Neighborhood watch captain kills black teen - doesn't get arrested


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Romo_To_Dez;4475875 said:
Are any of those who have attacked or killed walking around free without so much as an arrest. Did the cops just take their word that they didn't commit these acts and let them go free without an proper investigation?

Because that is the big part of all of the outrage GZ was not even arrested. If a Black man had shot a Black man what are the odds that he be walking free without an arrest or that the cops wouldn't have a warrant out for his arrest?

I don't think there is a single person on this board that knows exactly what happened and how it all went down. Does it sound suspicious on the surface? Yes it does. The prosecutor will turn over any evidence to a grand jury. The jury will decide to indict or not, then depending on that decision there will or will not be a trial. I am willing to let this play out and trust the justice system. It is not perfect, but it is the best system in the world.

In the case of the little white boy being arrests.


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Romo_To_Dez;4475889 said:
How did the Kid initiate the confrontation exactly?

I wasn’t there. When I say he initiated it, I am merely giving a theory that would exonerate Zimmerman, even if he were following Trayvor.

More than one Neighborhood watch person has said that it's the job of the watch people to WATCH and report any suspicious activity to the cops and let them handle it. They also have said that Neighborhood watch people are not suppose to be armed with weapons like a gun

2nd amendment rights trumps what some national neighborhood watch person says. Apparently Zimmerman was not part of that national organization, but what does this have to do with anything?


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JBond;4475898 said:
I don't think there is a single person on this board that knows exactly what happened and how it all went down. Does it sound suspicious on the surface? Yes it does. The prosecutor will turn over any evidence to a grand jury. The jury will decide to indict or not, then depending on that decision there will or will not be a trial. I am willing to let this play out and trust the justice system. It is not perfect, but it is the best system in the world.
But that is the whole point of the outrage. Had protesters and activists not stepped forward, there is a good chance that this case would have been closed without a proper investigation into what really went down. The SPD left so many holes and botched up the investigation so badly that it is unfathomable that something like this could happen in this day and age. It is only after the outrage that heat was put on the SPD which allowed for a more thorough investigation to take place.

Had any of the incidents you mentioned above lacked a proper investigation and/or any arrest, I am more than positive there would have been an outrage there as well.


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Eric_Boyer;4475903 said:
I wasn’t there. When I say he initiated it, I am merely giving a theory that would exonerate Zimmerman, even if he were following Trayvor.

2nd amendment rights trumps what some national neighborhood watch person says. Apparently Zimmerman was not part of that national organization, but what does this have to do with anything?

It shows that GZ was over stepping his grounds in acting like a cop and treating someone like a Criminal by already assuming that Trayvon was doing something wrong and saying this A Holes always get away, so he already had a hostile view of Trayvon who was doing nothing but walking.

A person as an American also has the right to walk freely somewhere without another person confronting them and treating them like a criminal. What is the point of uniformed cops if we all can play cop and follow, question, and try to detain or stop someone from getting somewhere because we believe they are up to no good?


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JBond;4475868 said:
The phony outrage exhibited by some members of this board and by many black "leaders" is a complete joke! Now these pathetically stupid leaders are calling for retaliation! Dumb *****. Anything to make a dime and get their name in the spotlight.

I live in Kansas City. Unfortunately this city leads the nation in black on black murders. No outrage...

A little kid had gasoline dumped on him and then he was lit on fire because he was white. Outrage?.....barley a peep.

Week after week there have been stories reported of attacks by blacks against whites, and these attacks are simply over skin color...Where is the outrage?

Personly I don't give two ****s what color your skin happens to be, but apperantly many do. How about this....There are very bad people in the world of every ethnicity and skin tone. Do what needs to be done to the bad ones and stop making everything about race.

This story would not have grabbed the attention of the nation if a black man had shot another black man. The phony outrage only accurs when the shooter happens to be white. A sad statement on our society.

None of this has anything to do with the conversation at hand here. You're angry at the media, feel free to do that but don't attempt to tie that into the outrage of a family over the murder of their son and the failure of the police to act in an appropriate manner.

This thread started well before the story blew up to national levels. This is not a political discussion.


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Romo_To_Dez;4475913 said:
It shows that GZ was over stepping his grounds in acting like a cop and treating someone like a Criminal by already assuming that Trayvon was doing something wrong and saying this A Holes always get away, so he already had a hostile view of Trayvon who was doing nothing but walking.

What shows this? The 911 call doesn’t. the girl friends testimony doesn’t.

A person as an American also has the right to walk freely somewhere without another person confronting them and treating them like a criminal.

Show me the law.

What is the point of uniformed cops if we all can play cop and follow, question, and try to detain or stop someone from getting somewhere because we believe they are up to no good?

The point of cops is that some people are unable, or unwilling to defend themselves.


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Eric_Boyer;4475872 said:
Wrong. I think every state in the union still has citizen arrest laws on the books, and 1st amendment rights allows me to ask you what you are doing on a public street.

so you have a "right" to follow me around and ask me what i'm doing if i'm simply walking down the street to a friends house?

and if i don't answer you (as is my own right) what then?

i don't want to get too carried away here cause the odds of me walking much further than my mailbox is low and driving to my friends house is much more likely.


rock music matters
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Eric_Boyer;4475924 said:
What shows this? The 911 call doesn’t. the girl friends testimony doesn’t.

Show me the law.

The point of cops is that some people are unable, or unwilling to defend themselves.

show me the law that says you can. you beg for proof a lot, dismiss it when you get it, then hide behind some fictional law/interpretation.

also, the 911 call does show he was already biased against travyon. whether he said *'ing punks or the racial slur, he was already in the mindset the kid was doing something wrong.


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JonJon;4475911 said:
But that is the whole point of the outrage. Had protesters and activists not stepped forward, there is a good chance that this case would have been closed without a proper investigation into what really went down. The SPD left so many holes and botched up the investigation so badly that it is unfathomable that something like this could happen in this day and age. It is only after the outrage that heat was put on the SPD which allowed for a more thorough investigation to take place.

Had any of the incidents you mentioned above lacked a proper investigation and/or any arrest, I am more than positive there would have been an outrage there as well.

So you are saying every black on black crime and every black on white crime is properly investigated and there are arrests made? That is not true.

Let me ask you something. If a black guy has shot another black guy would this even be a story? I would like your honest opinion. Not trying to fight with anyone, so do not over think what I am asking or read more into it. I have a point I am trying to make.

I think it is despicable when anyone murders a fellow human being. If he murdered the kid, he should pay the harshest penalty under the law.


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JBond;4475868 said:
The phony outrage exhibited by some members of this board and by many black "leaders" is a complete joke! Now these pathetically stupid leaders are calling for retaliation! Dumb *****. Anything to make a dime and get their name in the spotlight.

I live in Kansas City. Unfortunately this city leads the nation in black on black murders. No outrage...

A little kid had gasoline dumped on him and then he was lit on fire because he was white. Outrage?.....barley a peep.

Week after week there have been stories reported of attacks by blacks against whites, and these attacks are simply over skin color...Where is the outrage?

Personly I don't give two ****s what color your skin happens to be, but apperantly many do. How about this....There are very bad people in the world of every ethnicity and skin tone. Do what needs to be done to the bad ones and stop making everything about race.

This story would not have grabbed the attention of the nation if a black man had shot another black man. The phony outrage only accurs when the shooter happens to be white. A sad statement on our society.

Am I missing something? I don't see a lot of people making this about race. The article I posted which was similar to this case was a African American male killing a Caucasian male. As for the case bolded above, I've followed that case and I'm starting to hear rumblings that the kid made the whole thing up.

I believe the lack of an arrest and the incompetence of the SPD is what brought this case to the light.


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Romo_To_Dez;4475913 said:
It shows that GZ was over stepping his grounds in acting like a cop and treating someone like a Criminal by already assuming that Trayvon was doing something wrong and saying this A Holes always get away, so he already had a hostile view of Trayvon who was doing nothing but walking.

A person as an American also has the right to walk freely somewhere without another person confronting them and treating them like a criminal. What is the point of uniformed cops if we all can play cop and follow, question, and try to detain or stop someone from getting somewhere because we believe they are up to no good?

Some good points.

I will say this; Something I did not know in the past is that there had been recent break-ins (I think in an apartment complex) and that the kid had just tucked into an apartment complex to get out of the rain.
So you have an innocent kid with his hoodie pulled up stepping under cover from the rain at an aparetment complex (one that may or may not have recently been burglerized) who then pops back out and continues on his way back from the store. A neighbor hood watch person--espcially an overzealous one--may take notice.

It in no way excuses anything. I'm just painting a picture here.


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TheCount;4475920 said:
None of this has anything to do with the conversation at hand here. You're angry at the media, feel free to do that but don't attempt to tie that into the outrage of a family over the murder of their son and the failure of the police to act in an appropriate manner.

This thread started well before the story blew up to national levels. This is not a political discussion.

I am not making it a political discussion. This story is news for one reason. A white guy shot a black guy.

Show me all the national stories regarding black on black murders. Where is the outrage?

If someone shot my son, I would be devastated and I am not trying to undermine the families feelings. I feel tremendous sympathy for them, so don't try to twist my words.


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JBond;4475938 said:
I am not making it a political discussion. This story is news for one reason. A white guy shot a black guy.

Show me all the national stories regarding black on black murders. Where is the outrage?

If someone shot my son, I would be devastated and I am not trying to undermine the families feelings. I feel tremendous sympathy for them, so don't try to twist my words.
But....a white guy did not shoot a black guy, JB.


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Eric_Boyer;4475924 said:
What shows this? The 911 call doesn’t. the girl friends testimony doesn’t.

Show me the law.

The point of cops is that some people are unable, or unwilling to defend themselves.

The girlfriend that proves that Trayvon was aware of someone following him and therefore was trying to get away a sign that shows he was avoiding the situation and trying to get away, and Zimmerman kept following and you don't think that a person doesn't have the right to be on guard or afraid if they are trying to avoid or are running away from STILL follows and comes after them?

If I see someone with aa knife or Gun following me, I turn a corner or quicken my pace and try to run and they follow my every move yet that is not a good reason for me or Trayvon in this case to have feared for his life?

The 911 calls prove that GZ saw Trayvon as a criminal or someone who was about to break the law, GZ said that Trayvon was on drugs for just walking and was ready to use his gun by having it on him approaching someone who in Zimmerman's eyes was up to no good


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JBond;4475938 said:
I am not making it a political discussion. This story is news for one reason. A white guy shot a black guy.

Show me all the national stories regarding black on black murders. Where is the outrage?

If someone shot my son, I would be devastated and I am not trying to undermine the families feelings. I feel tremendous sympathy for them, so don't try to twist my words.

Nobody wants to have this argument with you. It's not the topic of the thread.


Injured Reserve
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JBond;4475929 said:
So you are saying every black on black crime and every black on white crime is properly investigated and there are arrests made? That is not true.
No, that's not what I am saying at all. If that is the case, then someone should speak up about it. You can't protest something if nobody knows there was a wrong doing.

Let me ask you something. If a black guy has shot another black guy would this even be a story? I would like your honest opinion. Not trying to fight with anyone, so do not over think what I am asking or read more into it. I have a point I am trying to make.

I think it is despicable when anyone murders a fellow human being. If he murdered the kid, he should pay the harshest penalty under the law.
For me it would. I took outrage to the little white kid that was being kicked in the street by a gang of asian people. It doesn't matter the race to me; Murder is murder and wrong is wrong. I can't speak for the entire nation as everyone has their own views and opinions. But my whole gripe from the beginning with this case was the improper handling of the case by the SPD.


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DFWJC;4475934 said:
Some good points.

I will say this; Something I did not know in the past is that there had been recent break-ins (I think in an apartment complex) and that the kid had just tucked into an apartment complex to get out of the rain.
So you have an innocent kid with his hoodie pulled up stepping under cover from the rain at an aparetment complex (one that may or may not have recently been burglerized) who then pops back out and continues on his way back from the store. A neighbor hood watch person--espcially an overzealous one--may take notice.

It in no way excuses anything. I'm just painting a picture here.

If GZ stayed in his car like suggested and waited for the cops, the situation would have been cleared and Trayvon still alive that is the sad thing


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Romo_To_Dez;4475941 said:
If I see someone with aa knife or Gun following me, I turn a corner or quicken my pace and try to run and they follow my every move yet that is not a good reason for me or Trayvon in this case to have feared for his life?

Not that it really matters, as Florida allows open carry, but what evidence do we have that Trayvor was even aware of the gun? The girl friend didn’t mention it


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TheCount;4475944 said:
Nobody wants to have this argument with you. It's not the topic of the thread.

It seems like every time race is brought up, it's by the "It's not about race" crowd.


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DFWJC;4475939 said:
But....a white guy did not shoot a black guy, JB.


My point is people are in a tizzy over this. Their outrage is very selective. I get more upset about the huge volume of murders. I get more pissed about the lack of humanity displayed every day across our great country.

The usual race mongers are out their using this to their advantage. I wish people would get just upset at the kid shot in a drive by that was doing nothing other than walking down the street. People ignore the local nightly news. I admit I stopped watching because it was one horror story after another. I just find it odd that people are galvanised by this incident, but the daily murders and crimes that occur in every major city go largely uncared about.

I have a CC license. I have been involved in one incident. I did not shoot anyone, but I was charged and cleared. I guess I have a different perspective because of that than some others may have.

I am willing to let the process run it's course. People here are ready to convict this guy without knowing exactly what happened. That is almost as bad as the incident itself.