer's dog's head. I got to hear all sorts of interesting and funny stories about them. Mostly they were called crazy. I didn't think I'd affected their emotional state in such a manner. Maybe they should have been baptised first.
That's quite a different story, Xelda! For some reason, I'm picturing a young Jodie Foster playing the role of Zelda, in the movie.

I'm so sorry things have been rough for you, doll, and I hope things turn in your favor immediately!
Good afternoon Pops, Coachadoodles and Popsadoodles. I'm scheduled for surgery on the 12th. Y'all would like my surgeon's sense of humor. On the inside door that leads to the waiting room has a sign that reads "Insane Asylum". I asked him if it was ok to fall out in the full waiting room and start yelling about him being rough with me (he wasn't), he said "DO IT, DO IT!". I didn't, but laughed all the way to the parking lot. My mind has been wrapped around facing surgery and enjoying all my days leading up to the surgery. I could have done it this week, but they wanted me there at 6 AM as the first surgery of the day. I'd rather he warm up before getting to me. Makes sense, right? On second thought, don't answer that.
Good afternoon Pops, Coachadoodles and Popsadoodles. I'm scheduled for surgery on the 12th. Y'all would like my surgeon's sense of humor. On the inside door that leads to the waiting room has a sign that reads "Insane Asylum". I asked him if it was ok to fall out in the full waiting room and start yelling about him being rough with me (he wasn't), he said "DO IT, DO IT!". I didn't, but laughed all the way to the parking lot. My mind has been wrapped around facing surgery and enjoying all my days leading up to the surgery. I could have done it this week, but they wanted me there at 6 AM as the first surgery of the day. I'd rather he warm up before getting to me. Makes sense, right? On second thought, don't answer that.
@Xelda praying for a successful surgery and a swift and full recovery.

Sounds like you have a great surgeon. If you want to mess with him a bit, use a maker pen to put an "X marks the spot" on your body prior to surgery. Surgery humor... love it.

And, BTW, thanks for sharing
Good afternoon Pops, Coachadoodles and Popsadoodles. I'm scheduled for surgery on the 12th. Y'all would like my surgeon's sense of humor. On the inside door that leads to the waiting room has a sign that reads "Insane Asylum". I asked him if it was ok to fall out in the full waiting room and start yelling about him being rough with me (he wasn't), he said "DO IT, DO IT!". I didn't, but laughed all the way to the parking lot. My mind has been wrapped around facing surgery and enjoying all my days leading up to the surgery. I could have done it this week, but they wanted me there at 6 AM as the first surgery of the day. I'd rather he warm up before getting to me. Makes sense, right? On second thought, don't answer that.
Xelda, anyone who has ever read a single paragraph of yours wishes you the absolute best of outcomes!!! We love you so much!!!

Give us your doctor's name, so we can threaten...I mean encourage him to be at his best, when you're in his care!
Thank you 22!

Well Popsadoodles, there are daily Solar eclipse questions on my home page with two options. I've gotten every one of them wrong. It's aggravating!!!! A 50% chance while I've crashed and burned every time.

Montanalo, I thought about writing Chuck Norris jokes instead.

Check this out and no you can't have one.
Good morning Pops, CC and Cowboy fans everywhere

@Xelda how are you these days. Hope all is well.

I tick another bucket list dive location off my list this week. Later today, i am headed to the Maldives in the Indian Ocean for 10 days of diving. I am going with a group of 16 other divers from my old dive shop in Denver. Really excited!!

We're in "shoulder season" in Montana. It is that sweet spot between winter ski season and the summer rush to Glacier National Park... so, few tourist, and relatively little traffic (mind you, "bad" traffic around here is waiting maybe 2 minutes at a stop sign rather than the customers 5 seconds).

I have my cup of tea and one lap kitty on the balcony awaiting sunrise.

How was the eclipse??
Good morning Pops, CC and Cowboy fans everywhere

@Xelda how are you these days. Hope all is well.

I tick another bucket list dive location off my list this week. Later today, i am headed to the Maldives in the Indian Ocean for 10 days of diving. I am going with a group of 16 other divers from my old dive shop in Denver. Really excited!!

We're in "shoulder season" in Montana. It is that sweet spot between winter ski season and the summer rush to Glacier National Park... so, few tourist, and relatively little traffic (mind you, "bad" traffic around here is waiting maybe 2 minutes at a stop sign rather than the customers 5 seconds).

I have my cup of tea and one lap kitty on the balcony awaiting sunrise.

How was the eclipse??
The eclipse was anticlimactic. Of course, where I am, there was only 92% coverage. Strange how light it still was, with only 8% of the sun shining down.
Good afternoon Pops, Coachadoodles and Popsadoodles. I'm scheduled for surgery on the 12th. Y'all would like my surgeon's sense of humor. On the inside door that leads to the waiting room has a sign that reads "Insane Asylum". I asked him if it was ok to fall out in the full waiting room and start yelling about him being rough with me (he wasn't), he said "DO IT, DO IT!". I didn't, but laughed all the way to the parking lot. My mind has been wrapped around facing surgery and enjoying all my days leading up to the surgery. I could have done it this week, but they wanted me there at 6 AM as the first surgery of the day. I'd rather he warm up before getting to me. Makes sense, right? On second thought, don't answer that.
Xel… For whatever reason my phone is again NOT notifying me when messages post to this site. I need to read on to catch up but I hope all goes well for you.
Thank you Montanalo and Jan. Tomorrow's the day and I saved all my energy up so I could freak out today. I could have started earlier but I've been saving it up so I could have a major melt down. I'll be ok once they let me drink and give me something for pain. Hold the fort down everyone. I will be back as soon as I can. Much love going out to each of you.
Thank you Montanalo and Jan. Tomorrow's the day and I saved all my energy up so I could freak out today. I could have started earlier but I've been saving it up so I could have a major melt down. I'll be ok once they let me drink and give me something for pain. Hold the fort down everyone. I will be back as soon as I can. Much love going out to each of you.
Best of luck for a pain free, successful procedure! Love you more than my dad!