trickblue;4478217 said:
I don't have the ref to read it... would be happy to...
My wife is from Mexico and said they consider it a slur to be referred to as a "white latino"... guess that isn't racist here...
I've been called "gringo" more times than I can count. At times I've found it offensive, but I've gotten used to it. There is a certain term down here used for white looking Mexicans, but it's never been thought of as a slur around here in my opinion.
I'm not exactly sure why "white latino" might be considered a slur.
trickblue;4478217 said:
Why is he considered white... because of his last name? His father also said he has been raised as Latino...
I think the last name is a part of it. His appearance might be thought of as white. If I grew facial hair like his I'd look more hispanic. Clean shaven, as is my usual appearance, I'm very white looking. I think the same would be true with him.
trickblue;4478217 said:
Why is he half white after an alleged crime? He would be (full) Latino if he was applying for a voting card...
When I fill out voting cards, college applications, job applications, any kind of survey, and it asks for race... Well I don't like that question, because honestly I don't think it matters. However, I am always torn, because the only options presented to me that could possibly apply to me are:
- White/Caucasian
- Latino/Hispanic
- Mixed/Other (Not Hispanic)
So do I check White? Do I check Latino? Because according to them I cannot be both. I can't choose mixed because I would be saying I'm not Hispanic, where I am. And I can't check two boxes, according to the form. So the system dictates that I am either White or Hispanic. I can't be both.
I have checked "Prefer not to answer" many times. I have checked "White" and I have checked "Hispanic". That question always frustrates me, because apparently who I truly am cannot exist.
trickblue;4478217 said:
When does this racial variation crap stop? This country was once known as a melting pot... it is now become Babylon...
Scrap this racial crap... it ain't working...
I agree. Race is messing up this whole case. Ultimately is is the fact that a man seemingly pursued an innocent kid, it resulted in a scuffle, and the man shot the kid and killed him, whether it was self defense or not remains to be seen. Ultimately it seems the police did bungle the investigation.
I was only trying to provide perspective on why Zimmerman
may have been racially motivated. I wasn't saying that he was.
Zimmeran's fate should be determined in the court of law, as it is intended in this country. Whether he is guilty or not guilty, it is not up to us nor the police to decide. It is up to the judge and jury.