FEATURED Morning Pops!

Don't you guys have family? If some dude was stalking my sister.......let's just say he wouldn't be stalking her long. I once threw a guy over the hood of a truck who said something nasty to her when she was 15.
Good afternoon Pops and friends! Are we ready for some football? I tried to watch the Saints and Chargers last night, but the Saints were putting a whooping on the Chargers and I just couldn't enjoy it. It's hard rooting for teams you don't care about when they're playing teams you don't like. I do like the new John Gruden hot line commercial with Tony Romo answering the phone saying "He doesn't work here any more". Pre season is better than nothing, but it's still a strange animal. Good to see the luv going around this thread.

Thank you @justbob for the heads up on the book. It sounds interesting.

Happy Sunday Night Game Everyone! Go Cowboys, all 200 of you on the sidelines!!!!!!! (We're special.)
Good Morning Pops & Zoners! One more month to go before this nasty heat finally goes away....I hope. Humid and 90's again all week.:cool:
Morning Pops. Morning Fellas and good morning to any who might stop in a little bit later.

Man, seems like a long couple of days. I'm tired, LOL........

To answer some of the questions earlier, some of you may remember, my very good friend lost his Wife to Cancer a few weeks ago. She was laid to rest in Missouri but she lived here in New Mexico for the past 30 years so we had a Wake for her here.

Man, watched the game and i gotta say, the Offense looked bad! LOL...... Got some work to do there.

Jobs, Leon, dbrp, Xelda, zrin, Trouty, ksk, RGV, Coach, RWB, Ranching and SW, I hope you all had a great weekend. Monday is upon us, start the clock, five more days to 5 O'Clock Friday!

Everybody, have a great week!
Good morning Pops and all you football starved junkies watching pretend football. Ya know, someone once wrote "it's better than no football" in response to my usual ranting about the quality of this stuff they have the nerve to put their brand on but I disagree and am glad it is nearing it's conclusion and we get the chance to see some real football. And I sincerely hope that's what we get from the team that brought us all together.

One more weekend to go, and that's then worst one of all, and if some think that's the game for the bubble players, I could not disagree more. That list is already composed, they're just not sharing that with us.

For those of you that are college ball fans, it is getting real for us this weekend and these teams didn't need pretend games to get ready.
Good afternoon Pops and friends. It's not just Monday, it's a shame filled sorry excuse for a pre season game Monday. You know it's bad when Chris Collingsworth is trying to encourage us. It was horrible and in the middle of it, they have a 60 minutes interview with a Cardinal when the Cowboys have the ball. I'm thinking "Who's that? Why are they still talking? Why's she asking more questions? SHOW THE GAME!!!" Then they have a warm and fuzzy interview with a retired referee that's joining the staff while the game is going. I thought about pulling an Elvis on my TV last night.

Oh, sorry for the rant. I hope everyone has a good week.
Dove season starts Saturday. Can't wait to get a few of those tasty little boogers wrapped up in bacon and on the grill!!!!
Morning Pops and friends. Good news from the doctor, Leon. Those are a group of people always looking for trouble.

It's Tuesday and we rejoice because it's not Monday. Yesterday was an unusual day for me. I was watering my plants and something jumped on my foot. It happened so fast! I don't know if it was a lizard or man eating frog.
I yelped and ran inside. Last night, I went into the kitchen to put my dogs food up and something scampered out from under the cabinets. I yelped and screamed some more. It was another frog. I haven't dealt with frogs in the house before, so I had to devise a plan to get it outside where it belongs. I grabbed a paper bag and spatula, but the frog would not be herded. I got a plastic bag, picked it up, carried it outside and deposited it on grass. I feel like Steve Irwin but I'm not telling that frog it's beautiful.

Have a good, safe and frog free Tuesday everyone.
Morning Pops and friends. Good news from the doctor, Leon. Those are a group of people always looking for trouble.

It's Tuesday and we rejoice because it's not Monday. Yesterday was an unusual day for me. I was watering my plants and something jumped on my foot. It happened so fast! I don't know if it was a lizard or man eating frog.
I yelped and ran inside. Last night, I went into the kitchen to put my dogs food up and something scampered out from under the cabinets. I yelped and screamed some more. It was another frog. I haven't dealt with frogs in the house before, so I had to devise a plan to get it outside where it belongs. I grabbed a paper bag and spatula, but the frog would not be herded. I got a plastic bag, picked it up, carried it outside and deposited it on grass. I feel like Steve Irwin but I'm not telling that frog it's beautiful.

Have a good, safe and frog free Tuesday everyone.
When I was a kid, we used to catch and eat the big bullfrogs out of the creek.
Morning Pops and friends. Good news from the doctor, Leon. Those are a group of people always looking for trouble.

It's Tuesday and we rejoice because it's not Monday. Yesterday was an unusual day for me. I was watering my plants and something jumped on my foot. It happened so fast! I don't know if it was a lizard or man eating frog.
I yelped and ran inside. Last night, I went into the kitchen to put my dogs food up and something scampered out from under the cabinets. I yelped and screamed some more. It was another frog. I haven't dealt with frogs in the house before, so I had to devise a plan to get it outside where it belongs. I grabbed a paper bag and spatula, but the frog would not be herded. I got a plastic bag, picked it up, carried it outside and deposited it on grass. I feel like Steve Irwin but I'm not telling that frog it's beautiful.

Have a good, safe and frog free Tuesday everyone.
Rub that frog on your earlobes and make warts and you can hang jewelry on them and be a trend setter. And get him a top hat just in case he's a relative of Michigan J. Frog and get some cheap entertainment.
Good morning Pops and survivors of another Monday. Have a terrific Tuesday, 102 here today but the last one in the forecast and I could swear I've posted that before.

"Hot town, summer in the hills
Stripped down, lost all the frills
Relief on the way, don't need pills
Football's on the way to cure my ills."

That should be sung to the tune of "Summer in the City" or you may choose to do a dramatic reading of it but singing does brighten the mood.
Morning Pops. Morning Fellas and good morning to any who might decide to stop in and spend a minute today.

Hope everybody is off to a good start this morning. Got the Boy today so I am, for sure, looking forward to whatever the little guy has in store for me.

Xelda, Frogs are good luck!

Jobs, Leon, dbrp, Xelda, zrin, Trouty, ksk, RGV, Coach, RWB, Ranching and SW, have a great day! Try and get whatever you got to do done and go enjoy a beer or a good movie or the company of a loved one. Whatever makes you happy, go find time to do it for little while. Be well everybody and remember, at the end of the day, we are in it together.
Morning Pops, Goooooood Morning DC4L fans.

Finally found a Crawfish joint here in the Bay Area that knows how to cook up sum mud bugs properly and the shrimp was on hit also. I listen to 105.3 the fan every day while at work and man is everybody on that show so down on Dak and generally have a crappy out look on our season. Now I'm not the rose colored glasses kinda fan I am a realistic fan but man the negativity is a little much. I have been a fan since 1975 when I was 7 years old before that it was the raiders because of my Grandpa always taking me to the Oakland games (still root for the Raiders until they become Las Vegas Raiders). Oh damn my bad just realizing I'm ranting. Have a good one just happy to be alive amen!!!!

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