Shocked this thread is still going on based on the known evidence.
Imagine for a moment you live in a high crime area. Imagine that rather then move out of the area (as I would do), you choose to be proactive, and help the community overcome these recent rash of crimes.
Now one fateful night, you saw a suspicious kid, and you call the cops. The kid approaches you, sees you are calling the cops, and runs. The police, asking you to report anything he does next, causes you in that moment’s notice to chase after him. Shortly after the police inform you that they don’t need you to do that. You say ok, and start heading back to your vehicle.
At this point, the kid jumps you. He is beating the crap out of you, and you call for help. You see people around you, and are certain someone will come to your aid. In horror you see that the best person that can help you, an adult male, decided to run back into his house.
At this moment in time, you realize that the only way out of this situation is to defend yourself, and you take out your gun. The kid, seeing that the person he was beating up now may gain the upper hand, doesn’t turn and run, he charges you in the hopes of taking the gun away. as two people fight for the gun, you manage to pull the trigger and hit the aggressor in the chest with a kill shot.
I am not saying this is what happened, because we can’t know for sure. But this is not crazy speculation, as it matches the known evidence and the Testimony given by Zimmerman.
I understand the voracity the family of the deceased have in fighting upstream against facts that don’t look good, but the few of you so sure Zimmerman is in the wrong frankly, disgust me. Nothing in the evidence gives you the right to be judgmental, nothing. Zimmerman may of concocted the perfect story in the minutes he had prior to the police arriving on scene. He could be lying, I don’t argue that. But he could be telling the truth too. You don’t know, but many of you are acting like you do know. And why? What did you lose in this tragic event to cause you to rush to judgment?