Morning Pops and all you wacky weekenders.
Well, it looks as if the Cowboys have made more news having absolutely nothing to do with the actual game that is played on the field. It is as if they just can't keep their mouths shut and every time that idiot or his son opens their mouth and that's singular because it's all one mouth, they put undue pressure on their players off the field.
I really feel for Dak being put in this position as the team leader and being a black athlete doesn't help him with this. The man made some really insightful comments and handled himself really well and still gets called some very insulting names on social media because he was in a no win situation and put there by that stupid old redneck.
I, honestly, do not know how much more of this pathetically embarrassing family and keep it from my team. Dontchya just long for the days it was just about football?