FEATURED Morning Pops!

Morning Pops, morning friends, and good morning to all you fantastic Zoners out there.

ABQ, doing good, sir. Woke up refreshed, and like Leon, sitting here having a coffee before I head out for the day (7:30 here in California)

Tomorrow is my final wisdom teeth procedure. What started off as a dentist visit for a chipped tooth last winter, has turned into 2 appointments to get my teeth removed. The first appointment went well, except the local anasthesia didn’t work as intended and I was trying tor talk to the dental team as they were extracting my impacted top teeth. So now they’ve opted for general anesthesia. These lower wisdom teeth are trickier as they lie right above a nerve that runs along the lower jaw, and that nerve CANNOT be damaged or lots of bad can happen. Will be very happy when this is over with. I see lots of rice pudding in the upcoming few days. :)

Thank you, @LeonDixson. Appreciate the kind words, sir. Hey, if you pretend that you played Pebble Beach and shot that par you can feel like Mickelson :)

Everyone have a safe and blesssed day, today :star::starspin:
Good morning Pops and friends. I heard an uplifting sermon about staying in peace and within 40 minutes lost my cool.. I just needed my credit score and went through every tab for the "Get out of $34.95 a month free card". Those poor people asked for it by not allowing me to close the account on line

Hoping all goes well for RCV as he helps in south Texas, jobber gets to feeling better so he can go fishing, Leon as he works to improve his golf math, may the little vampire come visit ABQ, Trouty's nerve in his mouth be left undisturbed and the rice pudding taste like a great grilled steak, hope ksk inspires a funny movie, DABZ hit the jackpot of funny cat videos and no one else irritates the living daylights out of me today.
Good morning Pops and friends. I heard an uplifting sermon about staying in peace and within 40 minutes lost my cool.. I just needed my credit score and went through every tab for the "Get out of $34.95 a month free card". Those poor people asked for it by not allowing me to close the account on line

Hoping all goes well for RCV as he helps in south Texas, jobber gets to feeling better so he can go fishing, Leon as he works to improve his golf math, may the little vampire come visit ABQ, Trouty's nerve in his mouth be left undisturbed and the rice pudding taste like a great grilled steak, hope ksk inspires a funny movie, DABZ hit the jackpot of funny cat videos and no one else irritates the living daylights out of me today.
Let's see, movie title: "Why the Cat ate the pancake w/ no Syrup"
Morning Pops. Morning Fellas and good morning to any who might decide to stop in and check out the thread.

How is everybody this morning? Leon, as long as you had fun, that's what's important. At least, that's what I tell myself when I play golf.

Jobs, Leon, dbrp, Xelda, zrin, trouty, ksk and RGV, have a great day all!

We had a great time. I had never played with any of the other three before and I really enjoyed their company.
We're going to see the new dinosaur movie today at 3. That's if, of course, the lines have died down!!!
Good morning Pops and folks. Thank you, Leon. So far so good. I got one of my little dogs bathed yesterday and she has prissed around like a princess since. I hope you get to see the movie and let us know how you liked it. Eat some popcorn for me, ksk! Wishing everyone a good day.
Morning Pops. Morning Fellas and good morning to any who might stop in the check out the thread.

Leon, that's the thing, as long as it's fun, that's the important thing.

Trouty, sounds like life is good for you right now.

Xelda, had the Grandbaby yesterday. He was a hoot!

ksk, enjoy the Movie!

RGV, chin up Brother!

Jobs, Leon, dbrp, Xelda, zrin, trouty, ksk and RGV and everybody, have a great day!
Good morning Pops and folks. Thank you, Leon. So far so good. I got one of my little dogs bathed yesterday and she has prissed around like a princess since. I hope you get to see the movie and let us know how you liked it. Eat some popcorn for me, ksk! Wishing everyone a good day.
Morning Pops. Morning Fellas and good morning to any who might stop in the check out the thread.

Leon, that's the thing, as long as it's fun, that's the important thing.

Trouty, sounds like life is good for you right now.

Xelda, had the Grandbaby yesterday. He was a hoot!

ksk, enjoy the Movie!

RGV, chin up Brother!

Jobs, Leon, dbrp, Xelda, zrin, trouty, ksk and RGV and everybody, have a great day!

I'm expecting to. Going to a movie like this, my only expectation is for good critters, that's it!!!! Storyline? Plot? Not in this type movie!!!!

And I'm really liking Richie's daughter. Good actress, and a hottie!!!
Morning, Pops. Morning everyone. Did you ever have one of those days when you're thinking there is something important you have to do today but you didn't put in on your calendar and now you can't remember what it is? That's what I'm feeling today. I hope everyone has a fine day.
Morning, Pops. Morning everyone. Did you ever have one of those days when you're thinking there is something important you have to do today but you didn't put in on your calendar and now you can't remember what it is? That's what I'm feeling today. I hope everyone has a fine day.
Good morning everyone. I hate when that happens, Leon. I hope you remember what it is.
Morning, Pops. Morning everyone. Did you ever have one of those days when you're thinking there is something important you have to do today but you didn't put in on your calendar and now you can't remember what it is? That's what I'm feeling today. I hope everyone has a fine day.
Yes, we all have those days but I can help you out because you were supposed to send me a check today. I asked you "Leon, did you put that in your calendar'? And you replied "no CC, no need to, no one would forget that with that huge amount".
A top o the mornin' to one and all and you know who that one is and who falls into the "all" category. You, YOU, are the one! And they? Well you know that sayin' "how's yer Mama n dem"? The others are dem.
Oh, and the movie was just OK. Worth seeing? Absolutely. Just not as good as the first, as I expected.
They will keep making them as long as people want to see dinos eat people. And I do dig that.

I am very forgiving of any monster movie as long as they do good monsters. The latest Godzilla was a bonus with a good script and acting. So was Kong and Samuel L. Jackson was scarier than Kong. Plus he re-created his killer line from the original Jurassic Park "hold onto your butts!"
They will keep making them as long as people want to see dinos eat people. And I do dig that.

I am very forgiving of any monster movie as long as they do good monsters. The latest Godzilla was a bonus with a good script and acting. So was Kong and Samuel L. Jackson was scarier than Kong. Plus he re-created his killer line from the original Jurassic Park "hold onto your butts!"
Yup. That was actually my only problem w/ this movie. Not enough Dino's!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yes, we all have those days but I can help you out because you were supposed to send me a check today. I asked you "Leon, did you put that in your calendar'? And you replied "no CC, no need to, no one would forget that with that huge amount".
Right! Right! That's what it was; I remember now. The check's in the mail. :laugh:
Morning Pops, morning friends, and good morning to all you wonderful Zoners out there!

Final wisdom teeth surgery went about as well as it could go. So happy to have it all over with now. Main concern for the next 3-4 days is dry socket, but my oral surgeon is fantastic and sutured the hell out of both holes (left #3 molar, when extracted, allowed clear view of the lower mandible nerve, so dry socket would not only go to the bone, but in my case to the nerve itself). I was hopped up on Norcos all night and couldn't fall asleep until about 4:30am :D Luckily, everyone knows I'm out of commission for the rest of the week so I got to sleep in till about 10am. Gonna do nothing until I pick up the little one mañana afternoon, as per my doc's orders.

Everyone have a blessed and safe and peaceful day today! One more day till Friday, my friends :star::star::starspin::starspin:
Morning Pops. Morning Fellas and good morning to any who might show up a little later on.

Running a little late today. Lots of stuff to do this morning so late to log onto the board today.

Coach, glad you found this thread, welcome.

Jobs, Leon, dbrp, Xelda, zrin, trouty, ksk, RGV and Coach, have a great day!

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