Thank you for the warm welcome. I thought about my Pops comment and would like to introduce you to one of my Pops. I have an appointment so time prevents me doing justice to his memory, but I can share him with you..
I've worked in the family business for decades and friction is inevitable among so many hard headed people. With my brother, father and me, well I was fired at least twice a year. One day out of no where a second cousin of daddy's walked in. I thought "Oh great! ANOTHER RELATIVE!!!!!" Junior came in with the exact same bravado as the rest of my family on daddy's side. I didn't see anything good coming out of him hanging around. Eventually, he wore us all down and we grew to love him. He'd walk in and immediately start the process of calming the waters. Daddy was moody and regularly went on tantrums. He'd yell "What have y'all done to Pops today?" My brother and I would bark back "We haven't done anything". Then he'd get daddy calmed down, laughing and the rest of the day would go smoothly. There were tons of misadventures along the way, but Junior was the most unusual angel sent our way and we were the better for it in the few years Heaven loaned him to us.