FEATURED Morning Pops!


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According to my math, that's .87 roll per week, and not allowing for sick days, I might suggest a little more fiber in your diet and laying off that mesquite chicken. And has you boss checked to see just how much toilet paper you are using at work? The way you are bragging about spending most of your hours at work might lead to an investigation that maybe your longer hours at work coincide with the toilet paper level at home starting to dwindle later in the year?

I've beaten the system for years but fear my time might be running out. I am down to the last half of the 2009 Sear's Catalogue.



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What are you laughing at??? Y'all are just full of...yeah... :rolleyes:
(Sorry. Feeling a bit feisty today, because I can. Today is my 5-year anniversary of my diagnosis. December through April is full of certain dates to remember, good and bad, so I'm just trying to take em all on and trying not to let them get the best of me. Next up? The anniversary day I got the 'all-clear' after my last chemo. That's next week.:))


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(Sorry. Feeling a bit feisty today, because I can. Today is my 5-year anniversary of my diagnosis. December through April is full of certain dates to remember, good and bad, so I'm just trying to take em all on and trying not to let them get the best of me. Next up? The anniversary day I got the 'all-clear' after my last chemo. That's next week.:))

You are a success story with good reason to feel feisty :thumbup:


Illegitimi non carborundum
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Good morning, Pops and pen pals. The doc said my eye is healing well and the vision should continue to improve some. As I expected I tested at 20/50 in my right eye (the one that was just operated on), but that was looking through the pin holes on the device. Maybe all my experience with peep holes has paid off! :omg:The left eye was 20/60 and not likely to get better. Bottom line is I'm going to need some strong lenses.

That's okay. Old age is not for sissies anyway. Take care my friends.


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Good morning, Pops and pen pals. The doc said my eye is healing well and the vision should continue to improve some. As I expected I tested at 20/50 in my right eye (the one that was just operated on), but that was looking through the pin holes on the device. Maybe all my experience with peep holes has paid off! :omg:The left eye was 20/60 and not likely to get better. Bottom line is I'm going to need some strong lenses.

That's okay. Old age is not for sissies anyway. Take care my friends.
Morning Pops and everyone.

Leon, you may need strong lenses, but you still have vision in both eyes. My boss teases that he has Mr. Magoo glasses. He does:cool:. Who cares. As long as you've got a fun demeanor about you, it's all good. He's just a big kid, and if it weren't for the fact that he's a fan of all things Chicago he'd be a fun fit here.

Everyone...we made it to Friday once again. Make it a good one.


Illegitimi non carborundum
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Morning Pops and everyone.

Leon, you may need strong lenses, but you still have vision in both eyes. My boss teases that he has Mr. Magoo glasses. He does:cool:. Who cares. As long as you've got a fun demeanor about you, it's all good. He's just a big kid, and if it weren't for the fact that he's a fan of all things Chicago he'd be a fun fit here.

Everyone...we made it to Friday once again. Make it a good one.
Yeah, you have to take life as it comes sometimes good and bad. But I always tell my gkids that attitude is optional. You may not be able to control events but you can choose how you react to them. You can choose to be happy or miserable. I choose to be happy and enjoy life.


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Yeah, you have to take life as it comes sometimes good and bad. But I always tell my gkids that attitude is optional. You may not be able to control events but you can choose how you react to them. You can choose to be happy or miserable. I choose to be happy and enjoy life.
Yesssss! So true


Regular Joe....
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Morning Pops. Morning Fellas, good morning to all who decide to stop in and visit before they start the weekend.

How is everybody today? Looking forward to a little down time hopefully. NCAAs are over, got the NFL draft in a little over a week so now is the perfect time to go hang out and do something fun with family and friends this weekend!

Jobs, Leon, dbrp, Xelda, zrin, Trouty, ksk, RGV, Coach, RWB, Ranching, SW, John and Jan, here is to all of you and wishing you have a great weekend!

Everybody, have a great couple of days but be safe and be careful!


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Afternoon Pops and friends. I had a neighbor helping me with my yard yesterday. I was thanking her when she dropped to her knees and started weeding. I couldn't get her to stop so I proceeded to weed myself even though it wasn't on my agenda this year. :eek: I planted my flowers in the flower bed after moving the tuber roses which have been reproducing like fiends. With the flowers spaced and planted, I have six more bulbs to find a spot for. :facepalm: Things might get cramped in that flower bed before the day is over.

It's Friday so wishing everyone a wonderful and safe weekend.


Offseason mode... sleepy time
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Now picture driving a 35 foot lumber truck around that place! I'll tell ya CC, this being sidelined from work is really gettin' old, but I don't miss goin' to NYC once a week.

Back to the thanks: Waiters and waitresses, car salesmen, cashiers at a Husqvarna dealership, etc., those people I think should definitely thank their customers every time. But thanking every customer going through a checkout at a grocery store just gets to be habitual, and means about as much as saying "How are you?". Nobody really wants to know how you are, it's just a greeting, which is why most people ... if they answer at all... respond with a simple, "Good", or in my case, a sarcastic "Livin' the dream."
That could make for some great scenes and dialogue...
And I just watched Trucker's Woman!
Which is not a good representative of the trucking community.
Even if it was made in the 70's.


Offseason mode... sleepy time
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Morning Pops. Morning Fellas, good morning to all who decide to stop in and visit before they start the weekend.

How is everybody today? Looking forward to a little down time hopefully. NCAAs are over, got the NFL draft in a little over a week so now is the perfect time to go hang out and do something fun with family and friends this weekend!

Jobs, Leon, dbrp, Xelda, zrin, Trouty, ksk, RGV, Coach, RWB, Ranching, SW, John and Jan, here is to all of you and wishing you have a great weekend!

Everybody, have a great couple of days but be safe and be careful!
And me!