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Cythim;4477640 said:welcome to my ignore list. It is sad that someone can actually believe this.
yea, it was actually stupider than saying zimmerman felt like a hero.
Cythim;4477640 said:welcome to my ignore list. It is sad that someone can actually believe this.
Cythim;4477640 said:welcome to my ignore list. It is sad that someone can actually believe this.
iceberg;4477641 said:yea, it was actually stupider than saying zimmerman felt like a hero.
Romo_To_Dez;4477642 said:A Young person is gone and a family greiving especially the parents. Tragic because if things were done differently Trayvon would still be alive.
Romo_To_Dez;4477642 said:A Young person is gone and a family greiving especially the parents. Tragic because if things were done differently Trayvon would still be alive.
Brian_C82;4477649 said:You could say that about lots of criminals who get killed in self defense. If you attack another man with your fists, you are breaking the law and you are putting your own life in danger. It isn't society's fault that he got himself killed. It isn't the fault of the guy who was lawfully protecting himself.
We aren't talking about a little kid here. Martin was 6'3". He was a grown man.
Cythim;4477422 said:I haven't listened to the media, I am basing my opinion on the 911 call placed by Zimmerman.
JBond;4477466 said:Well that explains a couple of things. You are telling wihout a doubt based on the 911 tape that this was a calculated murder. Talk about a giant reach. Good grief. You claimed being the subject of a beat down is no reason to defend yourself.
Rational people will look at all the information available and then use their own method of reasoning to come to a tentative conclusion. Then they would continue to monitor new information and adjust their belief accordingly.
Cythim;4477501 said:When did I say it was a calculated murder? When did I say he doesn't have the right to defend himself if he is getting beat down? You are taking my statements and reaching conclusions I never came to. Does Trayvon have the right to defend himself if he feels threated by a guy who was following him at night?
I believe at the very least Zimmerman should be charged with wrongful death in a civil case. Criminal manslaughter charges might be more apropriate but I don't think it should go as high as murder. I think both parties were acting in self defense to some extent and Zimmerman carries fault for having initiated the situation.
Cythim;4477556 said:I agree, he has stopped criminals in the past and I suspect that is exactly what he was doing this time. It always going to escalate to the point where he shot someone, he just picked an innocent target this time. No doubt he thought himself a hero as he stood over Trayvon's body.
JBond;4477568 said:So you got all this from the 911 tape. Wow. Change Cythim to Sherlock. You cracked the case. Well done.
Cythim;4477628 said:No, this is my personal opinion based on everything that has been said about Zimmerman. I didn't mention his guilt in this statement, only commented on the way he behaved. You really have a hard time understanding my comments. I'll try to tone the language down for you.
Romo_To_Dez;4477639 said:According to Zimmerman he was walking back to his car. No one saw how the fight actually started. Well see when the state and Feds are done investigating.
CowboyMcCoy;4477651 said:Very true. He obviously did not commit some heinous crime deserving of death. Yet somehow this yahoo gets away with killing him. There's something not right about that.
Romo_To_Dez;4477665 said:We don't even know who attacked who first. So if Zimmerman started some kind of physical contact and Trayvon defended himself by fighting back does he still deserve Death?
So now anyone who gets in a Fist fight is allowed to shoot and kill the other person if they are losing the fight?
He's still considered a "Kid" not a small child, but still very young in the eyes of many in Society. Some who say not to jump to conclusions about ZImmerman's guilt are doing the same assuming that Trayvon was wrong.
JBond;4477680 said:Please tone it down for us simpletons. Thanks. While your at it help me out a little more. You said you are basing everything off the 911 tape and then go on to say your not. Which is it?
Brian_C82;4477712 said:The "Stand Your Ground" law specifically says that it is illegal to use lethal force if you initiate a fight. There is no evidence that Zimmerman initiated the fight. There is plenty of evidence, including eye-witness evidence, that Trayvon attacked Zimmerman as he was walking back to his truck.
It is not a crime to follow someone around and ask questions. My dad used to be a home health worker in Dallas, and he got stopped by the local neighborhood watch all the time. It IS a crime to take a swing at someone because you don't like being questioned.
The bottom line is that Zimmerman is innocent until proven guilty. All of the EVIDENCE points to this being a case of self-defense. Our legal system is about facts and evidence, not emotional cries for mob "justice".
JBond;4477701 said:Unless he attacked someone and was shot in self defense. The eyewitness says he was on top of Zimmerman beating him. I would shoot if I was attacked and felt my life was in jeopardy. It may not have been in jeopardy, but that is a tough call to make as you are getting the back of your head bashed, your face pummeled and the one guy that sees and hears you begging for help runs away.
I wonder how many here would react in that circumstance. I guess from the general tenor of many of the posts, many would lie down and take their chances they will not be killed, and allow a vicious beating to continue hoping at some point the nice young man would stop beating them and go away.
JBond;4477701 said:Unless he attacked someone and was shot in self defense. The eyewitness says he was on top of Zimmerman beating him. I would shoot if I was attacked and felt my life was in jeopardy. It may not have been in jeopardy, but that is a tough call to make as you are getting the back of your head bashed, your face pummeled and the one guy that sees and hears you begging for help runs away.
I wonder how many here would react in that circumstance. I guess from the general tenor of many of the posts, many would lie down and take their chances they will not be killed, and allow a vicious beating to continue hoping at some point the nice young man would stop beating them and go away.
Poor Tayvon is not alive to defend himself, so it's a stacked deck. That sux.Romo_To_Dez;4477729 said:I believe that witness saw Trayvon on top of Zimmerman if that's why he/she saw. Where does it say that the witness actually saw Zimmerman turn and go back to his Car and that Trayvon attacked him from behind?
Where is this evidence to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that Trayvon attacked Zimmerman from behind and that Zimmerman was being peaceful and didn't start any kind of physical altercation to end up losing the fight?
The GF says that it sounds like Trayvon was pushed, did this witness actually see the start of the whole thing or just the middle?
CowboyMcCoy;4477755 said:Just FYI, I've been in a pretty bloody fight with a person one time. In the end, we were both banged up--me pretty badly. I had my wrist broken and this idiot was on top of me for a long time. I never shot him. And I'm glad I didn't. I still don't like that guy. But he doesn't owe me his life over that.
Can I answer that for him?JBond;4477769 said:You have your CC licence and are trained? I did not know that. What kept you from pulling your weapon as your bones were being broken? Was it a complete stranger? Just curious.
Cythim;4477747 said:You act as if the events prior to Zimmerman "getting jumped" do not matter to the outcome. If Zimmerman was just out minding his own business and gets jumped then yes he has a right to self defense. This may be how Zimmerman perceived the situation, but the fact is he scared a kid into thinking he was dangerous. Both parties likely thought the other was up to no good and did what was necessary to protect themselves.