Neighborhood watch captain kills black teen - doesn't get arrested

Noryb;4478289 said:
History of George Zimmerman's 911 Calls:

Beware: 47 page PDF file.....

beware, more media sensationalism to be noted.

first, it is 46 calls between Aug 2004, and Now, but not all 911

They have 311 calls (non emergency line), they have even included calls he made to public works to report on pot holes to try to make the case look worse then it is.

it's just character assassination because the facts don't lean the way peoples emotions want the facts to lean.

This "Gated Community" averages over 400 calls a year. Counting all 46, he is averaging about 7 a year. As a self titled Neighborhood Watch Captain, sounds like he is pretty lazy to me.
Friends come to George Zimmerman's defense, saying he's not racist, 'fears for his life': report

His lawyer says there are other 911 calls that hasn't been released yet that will support Zimmerman's claim of self defense.

"I think when the other 911 tapes are released, and the other evidence comes out, I think it will show clearly that George Zimmerman was acting in self defense,'' Oliver said.
This whole thing is becoming disgusting. From Farrakhan's veiled threats to the NBPP offering a 'bounty' for Zimmerman, how does our nations idea of 'news' really serve us?.

We can all scream out our 'indignation'. but this is between the people involved and the inciting of complete strangers who'd never heard of Martin or Zimmerman are now allowing themselves to be played as this frankly unprecedented incidence is wrongly misused.

Zimmerman owes his debt to his local society - be it a confession of what truly happened or if his story is found lacking, legally bound, but beyond that, this lynch mob mentality is flat out wrong.
Noryb;4478564 said:
Friends come to George Zimmerman's defense, saying he's not racist, 'fears for his life': report

His lawyer says there are other 911 calls that hasn't been released yet that will support Zimmerman's claim of self defense.

"I think when the other 911 tapes are released, and the other evidence comes out, I think it will show clearly that George Zimmerman was acting in self defense,'' Oliver said.

Interesting are this 911 tapes clear enough to show that Zimmerman acted in Self Defense. If they are wonder why the SPD didn't release them as well sense they seemed to eager to defend Zimmerman and make excuses for why they didn't arrest him.
I haven't read through the whole thread. I don't know all the facts, but I'm wondering how this neighborhood watch guy felt he had the right to kill this kid that was walking home with candy and tea? This story has blown up. There are now pictures of a kid posing in shorts hanging low with his underwear showing and flipping off the camera with fingers on both hands. That picture is not Trayvon. The shooter is being called a white guy. I think Zimmerman is actually Hispanic/White. I'm reading that there was a physical altercation between Trayvon and Zimmerman. In the 911 call, you can hear someone calling for help. Some say it is Zimmerman and others say it is Trayvon?

Black males between the ages of 15-29 - the #1 cause of death is murder! Why isn't that getting more attention also?
This thread has gone a little astray.

Why the focus on the pictures provided? I doubt anyone saw the football picture and thought that was his current size. Not everyone goes to JCPenny or Sears to get pictures taken with the family every year. When I was in high school a friend of mine passed away and they used an older picture for his obituary because it was the best picture they had. A lot times, pictures provided by the deceased family members are the pictures they want to remember their loved on by.

I haven't read all the comments but I hope no one is suggesting the younger pictures were provided with some sort of deliberate intent behind it.

His size is also irrelevant, IMO. You can't tell age based on someone's size, a guy who's 6'2'' could be anywhere from 16-60.

Furthermore, what the hell are people saying in regards to his size? That him being a well-built person makes him worthy of suspicion based on that alone?

Or that him being well-built makes him more prone to be agressive and somehow we should be weary of the events because it's possible that Trayvon performed a highly calculated bait-and-switch in order to spring a surprise attack on Zimmerman?

Not sure why Zimmerman's race is getting attention at this point. Yes, it was reported wrong but so what? Whites and Blacks the only people with racist ideology? Everyone who has a tone of skin that falls somewhere in the middle can't be a racist?
Black friend defends shooter of Florida teen

SANFORD, Florida (Reuters) - George Zimmerman cried for days in remorse after shooting dead a black Florida teenager, a family friend of Zimmerman said on Sunday, offering a sympathetic portrayal of the man at the focal point of a national uproar.

Zimmerman, 28, a white Hispanic, shot Trayvon Martin, 17, in what he said was self defense during an altercation in the gated community Zimmerman was watching on February 26 in Sanford, Florida. After barely going noticed for weeks, the case has triggered protests and renewed a national discussion about race.

"He couldn't stop crying. He's a caring human being," Joe Oliver, 53, a former television news reporter and anchor in Orlando who has known Zimmerman for several years, told Reuters in a telephone interview.

"I mean, he took a man's life and he has no idea what to do about it. He's extremely remorseful about it," Oliver said, relating stories told to his mother-in-law, a close friend of Zimmerman's wife.

Read more:,0,148228.story
Noryb;4478564 said:
Friends come to George Zimmerman's defense, saying he's not racist, 'fears for his life': report

His lawyer says there are other 911 calls that hasn't been released yet that will support Zimmerman's claim of self defense.

"I think when the other 911 tapes are released, and the other evidence comes out, I think it will show clearly that George Zimmerman was acting in self defense,'' Oliver said.

Fears for his life?

I wonder how this fear compares to the fear for his life the night he shot Trayvon.

I'd bet this fear is a little more real.
Does Zimmerman think that Trayvon feared for his well being while he was going after the Kid in the Dark acting like a Cop? Or that he provoked Trayvon into fighting and shot him if/when Trayvon got the upper hand?

It's said that Zimmerman had a right to defend his life by using deadly force, the same could be said for Trayvon (If some assume that he was going to beat Zimmerman until ZImmerman was dead), then why doesn 't Trayvon have the right to use "Deadly Force" since those defending Zimmerman act like if indeed Trayvon got the upper hand in the fight that he would beat Zimmerman dead.

Then does anyone know that Zimmerman didn't start the fight and Trayvon got the Upper hand? If Zimmerman did anything to start the confrontation, (Push,Grab,Hit) then Trayvon had a right to fight back against someone who made a violent/aggressive move towards him after this person followed him around in the dark.

Will Zimmerman ever tell why he assumed that Trayvon was guilty of something? Don't approach someone with a gun you deem as a "Threat" unless you intend to use it and Trayvon would still be alive.

Now Zimmerman's side wants us to see the "Innocent until proven Guilty" in defense of Zimmerman, but he himself did not afford Trayvon that same right by just assuming that Trayvon was on Drugs or about to break the law, punishing Trayvon because of what others have done in the Neighborhood.
Zimmerman's friend said that Zimmerman said that he thought that this would all "Blow over"? This will not just "Blow over" for Trayvon's family and it will take them a very long time before they even are able to cope with their loss and they will go through the rest of their lives never be fully recovered from losing Trayvon
Romo_To_Dez;4479033 said:
Does Zimmerman think that Trayvon feared for his well being while he was going after the Kid in the Dark acting like a Cop? Or that he provoked Trayvon into fighting and shot him if/when Trayvon got the upper hand?

It's said that Zimmerman had a right to defend his life by using deadly force, the same could be said for Trayvon (If some assume that he was going to beat Zimmerman until ZImmerman was dead), then why doesn 't Trayvon have the right to use "Deadly Force" since those defending Zimmerman act like if indeed Trayvon got the upper hand in the fight that he would beat Zimmerman dead.

Then does anyone know that Zimmerman didn't start the fight and Trayvon got the Upper hand? If Zimmerman did anything to start the confrontation, (Push,Grab,Hit) then Trayvon had a right to fight back against someone who made a violent/aggressive move towards him after this person followed him around in the dark.

Will Zimmerman ever tell why he assumed that Trayvon was guilty of something? Don't approach someone with a gun you deem as a "Threat" unless you intend to use it and Trayvon would still be alive.

Now Zimmerman's side wants us to see the "Innocent until proven Guilty" in defense of Zimmerman, but he himself did not afford Trayvon that same right by just assuming that Trayvon was on Drugs or about to break the law, punishing Trayvon because of what others have done in the Neighborhood.

Whether it's a teenager with some candy or an undercover officer this guy is always getting assaulted for no apparent reason.

In 2005, Zimmerman was arrested for an assault on an officer and resisting arrest after an incident in a local bar. Zimmerman explained that the case was born out of mistaken identity.

"I was in an altercation with an undercover officer that was taking part in a ATF sting for underage drinking," Zimmerman wrote in the application obtained by CNN. "He never told me he was an officer and assaulted me first."

Do you see the irony in this part of the statement "He never told me he was an officer"...

Edit: Sounds like his previous fiancee assaulted him too...

Later that same year, Zimmerman and his then fiance both filed for domestic violence protection order against each other after a scuffle that involved pushing and punching, documents show.
It is so sad that those in this thread have already made up their mind. Why even continue the thread? Just take your assumptions and go down to Florida and get hold of that 10k bounty being offered by the New Black Panther Party. You are just as bad as they are.

System be damned. Hang Zimmerman high. This isn't even discussion anymore. It is justification for bybassing our laws and screaming Zimmerman is already tried, take him to prison for a life sentence or worse.

Dallas;4479264 said:
It is so sad that those in this thread have already made up their mind. Why even continue the thread? Just take your assumptions and go down to Florida and get hold of that 10k bounty being offered by the New Black Panther Party. You are just as bad as they are.

System be damned. Hang Zimmerman high. This isn't even discussion anymore. It is justification for bybassing our laws and screaming Zimmerman is already tried, take him to prison for a life sentence or worse.


It is embarassing.

Everyone's mind is made up, and media plays a role it.

Take the pictures of this 6'3" "kid", that surface in every news article. What is he in that picture? 12? Is it widely reported that he was on suspension for 10 days for assualting his school bus driver? Of course it isn't.

But in the end... it's this "white" hispanic as the media now calls him, fault.

He should never have gotten out of his car. I'm pretty sure he was getting his ___ handed to him, got scared and pulled the trigger.

Florida's gun law, will probably allow him to walk away from this. Right or Wrong.
Dallas;4479264 said:
It is so sad that those in this thread have already made up their mind. Why even continue the thread? Just take your assumptions and go down to Florida and get hold of that 10k bounty being offered by the New Black Panther Party. You are just as bad as they are.

System be damned. Hang Zimmerman high. This isn't even discussion anymore. It is justification for bybassing our laws and screaming Zimmerman is already tried, take him to prison for a life sentence or worse.


I don't get out of bed for $10k bounties.
Trendnet;4479459 said:
He should never have gotten out of his car. I'm pretty sure he was getting his ___ handed to him, got scared and pulled the trigger.

That's the tough part here. If all he does is call the cops, none of this ever happens. Even if we assume Trayvon was some kind of thief, breaking into cars, at worst someone is filing an insurance claim. If he had, hypothetically, been some serious criminal then Zimmerman is putting his own life at risk confronting him to begin with.

This should have ended with the cops showing up to investigating, discovering the kid lives in the neighborhood and everyone would have slept soundly in their own beds that night.
Dallas;4479264 said:
It is so sad that those in this thread have already made up their mind. Why even continue the thread? Just take your assumptions and go down to Florida and get hold of that 10k bounty being offered by the New Black Panther Party. You are just as bad as they are.

System be damned. Hang Zimmerman high. This isn't even discussion anymore. It is justification for bybassing our laws and screaming Zimmerman is already tried, take him to prison for a life sentence or worse.

That's what exactly Zimmerman did about TM.
Dallas;4479264 said:
It is so sad that those in this thread have already made up their mind. Why even continue the thread? Just take your assumptions and go down to Florida and get hold of that 10k bounty being offered by the New Black Panther Party. You are just as bad as they are.

System be damned. Hang Zimmerman high. This isn't even discussion anymore. It is justification for bybassing our laws and screaming Zimmerman is already tried, take him to prison for a life sentence or worse.


Literally nobody is saying we need to bypass the legal system except for the crazy minority in society. All we're asking is for the legal system to actually DO something.

I started this thread defending Zimmerman from those who prematurely assumed his guilt. However, with all that is coming out it has become obvious to me that his actions definitely led to this moreso than the kid's did. Even IF Trayvon was attacking him, he may have very well been within his right believing Zimmerman was trying to harm him for no reason. Not to mention that it is becoming more and more apparent that Zimmerman did everything wrong prior to the incident.
Zimmerman said that he was going back to his truck after he lost sight of Trayvon and that Trayvon attacked him from behind and the statement from Trayvon's GF contradicts and and shows the ZImmerman did confront Trayvon and may have made a violent/aggressive move on Trayvon that started the fight.

Those who defend Zimmerman are jumping to conculsions that Trayvon attacked Zimmerman, when the witness just saw the middle of the altercation and not the start. SO if Zimmerman attacked Trayvon in any way does the Kid not have the right to defend himself?

How is the victim the bad guy if they dare fight back when they are minding thier own business and someone followed them starting a fight/confrontation.

All evidence should be played out in the court of law. The SPD shouldn't just take ZImmerman's and one witnesses word for it, if there is other evidence and witnesses and contradicts that. No excuse for the SPD being one sided and not letting this play out in court.
Trendnet;4479459 said:
It is embarassing.

Everyone's mind is made up, and media plays a role it.

Take the pictures of this 6'3" "kid", that surface in every news article. What is he in that picture? 12? Is it widely reported that he was on suspension for 10 days for assualting his school bus driver? Of course it isn't.

But in the end... it's this "white" hispanic as the media now calls him, fault.

He should never have gotten out of his car. I'm pretty sure he was getting his ___ handed to him, got scared and pulled the trigger.

Florida's gun law, will probably allow him to walk away from this. Right or Wrong.

It was a five day suspension. Now some are doing the same thing to Trayvon that they are mad at others for doing to ZImmerman about and that's assuming that Trayvon was guilty and violent and some are attacking the image of a Dead Kid who can't defend himself to free Zimmerman's name.

Other sites said that it was a five day suspension for being tardy to class. If he was 6'3" it makes less sense for Zimmerman to follow a tall Kid that he deemed as "On drugs" and "Up to no good" if he felt threatened why go after the person?

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