FEATURED Morning Pops!

Morning Pops and all y'all.

Well, I spoke too soon before checking the CC Weather Center, went outside and saw my shadow with a fine tan. 3 more 100+ days this week. I can handle the heat but these damned weather people toying with my emotions are just wearing me out.

This message is intended for those that know it's for them. Make it a good week.

Runny got a head start on all y'all by sleeping in on Monday morning. But I got a head start on everyone because I sleep in even when I am awake. "His eyes are open, why isn't he making any sense"?
Here's a twist for you. My Son makes that same recipe but he adds Mac and Cheese, which he makes from scratch himself. It's really pretty good!
Mac, cheese, chili, Fritos (and I certainly hope onions), what could possible go wrong? I don't add the mac n cheese but I do cut up a couple of hot dogs and squirt mustard over the top. It's a flashback to when I was a kid and dipped Fritos in mustard, still love that combo. I've also had Frito Chili Pie served over fries, sinful, downright sinful.
Morning Pops. Morning Fellas and good morning to everybody who might decide to stop in and visit this thread today.

Hope everybody had a great weekend. Second game in a row where we've looked good early but not so good in the 4th quarter.

I'm ready for the real thing.

Jobs, Leon, dbrp, Xelda, zrin, Trouty, ksk, RGV, Coach, RWB, Ranching and SW, have a great day.

OK, everybody, start the clock for Friday 5PM!
Good morning Pops and friends. It's Tuesday Eve if we want to look at it that way. I personally don't because that would put two Tuesdays in the same week and who needs that. I guess I should just rip the band aid off and admit that all the lipstick and makeup in the world won't make the pig prettier. I'm sorry, it's Monday everyone. The good news is Street can put his mojo away for five days, Runny has a 4 day weekend and we're here to deal with it.. Make it a good one.

Morning Pops, and everyone who isn't me! The mechanic at work is taking care of some long overdue issues with my truck, and since I hate driving anyone else's truck - especially the spare truck - I decided to make a 4 day weekend out of it. I got to sleep in on a Monday!!!!!!!

Here' s hoping you all have a peaceful, stress free day!
ROOKIE! You posted just after 8:00. That's not sleeping in!

Does anyone remember me talking about a weighted blanket? I ordered one off Amazon and it came in a day early so I've have three nights to test it out. I don't sleep well and have to take stuff just to get to sleep and stay asleep. These three nights with the weighted blanket (I hope I'm not jinxing myself) have been the best sleep I've had in I don't know how long. When I first put it on and crawled underneath, I didn't feel the "hug" that was advertised, just weight like 20 blankets. Turning was possible, but took a little effort. Then I was out. I didn't think tossing and turning was an issue, but apparently it has been. I pretty much wake up in the same position I laid down in. When I wake up, I know I've had a solid night's sleep. I just wanted to share in case anyone else struggles to stay asleep.
Good morning Pops and friends. It's Tuesday Eve if we want to look at it that way. I personally don't because that would put two Tuesdays in the same week and who needs that. I guess I should just rip the band aid off and admit that all the lipstick and makeup in the world won't make the pig prettier. I'm sorry, it's Monday everyone. The good news is Street can put his mojo away for five days, Runny has a 4 day weekend and we're here to deal with it.. Make it a good one.

ROOKIE! You posted just after 8:00. That's not sleeping in!

Does anyone remember me talking about a weighted blanket? I ordered one off Amazon and it came in a day early so I've have three nights to test it out. I don't sleep well and have to take stuff just to get to sleep and stay asleep. These three nights with the weighted blanket (I hope I'm not jinxing myself) have been the best sleep I've had in I don't know how long. When I first put it on and crawled underneath, I didn't feel the "hug" that was advertised, just weight like 20 blankets. Turning was possible, but took a little effort. Then I was out. I didn't think tossing and turning was an issue, but apparently it has been. I pretty much wake up in the same position I laid down in. When I wake up, I know I've had a solid night's sleep. I just wanted to share in case anyone else struggles to stay asleep.
I wonder if that's the same principle as the Thunder Shirt for dogs to help them cope with storms. It fits tight around them and makes them feel more secure.
Good morning Pops and friends. It's Tuesday Eve if we want to look at it that way. I personally don't because that would put two Tuesdays in the same week and who needs that. I guess I should just rip the band aid off and admit that all the lipstick and makeup in the world won't make the pig prettier. I'm sorry, it's Monday everyone. The good news is Street can put his mojo away for five days, Runny has a 4 day weekend and we're here to deal with it.. Make it a good one.

ROOKIE! You posted just after 8:00. That's not sleeping in!

Does anyone remember me talking about a weighted blanket? I ordered one off Amazon and it came in a day early so I've have three nights to test it out. I don't sleep well and have to take stuff just to get to sleep and stay asleep. These three nights with the weighted blanket (I hope I'm not jinxing myself) have been the best sleep I've had in I don't know how long. When I first put it on and crawled underneath, I didn't feel the "hug" that was advertised, just weight like 20 blankets. Turning was possible, but took a little effort. Then I was out. I didn't think tossing and turning was an issue, but apparently it has been. I pretty much wake up in the same position I laid down in. When I wake up, I know I've had a solid night's sleep. I just wanted to share in case anyone else struggles to stay asleep.
Thanks for the tip, X! Unfortunately, if I don't toss and turn, I wake up feeling like all my muscles atrophied.
You have a good weekend with your son?
It was amazing, CC. Thank you. I needed it. He needed it, too.

Now it's this Saturday (we alternate Friday-Monday with Saturday-Monday; half of summer; alternating major holidays) that I need to wait the week out for. Gonna keep myself busy, and my mind off the noise and dark thoughts till then.

We saw a beautiful movie together (Alpha) and had hotdogs across the street afterwards. I wanted cheesesteaks, but he said, "nope, ndaddy [--his pet name for me -- the "n" blends into the "d", it's hard to explain, being a non-linguist], we are gonna have Vicious Dogs." So it was a done deal at that point.

Outside of that, we watched a couple episodes of GoT, played video games together, did an Hon Eng assignment together -- which met his consternation several times as the questions in this introductory assignment often were redundant; I explained to him this was his teacher culling the class, seeing who is creative and who repeats the same answers previously stated on the prior questions, rather than using a redundant question and making it fun and creative. I thought of you during this exercise, as you are an amazing writer, but also balance critical analysis with wit. I, myself, am a pretty decent essayist, but I lean more critical than wit. I want to dissect your brain and PM you with how you developed your style, but later on in the year, if you're okay with that, CC? I can teach my son correct syntax, critical thought, grammar... MLA bull **** etc -- but wit, combined with the aforementioned, is what I want to hone in him. He's on an engineer track, but writing is a lost art. And he will need it. He wont be going to some Cal State garbage school.

His first assignment in his class is Golding's Lord of the Flies. I'm gonna read it in tandem with him so that I can help him with his essay. Every book he's going to read, I've probably read, but I am going to re-read so that I can properly guide him. He's a stud in math, history, science. He's in drama, and ROP, and I am pushing him hard to get some sort of officer position in the freshman clubs. He's also younger than most of his classmates.

Circling back, it's that wit, tho, that I want to cultivate in him. He's still young (barely a teenager), and I know if there's a spark of wit in the brain it can be cultivated. I was a very late bloomer, myself. I had no one as hard and as involved in my schooling as I am with my son. My dad is/was all business, no frills. I'm all love, but also a hardass when needed.
Thanks for the tip, X! Unfortunately, if I don't toss and turn, I wake up feeling like all my muscles atrophied.
You put what Xelda is describing as 20 blankets on me and people will be asking "what was that? Was that a rocket ship in that bed? All I felt was a whoosh of air".

I also turn at least 8 or 9 times each night, I'd get a hernia turning over in bed. And how does one keep their toes up with all that weight?
You put what Xelda is describing as 20 blankets on me and people will be asking "what was that? Was that a rocket ship in that bed? All I felt was a whoosh of air".

I also turn at least 8 or 9 times each night, I'd get a hernia turning over in bed. And how does one keep their toes up with all that weight?
Uncover your feet, I guess.
It was amazing, CC. Thank you. I needed it. He needed it, too.

Now it's this Saturday (we alternate Friday-Monday with Saturday-Monday; half of summer; alternating major holidays) that I need to wait the week out for. Gonna keep myself busy, and my mind off the noise and dark thoughts till then.

We saw a beautiful movie together (Alpha) and had hotdogs across the street afterwards. I wanted cheesesteaks, but he said, "nope, ndaddy [--his pet name for me -- the "n" blends into the "d", it's hard to explain, being a non-linguist], we are gonna have Vicious Dogs." So it was a done deal at that point.

Outside of that, we watched a couple episodes of GoT, played video games together, did an Hon Eng assignment together -- which met his consternation several times as the questions in this introductory assignment often were redundant; I explained to him this was his teacher culling the class, seeing who is creative and who repeats the same answers previously stated on the prior questions, rather than using a redundant question and making it fun and creative. I thought of you during this exercise, as you are an amazing writer, but also balance critical analysis with wit. I, myself, am a pretty decent essayist, but I lean more critical than wit. I want to dissect your brain and PM you with how you developed your style, but later on in the year, if you're okay with that, CC? I can teach my son correct syntax, critical thought, grammar... MLA bull **** etc -- but wit, combined with the aforementioned, is what I want to hone in him. He's on an engineer track, but writing is a lost art. And he will need it. He wont be going to some Cal State garbage school.

His first assignment in his class is Golding's Lord of the Flies. I'm gonna read it in tandem with him so that I can help him with his essay. Every book he's going to read, I've probably read, but I am going to re-read so that I can properly guide him. He's a stud in math, history, science. He's in drama, and ROP, and I am pushing him hard to get some sort of officer position in the freshman clubs. He's also younger than most of his classmates.

Circling back, it's that wit, tho, that I want to cultivate in him. He's still young (barely a teenager), and I know if there's a spark of wit in the brain it can be cultivated. I was a very late bloomer, myself. I had no one as hard and as involved in my schooling as I am with my son. My dad is/was all business, no frills. I'm all love, but also a hardass when needed.
The wit is best taught through immersion. Let him hang around witty, quick minded humorists, and he'll pick it up then, if he ever would.
You put what Xelda is describing as 20 blankets on me and people will be asking "what was that? Was that a rocket ship in that bed? All I felt was a whoosh of air".

I also turn at least 8 or 9 times each night, I'd get a hernia turning over in bed. And how does one keep their toes up with all that weight?
They come in different sizes and I've got mine cross ways on the bed, so my feet can poke out. When I said 20 blankets, I meant in weight not heat related. It gets hot in the morning when I start waking up. I know I was all over the bed before, but stay in one spot now. I wake up relaxed but I don't know how it would affect anyone else. I just wanted to tell y'all about it in case anyone was interested. I can't say I've had any dreams the past three nights where normally my brain is in over drive.
The wit is best taught through immersion. Let him hang around witty, quick minded humorists, and he'll pick it up then, if he ever would.
I trade wit with exuberance, energy, and critical thought. I'll do everything I can to develop creativity in his brain. I don't know very many humorists.

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