Neighborhood watch captain kills black teen - doesn't get arrested

Romo_To_Dez;4477162 said:
No matter how the fight start a mother and father are still in pain over losing their son.

I think it's a dangerous trend to set that if you are losing a fist fight that you can just shoot and kill without question. Because some will abuse the 'Stand your ground' law to get away with a murder.

So if you were jumped and getting the crap kicked out of you, too the point you feared for your life, you would just take it and let the person kill you, even though you had the ability to defend yourself.

Hmmm...OK, but the rest of us would defend ourselves. This thread is growing more absurd every day.

I really wish everyone including the national race mongers and the general public would wait for the facts before doing the same exact thing the are accusing Zimmerman of doing.
JBond;4477357 said:
So if you were jumped and getting the crap kicked out of you, too the point you feared for your life, you would just take it and let the person kill you, even though you had the ability to defend yourself.

Hmmm...OK, but the rest of us would defend ourselves. This thread is growing more absurd every day.

I really wish everyone including the national race mongers and the general public would wait for the facts before doing the same exact thing the are accusing Zimmerman of doing.

Would a reasonable person fear for their life after getting a broken nose? A reasonable person wouldn't have put themselves in a position to be attacked by an unarmed teen who is walking home from the store.
iceberg;4477340 said:
so you're a stranger in a gated community that has a history of crime and you're going to get into a fight over simply being asked who you are?

hey, i'm visiting my friend over there and just coming back from the store.

as for zimmermans history, sure we know what the media has said and trayvon is a smiling football player.

who was suspended for 5 days and that's why he was so far from his own home and no one knows what he was suspended for.

we have a lot more facts to wait for before we can fully know and understand.

What changed your mind all of a sudden? That was a big switch.
We don't know for a fact that Zimmerman was going back to his Truck and Trayvon jumped him from behind either. Just what GZ claims. His Father made it sound like Zimmerman didn't try to chase or follow Trayvon at all when the 911 tapes prove otherwise.

Is that just GZ's father defending him and making assumptions or because GZ told his Father that he never followed or chased Trayvon?

Zimmerman's arrest for assaulting Police Officer and beating his Girlfriend shows that he is capable of sparking violent confrontations and that speaks more to this case then Trayvon's Suspensions. Getting Suspended doesn't make someone a criminal.

Zimmerman just assumed that Trayvon was on drugs and up to no good, what gave him that impression if the Kid was just walking? It wasn't like he was just checking on Trayvon because he didn't know his face, he automatically assumed that Trayvon was guilty of doing something.

It's not a proven fact that GZ just peacefully asked The Kid why was he there and went on his way, his past shows that he is capable of violence and could be used against him just like a Judge woulf decide someone's sentence or whether or not they have a record of arrests and breaking the law.

It shouldn't be assumed that Trayvon was up to no good because of his skin color and if that's a racial slur on the tape it shows how GZ viewed the Kid and that he didn't just go after him as a peaceful Neighborhood watch guy but someone who had a hostile view of Black Males
JBond;4477357 said:
So if you were jumped and getting the crap kicked out of you, too the point you feared for your life, you would just take it and let the person kill you, even though you had the ability to defend yourself.

Hmmm...OK, but the rest of us would defend ourselves. This thread is growing more absurd every day.

I really wish everyone including the national race mongers and the general public would wait for the facts before doing the same exact thing the are accusing Zimmerman of doing.

There is no fact that shows ZImmerman was jumped other than his word for it, like people caught killing someone aren't going to lie to get off or try to get a lighter prison sentence.

GZ has a history for violence more than the "Clean" record that the SPD claimed to the parents he had. We don't know if GZ made any kind of physical contact out of violence or aggression towards Trayvon and ended up getting the tables turned on him.

Now if it was Zimmerman starting the fight is Trayvon suppose to let himself get beat and confronted by this man he doesn't know? If Zimmerman feared Trayvon why would he get close to him if he suspected that Trayvon was dangerous it makes no sense to go towards what you consider a threat, if that threat is running away as Zimmerman said on the tape.

The GF said that she heard Trayvon say why are you following me and Zimmerman asked "What are you doing here", then she heard the sound of a push and Trayvon's ear piece falling out.
CowboyMike;4477361 said:
What changed your mind all of a sudden? That was a big switch.

he actually looked at the evidence as it unfolded and kept an open mind.

extremely commendable, IMO. It is very easy to hold a position out of pride even in the face of unrelenting contradictory evidence.
Romo_To_Dez;4477377 said:
There is no fact that shows ZImmerman was jumped other than his word for it, like people caught killing someone aren't going to lie to get off or try to get a lighter prison sentence.

Zimmermans word is evidence. do you understand that?

he gave his sworn testimony, and unless you can produce evidence that undermines his testimony, it becomes a matter of fact as far as the defense is concerned.
The Girlfriend saying that she thinks Trayvon was pushed and then his ear piece fell out and she tried to call back and got no answer.

If the GF is correct in what she thinks she heard, then GZ just did not peacefully turned and go back to his truck and made himself a threat to Trayvon by pushing him and starting a fight/struggle. Zimmerman is lying if this happened. Makes no sense to atart a physical altercationw with someone you're afraid of.

If GZ started the fight than Trayvon had just as much right to defend himself the difference is that he's dead and GZ out walking free
Eric_Boyer;4477384 said:
Zimmermans word is evidence. do you understand that?

he gave his sworn testimony, and unless you can produce evidence that undermines his testimony, it becomes a matter of fact as far as the defense is concerned.

Sense when do Police Departments solely take the Killers word for it without at least doing a proper investigation to do otherwise? Again where is the proven fact besides what Zimmerman says.

A Witness has claim to have seen Trayvon on top of GZ, did they actually see who started the fight? Can you produce evidence that says that it was Self Defense?

The SPD just took ZImmerman's word for it trying to discredit anything that may have pointed to it not being Self Defense. They didn't even try to interview the GF, looking solely at one side instead of taking evidence and statements from both sides and letting it go to court
Romo_To_Dez;4477385 said:
The Girlfriend saying that she thinks Trayvon was pushed and then his ear piece fell out and she tried to call back and got no answer.

you can't hear who is pushed on a phone call, she is simply projecting because her friend was killed.

If GZ started the fight than Trayvon had just as much right to defend himself the difference is that he's dead and GZ out walking free

it would get worse for Zimmerman, but that isn't even the full truth.

Once Martin had gained control of the attacker, he is not legally allowed to continue to beat up the person.

evidence shows it was Zimmerman pleading for help. He only fired his weapon after the witness he was calling to for help went inside.

This would give a juror could reason to believe that Zimmerman did not use deadly force until other avenues were exhausted.
Cythim;4477359 said:
Would a reasonable person fear for their life after getting a broken nose? A reasonable person wouldn't have put themselves in a position to be attacked by an unarmed teen who is walking home from the store.

I don't understand people why people are justifying an attack on someone over a simple question.

TM told his girlfriend he would not run. Maybe his girlfriend knows he is a hot head and wanted him out of the situation. He was kicked out of school for a reason. Instead he returns and attacks Zimmerman. Zimmerman after begging for help and being ignored by a neighbor resorted to extreme measures because he felt his life was in danger.

I really hate what the media has done to this thing. They have polarized people through horrendously poor reporting. Remember this was initially reported as a white man shooting a black unarmed teenager. Then they posted pictures of a cute little 11 year old. Turns out it was a 5'8" Jewish Hispanic vs a 6'2" football player that was kicked out of school. They had an agenda. The news usually does these days. Then the President and the race mongers get involved. Why? Agenda. Where is all the similar outrage at all the other shootings that take place daily? Not a peep about those. Those kids don't matter because the media machine says so.

Just to be clear one more time so I don't become a pariah around here. I have no idea what happened, but I do know the rush to judgement based on incomplete and flat out false news reports is not right. Maybe Zimmerman is a black teenage hating monster that get his kicks shooting kids. I just want people to stop and think a moment before making their judgement. If Zimmerman is the monster he is being made out to be, then I hope he rots in hell.

If the facts prove otherwise, those that rushed to judgement, similar to what they are accusing Zimmerman of doing, really need to reevaluate their thought process because it is clearly broken.
Romo_To_Dez;4477389 said:
Sense when do Police Departments solely take the Killers word for it without at least doing a proper investigation to do otherwise? Again where is the proven fact besides what Zimmerman says.

where are the facts that rule out what he says. that is what you need to be producing. Zimmerman is on the defensive, he doesn't need to prove innocence.
Eric_Boyer;4477390 said:
you can't hear who is pushed on a phone call, she is simply projecting because her friend was killed.

it would get worse for Zimmerman, but that isn't even the full truth.

Once Martin had gained control of the attacker, he is not legally allowed to continue to beat up the person.

evidence shows it was Zimmerman pleading for help. He only fired his weapon after the witness he was calling to for help went inside.

This would give a juror could reason to believe that Zimmerman did not use deadly force until other avenues were exhausted.

Records already prove that the GF was on the phone around the same time that Zimmerman was following him and Trayvon was killed. Like I said IF she is correct then ZImmerman did not just peacefully try to go back to his truck as claimed.

Zimmerman is not just saying stuff to protect him and people don't like when caught in a crime.

What evidence shows that it was Zimmerman's Voice? Have they released proven tests by voice experts to show that it was ZImmerman because a lot of people think that it sounded like a Young Man screaming and the screams stop at the very exact second that the Gun shot goes off. A good reason for people to believe that it was Trayvon. Other Witnesses had said that it was Trayvon calling for help they believe,t he SPD tries to dismiss them only wanting one side of the story

Are there pictures and medical records to prove that GZ was injuried, why is the bloody nose not mentioned in one report but is in the other? There's a reason why the Cheif stepped down and got a vote of no confidence.
Romo_To_Dez;4477398 said:
What evidence shows that it was Zimmerman's Voice?

eye witness testimony of two different people.

a 13 year old boy, and an adult male. I have posted both links repeatedly. you are not honestly looking at the evidence
JBond;4477393 said:
I don't understand people why people are justifying an attack on someone over a simple question.

TM told his girlfriend he would not run. Maybe his girlfriend knows he is a hot head and wanted him out of the situation. He was kicked out of school for a reason. Instead he returns and attacks Zimmerman. Zimmerman after begging for help and being ignored by a neighbor resorted to extreme measures because he felt his life was in danger.

I really hate what the media has done to this thing. They have polarized people through horrendously poor reporting. Remember this was initially reported as a white man shooting a black unarmed teenager. Then they posted pictures of a cute little 11 year old. Turns out it was a 5'8" Jewish Hispanic vs a 6'2" football player that was kicked out of school. They had an agenda. The news usually does these days. Then the President and the race mongers get involved. Why? Agenda. Where is all the similar outrage at all the other shootings that take place daily? Not a peep about those. Those kids don't matter because the media machine says so.

Just to be clear one more time so I don't become a pariah around here. I have no idea what happened, but I do know the rush to judgement based on incomplete and flat out false news reports is not right. Maybe Zimmerman is a black teenage hating monster that get his kicks shooting kids. I just want people to stop and think a moment before making their judgement. If Zimmerman is the monster he is being made out to be, then I hope he rots in hell.

If the facts prove otherwise, those that rushed to judgement, similar to what they are accusing Zimmerman of doing, really need to reevaluate their thought process because it is clearly broken.

If Zimmerman stays in his vehicle then Trayvon would still be alive. He made a bad decision that cost someone their life. This is the most important fact in the case. You can argue that he has the right to get out and chase Trayvon but a reasonable person would not get out of their vehicle if confronted by a 6'2" man who "appears to be on drugs or something."
Eric_Boyer;4477394 said:
where are the facts that rule out what he says. that is what you need to be producing. Zimmerman is on the defensive, he doesn't need to prove innocence.

ANd if it's always assumed by the Police Department that the suspect in the killing is telling the truth then a lot of people would get away with murder, because a lot of then lie about how things went down or deny murdering the person all together.

The family is owed a proper investigation as any family would if their loved one is killed and not just "He told us that it was Self Defense so we'll just take his word for it" and let the killer go free.

Other claim innocence and still have to go through the Court system to prove that they are innocent so what makes GZ so special to avoid this?

Why did the SPD test Trayvon's body and not GZ's for drugs and alcohol? If they did just then that proves that they didn't bother to collect evidence to go aganist GZ's defense.

I fail to see a good excuse or reason for why Zimmerman is not behind bars or out on bail waiting for a trail
Cythim;4477399 said:
Do you have the full transcript from a source that isn't an unsigned internet document? Your transcript also disproves your argument that Zimmerman was looking for an address and was going back to the mailboxes to meet the police.

until you actually start saying things based on being informed, you and I are done in this thread.
Eric_Boyer;4477402 said:
eye witness testimony of two different people.

a 13 year old boy, and an adult male. I have posted both links repeatedly. you are not honestly looking at the evidence

Nor are you, you take the evidence that supports your claims and dismiss everything else as being bias.

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