FEATURED Morning Pops!

That's so cute!

I had an up close and personal bear encounter on Sunday (when I would have normally been watching the game -- I blame the Cowboys). I was working in my shop; the doors were open because I had just stained a wooden mantel piece. A rather large black bear walked by and stuck her nose in the open door. There was only about 40 feet separating us. I was cornered, no way out and no means of defending myself... or so I thought. I grabbed my trusty cordless leaf blower, and, between the loud noise and dust cloud, the bear decided to keep walking into the woods. I think I will buy stock in DeWalt and, perhaps, new underwear.

I guess holding the brush up and saying "this is not going to wash out" doesn't work on bears. I thought you might have moved to somewhere safer, but you are our resident wild man. Instead of a fire, we're going with a bear for this video.

How's your wife's knee / leg? I hope it's a lot better and y'all are enjoying the new home.

If you've got home improvement projects going, I'm here for it. I loved This Old House with Bob Vila, Norm and Steve. I get some hairy ideas myself, but have put a car boot on my ideas for now. I recently had a single basin sink installed and got hi fived for my excellent taste by one of the plumbers. I know it sounds silly, but I have to agree with him.

On a side note, my hair has grown three inches and still hasn't heard of gravity. I'm turning into the bride of Frankenstein. Dad gum it. Sorry to keep griping, but I've worn out everyone here.
I guess holding the brush up and saying "this is not going to wash out" doesn't work on bears. I thought you might have moved to somewhere safer, but you are our resident wild man. Instead of a fire, we're going with a bear for this video.

How's your wife's knee / leg? I hope it's a lot better and y'all are enjoying the new home.

If you've got home improvement projects going, I'm here for it. I loved This Old House with Bob Vila, Norm and Steve. I get some hairy ideas myself, but have put a car boot on my ideas for now. I recently had a single basin sink installed and got hi fived for my excellent taste by one of the plumbers. I know it sounds silly, but I have to agree with him.

On a side note, my hair has grown three inches and still hasn't heard of gravity. I'm turning into the bride of Frankenstein. Dad gum it. Sorry to keep griping, but I've worn out everyone here.

My wife's leg has fully recovered and she is doing well... thanks for asking.

With regard to the hair, I would recommend a couple of white streaks and bride-of-Frankenstein coiffure.

Hilarious video

I would say this is embarrassing, but I'm going to file it under ridiculous. The temperatures dropped to 74 yesterday so I pulled out my new winter socks and turned the electric blanket on. This is the deep south and I've forgotten how to deal with arctic temperatures.
37° when I left for work this morning. 45° and breezy when I got to Manhattan, at 6:15. Never got much warmer.
I guess holding the brush up and saying "this is not going to wash out" doesn't work on bears. I thought you might have moved to somewhere safer, but you are our resident wild man. Instead of a fire, we're going with a bear for this video.

How's your wife's knee / leg? I hope it's a lot better and y'all are enjoying the new home.

If you've got home improvement projects going, I'm here for it. I loved This Old House with Bob Vila, Norm and Steve. I get some hairy ideas myself, but have put a car boot on my ideas for now. I recently had a single basin sink installed and got hi fived for my excellent taste by one of the plumbers. I know it sounds silly, but I have to agree with him.

On a side note, my hair has grown three inches and still hasn't heard of gravity. I'm turning into the bride of Frankenstein. Dad gum it. Sorry to keep griping, but I've worn out everyone here.

Hey, as long as it's Madeline Kahn's version of the bride, your good!

Either way, ksk will happily be your monster.
Good afternoon Pops, CC and friends.

Chuck Norris's reflection is too afraid to look him the eyes.

Super heroes read Chuck Norris comic books.

Cats have Chuck Norris-like reflexes

A meteor didn't kill the dinosaurs. It was Chuck Norris and he doesn't like me talking about it.

When Chuck Norris works out, the weights get stronger.

Chuck Norris abducts aliens and conducts experiments on them.
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Good afternoon Pops, CC and friends.

Chuck Norris's reflection is too afraid to look him the eyes.

Super heroes read Chuck Norris comic books.

Cats have Chuck Norris-like reflexes

A meteor didn't kill the dinosaurs. It was Chuck Norris and he doesn't like me talking about it.

When Chuck Norris works out, the weights get stronger.

Chuck Norris abducts aliens and conducts experiments on them.
That's some serious laugh out loud stuff. I used to not like Chuck Norris jokes, but I'm a fan now.
When Chuck Norris goes to a restaurant, the server ask him what the soup of the day is.

Chuck Norris can whistle in 5 languages including Braille.

Chuck Norris went to a feminist rally and left with a sandwich and a long list of phone numbers
Just another day in the almost frozen tundra of Looziana. Good afternoon Pops, Coachadoodles and all my rowdy Popsadoodles. Good ones, Montanalo! Whistling in Braille would seriously strain or tear some good muscles around my lips. Best leave that to the professionals.

I remembered something from back in the days of suffering under the US Trap 'em and Deny Their Will To Live (as wild heathens) Department. You may refer to it as school. I was in a class where the teacher was fthrowing out some rapid fire questions about one of many subjects I wasn't interested in. I never knew when it would be my turn, so i watched like a dog staring intently at a forbidden piece of meat. No one saw it coming, but this was a special day. She'd ask the question, slap her hands together and point at one of the poor hungry dogs as she called them by name. Her eyes villiainously roamed the room, then suddenly it happened! With her target in her sights, she slapped her hands together, pointed and barked out to poor, meek Winderweedle. She proceeded to butcher his name several times with each iteration worse than the last. I believe Wubba Wubba was uttered once. Then she barked out Wonderwiggle and the class lost it. She didn't do that exercise on us any more so she learned her lesson. The student became the teacher.

I've probably shared that before, but I wanted to tell it again. That teacher went from Mach 1 to Wonderwiggle in no time flat.
Just another day in the almost frozen tundra of Looziana. Good afternoon Pops, Coachadoodles and all my rowdy Popsadoodles. Good ones, Montanalo! Whistling in Braille would seriously strain or tear some good muscles around my lips. Best leave that to the professionals.

I remembered something from back in the days of suffering under the US Trap 'em and Deny Their Will To Live (as wild heathens) Department. You may refer to it as school. I was in a class where the teacher was fthrowing out some rapid fire questions about one of many subjects I wasn't interested in. I never knew when it would be my turn, so i watched like a dog staring intently at a forbidden piece of meat. No one saw it coming, but this was a special day. She'd ask the question, slap her hands together and point at one of the poor hungry dogs as she called them by name. Her eyes villiainously roamed the room, then suddenly it happened! With her target in her sights, she slapped her hands together, pointed and barked out to poor, meek Winderweedle. She proceeded to butcher his name several times with each iteration worse than the last. I believe Wubba Wubba was uttered once. Then she barked out Wonderwiggle and the class lost it. She didn't do that exercise on us any more so she learned her lesson. The student became the teacher.

I've probably shared that before, but I wanted to tell it again. That teacher went from Mach 1 to Wonderwiggle in no time flat.
I believe so. His grandpa explained it to me and told me the origins of their name. In my infinite wisdom I discarded the information . Although the boy was attractive, there was no way I'd be writing Mrs. Winderweedle the rest of my life. For our tenth wedding anniversary, I'd be having carpal tunnel surgery. I can't go for that, no can do. Xelda likes jewelry over surgery. I remember another good looking boy came up to me with heart eyes, but he had a long name too so romance was out of the question. I had my sights set on others with much shorter name. Yes, I'm that lazy.
Whos… from Whoville
Whee! We've missed you! It got so bad, I had to resort to telling on myself. Montanalo has been regaling us with Chuck Norris jokes and Runny's just shaking his head at the pandamonium. I saw the snow in a football game and thought you'd be Jonesing for some of that weather.
Whee! We've missed you! It got so bad, I had to resort to telling on myself. Montanalo has been regaling us with Chuck Norris jokes and Runny's just shaking his head at the pandamonium. I saw the snow in a football game and thought you'd be Jonesing for some of that weather.
I couldn’t resist a smarty pants comment. Snow? Love it, as you know. Had some light snow here Wednesday into Thursday… basically heavy flurries (?). That was nice.

Truth is, work has been awful, the holidays are coming and I’m alone again/still.., I’m really over it. I need someone to take care of that cares about me… something to look forward to after work. I don’t do alone well at all. Whole family quit talking to each other over nothing this year. Literally. Nobody knows why. Only people I talk to is my daughter and she’s out east, and my mom (who is caught in the middle of all this sibling nonsense). My world is falling apart, but I keep trying to do stuff to distract myself. Making Thanksgiving dinner and taking it to my moms next week so there’s that. If I could get out and get some walks in I’d probably feel better I suppose. I’ll have to figure out how to work that in.

Back out to Iowa City 12/2 for my annual follow up with the doctors and the CT scanner. I’m literally ten years out from surgery 11/24… never expected to still be here (lol and smh).
I believe so. His grandpa explained it to me and told me the origins of their name. In my infinite wisdom I discarded the information . Although the boy was attractive, there was no way I'd be writing Mrs. Winderweedle the rest of my life. For our tenth wedding anniversary, I'd be having carpal tunnel surgery. I can't go for that, no can do. Xelda likes jewelry over surgery. I remember another good looking boy came up to me with heart eyes, but he had a long name too so romance was out of the question. I had my sights set on others with much shorter name. Yes, I'm that lazy.
Hey, my last name is only 5 letters. :grin:

Xelda Winderweedle...Has a nice ring to it...Several, actually.
I couldn’t resist a smarty pants comment. Snow? Love it, as you know. Had some light snow here Wednesday into Thursday… basically heavy flurries (?). That was nice.

Truth is, work has been awful, the holidays are coming and I’m alone again/still.., I’m really over it. I need someone to take care of that cares about me… something to look forward to after work. I don’t do alone well at all. Whole family quit talking to each other over nothing this year. Literally. Nobody knows why. Only people I talk to is my daughter and she’s out east, and my mom (who is caught in the middle of all this sibling nonsense). My world is falling apart, but I keep trying to do stuff to distract myself. Making Thanksgiving dinner and taking it to my moms next week so there’s that. If I could get out and get some walks in I’d probably feel better I suppose. I’ll have to figure out how to work that in.

Back out to Iowa City 12/2 for my annual follow up with the doctors and the CT scanner. I’m literally ten years out from surgery 11/24… never expected to still be here (lol and smh).
Well, we're all glad you defied your own expectations!

Listen, your world isn't falling apart. You just have a specific belief in how it should be, and when that's not the way it goes, it feels like it's crumbling around you.

Let go of your preconceptions, and try to enjoy the things that come your way...and once you figure out how to do that, could ya teach me?
Jan, you are not alone. I promise. Runny has some solid guidance for us. I use distraction to avoid dealing with the harder issues. It doesn't always work. My family is also divided. I have nothing good to say about that situation. Instead I simply deny their existence early and often. I'm not good company now so I'll say goodnight.
Jan, you are not alone. I promise. Runny has some solid guidance for us. I use distraction to avoid dealing with the harder issues. It doesn't always work. My family is also divided. I have nothing good to say about that situation. Instead I simply deny their existence early and often. I'm not good company now so I'll say goodnight.
You're always good company to us! But I get that sometimes it's better to think about something else.

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