Neighborhood watch captain kills black teen - doesn't get arrested

TheCount;4478266 said:
Who cares what most people do? You're not having a conversation about what happened, you're talking about the medias reaction to it.

That's fine, but it has nothing to with what took place that night. Nothing.

Attempting to tie the media reaction into whether the case is valid or not makes zero sense.

so take away the media.

do you even know about this? you seem to be telling me the way you get information has no impact on how you view it. maybe it doesn't for you.

but i see countless people saying DID YOU SEE WHAT THIS IDIOT SAID??? time and time again tell me otherwise.
iceberg;4478253 said:
i'm gonna ignore you now. later on.

LOL, he asks me "why? why do you choose to believe something that has not been established?"

I provide evidence of how it has been established and he announces that he's ignoring me.

When everyone was saying they heard a racial slur on Zimmerman's 911 call, I was the one that provided and alternate word, but whatever!
WoodysGirl;4478265 said:
I haven't seen a football pic, but this is the only other pic I've seen outside of the hoodie pic. Still doesn't look particularly big or intimidating to me.


Found a football pic via google image search.


My brother is the same age as Trayvon, 17. He is 5-10 160, so shorter but more solidly built than Trayvon.

I'm 6-2 250, pretty much Zimmerman's size.

I can very easily overpower my brother and beat him senseless if I wanted to, but he is much much much quicker than I am. My brother can do damage to me in the open and maybe maybe beat me.

But if I get leverage and my hands on him, it's over. Maybe if he was Trayvon's height it would be different. I don't know.
iceberg;4478268 said:
so take away the media.

do you even know about this? you seem to be telling me the way you get information has no impact on how you view it. maybe it doesn't for you.

but i see countless people saying DID YOU SEE WHAT THIS IDIOT SAID??? time and time again tell me otherwise.

There's no way my pointt is still escaping you. You're trying to make a point that has nothing to do with what I said.
TheCount;4478273 said:
There's no way my pointt is still escaping you. You're trying to make a point that has nothing to do with what I said.

sorry, but i guess it did escape me.

you seem to be saying people will filter the news and the media has no influence on how you get the news.

you seem to be saying the news isn't affecing how you interpret it.

that or you get your news outside the media somehow.

to be honest at this point i just don't care. it's a rathole discussion.
iceberg;4478275 said:
sorry, but i guess it did escape me.

you seem to be saying people will filter the news and the media has no influence on how you get the news.

you seem to be saying the news isn't affecing how you interpret it.

that or you get your news outside the media somehow.

to be honest at this point i just don't care. it's a rathole discussion.

That's not even remotely what I'm saying.
iceberg;4478277 said:
then i missed it and my apathy overwhelmed me.

It's not that complex a statement.

The argument over how the media handles race has nothing to do with the argument over whether Zimmerman should be arrested or charged.

I have no idea where you got the other stuff from. It wasn't even a statement as to which side may be right or wrong.
TheCount;4478279 said:
It's not that complex a statement.

The argument over how the media handles race has nothing to do with the argument over whether Zimmerman should be arrested or charged.

I have no idea where you got the other stuff from. It wasn't even a statement as to which side may be right or wrong.

TheCount;4478266 said:
Who cares what most people do? You're not having a conversation about what happened, you're talking about the medias reaction to it.

That's fine, but it has nothing to with what took place that night. Nothing.

Attempting to tie the media reaction into whether the case is valid or not makes zero sense.

So how does one acquire the information independent from the media?
ScipioCowboy;4478282 said:
So how does one acquire the information independent from the media?

Try actually reading what I typed. At no point have I said you shouldn't get information from the media.
CowboyMike;4478251 said:
I've been called "gringo" more times than I can count. At times I've found it offensive, but I've gotten used to it. There is a certain term down here used for white looking Mexicans, but it's never been thought of as a slur around here in my opinion.

I'm not exactly sure why "white latino" might be considered a slur.

I get called "Gringo" every time I go to Central Mexico to visit my wife's family... and it is DEFINITELY a term of endearment (at least within the family)... more specifically "Gringo Giraffe" because I am 6' 2"... never once took offense. The males down there are smallish (around 5'4"-5'9"). The women are about the same size as those in the US. The young kids look at me in amazement and point me out in Wal-Mart down there as they have rarely seen someone so tall. By US standards, I am a bit above average in size, but DAMN good looking... ;)

The "White Latino" slur thing is something you'll have to take up with my lovely wife (from Mexico)... who told me it was so...

Honestly I have been called gringo in a bad sense in Texas a few times (I gotta get good Mexican food in East Austin), I usually laugh it off as they only do it around friends... I joke it up and it almost always goes away but I never back down... My size helps...

CowboyMike;4478251 said:
I think the last name is a part of it. His appearance might be thought of as white. If I grew facial hair like his I'd look more hispanic. Clean shaven, as is my usual appearance, I'm very white looking. I think the same would be true with him.

That is direct racial stereotyping if they considered his name... I can tan VERY dark, but also be VERY white... I can grow a beard in a week or have a baby face... everyone is different no matter race, creed or color...

I have been associated with several races over the years...

CowboyMike;4478251 said:
When I fill out voting cards, college applications, job applications, any kind of survey, and it asks for race... Well I don't like that question, because honestly I don't think it matters. However, I am always torn, because the only options presented to me that could possibly apply to me are:
  • White/Caucasian
  • Latino/Hispanic
  • Mixed/Other (Not Hispanic)
So do I check White? Do I check Latino? Because according to them I cannot be both. I can't choose mixed because I would be saying I'm not Hispanic, where I am. And I can't check two boxes, according to the form. So the system dictates that I am either White or Hispanic. I can't be both.

I have checked "Prefer not to answer" many times. I have checked "White" and I have checked "Hispanic". That question always frustrates me, because apparently who I truly am cannot exist.

You are dead on here... the only check box should be "American Citizen". Why does ethnicity matter?

CowboyMike;4478251 said:
I agree. Race is messing up this whole case. Ultimately is is the fact that a man seemingly pursued an innocent kid, it resulted in a scuffle, and the man shot the kid and killed him, whether it was self defense or not remains to be seen. Ultimately it seems the police did bungle the investigation.

I was only trying to provide perspective on why Zimmerman may have been racially motivated. I wasn't saying that he was.

Zimmeran's fate should be determined in the court of law, as it is intended in this country. Whether he is guilty or not guilty, it is not up to us nor the police to decide. It is up to the judge and jury.

Again, we agree... Zimmerman may be a racist *******, but that is not for us to determine unless we are on the jury...

Our duty, as citizens, is to make sure he has a fair trial... as distasteful as that seems at this point, it is one of the core things our country was founded on...
TheCount;4478285 said:
Try actually reading what I typed. At no point have I said you shouldn't get information from the media.

I never said or intimated you made such a claim. I simply don't see how we can separate our understanding of this case from the media's presentation of it.
iceberg;4478164 said:
do you know what arrangement he has with the neighborhood and police?

Apparently he didn't have one. Not with the actual Neighborhood Watch Association or whatever they call themselves.

I would find it hard to believe he has some special arrangement with the police.

How would you even get a special arrangement that gives you authority to do more than the average person? Couldn't that lead to a situation just like this or even worse?
Hoofbite;4478298 said:
How would you even get a special arrangement that gives you authority to do more than the average person? Couldn't that lead to a situation just like this or even worse?

No special arrangement... as distasteful as it may be to some, most every person in this country has the right to make a citizen's arrest (offense varies), except those in the state of North Carolina...
Hoofbite;4478308 said:
Shorthand police talk makes that nearly impossible to read.

Yeah, it's tricky but you get the gist of what he's reporting, just not always what the police did in follow up.
It can be said that ZImmerman shouldn't be tried in Public Court. But I do think that the Public has a good reason to be outraged and upset when bad Police work is done and to protest it.

We should have trust in our Police Departments that they will serve and protect and that includes doing proper investigations when someone is killed. Zimmerman may get off on Trail if this goes to court. But the point of the anger over this case is that Zimmerman should be arrested and at least go to Trail, not for the Police Department to decide Guilt or Innocence. They should do a complete and proper investigation and let it go through the courts for a Judge and Jury to decide.

Any Police Department that tries to interfere or tamper with the course of a case to decide Guilt or Innocence is not doing the jobs that the public trusts them to do and is being corrupt. It doesn't look good when witnesses claim that the SPD tried to get them to change their story for Zimmerman's side or ignore it because it contradicted Zimmerman's Defense.

I think that the SPD made the Stand Your Ground Law look bad because they claim that since Zimmerman claimed Self Defense and therefore they could not arrest him under the law. By their logic can anyone just kill anyone and automatically be free of possible charges if they claim Self Defense?

I think that any case where it looks like a Police Department has down unprofessional and bad work should get a lot of attention because we should be able to trust them to do their jobs correctly.

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