FEATURED Morning Pops!

Good afternoon Pops and friends. Here's hoping everyone has a wonderful Saturday.

Pops thread was created to honor someone special and turns 9 in three days. I think our PJG personal best has been just over 3 months welcoming @DaBonez. Let us honor Pops, the gentle posters here and PJG the heck out of the rest of the forum.
It was ksk and Runny's fault, I was behaving. Tell them to stop baiting me.

And from what I know of Pops, he would be most forgiving of me because he would know I can't help it and have an affliction.

Actually, I forgot where I was, which is not unusual, and just did my normal nonsense. I will try to be good. Or maybe just a little better than I've been. Good is too big a step.
Good morning Pops, and all my fellow Cowboys fans (you know who you are). It's Saturday, and you know what that means.....another day and a half of relaxation. This is the day when we can most appreciate each other, and on that note; thank you Xelda for reminding us why we're here in this thread. This is where we go to be kind to each other and receive kindness in return. We don't come here to place blame on others for our thread jacking. We understand that we have only ourselves to blame, but if we must make excuses, we do it elsewhere. We know that only the most self centered use this thread as a way of casting aspersions upon others.

Good morning Pops, and all my fellow Cowboys fans (you know who you are). It's Saturday, and you know what that means.....another day and a half of relaxation. This is the day when we can most appreciate each other, and on that note; thank you Xelda for reminding us why we're here in this thread. This is where we go to be kind to each other and receive kindness in return. We don't come here to place blame on others for our thread jacking. We understand that we have only ourselves to blame, but if we must make excuses, we do it elsewhere. We know that only the most self centered use this thread as a way of casting aspersions upon others.

( I certainly hope the one you intended that for gets the message)
It was ksk and Runny's fault, I was behaving. Tell them to stop baiting me.

And from what I know of Pops, he would be most forgiving of me because he would know I can't help it and have an affliction.

Actually, I forgot where I was, which is not unusual, and just did my normal nonsense. I will try to be good. Or maybe just a little better than I've been. Good is too big a step.
And while ol' CC proclaims "baiting", he's tickling and playing footsies w/ us under the table!!!!
Morning Pops and all y'all. Well, I am back from a night of exile at the hands of Xelda. What I don't get is why it took her so long to hand down some discipline. Me n the Runny man have been not only tightrope walking that line but trying to move it. Jumbo said all the girls like naughty boys and we're just trying to be desirable.

Y'all have a swell Saturday and watch out for Xelda, she'll gitchya.
Pics or it never happened.
Morning, Pops and Cowboys fans. More rain is forecast for the next few days, saving me money by keeping my sprinkler system off. I re-watched Tremors and Tremors II yesterday on TV. Love those shows. Yep, I'm simple minded.

Have a blessed Sunday, everyone.
Good morning Pops, and hey there all you groovy guys and chicks!
It's Sunday morning, and it looks like a good day to go grocery shopping, mow the lawn, and do laundry, which is convenient, since I have to do that anyway.
Here's hoping your day is more fun!!!
Morning, Pops and Cowboys fans. More rain is forecast for the next few days, saving me money by keeping my sprinkler system off. I re-watched Tremors and Tremors II yesterday on TV. Love those shows. Yep, I'm simple minded.

Have a blessed Sunday, everyone.
Tremors is awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Kind of a guilty pleasure movie series.
Morning Pops and hail the camp for I am coming in. Is that bacon I smell or that the new cologne I am trying out, Pig Perspiration. Supposed to be heavy with pheromones although on the bottle they misspelled it, feral moans. But I am hopeful, gonna cruise the aisles at the HEB when the old rich ladies get out of church.

Make this a Sunday to last for you know what follows. Fill the day so that tonight when your head hits that pillow you can sigh and say "this was a good day". That's how you make Monday better, by making Sunday better. And while you're at it, make someone else's Sunday better too.
Morning, Pops and Cowboys fans. More rain is forecast for the next few days, saving me money by keeping my sprinkler system off. I re-watched Tremors and Tremors II yesterday on TV. Love those shows. Yep, I'm simple minded.

Have a blessed Sunday, everyone.
The pairing of Kevin Bacon and Fred Ward was perfect. The rest of the cast was perfect as well. I wish they'd kept Reba on as Michael Gross' wife, they were the perfect couple.
Good evening Pops and my family away from family. We had storms move through and I lost power. I didn't panic. My phone and tablet fully charged. I missed air conditioning and TV something fierce. I thought about calling the electric company but figured somebody on life support would call for me. The house grew warmer so I opened the back door and it was just as warm outside. What IDIOT decided to put beepers on battery back ups? That thing went crazy when the power went out. If it weren't hooked up to so many things, I would have tossed it in the back yard. I know the power's out awesome person! After an hour or two *cough* thirty minutes the a/c kicked back in and the lights came on. There was much rejoicing. I don't know how people stood it before electricity. I mean, I've seen movies about it. I doubt they make a movie about my traumatic experience today. I even gained several levels in Fishdom. This is all I'm willing to admit to so that concludes Tales From The Swamp. Have a good evening all.
Good evening Pops and my family away from family. We had storms move through and I lost power. I didn't panic. My phone and tablet fully charged. I missed air conditioning and TV something fierce. I thought about calling the electric company but figured somebody on life support would call for me. The house grew warmer so I opened the back door and it was just as warm outside. What IDIOT decided to put beepers on battery back ups? That thing went crazy when the power went out. If it weren't hooked up to so many things, I would have tossed it in the back yard. I know the power's out awesome person! After an hour or two *cough* thirty minutes the a/c kicked back in and the lights came on. There was much rejoicing. I don't know how people stood it before electricity. I mean, I've seen movies about it. I doubt they make a movie about my traumatic experience today. I even gained several levels in Fishdom. This is all I'm willing to admit to so that concludes Tales From The Swamp. Have a good evening all.

I was 8-10 or so when we got a window unit. We all huddled in the living room to watch one of the two channels on TV to enjoy it.
Good evening Pops and my family away from family. We had storms move through and I lost power. I didn't panic. My phone and tablet fully charged. I missed air conditioning and TV something fierce. I thought about calling the electric company but figured somebody on life support would call for me. The house grew warmer so I opened the back door and it was just as warm outside. What IDIOT decided to put beepers on battery back ups? That thing went crazy when the power went out. If it weren't hooked up to so many things, I would have tossed it in the back yard. I know the power's out awesome person! After an hour or two *cough* thirty minutes the a/c kicked back in and the lights came on. There was much rejoicing. I don't know how people stood it before electricity. I mean, I've seen movies about it. I doubt they make a movie about my traumatic experience today. I even gained several levels in Fishdom. This is all I'm willing to admit to so that concludes Tales From The Swamp. Have a good evening all.
I'm so glad you didn't have to suffer any longer than you did, X! I imagine losing power in the Summer there is as bad as losing it in the Winter here!! Glad you're safe and cool!
Good morning Pops! Good morning to all you folks who don't have to be in this festering boil of a city, parked illegally, but less illegally than any other place you could find, while you wait for your first stop to open up 2 hours from now.


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