Neighborhood watch captain kills black teen - doesn't get arrested


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joseephuss;4476728 said:
I have a question. When were any witnesses under oath while giving statements?

heck if i know. maybe under oath is the incorrect term. witness's signed a sworn statement, which certainly should carry more weight then a statement made to the media.


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There is a report out that the Officer on the Scene says that he did not question Zimmerman about what happened and another report says that Zimmerman was questioned and claimed Self Defense?

If this is true why two contradicting reports from the SPD?:confused:


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Eric_Boyer;4476732 said:
heck if i know. maybe under oath is the incorrect term. witness's signed a sworn statement, which certainly should carry more weight then a statement made to the media.

I was wondering if I missed something. I agree that a statement to the police carries more weight than statements to the media. We shall see if the statements to either change over time.


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Eric_Boyer;4476723 said:
I only know of one person that claims this, but they also gave a sworn statement under oath that differs from what they told the media.

how is it you choose to give more credence to the testimony not under oath?

If you are simply saying that what the media says is true and what the police say is an exaggeration, I have to wonder how much you have been paying attention to those two entities in the last few decades?

How do you know that these are Sworn Statements or just the SPD trying to cover themselves. It's up to Zimmerman's lawyer to cross examine and tear apart a witness statement don't you think?

It's up to the Police Department to collect evidence and statements and make an arrest. If a Dead body on the scene is not enough probable cause of an arrest I don't know what is.

Many things the SPD handled wrong gives good reason not to trust their word. All the witnesses told the SPD that Zimmerman was defending himself and turned around and told the Media that they didn't think it was Self Defense, makes no sense for them to do that.


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It does not matter who struck first, when Zimmerman left his vehicle he became the aggressor against an unarmed citizen who had broken no laws.


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Cythim;4476946 said:
It does not matter who struck first, when Zimmerman left his vehicle he became the aggressor against an unarmed citizen who had broken no laws.
You have offered that same opinion countless times already


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Cythim;4476946 said:
It does not matter who struck first, when Zimmerman left his vehicle he became the aggressor against an unarmed citizen who had broken no laws.

The Stand your Ground Law could apply to Trayvon, if some want to act like his fists in Zimmerman's face is a threat to life, then the law says you can use deadly force to protect yourself.

There have been complaints about Zimmerman having aggressive behavior from Neighbors and calling 911 for stupid reasons like a car driving too slow with loud music (Saw this on the news). Zimmerman seems like he is overly paranoid with what he considers a threat.

Also with him assaulting a cop and beating his Girlfriend how do we know that he didn't start a physical altercation with Trayvon? If he can assault a cop and beat his girlfriend then perhaps he didn't just innocently ask Trayvon why he was there.


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Romo_To_Dez;4476751 said:
There is a report out that the Officer on the Scene says that he did not question Zimmerman about what happened and another report says that Zimmerman was questioned and claimed Self Defense?

If this is true why two contradicting reports from the SPD?:confused:

Guess you should read the police report. He was handcuffed and taken into custody. He along with six witnesses were questioned.


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JBond;4476253 said:
The system? Which system? Are you referring to the Second Amendment? I am a bit puzzled by your post.

Any system that allows some neighborhood watch teen to have a gun. A system that allows that is flat out a broken. If the neighborhood needs watching, call the police. Not some nitwit, nutjob who can shoot anyone he wants and initially get away from the police investigation.


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Hoofbite;4476522 said:
My opinion is based on the fact that the entire situation is a result of some baseless suspicion on the part of Zimmerman.

If he was getting his *** handed to him by the kid, I still don't think it absolves him from taking a life.

I just don't buy the "self-defense" claim when you put yourself into a situation. I think it's completely irrational for someone to be the catalyst for an altercation and claim self-defense when they shoot and kill the other party.

Regardless of who threw the first punch, he should be held accountable.

So you are against neighborhood watches? Why? The latest thing I heard tonight was that Zimmerman returning to his vehicle at the request of the 911 operator and was jumped. I do believe self defense would apply if that was the case. In fact he is heard screaming on the 911 tape and implored neighbors to help him.


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CowboyMcCoy;4477018 said:
Any system that allows some neighborhood watch teen to have a gun. A system that allows that is flat out a broken. If the neighborhood needs watching, call the police. Not some nitwit, nutjob who can shoot anyone he wants and initially get away from the police investigation.

I am familiar with you disdain for the Constitution. We used to chat on a regular basis. The pitchfork and torch crowd may be in a for a rude awakening when all the facts are brought to light.

The police were called. Maybe you missed that. Maybe you missed that he returned to his car after talking to 911.

But by all means, go ahead and do the same thing you are accusing Zimmerman off. Convict him in your mind and rationalized it anyway you want despite the facts or lack of them.

I am not saying this is what happened, but it could be.


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JBond;4477023 said:
So you are against neighborhood watches? Why? The latest thing I heard tonight was that Zimmerman returning to his vehicle at the request of the 911 operator and was jumped. I do believe self defense would apply if that was the case. In fact he is heard screaming on the 911 tape and implored neighbors to help him.
I don't think anyone is against Neighborhood Watches, but I would think that everyone would be against Neighborhood Vigilantes.


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speedkilz88;4477044 said:
I don't think anyone is against Neighborhood Watches, but I would think that everyone would be against Neighborhood Vigilantes.

Not a fan of vigilantes either. Hoof had said "My opinion is based on the fact that the entire situation is a result of some baseless suspicion on the part of Zimmerman."

Neighborhood watches all over the country call in suspicious people. It's what they do. In this case the person that reported him was jumped as a result. 5'8" Zimmerman was then forced to protect himself from a 6'2" man. After being thrown to the ground he believed his life was in danger.

That could be the way this happened.

Again though, I will wait for the facts.


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I have a question when someone is injured are there procedures for cops on scene taking pictures of the injuries? I mean if Zimmerman was hurt and the Cops believed him then shouldn't they had wanted to get pictures of proof to back up these claims?

One report doesn't mention GZ's bloody nose and the other does so which is right?


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JBond;4477030 said:
I am familiar with you disdain for the Constitution. We used to chat on a regular basis. The pitchfork and torch crowd may be in a for a rude awakening when all the facts are brought to light.

The police were called. Maybe you missed that. Maybe you missed that he returned to his car after talking to 911.

But by all means, go ahead and do the same thing you are accusing Zimmerman off. Convict him in your mind and rationalized it anyway you want despite the facts or lack of them.

I am not saying this is what happened, but it could be.

Who said that he returned to his car? The girlfriend on the phone at the time with Trayvon could hear the fact that Zimmerman was following Trayvon even after Trayvon was still trying to get away from and avoid ZImmerman

Some are convicting the Kid of being in the wrong, the same (Not saying you) who says we shouldn't jump to conclusions with GZ


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JBond;4477015 said:
Guess you should read the police report. He was handcuffed and taken into custody. He along with six witnesses were questioned.

ANd is still roaming the streets free as a bird, not on Bail but just because they took him for his word and let him go.

People want an arrest and actual charges to be filed and at least have it go on trail for Judge and Jury to decide.

Not for the cops just to take Zimmerman at his word because they are either too lazy or didn't care enough about Trayvon to do a proper investigation. He was shot in the Neighborhood yet no door to door was done to see who he was.

The parents had to file a missing persons report and take action in order to find out where their son was. Witnesses have claimed that the SPD tried to twist their words and dismiss their statements to fit GZ"s story.


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CowboyMcCoy;4477018 said:
Any system that allows some neighborhood watch teen to have a gun. A system that allows that is flat out a broken. If the neighborhood needs watching, call the police. Not some nitwit, nutjob who can shoot anyone he wants and initially get away from the police investigation.

the system allows any of us to have a CWP.

neighborhood watch has nothing to do with the ability to have a CWP.


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JBond;4477052 said:
Not a fan of vigilantes either. Hoof had said "My opinion is based on the fact that the entire situation is a result of some baseless suspicion on the part of Zimmerman."

Neighborhood watches all over the country call in suspicious people. It's what they do. In this case the person that reported him was jumped as a result. 5'8" Zimmerman was then forced to protect himself from a 6'2" man. After being thrown to the ground he believed his life was in danger.

That could be the way this happened.

Again though, I will wait for the facts.

i was wrong to make conclusions and from facts i heard tonight, have been buying into media hype.

bad berg.


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JBond;4477015 said:
Guess you should read the police report. He was handcuffed and taken into custody. He along with six witnesses were questioned.

This does confirm what Martin's attorney said, there are clearly two police reports. The first one has a print date of 2/28/2012 and only had officer Ayala's narrative on it.

The second report has a print date of 3/6/2012 and has an added narrative by officer Smith which mentions Zimmerman's injuries and his cries for help. At first I thought maybe they are two different reports but the event number is the same.

This might mean absolutely nothing I don't know standard police procedure when writing up reports but I can understand finding that a bit suspicious.


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Noryb;4477113 said:
This does confirm what Martin's attorney said, there are clearly two police reports. The first one has a print date of 2/28/2012 and only had officer Ayala's narrative on it.

The second report has a print date of 3/6/2012 and has an added narrative by officer Smith which mentions Zimmerman's injuries and his cries for help. At first I thought maybe they are two different reports but the event number is the same.

This might mean absolutely nothing I don't know standard police procedure when writing up reports but I can understand finding that a bit suspicious.

I thought without looking that the two reports were made on the same night. WOnder why the bloody nose wasn't put in the Police report earlier on.

I don't know if it's a common thing to do two reports. Yeah but it can be understood that it looks suspicious like it was added on to support GZ'z claims. I wonder why they didn't think about taking pictures of Zimmerman's injuries