FEATURED Morning Pops!

Morning Pops. Morning Fellas and good morning to any who might show up a little later on.

Running a little late today. Lots of stuff to do this morning so late to log onto the board today.

Coach, glad you found this thread, welcome.

Jobs, Leon, dbrp, Xelda, zrin, trouty, ksk, RGV and Coach, have a great day!
Thanks ABQ, I found it when I first arrived but it seemed to be it's own kind of thing and I felt a little on the outside and wish I'd been here when Pops was still here. But I've seen some of my own kind like ksk and Xelda show up and thought I'd re-investigate because I really dig the Off-Topic Zone because it's an open invitation to an old post jacker like me to really get to know some folks better.

I do not get to know them better out in gen pop because that seems more of a confrontational area. The fight to be right is strong. In the Off-Topic, hell baby, you ain't right or wrong, you're just you. Come on in and post a spell.
Really? I am not happy, I expected wall to wall dinos with the actors only playing the parts of food.
Let's throw in some Kardashians and hope they don't choke on Kim's butt. Throw a bunch of politicians in with Caitlin after they haven't eaten in a week and the dinos will have to choke them down. OOOH, Eagles fans! Who else do we want to feed the dinosaurs?

P.S. Glad the procedure is over Trouty. A prayer went out for you to heal properly.

P.S.S. Glad to see you here, Coach. These people are really nice, so we have to behave ourselves. (I will behave after I've finished the dinosaur menu.)
Thanks ABQ, I found it when I first arrived but it seemed to be it's own kind of thing and I felt a little on the outside and wish I'd been here when Pops was still here. But I've seen some of my own kind like ksk and Xelda show up and thought I'd re-investigate because I really dig the Off-Topic Zone because it's an open invitation to an old post jacker like me to really get to know some folks better.

I do not get to know them better out in gen pop because that seems more of a confrontational area. The fight to be right is strong. In the Off-Topic, hell baby, you ain't right or wrong, you're just you. Come on in and post a spell.

I see a sparkle in your font Coach. The same kind of sparkle you had when we all used to frequent "The topic of the day" on the original DC.com forum.
I see a sparkle in your font Coach. The same kind of sparkle you had when we all used to frequent "The topic of the day" on the original DC.com forum.
Ahhhhhhh, Quick, the good ole days when we ran Rob Phillips to the point of giving up. He'd start the Topic of the Day and the first several posts were all about how stupid his topic was and we were off to the races with strippers, pole dancers and bacon.
Yep Coach. I spend a lot of time in that topic. I was recovering pneumonia that left side affects for months. I was out of work at the time for 2 months straight. That forum helped me stay sane if you can believe that. I miss the ole slap-fests.
I'm sorry to hear about your pneumonia and agree with you, Quickdraw. Going through some stuff myself and CZ along with the inmates have kept me company through much of it.
Really? I am not happy, I expected wall to wall dinos with the actors only playing the parts of food.
That's what I was hoping for!!!!! Don't get me wrong, movie was good. It's just that they inserted a bit too much plot!!!
Morning, Pops and all of Y'all. We went to a margarita and food party at our HOA clubhouse last night. My wife's sister and niece are here and we all had a ball. I think that is the event I had in mind when I woke up yesterday morning and couldn't remember what was on tap. Have a great day!
Morning, Pops and all of Y'all. We went to a margarita and food party at our HOA clubhouse last night. My wife's sister and niece are here and we all had a ball. I think that is the event I had in mind when I woke up yesterday morning and couldn't remember what was on tap. Have a great day!
So that would be a NO on Coach's check? Just as well, we know he's richer than Rockefeller but not Bill Gates or Warren Buffet rich. Also, thank you for the beautiful picture of #9 Leon. I just can't get tired of seeing that.

Good Morning Pops and friends! I got some good news this morning. The insurance adjuster said he's going to turn in my roof as a total loss. I'm just happy and thank God for answering my prayers. The last adjuster needed new glasses.
Yep Coach. I spend a lot of time in that topic. I was recovering pneumonia that left side affects for months. I was out of work at the time for 2 months straight. That forum helped me stay sane if you can believe that. I miss the ole slap-fests.
Man, you should have told us at the time and we would have been even harder on you with a slew of pneumonia jokes...with every variable spelling possible including youmoanya. And if that helped you stay sane, you really needed help!

Ya know Quick, I can only imagine those days with some of these ********** aboard to take the stripper poles to heights never reached before. That was the most fun I've had on any forum and the birth of bacon as the official breakfast of the forum with a simple post from G2, I like bacon. From that post on, the forum was a little crispier and saltier.

I do like one thing about this forum better than the old one. There seem to be more folks here to screw around and have fun. I think we need to organize a raid on the serious types in the solemn forum and hand out cyber noogies, wedgies and pants the real "I Am Right, Damnit" ones.
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Please console me on this very sad day as my Hogs have once again choked and pooped the bed being one out away from the CWS. I do not think I shall ever be the same. And some reply "hell yeah, about time, hope they lose some more".

Isn't it an odd thing? I left Arkansas and went to New Orleans 45 years ago thinking all of the ignorant and stupid people were in one state but I can tell you after living in 7 states, they are everywhere and they are breeding at an alarming rate. Anyway, isn't it odd how ingrained something like the team you root for can stand the test of time and total failure? The Hogs are like the Cowboys to me and I can't quit them. Maybe having a college team that sucks prepares one better for their pro team failing? Hogs, 53 years and counting, Cowboys 22 years and counting.

But to our credit, and we should rejoice in this, we have not forsaken them.
Morning Pops. Morning folks and good morning to any who might decide to stop in and visit this thread.

It's Friday so I hope everybody has a good weekend planned out.

Everybody, have a great day!
Thanks ABQ, I found it when I first arrived but it seemed to be it's own kind of thing and I felt a little on the outside and wish I'd been here when Pops was still here. But I've seen some of my own kind like ksk and Xelda show up and thought I'd re-investigate because I really dig the Off-Topic Zone because it's an open invitation to an old post jacker like me to really get to know some folks better.

I do not get to know them better out in gen pop because that seems more of a confrontational area. The fight to be right is strong. In the Off-Topic, hell baby, you ain't right or wrong, you're just you. Come on in and post a spell.

I wished you had had the good fortune of knowing him too Coach. He was the kind of person who made you want to be better. He was the kind of person who, just with a few words (maybe not even directed specifically towards you), could make you want to be better then yourself. He was a MOD here but he was never heavy handed and he was probably the most respected MOD that I can recall. Just by being better to you then you felt like maybe you might think he needed to be. This is not to say that he was a soft touch because he wasn't. He just had a way about things and he made you want to be a better person. You kinda didn't want to disappoint him and so, you tried to be better. He truly lead by example and I am better for having the example, set by him, to try and follow. That's why this thread continues to this day. It's not about any of the posters who post in it and while it is a tribute, of sorts to Pops, it's not the kind of tribute you might think. We make tribute through our words and actions in this thread and maybe, on the entire board when we can. Other threads are different, people treat people in different ways and it's not always respectful. Here, in this thread, we try to live up to a little different standard. The purpose of this thread is to Honor a very good friend but we try to do it by following his example and believe me, that's not always an easy trick. He was just that good of a person.
Good afternoon Pops, Pops, @Trouty @Xelda !
Wishing everyone a blessed & safe weekend. @LeonDixson be careful out there on the greens in this heat. @ABQCOWBOY have Jr do the BBQing and relax. Trouty hope those empty holes in the mouth are feeling better. And Xelda no weeding in this heat!

Myself, I'm going to get some beach time in and day dream of a 6th ring.:thumbup:
Hey Trouty, make sure to use a Water-Pik with a 10% solution of hydrogen peroxide on your mouth but not on the holes, if your dentist doesn't already have you doing that. Just swish it around the holes.
Hey Trouty, make sure to use a Water-Pik with a 10% solution of hydrogen peroxide on your mouth but not on the holes, if your dentist doesn't already have you doing that. Just swish it around the holes.
I’ve been using a salt water mixture for my mouth, so far so good. I’ve called my surgeon twice now out of fear of dry socket, she’s sick to death of my calls I’m sure lol Thanks for the tips, amigo
I’ve been using a salt water mixture for my mouth, so far so good. I’ve called my surgeon twice now out of fear of dry socket, she’s sick to death of my calls I’m sure lol Thanks for the tips, amigo
Continue with the salt water for now. I think it will help close the wounds. Down the road hydrogen peroxide would be great.

ABQ, I wish I had known Pops before. Seeing how you write about him, we would have all been better for knowing him. I think you are rising up to be a great Pops in your own right, especially for vampires.

Coach, it's awful good to see you over here. (ksk doesn't even mention farm animals in this thread. I KNOW!)

Thank you for the reminder on weeding, DABZ! It's so crazy hot that I'd love to join you on that beach and discuss our next Super Bowl victory and ways to improve camera angles for the NFL. Close ups for the Cowboys, then pan out for huddles and distant shots of other teams. Few things make my heart flutter like a good side angle of one (or more) of our wide receivers getting in position to make a run for the end zone. One leg in front of the other, body tilted forward, hands and arms shaking out loosely as they get ready to run. I really do miss football.
Continue with the salt water for now. I think it will help close the wounds. Down the road hydrogen peroxide would be great.

ABQ, I wish I had known Pops before. Seeing how you write about him, we would have all been better for knowing him. I think you are rising up to be a great Pops in your own right, especially for vampires.

Coach, it's awful good to see you over here. (ksk doesn't even mention farm animals in this thread. I KNOW!)

Thank you for the reminder on weeding, DABZ! It's so crazy hot that I'd love to join you on that beach and discuss our next Super Bowl victory and ways to improve camera angles for the NFL. Close ups for the Cowboys, then pan out for huddles and distant shots of other teams. Few things make my heart flutter like a good side angle of one (or more) of our wide receivers getting in position to make a run for the end zone. One leg in front of the other, body tilted forward, hands and arms shaking out loosely as they get ready to run. I really do miss football.
N get twitterpated!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Continue with the salt water for now. I think it will help close the wounds. Down the road hydrogen peroxide would be great.

ABQ, I wish I had known Pops before. Seeing how you write about him, we would have all been better for knowing him. I think you are rising up to be a great Pops in your own right, especially for vampires.

Coach, it's awful good to see you over here. (ksk doesn't even mention farm animals in this thread. I KNOW!)

Thank you for the reminder on weeding, DABZ! It's so crazy hot that I'd love to join you on that beach and discuss our next Super Bowl victory and ways to improve camera angles for the NFL. Close ups for the Cowboys, then pan out for huddles and distant shots of other teams. Few things make my heart flutter like a good side angle of one (or more) of our wide receivers getting in position to make a run for the end zone. One leg in front of the other, body tilted forward, hands and arms shaking out loosely as they get ready to run. I really do miss football.
Just because ksk is not mentioning them, doesn't mean he has stopped thinking about them. In animal husbandry class, they had to explain to him that he could not marry them.

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