Neighborhood watch captain kills black teen - doesn't get arrested

Romo_To_Dez;4477404 said:
ANd if it's always assumed by the Police Department that the suspect in the killing is telling the truth then a lot of people would get away with murder, because a lot of then lie about how things went down or deny murdering the person all together.

The family is owed a proper investigation as any family would if their loved one is killed and not just "He told us that it was Self Defense so we'll just take his word for it" and let the killer go free.

Other claim innocence and still have to go through the Court system to prove that they are innocent so what makes GZ so special to avoid this?

Why did the SPD test Trayvon's body and not GZ's for drugs and alcohol? If they did just then that proves that they didn't bother to collect evidence to go aganist GZ's defense.

I fail to see a good excuse or reason for why Zimmerman is not behind bars or out on bail waiting for a trail

now you are just going in circles. how many times have I said the police were unprofessional?
Eric_Boyer;4477405 said:
until you actually start saying things based on being informed, you and I are done in this thread.

Everything I have said comes straight from the 911 call. Zimmerman saw Trayvon as a threat and provoked a confrontation (getting out of his vehicle and following Trayvon) instead of protecting himself. He was not acting in self defense until he was on the ground and losing a fight that he could have prevented from happening.
Romo_To_Dez;4477377 said:
There is no fact that shows ZImmerman was jumped other than his word for it, like people caught killing someone aren't going to lie to get off or try to get a lighter prison sentence.

GZ has a history for violence more than the "Clean" record that the SPD claimed to the parents he had. We don't know if GZ made any kind of physical contact out of violence or aggression towards Trayvon and ended up getting the tables turned on him.

Now if it was Zimmerman starting the fight is Trayvon suppose to let himself get beat and confronted by this man he doesn't know? If Zimmerman feared Trayvon why would he get close to him if he suspected that Trayvon was dangerous it makes no sense to go towards what you consider a threat, if that threat is running away as Zimmerman said on the tape.

The GF said that she heard Trayvon say why are you following me and Zimmerman asked "What are you doing here", then she heard the sound of a push and Trayvon's ear piece falling out.

Some of your posts have some merritt and some are completely full of holes. This is one of those. Why would the 5'8" Zimmerman attack the 6'2" TM knowing the police were on the way? Makes no sense. It could have happened that way, but I have trouble with that logic.

It would also be logical that if TM was really running away as his girlfriend urged, as a young athletic football player he would easily out distance the much older 5'8" Zimmerman.

Unless you are a superior marksman, a handgun is not very effective outside of 35 yards.
Eric_Boyer;4477402 said:
eye witness testimony of two different people.

a 13 year old boy, and an adult male. I have posted both links repeatedly. you are not honestly looking at the evidence

Other eyewitnesses have said that they thought it was Trayvon's voice again which the SPD dismissed only taking one side. Also if they test the Voice and it is Trayvon's than what is the Defense for GZ then?
JBond;4477411 said:
Some of your posts have some merritt and some are completely full of holes. This is one of those. Why would the 5'8" Zimmerman attack the 6'2" TM knowing the police were on the way? Makes no sense. It could have happened that way, but I have trouble with that logic.

It would also be logical that if TM was really running away as his girlfriend urged, as a young athletic football player he would easily out distance the much older 5'8" Zimmerman.

Unless you are a superior marksman, a handgun is not very effective outside of 35 yards.

Why would a Shorter Zimmerman follow a 6'2' boy if he was afraid of him from the start or suspected that this person was a threat or dangerous?

If I see a vicious dog on the street thinking that it could hurt me, I'm not going to chase after it and corner it and provoking it into attacking me. Trayvon turned a corner or something and lost sight of Zimmerman and perhaps assumed that he lost him
Romo_To_Dez;4477412 said:
Other eyewitnesses have said that they thought it was Trayvon's voice again which the SPD dismissed only taking one side. Also if they test the Voice and it is Trayvon's than what is the Defense for GZ then?

produce it. link me to that testimony, and it damn well better not be the crack pot attention hound that went on tv and said things differently then the sworn statement she gave the police, or anonymous media reports about supposed unnamed witnesses
Cythim;4477359 said:
Would a reasonable person fear for their life after getting a broken nose? A reasonable person wouldn't have put themselves in a position to be attacked by an unarmed teen who is walking home from the store.

How many fights have you been in? Have been jumped and beaten before? Have you ever been forced to fight for your life? Just wondering. How are you so sure about how this went down? Did you witness it? I don't think so. People rush to judgement after being lead around by their nose by the media combined with their natural inclinations. You assume the black guy is innocent and the Hispanic guy is guilty without having all the facts. Why?

I have no idea who was right or wrong, but you seem absolutely convinced beyond a doubt. Odd. Can you send me the lottery numbers for tonight's powerball?
JBond;4477417 said:
How many fights have you been in? Have been jumped and beaten before? Have you ever been forced to fight for your life? Just wondering. How are you so sure about how this went down? Did you witness it? I don't think so. People rush to judgement after being lead around by their nose by the media combined with their natural inclinations. You assume the black guy is innocent and the Hispanic guy is guilty without having all the facts. Why?

I have no idea who was right or wrong, but you seem absolutely convinced beyond a doubt. Odd. Can you send me the lottery numbers for tonight's powerball?

I suspect the reason this thread won't be able to survive much longer is the underlying issue is really about guns, and other rights individuals have.

people that want to hang Zimmerman are mostly caught up in the notion that he took it upon himself to keep an eye on a person that he felt was potentially breaking the law. and he used a gun in a fist fight.

the argument will ultimately break down in to what rights individuals have in public in comparison to the police, which is a political debate

and what role a gun can play in a common fist fight, which is political.

so mods probably need to make some decisions as you can''t really separate that from the case.
JBond;4477417 said:
How many fights have you been in? Have been jumped and beaten before? Have you ever been forced to fight for your life? Just wondering. How are you so sure about how this went down? Did you witness it? I don't think so. People rush to judgement after being lead around by their nose by the media combined with their natural inclinations. You assume the black guy is innocent and the Hispanic guy is guilty without having all the facts. Why?

I have no idea who was right or wrong, but you seem absolutely convinced beyond a doubt. Odd. Can you send me the lottery numbers for tonight's powerball?

Nothing you said or asked here is relevant to the situation. Zimmerman is responsible for creating the situation and is responsible for the final outcome. I haven't listened to the media, I am basing my opinion on the 911 call placed by Zimmerman.
Eric_Boyer;4477409 said:
now you are just going in circles. how many times have I said the police were unprofessional?

They were unprofessional yet we should believe everything that they say in GZ's defense when it appears that they are being one sided? The parents have good reason not to trust the SPD which is why the investigation had been handed over to the state/Feds.

If anything GZ could go free because of the SPD's failure to be professional and collect evidence and statements from both sides, instead of acting like GZ's Defense team and attacking witnesses who go against Zimmerman's Defense. Badgering and attacking statements that goes against GZ makes them look BIas, yet their word and he "Evidence" that they collected are expected to be trusted.

If a family who lost a loved one and such a manner can't get the respect to at least have the case on to trail where all statements and evidence from both sides are heard then the Justice system is really messed up
Eric_Boyer;4477414 said:
produce it. link me to that testimony, and it damn well better not be the crack pot attention hound that went on tv and said things differently then the sworn statement she gave the police, or anonymous media reports about supposed unnamed witnesses

The "Sworn" statements the the SPD claims she made, the same Police Department who tested Trayvon's body and not ZImmermans, The same who didn't bother to ID Trayvon's body and called him "John Doe" instead of going around to try to find out of anyone in the Neighborhood Knew the kid.

How do you know that these witnesses are just lying to get attention from the Media and not telling the truth about what they think they heard or saw? Where you there with them to know what they heard and saw?

If the SPD didn't try to ID Trayvon and find out who he was, then it's not far fetched to believe that they dismissed witness statements or are lying to cover themselves. Just like one report has no Mention of Zimmerman's bloody nose and the other does.
Romo_To_Dez;4477429 said:
The "Sworn" statements the the SPD claims she made, the same Police Department who tested Trayvon's body and not ZImmermans, The same who didn't bother to ID Trayvon's body and called him "John Doe" instead of going around to try to find out of anyone in the Neighborhood Knew the kid.

How do you know that these witnesses are just lying to get attention from the Media and not telling the truth about what they think they heard or saw? Where you there with them to know what they heard and saw?

If the SPD didn't try to ID Trayvon and find out who he was, then it's not far fetched to believe that they dismissed witness statements or are lying to cover themselves. Just like one report has no Mention of Zimmerman's bloody nose and the other does.

more circles. the thread is long, and you are rehashing the same stuff.

produce some evidence, otherwise I thank you for the overall calm discussion you engaged me in.
Cythim;4477410 said:
Everything I have said comes straight from the 911 call. Zimmerman saw Trayvon as a threat and provoked a confrontation (getting out of his vehicle and following Trayvon) instead of protecting himself. He was not acting in self defense until he was on the ground and losing a fight that he could have prevented from happening.

i'd love to have your spycam that caught all this speculation.
Eric_Boyer;4477274 said:
I don't need to refute your opinion. it is silly.

if it was as cut and dried as you tried to claim, an arrest would of happened weeks ago.

No arrest has been made because they have to convince you, and nothing short of Trayvon's sworn statement will do that.
CowboyMike;4477361 said:
What changed your mind all of a sudden? That was a big switch.

i talked to someone who gave me additional info and viewpoints.

there's things the media isn't saying and zimmerman right now can't say.

so before i help lead a lynch party, i'll wait for all the facts.
Cythim;4477403 said:
If Zimmerman stays in his vehicle then Trayvon would still be alive. He made a bad decision that cost someone their life. This is the most important fact in the case. You can argue that he has the right to get out and chase Trayvon but a reasonable person would not get out of their vehicle if confronted by a 6'2" man who "appears to be on drugs or something."

if trayvon just said what he was doing, a stranger in a gated community, he'd still be alive.
Eric_Boyer;4477430 said:
more circles. the thread is long, and you are rehashing the same stuff.

produce some evidence, otherwise I thank you for the overall calm discussion you engaged me in.

His body was in the Morgue for three days as John Doe when the parents reported him missing. Just saying it looks like they didn't even care about Trayvon and didn't even treat him as someone who died wrongly at the hands of Zimmerman.

This is not evidence, just something to show why there is a good reason why the SPD's word and account of things are not trusted.

You already said that you don't believe the witnesses who don't think that GZ acted out of Self Defense. There are articles and videos of witnesses saying such things.

I wouldn't tell something else to the Media if I know for a fact that I told another thing to the cops and it's written down to prove that I said it, so I have no idea why they would tell two different stories if that's what they are doing
Eric_Boyer;4477418 said:
I suspect the reason this thread won't be able to survive much longer is the underlying issue is really about guns, and other rights individuals have.

people that want to hang Zimmerman are mostly caught up in the notion that he took it upon himself to keep an eye on a person that he felt was potentially breaking the law. and he used a gun in a fist fight.

the argument will ultimately break down in to what rights individuals have in public in comparison to the police, which is a political debate

and what role a gun can play in a common fist fight, which is political.

so mods probably need to make some decisions as you can''t really separate that from the case.
The reason this thread has survived is BECAUSE the underlying issue isn't about guns and therefore NOT a political debate. Nobody's questioned GZ's right to carry and I suspect no one will.

The issue is the actual confrontation between Trayvon Martin and GZ and how Martin ended up dead. Not one person in this thread has ALL the facts to unequivocally hold a position one way or the other.

I know what I believe and what I suspect, but only until more info comes out and law enforcement delivers an official finding of fact.

Until then, everyone's just spinning their wheels.
JBond;4477030 said:
I am familiar with you disdain for the Constitution. We used to chat on a regular basis. The pitchfork and torch crowd may be in a for a rude awakening when all the facts are brought to light.

The police were called. Maybe you missed that. Maybe you missed that he returned to his car after talking to 911.

But by all means, go ahead and do the same thing you are accusing Zimmerman off. Convict him in your mind and rationalized it anyway you want despite the facts or lack of them.

I am not saying this is what happened, but it could be.

What does the Constitution have to do with this?
iceberg;4477436 said:
i talked to someone who gave me additional info and viewpoints.

there's things the media isn't saying and zimmerman right now can't say.

so before i help lead a lynch party, i'll wait for all the facts.
People should wait for facts anyway... Having a position about it doesn't mean one should lead the charge against injustice.

iceberg;4477440 said:
if trayvon just said what he was doing, a stranger in a gated community, he'd still be alive.
Personally, I think that thought process is BS knowing what I know about GZ, BUT I'll accept that you believe that. It's so easy to say, but no one knows how the confrontation occured. And I'll be honest, I'm not gonna look to kindly to someone following me and inquiring about my whereabouts in the middle of the night.

That said, I tend to hold adults more accountable than children, even teenage children. Just me, tho.

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