Afternoon Pops, afternoon friends and good afternoon to any who decide to stop in later.
Jobbs, I love oranges. Love Orange Juice, everything about Oranges. I'm diabetic so I can't have it but man, you don't know how I envy you Brother!
Enjoy a couple more for me please!
Morning to Pops, whom I am sorry I never had the pleasure to make his acquaintance but I am one of the older posters here as well. One of the best things I enjoyed on, as I am a recent refugee, was the cross generational banter with only the minimum of age remarks.
I don't know how long I was there, and that ain't an age thing at all, but for years I refused to reveal my age for a couple of reasons. One, I didn't want to get into any age arguments or the "old timer" jabs and more importantly, I didn't want anyone laying off on me because I was old enough to be their Daddy or Granddaddy.
And then one day, a thread started about age and I just responded with my real age as I was just turning 70. The responses surprised me as few thought I was nearly that old just by reading my nonsense and to me, that was just me. They knew I was an older guy from my years as a Cowboys fan but not that old.
Bottom line is that quite a few had been responding with a guy that was old enough to be their Daddy and didn't know it. Ain't it funny what we're able to discover when we just don't know?
Pops sounded like a great guy and I do wish I'd had the opportunity to meet him as I was more of a morning crew guy as well. Us old guys need our rest once the sun starts receding.
Thanks ABQ, this will be my first stop each morning as I always come to the Members Zone first to see if any of our stragglers have made it over.Hey CC, I'm glad you found this thread. Everybody here are great people. I think you might enjoy this thread, at least I hope so.
I too am sorry that you did not have the good fortune to meet Pops. He was one of those people, that sometime you run across in your life, that makes a difference. However, you have found this thread and that, is at least, a good step IMO. I welcome you and I hope that you are able to enjoy this thread as much as we all do.
Thanks ABQ, this will be my first stop each morning as I always come to the Members Zone first to see if any of our stragglers have made it over.
As a codger I. too, feel it is my responsibility to impart any wisdom I have acquired. And wisdom is just a nice word for "hey, I made that mistake and here's what happened". I like to call it "all that great advice my Dad gave me but I decided I knew better stuff".
Hot chachacha and 23 skidoo, Leon, I found someone senior to me. Thanks for the welcome, you ole coot!Morning, Pops and Pen Pals. We going to warm up some today. I was going to play golf yesterday but woke up to 28 degrees so no go.
Welcome to the thread, CouchCoach. I think most of us here are codgers. I'll be 73 next month.
Take care, Y'all.