FEATURED Morning Pops!

I trade wit with exuberance, energy, and critical thought. I'll do everything I can to develop creativity in his brain. I don't know very many humorists.
Wit doesn't often show during one's youth, I don't think. Maybe because other things are funnier to a young mind....farts, slapstick, etc.
It was amazing, CC. Thank you. I needed it. He needed it, too.

Now it's this Saturday (we alternate Friday-Monday with Saturday-Monday; half of summer; alternating major holidays) that I need to wait the week out for. Gonna keep myself busy, and my mind off the noise and dark thoughts till then.

We saw a beautiful movie together (Alpha) and had hotdogs across the street afterwards. I wanted cheesesteaks, but he said, "nope, ndaddy [--his pet name for me -- the "n" blends into the "d", it's hard to explain, being a non-linguist], we are gonna have Vicious Dogs." So it was a done deal at that point.

Outside of that, we watched a couple episodes of GoT, played video games together, did an Hon Eng assignment together -- which met his consternation several times as the questions in this introductory assignment often were redundant; I explained to him this was his teacher culling the class, seeing who is creative and who repeats the same answers previously stated on the prior questions, rather than using a redundant question and making it fun and creative. I thought of you during this exercise, as you are an amazing writer, but also balance critical analysis with wit. I, myself, am a pretty decent essayist, but I lean more critical than wit. I want to dissect your brain and PM you with how you developed your style, but later on in the year, if you're okay with that, CC? I can teach my son correct syntax, critical thought, grammar... MLA bull **** etc -- but wit, combined with the aforementioned, is what I want to hone in him. He's on an engineer track, but writing is a lost art. And he will need it. He wont be going to some Cal State garbage school.

His first assignment in his class is Golding's Lord of the Flies. I'm gonna read it in tandem with him so that I can help him with his essay. Every book he's going to read, I've probably read, but I am going to re-read so that I can properly guide him. He's a stud in math, history, science. He's in drama, and ROP, and I am pushing him hard to get some sort of officer position in the freshman clubs. He's also younger than most of his classmates.

Circling back, it's that wit, tho, that I want to cultivate in him. He's still young (barely a teenager), and I know if there's a spark of wit in the brain it can be cultivated. I was a very late bloomer, myself. I had no one as hard and as involved in my schooling as I am with my son. My dad is/was all business, no frills. I'm all love, but also a hardass when needed.
Sounds like a grand time and if I'd been there could have been the tie breaker for cheesesteaks.

My Dad didn't balance discipline with love and I grew up angry and resentful toward him so any advice he gave, I went the opposite way even knowing his advice was best and in my best interest. Striking that balance is key because the proper discipline is love. As much as I do not like to admit this, I would have been better off growing up without a father. Discipline and punishment are not the same and I got too much of the latter.

I like reading about you and you son and he's a lucky boy because with you as his Dad, he will not have to ask himself "am I loved"?

Sure, ask me anything but beware, this isn't some talent I worked to get. Erod made an observation on the old site that he would like to spend a little time in my stream of consciousness just to see how it worked. It is not a stream that I direct as much as I ride and sometimes it feels as if there are too many tributaries but I ride it anyway.

There are a lot of funny people but many more that don't know it because they do not allow the channel to open and flow freely. It is a gift that many have and it keeps on giving once it's opened. And the gift of being able to make yourself laugh when you most need it is the greatest one I've received. I would not be here without it.

I've made the comment that this is therapy for me and I meant that as seriously as anything I've ever said. My wife realized it when I was going through some dark times. I love a lot of the folks here and am glad some find me funny but that's not why I joined. I use that ability to make myself laugh here. I am like a shark cruising for anything that can spark anything from what others write here and that spark can start a flame that sometimes can turn into a funny fire to make me laugh. It sounds selfish but it is true, I am here for me. I am here to make me laugh.

Ya know, Trouty, I read this piece from some researchers about the healing properties of laughter, they concluded that didn't exist that it just made us temporarily feel better. But that made me wonder, what isn't temporary? Hell, you'd die permanently laughing.

You fighting your battles, you win those battles in hopes of winning the war. Each win is a small victory over the dark thoughts. The dark thoughts may not be completely defeated but we can wage war on them and gain ground to deal with them on our terms, not theirs. I just choose to laugh mine into submission and sometimes they don't go down easily but that's not only my best way to fight them, it is my only way. You have that great gift of your son to help you fight them and when he's not with you is when you need to imagine him with you. He is your shield against the dark thoughts. And my friend, I know something about just how dark and deep we can go before we realize we are there. Staying on the rim is a hell of a lot easier than climbing out.
Wit doesn't often show during one's youth, I don't think. Maybe because other things are funnier to a young mind....farts, slapstick, etc.
My youth was a little different because I was an unhappy kid and luckily found that I could help people laugh and adults used to remark that I was witty and I really didn't know what that meant. I kind of thought I was just saying what other people were thinking and didn't want to say. Wasted my life in school as the class clown as I saw that as my identity, one that I carried with me my entire life and not always in my service.

And there's something people don't think about. You know that old thinking that behind every comedian is a sad clown? That's not really true but being humorous is a defense against being real. Will they like the real me? I don't feel funny and since that is my value, I don't want to be around people. Can't make them laugh; therefore, I have no value to them or to myself.

When I was a kid in the 5th grade, I had this great teacher, Mrs. Blair, who was really ahead of her time in child psychology and one of the many times I was in the Principal's office for disrupting the class, I overheard her speaking with the Principal who was pretty frustrated with 5 years of me clowning around and he said "the boy is just looking for attention" and what Mrs. Blair responded with did not sink in at that time but it stuck with me my entire life and it did give me a better understanding of why I do what I do. She said "it's not attention he's looking for, it's acceptance".

She offered me 5 minutes to entertain the class at the end of the day every Friday in exchange for not doing it all day every day. Hell, 5 minutes is a long time and I agreed but I would have done anything she asked at that point because I felt she was in my corner. Finally, an adult didn't seem to be lined up across from me. It worked but not exactly in the way she intended. I was on my best behavior but I wasn't necessarily paying more attention. LMAO, because it's true, I was working on my 5 minute stand up for Friday.
Sounds like a grand time and if I'd been there could have been the tie breaker for cheesesteaks.

My Dad didn't balance discipline with love and I grew up angry and resentful toward him so any advice he gave, I went the opposite way even knowing his advice was best and in my best interest. Striking that balance is key because the proper discipline is love. As much as I do not like to admit this, I would have been better off growing up without a father. Discipline and punishment are not the same and I got too much of the latter.

I like reading about you and you son and he's a lucky boy because with you as his Dad, he will not have to ask himself "am I loved"?

Sure, ask me anything but beware, this isn't some talent I worked to get. Erod made an observation on the old site that he would like to spend a little time in my stream of consciousness just to see how it worked. It is not a stream that I direct as much as I ride and sometimes it feels as if there are too many tributaries but I ride it anyway.

There are a lot of funny people but many more that don't know it because they do not allow the channel to open and flow freely. It is a gift that many have and it keeps on giving once it's opened. And the gift of being able to make yourself laugh when you most need it is the greatest one I've received. I would not be here without it.

I've made the comment that this is therapy for me and I meant that as seriously as anything I've ever said. My wife realized it when I was going through some dark times. I love a lot of the folks here and am glad some find me funny but that's not why I joined. I use that ability to make myself laugh here. I am like a shark cruising for anything that can spark anything from what others write here and that spark can start a flame that sometimes can turn into a funny fire to make me laugh. It sounds selfish but it is true, I am here for me. I am here to make me laugh.

Ya know, Trouty, I read this piece from some researchers about the healing properties of laughter, they concluded that didn't exist that it just made us temporarily feel better. But that made me wonder, what isn't temporary? Hell, you'd die permanently laughing.

You fighting your battles, you win those battles in hopes of winning the war. Each win is a small victory over the dark thoughts. The dark thoughts may not be completely defeated but we can wage war on them and gain ground to deal with them on our terms, not theirs. I just choose to laugh mine into submission and sometimes they don't go down easily but that's not only my best way to fight them, it is my only way. You have that great gift of your son to help you fight them and when he's not with you is when you need to imagine him with you. He is your shield against the dark thoughts. And my friend, I know something about just how dark and deep we can go before we realize we are there. Staying on the rim is a hell of a lot easier than climbing out.
I'm gonna save this post and show it to him this weekend. I may show him a few of your posts, your replies to mundane or ordinary subjects (unrelated to this thread/subject). When he wins a PEN award, you will be in his acceptance speech ;)
Here's a twist for you. My Son makes that same recipe but he adds Mac and Cheese, which he makes from scratch himself. It's really pretty good!
Hey, now that's a great idea. My gosh, the calories have to be through the roof lol. Thank you AB. Bon Appetite. ;)

Good Morning Pops & Zoners!

And A Very Special Happy Birthday To @Trouty :D
Morning Pops, morning friends, and good morning to all you wonderful Zoners out there.

@Xelda, thank you, friend :)

Everyone have a blessed and safe day, today. :star::starspin:
Don't forget DABZ! She beat me to the well wishes this morning. How she did it, I don't know. I got up at the crack of dawn, too! You know, in honor of your birthday and I couldn't sleep last night.
Don't forget DABZ! She beat me to the well wishes this morning. How she did it, I don't know. I got up at the crack of dawn, too! You know, in honor of your birthday and I couldn't sleep last night.
She knows I didn't forget her :)

(we had a private exchange earlier today, Xelda :) )

But you're right, @daboyzruleperiod, thank you, Sunshine :star:
Don't forget DABZ! She beat me to the well wishes this morning. How she did it, I don't know. I got up at the crack of dawn, too! You know, in honor of your birthday and I couldn't sleep last night.
Ugh, I woke up like 4 times last night, myself, Xelda.

Do you take any sleeping aids? I've tried so many.
Sounds like a grand time and if I'd been there could have been the tie breaker for cheesesteaks.

My Dad didn't balance discipline with love and I grew up angry and resentful toward him so any advice he gave, I went the opposite way even knowing his advice was best and in my best interest. Striking that balance is key because the proper discipline is love. As much as I do not like to admit this, I would have been better off growing up without a father. Discipline and punishment are not the same and I got too much of the latter.

I like reading about you and you son and he's a lucky boy because with you as his Dad, he will not have to ask himself "am I loved"?

Sure, ask me anything but beware, this isn't some talent I worked to get. Erod made an observation on the old site that he would like to spend a little time in my stream of consciousness just to see how it worked. It is not a stream that I direct as much as I ride and sometimes it feels as if there are too many tributaries but I ride it anyway.

There are a lot of funny people but many more that don't know it because they do not allow the channel to open and flow freely. It is a gift that many have and it keeps on giving once it's opened. And the gift of being able to make yourself laugh when you most need it is the greatest one I've received. I would not be here without it.

I've made the comment that this is therapy for me and I meant that as seriously as anything I've ever said. My wife realized it when I was going through some dark times. I love a lot of the folks here and am glad some find me funny but that's not why I joined. I use that ability to make myself laugh here. I am like a shark cruising for anything that can spark anything from what others write here and that spark can start a flame that sometimes can turn into a funny fire to make me laugh. It sounds selfish but it is true, I am here for me. I am here to make me laugh.

Ya know, Trouty, I read this piece from some researchers about the healing properties of laughter, they concluded that didn't exist that it just made us temporarily feel better. But that made me wonder, what isn't temporary? Hell, you'd die permanently laughing.

You fighting your battles, you win those battles in hopes of winning the war. Each win is a small victory over the dark thoughts. The dark thoughts may not be completely defeated but we can wage war on them and gain ground to deal with them on our terms, not theirs. I just choose to laugh mine into submission and sometimes they don't go down easily but that's not only my best way to fight them, it is my only way. You have that great gift of your son to help you fight them and when he's not with you is when you need to imagine him with you. He is your shield against the dark thoughts. And my friend, I know something about just how dark and deep we can go before we realize we are there. Staying on the rim is a hell of a lot easier than climbing out.
I tend toward depression. Humor keeps it at bay. Also helps tremendously to keep my ADD mind occupied.
Ugh, I woke up like 4 times last night, myself, Xelda.

Do you take any sleeping aids? I've tried so many.
Yes I do and have most of my life. I know of one that's super effective at getting me to sleep fast, but only order it after the weather cools down.
I ordered them one summer and got a giant gummy ball (they melted). .
Amazon has Melatonin Gummies. It has to be the Gummies, not in pill form. The pills don't work like the Gummies. Benadryl and motion sickness pills can be found cheap in generic if you know where to look. If you wake up with a sleepy hangover, drink a glass or two of water to flush them out of your system.
Morning Pops. Morning Fellas and good morning to any who might stop in later today. Plenty to do today so keep it short and sweet today.

Gonna go brew up another pot, good idea!

"Carpe Diem", quam minimum credula poste.

Jobs, Leon, dbrp, Xelda, zrin, Trouty, ksk, RGV, Coach, RWB, Ranching and SW, have a great day.

Everyone, be of high spirits and good joy!
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Morning Pops, and everyone I like! Xelda and Trouty, please be careful with the sleep aids! I think you both just need to shut your minds off at night. Does falling asleep to the TV help at all?
Morning, Pops and Cowboys fans. The coffee is on, so grab a cup!
Don't mind if I do and what's this? Kahlua for the coffee? Oh, I really shouldn't, it's too early. Well, OK, if you insist, maybe just one. Is that Bailey's?

Morning Leon, and it is a good morning until you go out there and ruin it with golf. Ya know, down here the good ole boys would call you LD, only that's pronounced AiyullD, like a country rapper.
I tend toward depression. Humor keeps it at bay. Also helps tremendously to keep my ADD mind occupied.
Same here, compadre, I was diagnosed with clinical depression, my Mom had it for years. Tried the meds beginning with Prozac and that worked initially and then I bounced to the other side without realizing it and tried Paxil and Zoloft but I do not do well on any meds so I decided I had to live with it and find other ways to get temporary fixes, enter the DC Zone and then this one now. And my poor wife, dealing with someone she diagnosed as Bi-Polar made me come back to the old forum during a dark time.

After going through the three toughest losses in my life in a 7 year span, I discovered I could do this without the meds. If I can survive that and not off myself, meds aren't the answer, just the easy way. These folks in here are my meds, they feed me every day and instead of popping a pill to take the easy way because we all want a pill to solve everything, I come here and laugh and search for things to make myself laugh and while that doesn't fix the problem because nothing really will, it does provide temporary relief.

I am not ashamed to admit it, I need this. I don't just want it but need it. I need to see those names that I have become so familiar with and I know that better than most because I have gone away. And best of all, they put up with me.

This place is a lot of fun but when it really connects with me is when one of us is hurting, those are our finest hours. I saw that on the old forum when one of ours got dumped by his fiancée. Even the ones that had been arguing with him turned to supporting him. I can never get really mad at the Cowboys, they brought all of us together.

That's my usual long-winded post of a good morning Pops and all and enjoy Hump Day Eve. And Happy Birthday, Trouty.

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